I don't know how long it took for shisan to recover his consciousness. At the moment when he opened his eyes, his eyes seemed to be in darkness. After a short period of relaxation, images gradually appeared in his sight, and he found that he was in a room. There is only one bed in this room. There is no other spare thing. There is no window. It is like a prison.

The only faint light came through the gap in the door. Through the weak light, the beggar saw that his old ragged clothes had been replaced by black clothes. In his indifferent expression, he finally showed a hint of doubt. At this time, a rustling sound sounded. It was the sound of opening the door. His eyes could not help looking at the door.

Four people entered the room. One of them was Zhang Wenyuan, the vice leader of the fifth hall. Behind him were two men with fierce looks, and there was a man in front of him.

This man is a few years older than him. His facial features are very similar to Zhang Wenyuan. He is the leader of the five halls of Haibang, Zhang Wenshan, Zhang Xiong's father.

On the surface, if Zhang Wenyuan's look makes people feel extremely aggressive, then Zhang Wenshan gives people a feeling of incomparable indifference. His personality is not as big as his name. It seems that nothing is worth his attention. He is such a cool person, and his momentum, which is faintly revealed, steadily covers Zhang Wenyuan.

Seeing these people, the confusion in shisan's eyes immediately dissipated and his indifferent attitude was restored again. Zhang Wenshan and Zhang Wenyuan, as well as the two men behind them, had already entered the room. They stood in front of shisan and their eyes were burning at shisan on the bed.

Zhang Wenshan, in particular, seemed to be emitting light in his indifferent eyes. He looked at him for 13 minutes with his shining eyes, and then slowly opened his mouth and said, "I heard that you are very good at fighting?"

The tone of Zhang Wenshan's question was as cool as his expression, as if he was saying a word casually. What was more indifferent than him was the indifference of shisan. In the face of the questions from the head of the fifth hall, the tone of thirteen was the same as that he had not heard at all. Such a gesture made the two followers who followed him couldn't see it any more. They couldn't help but reprimand them.

Zhang Wenshan's name is so cool that he can't even talk with a calm smile It's up to you. "

Zhang Wenshan's tone did not change, but his words gave people an irresistible dignity. What he said about flowers was thought-provoking and elusive, but he did not explain anything. After saying this, he turned to the outside of the room.

But Zhang Wenyuan said to his two subordinates: "take the dumb on the stage!"

After saying that, Zhang Wenyuan also walked toward the outside, and the two men he brought with him directly lifted up shisan and followed him outside.

In a short time, shisan was led to a hall by the two attendants. The hall was extremely wide, at least as big as a basketball court. There was no light in the hall, but there were several flame platforms. Each flame platform was burning with a raging fire, which made the hall shine brightly, and added a dark and strange atmosphere.

Under the leadership of the two attendants, shisan stepped up the steps of the hall and directly went to the center. The center of the hall was a challenge arena!

Then, two of his entourage retired, leaving the madman to stand alone in the empty hall, but as soon as the two retired, four more came forward.

The four men were dressed in the same black clothes as him. The difference was that each of them had a knife in his hand. The bright face of the knife was very dazzling under the reflection of the surrounding fire. After they stepped into the challenge arena, the four men with swords directly attacked 13 without saying a word.

Thirteen was suddenly brought to the ring without a fence. It was a little unclear why, but in the face of danger, he responded instinctively. These four swordsmen, alone, can only be regarded as ordinary masters, but they all hold swords in their hands. Moreover, they have tacit understanding with each other, and they are all four in one. Therefore, their combat power is very appalling.

Thirteen suddenly responded, showing some embarrassment. His body had not recovered, and some were exhausted. Within a moment, he suffered several stab wounds on his body, one of which was in the back. The knife wound was deep in the bone. However, he didn't even snort.

After a while, shisan seemed to understand the law of the four men's joint attack. He did not get hurt again. He took it easy. At the same time, a strong murderous spirit spread from his body. Thirteen was conscious. He knew that the four men wanted his life completely. He wanted to save his life, but he had to kill them.

With this sense of killing, shisan suddenly dodged a knife in the rear. Before the swordsman in front of him cut and killed him, he moved to the side of a swordsman, which contained the wrist of the swordsman and raised the knife in his hand to block himself.There was a clear sound of iron hand over, accompanied by a burst of friction sparks. Between the electric light and flint, the madman completely seized the knife and gave a chill to the person in front of him. Then, he turned back and killed the swordsman who had been robbed by him.

From the beginning of the rush to deal with, embarrassed, to take the knife to kill, thirteen did not take long time. Before four people, he was able to deal with it safely. Now there are only two people left. He is more comfortable. After two or three minutes, the remaining two people also fell down. All four people were killed in an instant!

On the platform, there were only 131 people left. He threw down the knife in his hand, bloodstained his whole body, but stood proud on the spot. Just as the four men died, two more entered the hall.

The two men, dressed in yellow tights, looked like Bruce Lee. They were very tall and very strong, just like bears. But their pace was not heavy, but they were fierce and swift. They ran straight to the thirteen on the stage with a momentum of destroying the dead and decaying. Even the steps of the hall were shocked by them.

In a blink of an eye, two bears rushed to the arena and fought with shisan. If we say that the four swordsmen just used the sharpness of their weapons, then these two bear like people used the brutality of their bodies, and the strength of thirteen was very strong. However, the strength of the two bears was not inferior to that of him. They cooperated with each other to bring out the best of each other Go ahead.

Different from the four men before, the two bears played the most savage way. Without any moves, they relied on brute force. But this kind of fighting method is undoubtedly very lethal. Because their strength is too strong, ordinary people are hit, and there is no possibility of fighting again. Even under their hands, they also ate a lot of shriveled, and there is blood on the corners of his mouth. Obviously, he was shaken out Internal injuries.

However, shisan did not fall, and the battle continued. Both sides were good at their strength. Shisan's body, bones and internal organs were all injured to varying degrees. However, his momentum became stronger and stronger, just like the God of war, there was no saying that he would fall down.

After about five or six minutes, shisan's breathing became heavy. His mouth was open, and his white teeth were stained with blood. His eyes were covered with red blood, as if to eat people. It was very ferocious and terrible.

Suddenly, with a thump, thirteen's body was knocked down by a bear, and the other was a tiger pouncing on him. At this critical moment, thirteen one turned over and rolled over. Then, he immediately turned over and jumped on the bear's body. After a while, thirteen's fists fell mercilessly like raindrops and hit him on the head one by one, which was incomparably fast.

In an instant, thirteen's fist was full of blood, and even his hand bones were a little broken. However, he finally solved a bear.

However, as a result, another bear got angry. He hit the bear and flew thirteen out again, almost falling under the ring.

Shisan lay on the ground and didn't get up immediately. He breathed heavily and recovered his strength. The sweat fell out of every pore of his body and soaked into the blood stained clothes. The sweat and blood were mixed. In an instant, the place where he lay became a piece of red.

However, the Standing Bear did not give shisan too much chance to breathe. He suddenly stretched out his two iron arms and rushed towards shisan.

Seeing this huge thing pressing on the scene, shisan's body moved violently and actively. Unexpectedly, he took the lead to climb up to his back. Without any hesitation, he opened his mouth and bit him directly on his ear.

The bear struggled violently and beat the madman with his hand, but his endurance was not as good as thirteen. He couldn't bear the severe pain and sent out a cry of tearing. It turned out that his ear was actually bitten down by the madman, and the picture was extremely bloody.

When the bear was in pain, shisan was ready to raise his iron fists. His body jumped up directly. His fists hit out with a dull bang. His two fists fell on the bear's temple at the same time. The next second, his body was stagnant and fell down.

Thirteen again won, he used his madness, for his victory, in exchange for the chance to live, although very tired, although very painful, but he still stood on the spot.

This arena is the place for fighting. There are no rules in the arena. As long as you kill your opponent, you can survive. Shisan has experienced two deadly battles in succession from being taken out of the dark room to entering here. However, what he did not know was that the battle arranged by the fifth Hall of the Hai Gang did not end there.

Just after two bears fell down, another person came in from the door of the hall. This time, only one man, a middle-aged man, was wearing the same clothes. He was dressed in green. Different from the four people and two wild bears before, he behaved very elegant, and the whole person walked on the challenge arena.

After he stood on the ring, he looked at the wounded and gasping thirteen coldly, and said in a cold voice: "defeat me, you can live, otherwise, you have to die!"

As soon as the voice fell, the man directly attacked thirteen. He didn't use weapons, he didn't have a huge body and great strength. However, his pace and his attack were very exquisite. It can be seen at a glance that he was a practitioner, and he was not weak. It seemed that he had reached a certain level.From the order of their appearance and their costumes, we can see that this man is more than one level higher than the group of four and the bears just now, or even several times better than them. From this, it can be seen that 13 is facing another bitter battle

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