There were two battles in a row, six of them fought without stopping. It was not too much to describe his condition as exhausted. At the moment, he could no longer compete with the man in front of him. But shisan is crazy. In front of the test of life and death, he uses his own madness to stimulate his more potential, cruising his body, and struggling against this man.

However, this middle-aged man's strength is not what the semi disabled thirteen schools can fight against. In a short time, shisan's body was attacked in several places. However, shisan still did not fall down. He supported his body with perseverance. He even seemed to see some skills from this man's fists. The middle-aged man had no fancy moves. He only went straight ahead and walked If the Yellow River breaks its bank, it will go away.

Unconsciously, more than ten minutes have passed. If someone sees shisan standing in this state, he will be extremely surprised. If he sees that the moves he is using now look like the middle-aged man who is fighting with him, it will be amazing!

Yes, shisan is imitating this middle-aged man. Perhaps, in this short period of more than ten minutes, he did not understand the essence of Xingyiquan. However, he has quickly absorbed the essentials. Gradually, he used the attack means of the middle-aged man to fight with the middle-aged man, even the spirit and spirit were the same as each other.

Seeing this, the middle-aged people's heart was shocked to the point that it was beyond the limit. Originally, he had expected thirteen to die. The reason why he didn't kill him was that he was afraid that thirteen would return to light and hurt himself. However, he never thought that shisan had learned his own boxing skills in such a short period of time. Moreover, he learned so deeply that he had to deal with it carefully.

At once, the middle-aged man turned from attack to defense, a little restrained. However, in his boxing, he paid attention to short and straight forward, and his pace was extremely important. At the moment, the middle-aged chose to fight conservatively, but his mind was confused, so he gave 13 an opportunity.

I don't know whether it's the power brought by martial arts, or it's really on fire. At the moment, shisan has forgotten the pain and fatigue. It can be said that his state is completely insane, but his pace is very stable, his fist is steady, his step is fast, his step is fast, his step is fast, his step is very close, his step is close, his fist is not loose. Ten seconds later, with a bang, thirteen gave a violent blow and finally defeated the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man didn't stand up this time, and shisan was completely collapsed. However, he was still standing. Although his posture was weak, he was still proud of the battle platform.

At the same time, in the luxurious living room of a villa, Zhang Wenyuan, the head of the fifth hall, was sitting on a luxurious sofa. He held a goblet of red wine in one hand and a young woman who looked at least 20 years younger than him in the other hand. However, his eyes were tightly fixed on a camera screen in front of the sofa.

Just now, Zhang Wenyuan saw the three duels on the stage clearly. It was because he saw this process that he was able to face everything calmly. Even his hand in the neckline of the woman beside him unconsciously stopped moving.

After a long time, Zhang Wenyuan's facial expression changed a little. He said in a rather secretive way: "although this man is not good-looking, he is definitely a genius, and will be my most favorable tool in the future."

This is like Zhang Wenyuan talking to himself, but from his words, it is not difficult to see that his mood is a little happy, like digging treasure, but he did not notice that the charming woman lying in his arms is staring at the screen, but there is a trace of doubt between her eyebrows, and this woman with pure appearance and full of charm is astonished To Lin Shihan, who is full of hatred for Suluo in his heart!

After a short silence, Zhang Wenyuan let go of Lin Shihan's arm, and the whole person suddenly stood up from the sofa. His eyes were still staring at the thirteen on the screen. A flash of light flashed in his eyes. He took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone call. He didn't know who he was calling. He just said two words: "assemble !”

After that, Zhang Wenyuan hung up the phone, and then his eyes turned to the sofa. Lin Shihan, the lover who had been kept by himself for a long time, said faintly: "honey, tonight, I need your sacrifice. Help me to test this Thirteen!"

In Zhang Wenyuan's eyes, Lin Shihan's expression instantly returned to normal, with pure feeling in the beauty and ease in the luxury, just like a canary who does not care about the world. But Zhang Wenyuan's words let her body and mind can not help but be stunned. At this moment, her eyes have a narrow scratch, fortunately, she conceals very well, Zhang Wenyuan did not find her this trace of unusual.

As time went by, shisan was still standing in the middle of the ring. His face was still cold, but he was haggard. His body was in a mess. His clothes were ragged, his wounds were full of blood. If he was an ordinary person, he would have fallen down long ago, but he did not move. No one knew what he was thinking. This is a kind of silent pride. Around the accumulation of several bodies, incomparably disordered, the scene is very bloody, which more foil thirteen, like the bloody God of war.

In the silent hall, with such a cruel picture, it seemed extremely strange. After a long time, the door of the hall was completely opened, and a dense and orderly footstep came. At this time, the thirteen on the stage finally had a reaction. He raised his head and looked at the door of the hall, and saw a number of people swarming from the outside of the hall Even their momentum is very strong. Together, they are a powerful elite team. Just looking at the momentum, people will be scared.Obviously, these are members of the five halls of the Hai Gang. They wear three kinds of clothes: black, yellow and purple. They represent their identity from three levels. The number of people in black is the most, while that in purple is the least. However, no matter what level they are, they are the elite among the five Tang elites. This is best illustrated by the three battles on the platform just now.

These members, after entering the hall, stood in their own positions in layers. Except for the sound of footsteps, they did not make any extra sound. After these people stood up, a group of people suddenly came into the door. Zhang Wenyuan, the leader of the fifth hall, followed by Zhang Wenshan, the vice leader of the fifth hall. Behind them were Zhang Xiong and some close guards. At the moment, the experts standing around seemed to have formed a strong influence on these people.

However, Zhang Wenshan and others did not stop in front of the hall. They directly stepped over the steps and passed shisan. Then they went to the seat at the head of the hall and finally stopped. Zhang Wenshan sat in the middle of the room, while some of the people who followed him, sitting or standing, ranked evenly and imposing.

But the focus of this competition is not Zhang Wenshan, nor any one of the five halls, but the person in the challenge arena, Thirteen!

Although not all of them had seen the three previous battles, he was still standing and the others were down. This is the best illustration of his strength.

No one knows better than the people in the five halls that the three kinds of clothes represent the terrible level of strength. Especially for those who wear purple clothes, each of them is an expert in the class. However, thirteen, who just defeated the warrior in purple clothes, is so shocking.

At this moment, the huge conference hall was surprisingly quiet. No one made a sound. Everyone was waiting for the fifth hall leader Zhang Wenshan to speak.

After a while, Zhang Wenshan said to shisan calmly: "you are really crazy, your performance makes me very satisfied. Now I ask you, would you like to join my five halls?"

Although Zhang Wenshan's tone is very calm, but his words are incomparably direct, in which the appreciation of thirteen is clear. All the people at the scene were surprised. Almost everyone's eyes flashed with surprise. You know, there are so many experts in the five halls that no one can make the hall leader stretch out the olive branch in such a big way. The thirteen in front of us is definitely the first one.

Some people marvel at the strength of shisan, while others are surprised by the hall leader's attention to shisan. However, one of them is extremely shocked by Zhang Wenshan's decision. This person is Zhang Xiong, who was defeated twice in front of shisan.

In fact, since entering the hall, Zhang Xiong's face was a little ugly. He thought that shisan was on the challenge arena, but he had no idea that shisan was still alive. Even though he was badly hurt, his strength was really amazing. Zhang Xiong was unwilling to accept this, especially because his father wanted to take thirteen for his own use. In Zhang Xiong's heart, thirteen was his enemy, and he had been sentenced to death. How could he accept his father's importance of thirteen.

So, he did not wait for thirteen to have any reaction, the first jumped out, and said anxiously to Zhang Wenshan, who was sitting in the middle of the room: "Dad, isn't it good to do this? This man has a strange character. No one knows what he thinks in his heart. Besides, we don't know what he is from. We should check it carefully

Zhang Xiong's words came to the point. They are the most strict in selecting people for the five halls of the Hai Gang, which is known to all. The thirteen in the challenge arena, despite his outstanding achievements, is a bit abrupt to let him enter the five halls. However, he did not care too much about these Zhang Wenshan. On the contrary, he showed a meaningful smile on his face Rong.

He also did not take care of his son, is still condescending, looking at 13, light said: "I heard that you are from the countryside to work in the city, now, I can tell you clearly, as long as you are willing to join my five halls, money, women, how much you want, glory, wealth and wealth, all in your hands!"

Obviously, Zhang Wenshan is an old fox. He must have done some investigation on the origin of shisan before. No matter whether he believes it or not, at this moment, Zhang Wenshan is determined to win over shisan. His attitude becomes more direct and his meaning is particularly obvious. In this hall, he sends so many experts from five halls here, which is to intimidate and suppress shisan His attitude is inducement, glory and wealth, which is too strong for a young man who goes to the city from the countryside.

However, Zhang Xiong did not dare to say anything more when he saw his father's determination. Although he was a little dissatisfied, he knew the character of his father. Therefore, he could not change his father's decision. He had to turn his eyes to thirteen in the arena and wait for his answer

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