No matter Zhang Xiong, even the other people present, all focused on shisan and waited for shisan's reply. In fact, they were very clear in their hearts that there were no more than two ways in front of shisan, either to submit to Zhang Wenshan or to die. Because he killed and wounded so many people in the five halls, the hall leader would not allow such a person to be out of control.

However, in the face of the attention of the public and the coercion and inducement of Zhang Wenshan, shisan did not respond. Even though he was already a wounded beast with internal injuries and external injuries, he still stood there, as always indifferent, as if there were so many experts around him, which did not bring him much influence.

The attitude of shisan made all the people present feel uncomfortable. The head of the five halls of the Hai Gang paid so much attention to solicit him in person with such high conditions. How could he not give such a face? How could people not be angry, especially Zhang Xiong, who could not have killed him immediately.

However, Zhang Wenshan is worthy of being a master of the hall. He seems very patient. Even though he didn't immediately agree with him, he didn't worry about anything. He sat safely on the main seat with a trace of implication on his indifferent face.

Time passed by quietly, and there was no one to speak again. It seemed that all the people were waiting for the answer of thirteen. As long as he agreed, he would be in a high position and his wealth and status would be readily available. If he did not agree, although Zhang Wenshan did not say so, everyone knew that he would not live today.

This is a matter of choosing one from two. Any ambitious person should not hesitate to choose the first one. However, thirteen has been silent for such a long time, and does not respond at all, as if he did not hear it. After a long time, the indifferent thirteen finally opened his voice and said a word: "good!"

One word is very short, but shisan is very weak. Even if the voice of the word is not loud, it is enough to break the silence of the scene. Everyone knows that shisan finally made a choice and made a very wise choice. However, it is not that he is smart enough, but that he has been unable to support. As soon as the voice falls, his body falls.

Just as the madman fell down, Zhang Wenshan suddenly stood up from his seat. With a trace of success on his face, he gave a big drink: "save people quickly!"

When shisan woke up again, he found that he was resting in a room. The wound on his body had been treated, the blood stains had been removed, the medicine had been applied and bandaged up. However, it is worth mentioning that he had no clothes on.

This room is quite different from the room 13 had stayed in before. If the former room was a dungeon, now his room is paradise, with spacious area and luxurious decoration, just like a high-grade house.

In the face of these, the expression on his thirteen face did not change much, and he was still very indifferent. His heart was very clear that the treatment he had now was completely changed by the word "good" he said before he finally fell down. He used his life to exchange his wealth and life for survival. If not, he would get another ending.

At the moment of thirteen trance, suddenly, the door of the bathroom in the room opened, and a refreshing fragrance came. Then, a beautiful figure appeared in the room. It was not others, but Zhang Wenshan's Canary, Lin Shihan.

At the moment, Lin Shihan did not wear a wisp of clothes on his body. He was totally naked, and his body showed no doubt. In particular, she has just finished bathing, her hair is wet, and the water drops from her hair drop onto her body, and then slide down, which is a special temptation. Any man can't help but be mad at it.

Even thirteen, who turned his head, was stunned when he saw this scene. However, thirteen's loss of mind was only in a flash. His expression was still indifferent and did not show too much. His eyes narrowed slightly, and no one knew what was in his mind.

Lin Shihan is facing shisan's eyes and slowly approaches him with light steps. What comes out of Lin Shihan is extreme self-confidence. She is full of confidence in herself, no matter in her face or in her figure. Although she has some doubts about the thirteen in front of her, she doesn't directly identify it. Instead, she goes to the thirteen with her bare body In front of me, I stood down.

With the face of an angel and the figure of the devil, I'm afraid any man can't help himself in such a scene, but thirteen is an exception. Although his eyes are fixed on Lin Shihan's posture, he doesn't do any extraordinary action, just simply stares at it.

Under shisan's cold and direct eyes, even if Lin Shihan is ready, she is not comfortable. She simply sits down along the edge of the bed. Then, she looks at shisan gently and coquettishes at him and says, "I hear that they call you dumb. I don't know whether you are real or fake mute! ”

with one hand, Lin Shihan touched her wet hair, and her other hand touched shisan's body. Her eyes looked at shisan, showing her charm. However, in the face of such an attractive Lin Shihan, shisan did not pay any attention to her. Even Lin Shihan did not respond to his seduction, and he was still as cold as ice.This indifference makes Lin Shihan feel a little bit uncertain about her self-confidence. She frowns a little, but only for a moment, she regains her enchanting look. She draws her body closer to shisan, and even the fragrance she exhales comes to shisan's face. When she touches shisan's hand, it is even more rampant. She even touches shisan's thigh 。

At this time, she, like a water snake, a entangles people to the extreme, gentle and charming, stirs the heart stream of people. At this moment, his body finally moved when he was indifferent. However, instead of knocking down Lin Shihan, he reached out and grasped her wrist, making Lin Shihan's hand stop temporarily.

Originally, Lin Shihan thought that he had succeeded, but he didn't expect that the thirteen was just like a stone. He couldn't help but frown again. It seemed that something was stirring in his heart.

For seducing men, although Lin Shihan's means are not very skilled, but she thinks that her own body, her own face, is the best capital, can be indifferent thirteen but she is proud of the capital completely denied, this moment, Lin Shihan can no longer gentle relative, her face unconsciously more a layer of sullen, resentment said: "tonight, I am you Is it true that you don't understand amorous feelings

When Lin Shihan said this, there was some pitiful meaning. She almost used the last solution. However, what made her collapse completely was that after hearing her words, thirteen's face finally changed, but it became colder than before, and colder than his cold expression. It was his three words: "you are too dirty!"

You are too dirty, short three words, extremely deep and cold. After saying this, shisan let go of Lin Shihan's hand, put on a piece of clothes, and got up from the bed. Then, he stood at the window with his hands on his own and looked out of the window.

No one can discern what his mind was like in his indifferent manner. Lin Shihan, who heard this, was stunned for a moment. She was stunned not because shisan didn't understand her amorous feelings, nor because the madman refused coldly, but because the last three words of shisan were too dirty. In particular, the word "dirty" stabbed Lin Shihan's heart like a steel needle, which made her suddenly slip from her determination to seduce thirteen with all her strength just now to a loss. In her hesitation of this moment, her mind can not help being pulled back to the past.

At the beginning, Lin Shihan was also a pure school flower, and there were countless people who liked her. From middle school, she kept receiving love letters and confessions. When she got to university, she found her true love and a beloved boyfriend. However, she didn't think that her beautiful life, the fairy tale love between snow white and Prince Charming was thorough To be destroyed by an outsider, that person is solo!

Su Luo, an old classmate with her classmate for six years, eventually became the person she hated most. Once upon a time, Lin Shihan had a good opinion of Suluo. What she admired most in her middle age was su Luo's achievements. Although at that time, Su Luo was plain looking and had some inferiority complex, he always lived in a world of one person, but Lin Shihan didn't care about these things What she cared about was her academic achievements. She found the aura that others couldn't see from her. However, what Lin Shihan didn't understand was why Su Luo, who studied so well, suddenly fell into a third class university.

What makes Lin Shihan speechless is that after entering the garbage University, Su Luo's character has changed. He is so mean that he makes use of the love between himself and his old classmates to let Ma Qiang bully him. This is a thorn in her heart forever. It is also this matter that makes Lin Shihan completely change her outlook on Suluo. She will never see Suluo's aura again, She saw only his depravity, his despicability.

Therefore, at the high school students' party back home, Su Luo suddenly appeared. Her boyfriend Han Boyang said that Suluo was unbearable. She did not stop her. On the contrary, she felt that her boyfriend had expressed her resentment, which made her heart feel comfortable.

But she didn't expect that from that day on, Suluo's father suddenly appeared. Everything changed. Suluo became capable and cruel. He even kidnapped and even killed his boyfriend, and killed his elder brother and father. Lin Shihan hated him very much. He wanted to tear up Suluo one by one, drink his blood and beat his muscles This hatred made her change herself.

In the final analysis, she became what she is today, which is the result of Suluo. She used to be so pure and clean, but now she has come to such an end. She is willing to degenerate and becomes the plaything of others for the sake of life.

If life can always be happy and healthy, how can she drift here, how can she be self indulgent, learn to seduce people, use her body to win men's love, she destroyed herself, doing all this just to revenge Suluo, let the person who caused his family to die, get the proper end. If not, she would not allow a man more than 20 years old than her own age to be a mistress, nor would she allow him to seduce an ugly monster with a strange character.

With such a thought, Lin Shihan's hatred for Suluo was even worse. Even in her bright eyes, a trace of malice flashed. Now, Suluo is doing well. I heard that he has come to this city. If she has a chance, she must let Suluo live rather than die. This is Lin Shihan's determination and her only goal now.Thinking of this, even thirteen used dirty words to describe her, she was relieved. She no longer cared about anything. Originally, she still had a little doubt about whether this thirteen was Suluo. After all, he had the same appearance as Suluo before. All of them were face changing actions and had the same madness as Suluo. But at this moment, she confirmed that this person was not Suluo, even Su Luo Luo is a cold and self righteous man.

After a while, Lin Shihan didn't say anything, let alone seduce Su Luo. She snorted, dressed her clothes, and then left the room.

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