At the same time, Zhang Wenshan was in his study. He stood in front of the window and looked at the vast night sky outside the window. Similarly, no one knew what he was thinking. However, at this moment, the expression on his face was not his usual indifference, but a arrogant and domineering air. His frightening eyes seemed to be brewing some grand plan.

Suddenly, a knock on the door sounded, and Lin Shihan came in from the outside. At this point, Zhang Wenshan's manner returned to normal. He turned around and asked Lin Shihan in his indifferent tone: "how about that mute?"

Lin Shihan didn't answer immediately. She ran to Zhang Wenshan and buried her head on his chest. She whispered, "Shanye, that man doesn't understand the Customs at all. No matter how much I tempt him, he won't be moved. Just like a wood, do you think he can't do that?"

With that, Lin Shihan raised her head like a kitten, and looked at Zhang Wenshan naively. Of course, she did not dare to say that she didn't touch her at the time of narration, because she disliked her dirty.

Hearing Lin Shihan's words, Zhang Wenshan couldn't help being stunned. He believed in Lin Shihan's charm. This woman not only has a good appearance and good figure, but also has a special charm. She looks pure, but she can show extreme charm. Even if she has played with many women, she can't control herself. He didn't think that thirteen was in this way A woman can hold her body in front of her.

Zhang Wenshan didn't say much, his brow was light and frown, his mind could not help flying up. From the previous solicitation of thirteen, we can see that thirteen has no great desire for money and status. Now that he has passed the stage of female sex, is there no fatal defect in him? You know, Zhang Wenshan was attracted by his extraordinary physique and amazing force. However, Zhang Wenshan is an old man in the world. Even if he bullies and lures madmen into the five halls, he also wants to control shisan thoroughly.

It's just that money, status and beauty are not too tempting for shisan, which is a little beyond Zhang Wenshan's control. What's more, even Lin Shihan can't find any information from him. In this way, the origin of his life is more worthy of investigation. Zhang Wenshan has always been cautious in his life, and now he meets such strange people as shisan, who are somewhat unknown, It made him feel a little uncomfortable.

But Lin Shihan frowned when he saw that Zhang Wenshan didn't speak. He didn't know what he was thinking. Lin Shihan couldn't help but feel flustered. He thought that his mission had failed, which made Zhang Wenshan unhappy. She settled down, and then pursed her mouth and asked, "what's wrong with this man? It's worth you to be so." Care? Since he doesn't get oil and salt, maybe he is really a stone

Hearing Lin Shihan's words, Cao Bao's eyebrows opened. He couldn't help hugging Su Xuejing and laughing: "ha ha, I don't care whether his appearance is fake or real. It's good if it can be used for me. Maybe, as you said, it's the thing under him that can't work!"

With that, he picked up Lin Shihan and walked directly to the bedroom outside the study. However, at this moment, Zhang Wenshan's eyes flashed a sharp light, and a cold thought welled up in his heart: thirteen, I don't care what kind of person you are, you are waiting to be a sharp blade for me!

Lin Shihan couldn't figure out what Zhang Wenshan thought. However, when she saw Zhang Wenshan's carefree appearance, the big stone in her heart fell. Naturally, she knew what Zhang Wenshan was going to do when she carried herself back to her room.

At one time, she was so conceited that if a man of this age favored her, she would only feel sick. But now, she only has joy in her heart. Wutang is a hall under the Haibang. She has inquired about what kind of power it represents. She knows that the more comfortable Zhang Wenshan is to serve, the closer the time limit for her revenge on Suluo will be.

The next day, when Zhang Wenshan came out of the villa that housed Lin Shihan, it was already three strokes of the sun. His expression was as cool as usual, but he was faintly tired. You know, he and Lin Shihan had a good time all night, and only in the early morning did he sleep in a hurry.

However, this tired look couldn't stop his hall leader's dignity. As soon as he got out of the villa, Zhang Wenshan recovered his pride. He directly found his younger brother, the vice head of the hall, Zhang Wenyuan. He opened the door to see the mountain and said, "I have received the news that the green dragon club will attack our downtown area tonight."

Zhang Wenshan said it lightly, as if other forces were attacking his court, which was not something worthy of his attention. However, Zhang Wenyuan could not help but snorted and said: "hum, the green dragon association is really more and more presumptuous, and dare to compete with our Haigang here. If there is something important in the Haigang recently, our five halls will destroy it like this Step on an ant

Hearing Zhang Wenyuan's words, Zhang Wenshan just lightly shook his head and continued: "I don't think it's so simple. There should be other forces behind the green dragon Association. This time, you should send thirteen to deal with it. Don't give him too much help. The third level members can do it."

Even if Zhang Wenshan's tone was more indifferent, there was an irresistible dignity for anyone in the five halls. At the moment, Zhang Wenyuan naturally felt his elder brother's dignity. Therefore, he had to suppress the injustice in his heart and no longer mention the Qinglong club.He also knew his big brother and the meaning of his last sentence. The members of the five halls are divided into four levels, the bottom of which are ordinary thugs and some guards, while the upper three levels are divided into three levels, namely, level 3, level 2 and level 1. Obviously, the most powerful level is level 1.

At present, the green dragon club is attacking, but his elder brother only gives the help of the 13th level, which is obviously a test and tempering for him. Zhang Wenyuan immediately leads the idea, and does not say anything more. He immediately sets about to do it.

Originally, there was no need for one of his vice hall leaders to take charge of this kind of affairs. However, the figure of thirteen might have a great effect on the five halls in the future. Therefore, he had to pay attention to it as much as his elder brother Zhang Wenshan.

In the evening, in front of the nighttime bar in the downtown area, a golden cup minivan from the headquarters of Wutang stopped. As soon as the car was settled, several uniformed security guards came out of it. There were about ten security guards in this line. One of them was outstanding in appearance, indifferent in manner and looked extremely eye-catching.

H Province is no more strict than other places in terms of public security management. Even if there are various forces here, these forces also fight with each other. However, few people are willing to make a big noise when they are forced to. This time, the fifth hall sent people to help their own field, but the people sent here are still wearing security uniforms, which is a kind of cover up.

However, the total number of these 10 or so security guards, even with the thugs watching the scene inside the bar at night, is very small compared with the attack of the green dragon club.

The manager of the bar didn't seem to know that the Qinglong club was about to be killed. He only thought that the headquarters had sent more staff to his side. Therefore, his attitude was not cool and he directly led the security guards into the bar. At this time, the bar was not open, so the steward simply explained to the security guards in the hall, and then he was busy with his own business Love is gone.

As soon as the steward left, those thugs at the bar immediately relaxed. Among them, many of them focused on the security guard transferred from the headquarters. Some even couldn't help but say, "brother, do you want to smile? Don't be a zombie face. If our guests see you, they must be scared away

You know, most of the night clubs are pretty men and women. Although there are no special requirements for the appearance of security guards, no one is willing to choose such a person to come here to block the eyes.

Therefore, this thug's ridicule attracted the laughter of some people around him. Only the uniform security guards sent with him did not laugh, but showed a disdainful face. After all, they knew what the identity of the companion was. They knew more clearly that there was a huge gap between the strength of this man and them. Of course, this zombie face security guard is the mute who has become famous in the five halls!

Shisan didn't know the purpose of Wutang's sending him here, but he didn't say much about the arrangement made by his superiors, but he simply obeyed. At the moment, listening to the jeers and rustles of people around him, he didn't react at all, as if they were not talking about himself.

Thirteen's silence didn't shock these thugs. They only thought that he was cold-blooded and was caused by inferiority complex. They thought he was bullying and talked about it. Until customers began to spend money in the bar, these thugs scattered and were busy with their own work.

Gradually, the bar began to be lively, gorgeous lights, indulgent crowd, shocking music, everyone immersed in the noise, no one noticed the thirteen in the corner, he was like the air, did not attract people's attention.

After ten o'clock, the atmosphere of the bar reached its climax. At that time, the mixed crowd of good and bad people was shouting dogs and horses in the hall. At this time, the door of the bar was smashed with a loud bang, and a car straight opened the front of the bar.

In this scene, people in the hall suddenly woke up from their hi. The music stopped, the dancing crowd stopped moving, and even the voice of talking was lost. One of the thugs in the bar immediately came forward and yelled: "how can you drive? Don't you want to live?"

As soon as the man's voice fell, a knife suddenly fell on his shoulder, and he was directly cut to the ground, dripping with blood. Even the machete was still fixed on his shoulder. After a moment, the yelling thug made a heartrending cry

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