Such a bloody scene instantly caused the crowd in the hall to make a lot of noise. Fortunately, there was a back door. The panic crowd rushed to the back door. At the moment, they just wanted to escape from the bloody venue quickly. At this time, all the people in the bar woke up and knew that the car was not an accident, but someone deliberately came The troublemakers, aware of the crisis, rushed to the enemy without saying a word.

However, this bar is the venue of the fifth Hall of the Hai Gang. If the enemy dares to attack, it is natural to be prepared. These suddenly attacked enemies are the people of the Qinglong club. Suddenly, many people are pouring into the car that drives into the bar. There are countless figures outside the bar. Each of them has a weapon in his hand. When he sees a fighter watching the court, he cuts it Kill.

The scene became more chaotic. Several slow-moving guests saw this scene, and their legs were even softened. The fight came too suddenly and violently, which completely exceeded people's imagination. Everyone knows that the Haibang is very powerful here. Even a hall below it is hiding and stamping, and the whole city should tremble for its strength, but this time it is five However, the hall was flat because there were too many people in the brotherhood. In particular, these fierce enemies didn't even make a call and rushed to kill them. All the thugs in the bar were in a hurry and couldn't answer for a moment.

The battle didn't last long. The balance of victory tilted to the side of the green dragon club. One by one, the bar thugs fell down. However, more and more people of the green dragon club came in, and their momentum was growing. They were about to take the field at one fell swoop. Suddenly, a uniformed security guard came out of the corner with a cold expression, Walking slowly, he seems to be a very ordinary security guard. However, he is such a small security guard with his thin body in front of the fierce enemy.

At this moment, the hall is no longer noisy, a sudden battle seems to have been decided, but none of them thought that at this time, a small security guard stepped forward and stopped the tiger wolf division of the green dragon Association. This scene made the whole audience dumbfounded. In particular, the little security guard did not have a trace of panic in the face of such a fierce enemy. His expression was extremely indifferent, and his eyes were very indifferent, as if the group of enemies in front of him didn't exist. The thugs in the bar couldn't help wondering whether there was something wrong with the security guard's mind and whether he came out to seek death at this time. When the people of the green dragon Association saw a security guard standing in front of them, they could not help flashing a trace of scorn in their eyes. They felt that this man was too funny. Standing here alone, he was totally a mantis' arm in hand, and he could not help himself.

However, shisan didn't pay attention to anyone's reaction. He just stared at the enemy in front of him and said coldly: "you shouldn't come here to make trouble. Now, I'll give you a chance, get out!"

Thirteen is not tall and powerful, but his indifference shows a strong aura, as if he stood there alone, is an insurmountable gap. However, in the eyes of normal people, he is just a joke, especially his words, which make the bar thugs feel that the security guard is completely crazy.

And the people of the green dragon association were obviously impatient. One of the leading figures couldn't help but lift up his machete and directly cut the thirteen. His mouth was still scornful and said, "where are you stupid? Go to die!"

With the sound of drinking, the machete in his hand had already cleaved to thirteen's head. This appalling scene made many people close their eyes in horror, but then a pig like howl forced them to open their eyes. All of a sudden, they were shocked by the scene in front of them. To everyone's astonishment, shisan was not dead, but the member of the green dragon Association who cut him down was the one who howled.

The small security guard in people's eyes actually caught the man's hand with a knife in an instant, then broke his arm and kicked out with a sudden kick. With a bang, the figure of the member of the green dragon Association flew upside down and knocked down several people behind him. He vomited blood in his mouth and fainted.

This reversal scene not only surprised the thugs in the bar, but also the people of the green dragon Association. However, the anger of the people on their side was boundless. Seeing that victory was in sight, a man with no long eyes appeared to resist. They immediately killed their hearts. After a while, many people raised their weapons and cut them toward the 13th Go.

In the face of the coming enemies, shisan did not retreat but went forward. He raised his hand and punched one of them in the chest. The man's body fell in an instant, and thirteen did not stay. One dodged to avoid a chopper from the side. Then, he raised his foot and kicked the other person's face. The man's face immediately had a bright line The footprints, the nose were all smashed.

However, the two men fell down, while the others were closer to the madman. Their machetes were all slashed at thirteen. They had to jump back. Retreating didn't mean thirteen was afraid. He just gave himself more space to play. He grabbed a wooden seat and held it in his hand to face the fierce enemy.One to many people, seat to machete, thirteen will play his power incisively and vividly. Under such circumstances, he did not fall into the downwind, but many enemies were hit by him. In a few moments, the chair in thirteen's hands became ragged, and several enemies were lying on the ground.

Until this moment, the bar's thugs finally reacted. The ugly little security guard was not stupid. He was not pretending to be forced. He was really bullish. At least, the strength shown by the thirteen institutes was beyond their imagination. At this time, they were afraid to think of their previous insults to him. If the security guard targeted at him If they say so, he is much more terrifying than the enemies of the Green Dragon Society.

At present, they are all in a state of shock, but the battle in the field is still going on. Although the performance of shisan is shocking, no one thinks that he can reverse the current situation with his own efforts. However, inadvertently, those security guards who came up with the 13th day also came out and joined with the 13th party to form a juxtaposition against the green dragon Association The invasion of.

Although these ten or so security guards are far from the strength of the thirteen, they are all three-level masters, far more than those who have been beaten to death or injured by the bar thugs. These thugs had already planned to give up, but now they are inspired by the morale of the thirteen, and the fire inside them is burning up again. In an instant, they also joined the madman and met the enemy together.

In the battle, the reversal appeared in an instant and entered a fierce climax.

It's a miracle that thirteen entered the five halls and became a first-class elite. Maybe today, thirteen can lead these people to create another miracle. With his help, thirteen's combat effectiveness has been fully exerted. The battle field extends from the position inside the bar door to the interior of the hall. In a short time, even the stage in the center of the hall is stained with blood.

The space for chaos is getting bigger and bigger, and thirteen's hands and feet are more and more open and close. With the passage of time, people from both sides of the battle have been falling down. But this time, it is no more than that when the members of the green dragon Association rushed into the bar. At this time, there were not many people on the thirteen side, and even fewer people fell down. On the other side of the green dragon Association, it was a heavy loss.

Now, no one in the green dragon Association dare not think that thirteen is a mantis. He is a runaway wild horse. The people of the green dragon association are very clear that this small security guard is the key to today's war. As long as he is put down, he can win the victory of today's war. With this idea, many members of the green dragon Association attacked the thirteen in an instant.

However, when he was thirteen one, there were so many people in the green dragon Association who could not let him down. Now that he had help, he could completely let go of his hands and feet. How could these people easily put them down? The more people were close to thirteen, the more people fell down. The blood was spread on the body of thirteen, and he fought with blood and became a bloody man.

With the expansion of the number of people who died, gradually, the people of the green dragon Association finally came to their senses. They did not dare to rush to the madman again, and did not want to seek their own death. Therefore, they began to attack other people in the bar in disguise.

Although the thirteen is powerful, they don't believe that his strength can last too long. With so many people on his side, they are losing their strength in the fight. How can the thirteen not be tired and how can he hold on to the end.

Obviously, the green dragon Association intends to delay time. If this targeted method is applied to other masters, it is very reasonable. But unfortunately, the thirteen and thirteen that they encounter are extremely crazy, and their combat power is just like a freak. On that day, he was able to defeat another level of master after fighting six experts in the arena. At present, even if the number of enemies with unequal strength is large, how can he consume his endless potential.

After the pressure of thirteen became smaller, he didn't have time. He began to swim his body. Perhaps, the word "swaying" was not appropriate, because his body method was not flexible. He was like a bear. However, with his brutal fighting method, someone would fall down wherever he went. It was very difficult for anyone who had hit him to stand up again Now, looking at shisan himself, although he has suffered a lot of trauma, he is just like nobody else. He has a high morale, and the more he fights, the braver he is.

At last, they began to be afraid, because they had already fallen most of the people, and the victory was more and more far away for them. At this moment, the momentum of the thirteen one people far exceeds the gathering of all the people on their side. Thirteen is an invincible myth to them. They know that the party who is defeated in this way is their green dragon club.

The fear of the brotherhood made them decline. Seeing more and more fallen companions, they did not dare to move forward, and slowly began to retreat.

As soon as the enemy retreated, the men headed by the thirteen immediately rushed to catch up. The fight started from the central position of the bar to the door of the bar again. At this point, the people of the green dragon Association recognized the reality. They failed. They did not even have the courage to fight. Just now, a group of extremely arrogant people began to think of running outside the bar. At this point, their number was compared with that It was a lot less when we rushed in earlier.In a few blinks of an eye, the fight was moved to the outside of the bar. Many people of the green dragon club were cut to the ground by the madmen. Only a few of them fled to the distance as if they didn't want to die. They didn't care about their companions and even abandoned their weapons in their hands.

The battle situation has been settled, shisan did not go after those who ran away. He knew the truth that the poor should not pursue them. He stood in front of the bar like a god of war with one man in charge!

However, those who followed him did not go after the fleeing enemy. They just stood at the same place, gasping heavily, and no one spoke. It seemed that they had not yet responded, and their own side had won the victory.

After a long time, these talents reflected that in this sudden battle, both sides suffered heavy casualties. However, they won, winning with less and winning with great beauty. The key figure in this victory is thirteen, a small security guard who is not very handsome and neglected.

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