As soon as the words fell, Zhang Xiong once again took a look at Ziyi, a pear blossom with rain. Then he turned around and walked towards his own sports car. His men, regardless of Ziyi's struggle for help, forcibly held her up and took her into their car.

On the way back, because of the capture of Ziyi, Zhang Xiong's heart has been very excited. He can't help but increase the throttle. After a while, he returns to the townhouse where Wutang is located.

However, this time, he did not return to his room, but went to a villa on the edge. In this villa, Zhang Xiong had brought back almost countless women, just like his gun house. But this time, unlike before, Ziyi is beautiful and fresh. The most important thing is that, like light language, she refuses to let himself go for thousands of miles. For Zhang Xiong, the more women he brings back, the more beautiful and fresh Ziyi is The more he liked the rare woman.

At present, what he is most interested in and eager for is of course light language. He has been trying to find a way to find light language. Since there is no news from her, it is also a good way to use Ziyi to quench his thirst. At this time, Zhang Xiong has a new calculation in his mind, that is, learning from his father and keeping Ziyi as a canary, Until we find the light language, we will do another calculation.

Of course, Zhang Xiong has another idea about supporting Ziyi, that is to stimulate shisan. No matter whether the relationship between shisan and Ziyi is light or heavy, they have been related. In Zhang Xiong's opinion, taking Ziyi's body is a kind of attack and revenge on the madman. You can enjoy the beauty and get revenge. Just think about it, it is a very dynamic thing.

With this sense of excitement, Zhang Xiong took off his coat, loosened his shirt inside, and half lay on the bed in an extremely comfortable position, waiting for his men to send Ziyi back. But after waiting for a long time, Ziyi hasn't been sent back, there is a phone call. Zhang Xiong looks at the number and finds that it's the spy he sent out. He is not happy to connect the phone. He said in a cold voice, "I have something urgent now. If you don't have anything important, I'll let you go."

Hearing Zhang Xiong's words, his spy immediately understood that his young master must have sex between men and women. He knew that Zhang Xiong, a playboy, had always been such a character. He hated others to disturb him at this time. The Scout couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and then continued to report: "no, young master, that thirteen, he, with his own strength, defeated the invasion of the green dragon Association. The hall leader has already known the result. This new hairy boy, this is more popular."

Hearing this, Zhang Xiong's heart was shocked for a moment. Although he did not dare to directly find fault with shisan, it did not mean that he was not concerned about the situation of shisan. Therefore, he secretly sent someone to watch shisan's every move. Unexpectedly, he got such a news. Zhang Xiong didn't think much about it. He immediately asked, "what do you say? Did shisan resist the attack of the green dragon association? "

Zhang Xiong is very clear about the strength of the green dragon Association. It is absolutely a shocking force in the provincial capital. Moreover, Zhang Xiong has heard of some friction between the green dragon Association and the five halls. Since it is a sneak attack by the green dragon Association, it can be imagined that the forces they sent must be very strong. It is because of this that Zhang Xiong will be shocked. Although the dumb thirteen is strong, he has no idea that he can kill and retreat the green dragon association with his own strength.

His spy gave him a positive answer after hearing his question, which made Zhang Xiong's face cold. It seemed to him that killing the green dragon Association and keeping the court of Wutang could not make him happy. On the contrary, thirteen showed his edge and made him gnash his teeth. Originally, shisan's strength is strong and his popularity is flourishing, which has left him helpless. Now, shisan has made such great achievements. It is even more difficult for Zhang Xiong to kill him.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiong immediately hung up the phone. At this moment, his heart was extremely depressed, and he was no longer as throbbing as he had just been. Even the sound of knocking on the door rang out. He was so excited that he just said: "come in!"

Immediately, the door of the room opened, and Zhang Xiong's men led Ziyi into the room. They found that Zhang Xiong's expression was unusual. However, they did not dare to ask more questions. They just informed them and left the room consciously.

Seeing Ziyi, Zhang Xiong's eyes finally changed from the cold state, so that the beauty at home, his eyes became hot, his lower body also lit up a flame, he had a cruel idea, that is to vent his anger on 13 on this woman who has a relationship with him. Thinking about it, Zhang Xiong turned over from the bed.

To this situation, Ziyi how can not understand their own situation, outside, she is still lonely and helpless, now to the wolf's nest, she is like a lamb to be slaughtered, in the face of animals like Zhang Xiong, she is so desperate.

Looking at the desperate Ziyi, Zhang Xiong couldn't help grinning. His face was obscene, showing a very evil smile. He squinted, rubbed his hands, and walked towards Ziyi step by step.

Although Ziyi was in a desperate situation, how could she let this animal succeed? She scanned the room at the first time when she entered the door and glanced at a decorative vase in the room.After noticing Ziyi's eyes, Zhang Xiong's heart is clear, but he doesn't care at all. A woman, especially a weak woman, can't help snorting in front of him. Zhang Xiong directly bullies himself and pours at Ziyi tiger.

When Ziyi saw Zhang Xiong's evil smile, she made a decision in her heart. Before Zhang Xiong rushed over, Ziyi rushed to one side without hesitation. She suddenly dropped the vase she had noticed before. Then, she took out a piece of broken porcelain and put it in front of her neck. She resolutely looked at Zhang Xiong and hissed: "don't come here, no Then I will die for you

In the wolf's nest, Ziyi knows that she can't resist the wolf. However, she has the right to choose self destruction. Even if she dies, she has to keep her innocence.

This time, Zhang Xiong's face finally changed, his eyes suddenly flashed a trace of amazement. Then, he was stunned. He didn't think that Ziyi was actually the idea. Especially at the moment, Ziyi's determined pretty face showed her determination.

However, how could Zhang Xiong, the duck to the mouth, let it fly away so easily. He took a step again, walked slowly towards Ziyi, and said playfully, "little beauty, what's the meaning of you as an outsider here? How good are you to follow me? I'll let you enjoy the glory and wealth. Why do you suffer like this

Facing Zhang Xiong's approach, Ziyi has to retreat. In fact, Zhang Xiong is not bad, it can be said that he is very handsome, and his identity is indeed very prominent, but in Ziyi's eyes, Zhang Xiong's face is incomparably ugly, especially Zhang Xiong's words, it makes Ziyi feel sick. However, after a while, Xu Nan retreated to the corner root, and could not retreat.

And Zhang Xiong seems to see Ziyi's dilemma, suddenly speed up the pace, rushed to her in one fell swoop. In this moment of choice between life and death, Ziyi's resolute eyes showed a figure in a trance. This person is the man she loves most in her life, Suluo.

To die, Ziyi has too much to give up. She can't bear to look for Suluo. What's more, she still doesn't see the last side of Suluo and doesn't know his whereabouts. This is the deepest pain for Ziyi and the biggest regret in life. However, Ziyi will never let her innocence be destroyed, which is the most precious she can keep for Suluo Something.

This moment, seeing the wolf rushed over, Ziyi bit her teeth fiercely, her hand suddenly moved, and the porcelain pieces on her neck immediately penetrated into her skin.

At the same time, Zhang Xiong suddenly burst out a roar: "stop it!"

The roar was deafening, and Ziyi's hand trembled involuntarily. The strength of her hand naturally lightened. But even so, there was a sharp scar on her white neck, and blood poured out from it, which crossed her delicate skin and dropped onto her clothes.

At this moment, Zhang Xiong finally understood that Ziyi was not pretending to be threatened by death. In order to be innocent, she really had the courage to die. At this time, young master Zhang can't help but stop. It's not that he knows how to take pity on women. In the past, it's not that there is no woman like Ziyi who shows resistance in front of him. However, no woman is as loyal as Ziyi. At this moment, he finds Ziyi more unusual, which also confirms his decision to play Ziyi slowly.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiong forced down his heart's unwillingness, directly cold hum, said: "you don't have to worry to die, I will teach you slowly, sooner or later, you will fall in my crotch."

After that, Zhang Xiong turned around depressed and walked toward the door of the room. The reason why he was so determined was that he knew that Ziyi could not play today. However, he believed that Ziyi could not escape from his palm. He would teach her step by step. Maybe before long, Ziyi would be defeated by reality I'm convinced.

Out of the room, Zhang Xiong immediately sent two men, let them strictly guard at the door of the room, in case Ziyi escaped.

And Ziyi in the room, until Zhang Xiong completely out of her sight, she woke up from the state of loss, her body slowly collapsed on the ground, tears, also from her eyes. God knows how determined this infatuated woman who came here alone to look for Suluo and died before she fulfilled her wish

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