After the night bar invaded by the green dragon club, the state at the moment is completely disordered, with a strong bloody atmosphere, and the surrounding atmosphere is also incomparably cold. But everyone's eyes, can't help but look at thirteen, this ugly little security guard, seems to be the backbone of all the people present.

After a burst of silence, the chaotic scene suddenly burst out a burst of jubilant voice, which was called out by the thugs in the bar. Their faces were still stained with blood, but their expression was joyful. Although the sacrifice was not small, they finally won this victory, an impossible victory.

At this time, no one dared to look down on thirteen. Even many of them felt a little frightened. If he was angry, none of them could bear it. Even the steward of the bar also ran out of the bar with his buttocks missing, and welcomed the thirteen at the door in person.

During the war just now, the steward of the bar was upstairs. The brotherhood attacked so fiercely and violently that he cut down people as soon as he entered the door. Even before the steward could go downstairs, he saw that his side was doomed to defeat. Wisely, he did not choose to participate in the struggle, and even wanted to run away before the enemy rushed upstairs.

However, he never expected that at the most critical moment, the little security guard who had been completely ignored by him stood up. What's more, he defeated so many enemies with the power of one person. Finally, he led the remnant soldiers. The people of the green dragon Association who had been defeated like a drowning dog ran away in confusion. At present, their side has achieved an incredible victory The person in charge fully understood that this little security guard was definitely not an ordinary person.

This evening, the green dragon Association launched a sneak attack, and the headquarters alone sent this small security guard. Moreover, the strength of the small security guard was amazing. The administrator could not help but speculate that the little security guard was probably the highest level and first level soldier among the five hall experts. And he could be the best in the first class.

The development of such a person in Wutang will definitely advance by leaps and bounds. Therefore, the steward intends to have a good relationship with the small security guard. Therefore, he does not hesitate to show a flattering attitude to the small security guard in front of his own hands.

However, for his attitude, shisan's expression is still extremely indifferent, as if the battle just now did not have much influence on him. He did not respond to the flattery of the steward. He only lowered his head and did not speak. No one knew what kind of mind he had in his heart.

The steward probably saw that this kind of man was not allowed to enter the city. Therefore, he didn't ask for trouble. Instead, he started to do what he should do. He led the thugs who could still move in the bar to deal with the follow-up work. However, when the battle continued to this point, no police came. It seems that Wutang and Qinglong association are deeply rooted in the power of H city, Both sides managed their relationship and let things go.

After a while, the people from the headquarters of Wutang arrived at the night bar with great fanfare. Of course, the people from the headquarters didn't come here to do aftercare work. Their real purpose was to take thirteen.

When he came, he was only sent off by a van, and dressed up as a security guard with a dozen or so third-class elites. He was very low-key, and even ridiculed by the thugs in the bar. But when he left, he was a beautiful, long line of cars, announcing his triumph. Obviously, the difference between the former and the latter is due to the arrangement of the Wutang headquarters, and it is also the result of his extraordinary strength.

Although the curtain of this war ended, its aftereffect was very long. Soon, the city was spreading all over the city. The war that happened in the bar tonight was spread everywhere. So far, H City, which was originally a stable underground force, gradually became restless. It seemed that there was a fight between the Dragon and the tiger, and was preparing for the war.

Of course, what spread louder was the amazing little security guard who became famous overnight and became the focus of discussion in the underground world of the provincial capital. The bravery of the small security guard and the extraordinary performance of the small security guard were miraculous. Everyone knew that there was a madman in Wutang.

It was with this thirteen that the five halls became a topic of conversation. The five halls are subordinate to the Haibang. The headquarters of the Haibang is located in H Province. At the same time, the two powerful Tangkou under the Haibang are also here. Wutang is one of them.

In H In the province, Wutang has a deep influence with its back to the sea gang. However, with the sudden rise of shisan, many people can't help guessing his origin. Some people say that shisan is a dead man trained by Wutang secretly because he is cold and has great fighting power, but he doesn't like words. Some people say that the madman is just a migrant worker in a provincial city Some people said that the thirteen was assigned to the fifth hall by the headquarters of the Shanghai Gang. The more intelligent people had already guessed the intention of Zhang Wenshan, the leader of the five halls. Thirteen suddenly appeared, which was probably related to an important event happened recently in the Haigang.

That's right. Now it's spreading in the world. An important thing has happened in the sea Gang recently, that is, the sea Gang is selecting a deputy leader.

At the beginning, there were not many people who knew about it, only the high-level figures in the sea. But recently, the news spread like wings in the underground world of H Province, and even the sea Gang people all over the country could not help but be moved.The leader of a guild is the top person in a sect, while the deputy leader is below one person and above ten thousand people. Especially in a big gang like Hai Gang, the position of the deputy leader is much more noble, powerful and status than that of the hall leader at the entrance of the hall. Because the high-level figures of Hai Gang include not only the leader, but also the elders and Dharma protectors who are not under the jurisdiction of the hall leader, Once you become the deputy leader, all these forces belong to his name.

Zhang Wenshan, as a lobby of a maritime Gang, has always been worried about this matter. Despite his seemingly incomparable indifference, he has been thinking about it for a long time, because this is his opportunity, a great opportunity. Even though the five halls are very powerful, they are only the entrance of the hall. If you can become the deputy leader of the five halls under your command, it will be the existence of the forces that dominate all parties. By then, his power and status will reach an unprecedented height.

However, Zhang Wenshan's heart is very clear that he is not the only one who is interested in this hot position. If you want to be the vice leader of the Hai Gang, the hall leader is just a strong candidate for competition, but it is not necessarily a matter of certainty. In other words, Cao Bao has many competitors. One of the most powerful opponents is the hall entrance of the provincial capital and the fourth hall, which is the same as the five halls.

If you want to become the vice leader of the Shanghai Gang, you need not only amazing courage, but also considerable strength. The strength of the five halls is almost the same as that of the four halls. Anyone who wants to leave the other side and become the vice leader will certainly not be convinced. Therefore, Zhang Wenshan, the leader of the fifth hall, and Fu Gang, the leader of the fourth hall, have made an agreement in private, that is, to have a fair and aboveboard competition, the two hall leaders will not play, and they will send their subordinates to fight for life and death. Which side wins, the other side will unconditionally support the opposite side to compete for the vice leader of the Hai Gang.

If there is only one hall leader running for the deputy leader, I'm afraid it will be difficult. But if the five halls and the four halls are combined, then the position of the vice leader is basically a matter of sticking to the iron plate. Although it is said that the Tangkou of Haibang is divided by numbers, after many changes, the four and five halls are the leaders of the strength of Haibang Tangkou. In other words, if Zhang Wenshan is appointed as the deputy leader, Fu Gang will be appointed. In the end, whose hand is spent depends on that big contest, which is a contest between two experts in the hall.

There are three levels of experts in the fifth hall, but the fourth hall is not weak. There are terrible dark groups below. Originally, Zhang Wenshan was not very sure, but the appearance of the thirteen showed him the dawn of a steady victory.

Now, the thirteen sharp points have been revealed. Let alone the rumors that the underground world is burning against him, the side of the five halls can't sit still.

Two days later, Fu Gang, the head of the fourth hall, personally led a group of people to the headquarters of the fifth hall.

Fu Gang is the elder brother of the Buddha. He is nearly half a hundred years old. Judging from his appearance, he is only in his thirties. His black and shining hair makes him look very energetic. His tall body and straight waist make him look powerful and domineering. Even if he enters the boundary of the five halls, he is as happy as entering his own family 。

Zhang Wenshan and Zhang Wenyuan personally received Fu Gang. They were very clear that the purpose of Fu Gang's coming was to explore the situation of the 13th anniversary. However, on the surface, they did not point out, but simply exchanged greetings as colleagues met.

After sitting down, Zhang Wenshan took the lead in dealing with Gang Gang and said, "master Fu, the last time you arrested Su Qiyao, you made great contributions, and the secret group under your command has made great contributions. It's really gratifying to have double happiness on the door."

After hearing this, Fu Gang couldn't help feeling a little contemptuous. Zhang Wenshan longed to be seriously hurt at the entrance of his hall. At the moment, he even played a trick with himself. He knew that although he played a certain role in defeating Su Qiyao, his secret group was slaughtered by Su Qiyao. Even his third younger brother died in Su Qiyao's hands. This is Fu Gang's A pain, now Zhang Wenshan said congratulations, but Zhang Wenshan's behavior is like this, Fu Gang is not strange.

With a slight smile, Fu Gang called his name and said, "it's nothing. It's the thirteen under your hand. The momentum is not small recently. Can I see him?"

Fu Gang was so direct that Zhang Wenshan couldn't help being stunned. He knew Fu Gang's character and would never give up until he reached his goal. If he didn't see thirteen today, he would definitely not leave.

Although their overall strength is equal to each other, if they disobey his meaning because of this, it's really not worth it. Thinking of this, Zhang Wenshan can't help but smile and say: "ha ha, it's just an exaggeration of the fact that other people follow suit. The dumb thirteen is just a small figure in our hall. However, since Fu Tang sees it, it doesn't matter. "

With that, Zhang Wenshan winked directly at Zhang Wenyuan. Zhang Wenyuan immediately walked out of the reception hall of the five halls. After a while, he came in with a man. After that, Zhang Wenshan took his seat in his seat, while the man stood in the middle of the hall.

At the moment of seeing this man, Fu Gang's face suddenly chills. His eyes are staring at each other tightly. His sharp eyes suddenly emit a poisonous light. No one knows why

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