In the evening, Ziyi's room, several bowls of food are quietly placed on the table. Beside the table, there is a haggard Ziyi. At the moment, her eyes are tightly staring at the door of the room.

It's been three days since Zhang Xiong took her to the villa. Here, she is completely limited in her freedom. She seems to be a bird in a cage. Only in this room, even eating is brought in by Zhang Xiong's men.

These three days, for Ziyi, are too long, too worried, every day is suffering. Even more frightening to her, Zhang Xiong would come over once every night. Even once, Zhang Xiong was sleeping on the bed of this room. Ziyi could only take the piece of porcelain stained with blood and shrink in the corner of the wall to guard against Zhang Xiong. He did not dare to relax for a moment, even to take a nap. He just opened his eyes for a night. This kind of pain is not what ordinary people can bear.

Ziyi knows that Zhang Xiong wants to wear away her patience. Indeed, her patience has been consumed a lot. Several times, she almost chose to commit suicide, because if she goes on like this, she will go mad, and she can't bear it. Ziyi knows clearly that he can't be consumed here day by day.

Finally, this evening, Ziyi got a chance. She found that the people who sent her meals in the evening did not know whether they had relaxed their vigilance towards her and forgot to lock the door. This made her heart go up to her throat.

She sat at the table with a very nervous heart, waiting for the night to fall, because she had a plan, that is, to take advantage of the night, to escape.

At this moment, the night finally fell completely. Ziyi immediately stood up and walked cautiously toward the door, sticking to the door. She didn't hear any movement outside. Her heart couldn't help but mention it again. She quietly opened the door and found that there was no one outside. Ziyi immediately opened the door and ran.

Holding the resistance to reality, miss for Suluo, Ziyi is almost desperate to run, finally, she ran out of the villa, came to the villa outside, she breathed the fresh air, also seemed to see the hope of breaking away from the bitter sea.

But as soon as this glimmer of hope rose, misfortune fell on Xu Nan again. Soon after she ran out of the villa, Zhang Xiong's minions found her and ran after her crazily.

Ziyi saw herself exposed, and her heart suddenly raised a great sense of fear. She was afraid to go back again. She was afraid to see Cao Zheng's disgusting face again. She was really afraid. At this moment, Ziyi's steps became more disordered and flustered. Even though she was physically and mentally exhausted, she still tried her best to escape.

However, Ziyi is a girl after all. Her movements are not as agile as Zhang Xiong's men. Those people are getting closer and closer to her. The roaring voice of the other party makes her realize that the pursuer is behind her: "how dare you run? How impatient I am to live

The sound seemed to be a magic sound, which made Xu Nan more afraid. Her steps quickened again. The faster she was, the more disordered her steps would be. Finally, she suddenly fell to the ground.

Her pursuer, in an instant, behind her rampant shouting: "you can not run? Run again

At this moment, Ziyi's beautiful and haggard face was stained with a lot of dust. She fell into the most desperate abyss. She was so powerless and helpless, as if her heart was completely occupied by darkness.

But when she raised her head, her desperate eyes suddenly burst into brilliance. She even saw a figure that made her feel familiar and warm, standing in front of her not far away. This person is no one else, it is Ziyi who once regarded as a person of Suluo, mute thirteen.

Just for such a moment, Ziyi's despairing heart seemed to be illuminated by the wanzhang light. Her eyes showed a color of incomparable surprise. Her brain seemed to be short circuited and could not react for a while.

In Ziyi's consciousness, shisan and Zhang Xiong have a big feud, and this place is clearly Zhang Xiong's sphere of influence. So, how can thirteen, who is incompatible with Zhang Xiong, appear here? What's more, shisan no longer looks like a beggar. His clothes are no longer ragged and dirty. Instead, he wears a black windbreaker, which makes him look special and energetic.

This kind of present situation of thirteen is beyond Zi Yi Wan's imagination. There was a period of time, Ziyi's mind also often appeared thirteen figure, after all, he had given Ziyi a familiar feeling, also gave Ziyi the feeling of relying on. Although he was finally determined that he was not Suluo, he was also the only person he knew here. Ziyi even worried about beggars. If he offended people like Zhang Xiong, he would be destroyed.

however, the fact turned out that shisan did not get revenge, but was forced into a desperate situation by Zhang Xiong. What Ziyi didn't expect was that shisan would suddenly appear at this most desperate moment.

At this moment, Ziyi's heart is really very complicated, more chaos, she is still a little confused.

Not only Ziyi, but also the dog claws of Cao Zheng who chased her after Ziyi. At the moment of seeing shisan, they couldn't help being stunned. They were in a great mood at this moment, because they had followed Zhang Xiong to the hospital to find shisan's trouble. At that time, shisan was sitting in a wheelchair, and the woman pushing the wheelchair was the woman in front of her, Ziyi.Maybe others don't know, but they know very well about the relationship between shisan and Ziyi. They know more about how terrible it is for a madman to go crazy. That time in the hospital, it was because their young master wanted to take Ziyi away. The thirteen suddenly got up from his wheelchair and cleaned them up. Up to now, they all remember the painful lesson of the last time. So, at this moment, they suddenly saw thirteen appear, and, in addition, for several days in a row, they heard rumors of thirteen, which made them dare not to catch Ziyi any more, and they could not help but stop at the same place.

In the face of the public's surprise, shisan's face was as cold as ever. He stood not far from Ziyi, motionless, as if the scene in front of him was not too related to him. At least, his face did not show it.

In this way, the huge scene seemed to be frozen. Ziyi was lying on the ground, standing thirteen in front of her and Zhang Xiong's paws in the back. The two sides were in opposition. The thirteen faces were expressionless, while Zhang Xiong's claws were holding their breath and struggling. The atmosphere, for a time, became extremely weird and embarrassing.

This scene lasted for several seconds. Shisan was indifferent and Ziyi was in a daze. Only Zhang Xiong's people were suffering in these seconds. For them, it was just a kind of torture. Of course, they knew that shisan was a big red man around the hall leader, and the taboo of shisan made them feel more afraid. However, although they were afraid of madmen, they were afraid of it We can't let Ziyi escape. If Ziyi escapes, they will commit a great crime, and Zhang Xiong will be furious. At that time, none of them can withstand Cao Zheng's anger.

No matter which side they offend, they are the small minions who are hurt. They have finally made up their minds. In any case, they can't offend the young master. So, they can only try to communicate with the thirteen in front of them.

They looked at each other. Then one of them took a step forward, swallowed his mouth and said to thirteen, "Hey, thirteen, this is our young master's woman. Don't meddle in your business!"

Although his words were very strong, his tone was obviously weak, and his voice trembled uncontrollably. However, thirteen did not respond to his words. He just stood there without even blinking his eyelids.

Thirteen's silence made them a little depressed. If other people were standing in front of them like Dashan, they would not be afraid. After all, this is the headquarters of Wutang, and few people dare to disobey Zhang Xiong, the eldest master of Wutang.

But what they can't do is thirteen. This man is completely a wood, and oil and salt do not enter. What does he mean by pestering here? At this moment, thirteen's indifferent face makes him angry, but what they can do is to endure.

As time went by, he saw that shisan had not responded or made any action. The man could not bear the strange atmosphere. He could not help saying again: "thirteen, although you have joined our five halls, and are now a popular figure here, you should remember that you and our young master are still unable to compete. This time, I urge you to return Don't do anything out of the ordinary. It's good for you and me

This person's words still can't arouse shisan's reaction, but she startles Ziyi in a daze. Originally, shisan's appearance in Zhang Xiong's territory has already made Ziyi extremely surprised. Now, hearing what he has joined the five halls, Ziyi is even more surprised. Her original mind is very confused, and now it has become more chaotic Autonomously, her eyes again stare at thirteen, thirteen's face is still cold, purple from him can not feel any human feelings, not to know what kind of person he is.

But the speaker, looking at thirteen, was still like a big wood. He was no longer patient, and immediately motioned to his companion with his eyes. Time, these people will go forward together, ready to capture Ziyi.

Seeing that these people are about to take Ziyi, thirteen, who has been silent, finally opened his mouth. He was very indifferent to these people and said, "this woman, you can't move!"

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