Just such a sentence made them stop their movements. Even, they all felt a sense of coldness. Like the thirteen words, they were full of supreme majesty, which made them have to comply with the same.

But at the same time, they also understand that the person they can not disobey is their young master, Zhang Xiong. Even if we take the lead, we must take the lead again

After that, the man didn't care about it. He reached for Ziyi again. At the moment when his hand was about to touch Ziyi's arm, his hand suddenly couldn't move, because a hand was tightly grasped on his wrist, making him unable to move. This hand is not wide, even a little thin, but it is like a pair of pliers, not only makes the leader difficult to move, but also feels incomparable pain.

The owner of this hand is shisan. At the critical moment, his expression indifferently pokes out such a hand, and it is his hand that is more indifferent than his expression. Before the leader has time to respond, shisan suddenly exerts force and clicks, and the wrist of this person is abruptly broken by thirteen.

The severe pain spread from the wrist to his nerve. Suddenly, the man was so painful that he couldn't even make a sound. The whole person fell down on the ground, with a face of pain.

Seeing this situation, the other several people could not help but feel a chill behind their backs. But now they are on the arrow and have to send. Immediately, one of the other people drank: "brothers, let's go together!"

As soon as the voice fell, several of them rushed toward the thirteen. In the face of the doggies, shisan not only did not shrink back, but took a slow step forward. After a step, one of the leaders had already arrived. Without saying a word, he directly hit him with a punch, which hit the chest of the opponent and made a bang. The body shape of the man who filled in first was hit and stepped back. Finally, he fell down on the ground. There was blood in his mouth. It seemed that his ribs were pierced, even breathing. At the moment, it seemed that it was a luxury for him It's something.

Thirteen one moves defeated one man, two in a row, two in a row, and his body did not stop. Just like a harvester, he continued to stride forward and kicked out again. A dog leg was kicked directly by him, and his body fell to the ground and couldn't get up again.

Now, after the test of entering the five halls and the first battle with the green dragon Association, shisan's strength has become more powerful. At present, these forces are zero. For ordinary people, they may be considered as experts in fighting, but in front of the thirteen, they are so unbearable.

However, seeing that all three of them fell down, the rest of them still did not shrink back. They knew that if they wanted to survive in Zhang Xiong's hands, they had to fight against the crazy thirteen. Therefore, they tried to put aside their fear and showed their brave and fierce nature.

One of the dog legs with long hair caught a chance to sneak in and hit shisan's arm with a sharp blow from his side. He tried his best for a moment. He was full of joy and proud for a moment, but the result was extremely frightening to him, because his body shape only moved slightly and did not fall down. He didn't even miss the expression of pain In a trance, shisan turned around and looked directly at the long hair who had attacked him.

Chang Mao's pupil shrinks suddenly, but when he reacts, shisan reaches out his hand and grabs his hair. Then, shisan's fist hits Chang Mao's face directly. With a bang, Changmao's nose bone is broken, and his blood is flowing. He almost faints. However, shisan doesn't stop immediately. He still grabs long hair, and then another punch, this one Go down, long hair beyond recognition, nose collapse, face swelling up, face ridiculous.

And thirteen, not ready to let go of long Mao's meaning, at this time, he turned his head to look at the other dog legs. The rest of the dog's paws knew that they could not beat the madman in the front. They all stayed aside and tried to find a chance to sneak attack shisan. However, after seeing long hair's sneak attack, they came to such a miserable end. Now, seeing shisan's eyes turned around, they could not help but chatter. They felt that the back was full of cold sweat, and there was no previous one The impulse to let go.

For these residues, shisan didn't care too much about it. He flashed a chill in his eyes. Then he opened his lips and said coldly, "if you don't want to die, get out of here!"

When the last roll word fell, the rest of the dog legs could no longer stand it. They felt like they were pissing off. At this moment, they turned around and wanted to run away. But at this moment, several figures appeared behind the legs.

The figures were still walking, but the leader's voice came first: "it's a big tone. I don't want to see where it is. You can be so presumptuous?"

The rest of the dogleg finally came to the spirit, they immediately met the past, while walking flattery called: "young master!"

Yes, the leader of the visitors is Zhang Xiong, and behind him is a group of people. These people are the elite of the five halls, including the level one, two and three masters. As the son of the fifth hall leader, Zhang Xiong still has a strong identity as a young master. He still has the power to mobilize some experts in the hall.Of course, these people were not following Zhang Xiong, they were all temporarily transferred by Zhang Xiong.

Zhang Xiong drank a lot of wine outside tonight. He didn't know what happened. This time, he was very dissatisfied with the women playing outside. His heart always haunted the figure of a stubborn woman, that woman, Ziyi.

The more he can't get, the more itchy he is. Zhang Xiong has no idea how she has been carrying the temptation recently. In recent days, his patience has reached the limit. He is almost bursting with patience. Therefore, he made a decision. This evening, anyway, he will conquer the woman who has been arrested.

However, what he didn't expect was that Zhang Xiong was a smart man when he came back to see such a scene. He knew what this scene meant. 13. The five recent figures of the five halls of the storm finally intervened in Ziyi, even though he didn't know how to beat his men with great strength.

Zhang Xiong hated thirteen and hated to break him to pieces. But because his father valued 13, he hated him all the time. But now, today, Xizang bullied himself. How could he tolerate it again? He decided to give thirteen colors to see, let this noble 13 see clearly. Here, after all, after all, he has to show the high-level thirteen Whose territory it is.

Of course, Zhang Xiong can not learn 13 by his personal strength. Therefore, he is ready to dispatch several masters directly from the five halls, and prepare to teach 13 well to make him remember for a long time.

Gradually, Zhang Xiong led a group to the 13th. After setting up his body shape, Zhang Xiong's eyes were swept at the scene of the miserable men, then he saw the purple Yi, and finally, his eyes were cold and cold on the body of 13. In a moment, anger spread from Zhang Xiong.

At this moment, the atmosphere on the scene was settled again, and it was very quiet. Except for the muffled hum of the several people on the ground, no one spoke at the scene, but anyone could feel that it was the quiet before the storm, a fierce struggle and a sudden attack.

The leading line of war is in Zhang Xiong's hand. He became the most important figure. He was also the most angry person on the spot. At this moment, he stared at 13 eyes, and he could say that he could spray fire. He thought that he was a big master Zhang, who had been in H Province for more than 20 years. Although it was not good, why had he been so bent in this period of time and his own people were beaten, He was beaten, and the person who hit them was not punished in his villa area, but instead stepped into the five halls and achieved his position. This is a deep shame to Zhang Xiong.

How fierce is it? Is it not a person? But if you say hello, you don't know how many people will follow up step by step. Why do you have to hold such a breath of anger here? Why do you have to be afraid of your hands and feet all the time. When he thinks of this, Zhang Xiong suddenly clenches his teeth and says angrily to 13: "13, have you forgotten your head and forgotten your identity? Don't you know, are you a dog who is subject to our five halls? Today, I will let you know that the dog offends the owner! "

After that, Zhang Xiong's eyes shot a very cold light.

XIII also touched Zhang Xiong's cold light, his expression was still cold, but, he held the long hair hand and spread it, and when he settled, the long hair fell on the ground, and then 13's eyes were on Zhang Xiong.

Facing Zhang Xiong's threat, 13 has no fear or resentment. His eyes are filled with indifference, which is as cold as a dead water. In his mouth, he just said a few words with a very light: "you have too much nonsense!"

The 13 calm, no difference so to Zhang Xiong stimulation, and 13 words, more completely angered Zhang Xiong, this, his face is angry green, in the dark light, appears very cold. He could not stop his anger again, and drank in a cold voice: "give me all, do it and he has a lot of reward!"

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