As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Xiong's steps stepped back two steps to the back, freeing up the space in front of him. However, the several people who followed him walked forward as if hearing the clarion call of the battle. All of them exuded terrible sharpness, and their target was directed at the thirteen on the face.

The name of thirteen is well-known in the whole underground of H Province, and in the five halls, no one knows. Many people in the whole five hall were very convinced by shisan, because he warned others with his own strength that he was not easy to provoke. Last time, a dozen or so level three experts who accompanied him to the bar were very convinced of shisan, but not all of them were convinced by shisan. With the sound of thirteen leaders, some even secretly regarded thirteen as their opponent.

At present, the five hall experts sent by Zhang Xiong don't pay much attention to the thirteen. They have long wanted to appreciate the strength of the thirteen. Now, under the instruction of Zhang Xiong, the head of the fifth hall, they can't think of any reason why they don't do it. Therefore, as soon as they come up, they can directly attack the thirteen without saying a word, especially when they are in them The three first-class masters in the ranks came almost instantaneously and made the most direct attack on thirteen.

The first level is the core master of the five halls, and the three level-1 masters who attack the madman are the ones brought by Zhang Xiong, who are most unhappy with the thirteen. Why did they become so famous when they first came here? They were loyal to Wutang for so long, but they still exist like shadows? In other words, they are jealous of thirteen. However, jealousy comes back to jealousy. After all, shisan once defeated a level one master by himself, and this master was the master among the masters, and killed the people of the green dragon association with his own strength. Therefore, the three masters had a tacit understanding, that is, they would go together and never give thirteen a chance to attack.

The first level masters are in front of them. Some of the second level masters and the third level masters are behind the first level masters. Some of them are behind the first level masters. Some of them have already surrounded the thirteen. However, the third level and the second level people are not as arrogant and brave as the first level purple masters. Instead, they do not immediately go up to fight with thirteen, but they are holding on to thirteen and looking for them Find the right opportunity.

In the face of the simultaneous attack of three first level masters, he could no longer maintain his stability. In a short time, he avoided the attack of the enemy in front of him and retreated.

You know, these three first-class masters are all masters with Kung Fu in their body. They are surrounded by them. If you are just a person with a little less strength, you will be hit by them. Even if it is now thirteen, he is very passive. In other words, he has no ability to fight back at all. He can only parry and dodge. Rao is so, and his appearance is very embarrassed.

A master in the middle practiced boxing. He was brave and domineering. He missed one punch, caught up with the madman, and hit the 13 raised arms.

The first level master on the left practices the leg technique, to be exact, the footwork, because his leg is not used to attack, but to swim and drag his body. His pace is sharp. His attack is also extremely fierce. Moreover, he hits 13 in two consecutive strokes. With his block, he removes part of his strength. Otherwise, he may be 10 Three is down.

The first level master on the right side practises claw skill. As soon as he meets his face, he breaks his coat on thirteen. In the second move, he has left a mark on his body.

The attack speed of the three is very fast, one move after another, one move is cruel. In the face of such abnormal attacks, shisan has not reacted. All he can do is to retreat.

However, the three first-order masters, as well as other second-order and second-order masters, under the instruction of Zhang Xiong, intended to severely attack thirteen. How could they allow thirteen to dodge.

Seeing the figure of thirteen retreated, a first-class master got up all his strength and quickly patted thirteen's back. The situation of thirteen suddenly became precarious. If the second level master beat him, it would be a great injury, whether fatal or not. The way of thirteen's retreat was completely cut off. Then, the one in front of him Three first level masters will give him a fatal blow.

However, seeing that the second level master's palm had already sent out a fierce palm wind, he was about to shoot thirteen, and thirteen's body suddenly stopped. Moreover, in this trance, shisan turned his body, and his back was stunned and was severely hit by three first level masters.

Everyone can see that shisan was playing with his life. He had to use his back instead of his chest to be attacked by three first-class masters. His clothes were torn and bloodstained, and his body could not help but stagger forward. A stream of hot blood came from his chest. It was blood gushing up, and he was injured internally He held back.

13. The present situation can be said to be that one person can bear the strength of a second level master, especially a second level master's all-out attack. Fortunately, thirteen, who took risks at such a critical moment, was not bad luck. The second level master was not as bold as the first level master. At the moment when thirteen turned around, he was stunned. Although his palm touched thirteen's chest, his strength was relieved a lot.The strength of the second level master was removed, but the strength of thirteen became fierce. Shisan was good at strength. He once defeated two second level masters with strength. At the moment, with the help of three first level masters, his speed also soared. He bumped into the second level master, and his body shape was directly related to that second level master, There was a face-to-face collision.

Even the second level of the master was knocked to death. And thirteen also suffered a lot of injuries, blood, finally from his mouth down.

Everything came so fast that the people around didn't even respond to what was going on. Ziyi finally realized that shisan was in danger when she saw thirteen people spit blood. Her heart went up to her throat again. Her eyes were full of worry. She clenched her teeth and looked at thirteen with breath, praying that he could escape the disaster.

However, the three first-class masters and others obviously didn't intend to give thirteen breathing time. They just wounded thirteen at one fell swoop. They didn't even have a moment to stay, so they attacked again. This time, not only the three of them, but also the other people on the edge also took the opportunity to attack. Their attack was extremely fierce.

In the face of so many experts' joint attack, although he did not show the color of panic on the thirteen sides, his action was obviously not enough to deal with. Although he was strong, he was ultimately a human being, not a God, without three heads and six arms, and not the most top expert in the world. How could he resist this group of tiger and wolf's teachers alone? The injured thirteen almost did not fight for long, and then he was completely lost Lost the power to fight back, the other party's attack, and then a fall on his body, this strong incomparable man's body finally uncontrolled slowly fell down.

At the moment, thirteen fell to the ground, and his clothes became more and more ragged. Inside and outside of his body, he was hurt to varying degrees. Blood gurgled from his mouth and dyed his teeth red. But his character is very hard, Leng is not a word, what he did is just hold his head with his hand, not as important parts are hurt.

While Ziyi, who was watching this scene with a breath, her eyes were already red. Her teeth were almost broken by herself. She was frightened and very guilty. The thirteen beggars in other people's mouth, who had been rescued by herself, is now suffering from such injuries because of helping herself. Her heart is really painful and desperate.

At the moment, the mood of Ziyi is in sharp contrast to Zhang Xiong. The worse he is beaten, the more comfortable he is in his heart. He wants to cry out happily. However, he doesn't cry out after all. He just calls out casually after his heart is free: "stop it!"

Of course, Zhang Xiong stopped the people he brought with him because he didn't intend to kill or maim shisan today. After all, he knew clearly that the reason why his father would stay here was that this stranger was of great importance here. Therefore, Zhang Xiongcai stopped the torture of his body. But for his thirteen dignity, Zhang Xiong should give him some color to see and rub his spirit, so that he will not be arrogant in the future.

After those people stopped, Zhang Xiong immediately stepped forward and came to shisan's side. He kicked him hard and said: "little B, cnmd, where's your cow B? It's crazy for me! Ask you something, but you say it

Zhang Xiong felt that he was not satisfied. He stepped on shisan's face and ravaged him several times. Then he said to him, "thirteen, I tell you, I haven't moved you. I really think you are just a dog. Killing you will only dirty my hands. Today, I'll let you go. Next time you dare to be crazy in front of me, you will not be so lucky. "

After that, Zhang Xiong moved his feet and showed a happy smile. At last, he looked scornfully at the dead dog's thirteen, and then turned around and walked to Ziyi.

At this time, Ziyi, simple and the last straw also fell down. She was desperate to the bottom of the valley. Her face was particularly haggard, and her eyes were even more sad. Some tears were even stained in her eyes. It can be seen that her heart is so miserable and helpless.

Seeing such a Ziyi, Zhang Xiong didn't feel any pain. On the contrary, he felt that Ziyi's appearance had a special flavor. In particular, shisan was here. He slapped shisan's face with reality to let him know that no one could hinder him, and let shisan see clearly that Ziyi, who had a relationship with him, was about to let him have fish 。

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiong involuntarily reached out his hand, stroked the sad face of Ziyi, and said with a playful expression: "little sister, don't worry, you are my man tonight, and no one can save you."

As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Xiong immediately waved his hand and said triumphantly, "take it away!"

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