In this ordinary night, normal people have already rested, but Ziyi is not the same as Ziyi. She has suffered a lot. From escaping from the villa to being chased by Zhang Xiong's people, she meets thirteen, thirteen rescues her, and then Zhang Xiong brings people to kill her. All these changes come so fast. From despair to hope, and from hope to despair, this subversive blow, to a weak woman Ziyi, is how heavy.

At the moment, in the face of Zhang Xiong's teasing, and watching his men approach him, Ziyi's heart is really like a heavy stone, she is almost forced to suffocate, her eyes are more and more red, involuntarily, she glanced at the thirteen who fell on the ground.

For this benefactor, she only had guilt in her heart. Fortunately, although he was seriously injured, Zhang Xiong finally let him go, which also made Ziyi get some relief. At present, what she should worry about is her own situation. Thirteen can't save her. What should she do next?

When Zhang Xiong's men were about to get close to him, Ziyi suddenly turned around and stumbled away. As a weak woman, she could not escape from Zhang Xiong's clutches. What's more, it was the headquarters of the five halls, which was heavily guarded. However, she was not willing to. After suffering so many days, she managed to escape from the grotto today, She didn't want to go back. She couldn't let Zhang Xiong succeed. Even if she died, she would not compromise.

Shrewd Zhang Xiong has already seen Ziyi's every move in his eyes. He doesn't worry about Ziyi's escape at all. However, Ziyi glances at thirteen before he runs away. This small discovery makes Zhang Xiong hook his mouth and show a trace of evil smile.

Now he felt that Ziyi was more and more in line with his appetite. She not only vowed to disobey herself, but also wanted to get more and more from Zhang Xiong. She was also kind-hearted. She would worry about the safety of others at such a juncture. At the beginning, she was willing to save the abandoned and dirty beggar and take care of him in the hospital It is enough to prove that Ziyi's heart has reached a certain level. This is Ziyi's advantage, but also Ziyi's fatal weakness. With her weakness, Zhang Xiong has a better grasp of Ziyi.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiong's mouth became deeper. With this smile, he stood calm and looked at Ziyi, who ran away in panic. Zhang Xiong did not move, which did not mean that his men would not move. Their previous order was to take Ziyi away. At present, Ziyi escaped. They didn't think about it at all. They started running.

These people are just like sharks smelling blood. They rush to Ziyi's body and block her way. One of them looks very obscene, and shows a cheap smile. She says to Ziyi: "beauty, it's all at this point. What can you do to run? It's better to follow our young master, to be rich and to enjoy, How happy that is

At this moment, they seem to forget how miserable they were when they were beaten thirteen times. They just forgot that they wanted to escape from the scene. At the time of these people, Zhang Xiong came slowly. He didn't blame his subordinates. On the contrary, he felt that Ziyi, who was surrounded by his subordinates and was at a loss, was very interesting.

No matter how you look at it, Ziyi is more and more attractive in Zhang Xiong's eyes. He can't help but stretch out his hand and put it on Ziyi's back.

Being touched by Zhang Xiong, Ziyi's body suddenly shakes. It's almost a reflex. She wants to escape and resist. But Zhang Xiong's people can't live up to her wishes. They consciously hold Ziyi and let their young master play their best.

Zhang Xiong, the beast like Zhang Xiong, is enjoying the resistance of his Zhang Xiong. He has his hands down. He says in a nasty way, "violet, you can't force me. This is my site. I has the final say. If you want to hurry me, I'll kill thirteen first, then ha ha!"

When Zhang Xiong said this, he not only rubbed his hands, but also his face was extremely obscene. Zhang Xiong grasped Ziyi's weakness and took advantage of it in a timely manner. Of course, he knew that Ziyi and shisan were just a chance encounter, but Ziyi's sympathy overflowed. She had looked at thirteen with worried eyes before, but completely fell into Zhang Xiong's eyes She could not bear to die because of her benefactor.

Sure enough, Ziyi, who had been struggling violently, suddenly stopped after hearing Zhang Xiong's words. She curled up like a wounded White Swan, but her shoulders were still shaking.

Seeing Ziyi's appearance, Zhang Xiong became more and more rampant. He immediately picked up Ziyi and made a sound of laughing. At the same time, his steps had already started and walked towards his villa. At the thought that he would enjoy the beauty of the machine later, Zhang Xiong's desire rose violently.

Ziyi was suddenly hugged by Zhang Xiong, and her inner panic was even worse. She was so afraid and helpless that tears had already fallen from her face. She struggled and cried, but it was no use. Here, the only one who can rely on has fallen down. Who can save her? How can she struggle, and how can she break free from the powerful Zhang Xiong.Zhang Xiong held the struggling beauty in his arms, and the desire in his heart soared even more fiercely. He liked the taste of the struggle very much, and his steps were accelerated. His people followed him and all of them were smiling.

Those people brought by Zhang Xiong just followed him. They didn't say much about this evil boy bullying a good woman. In the face of such a thing, they were more indifferent than shisan's indifference.

At this time, no one cared about the thirteen lying on the ground. Despite his extraordinary strength and fame in the underground boundary of the provincial capital, he was not as good as a dog in their eyes.

However, none of them thought that, just as they faced the victory and left with Zhang Xiong, a very weak voice suddenly sounded behind them: "wait a minute!"

Zhang Xiong and all the others were stunned by the sound, because everyone could hear it. The one who made the sound was the one who was inferior to the dog in their eyes.

At this moment, all of them had a look of surprise in their eyes. They had no idea that shisan had the strength to speak and even dared to say such a sentence. Almost at the same time, they all turned around, but they found a more astonishing scene. Thirteen, who was on the ground like a dead dog just now, actually got up from the ground. What a surprise.

But thirteen, he was really hurt very much. He was so hard to move. He didn't know whether he didn't admit defeat in his heart, or Zhang Xiong's words and actions to Zhang Xiong stimulated his nerves. He even stood up like this. No matter what, under such circumstances, it shows that he is a real madman!

Thirteen got up very slowly. Even though he stumbled and almost fell down again, his momentum was very violent. Even though his body was scarred and his body and face were stained with blood, he was still like a beast, especially his eyes, which seemed to be stained with red. In this night, it looked so frightening.

After shisan got up completely, he only said to himself, "I said, this woman, you can't move"

in this scene, Ziyi was shocked, Zhang Xiong and others were also shocked. They still can't believe that shisan could stand up after such a blow. However, Zhang's anger also rose. Zhang Xiong felt that the thirteen was an immortal cockroach, which was too annoying. He suddenly put down Ziyi, and then cursed at thirteen tears: "NMB's, it's not good to pretend to be a dead dog just now. It's not like I beg for mercy and dare to stand up!"

Finish saying, he directly angry to the people around him roared: "give me, in the case of beating him, let him completely can't get up."

As soon as Zhang Xiong's voice fell, several third-class elites closest to the madman rushed out. Under normal circumstances, they would not take the initiative to provoke shisan. But now, they have got the order of Zhang Xiong. Moreover, in their view, the thirteen at the moment is just the end of a strong arrow. It is easy to settle him down.

However, when a first-class elite, the first to rush to the front of thirteen to give him a punch, he found that he was wrong, wrong too far. It is not that he is pretending to be forced to stand up at this time, but that he really has the ability to fight again. Because, after the fist of the first-class elite hit shisan, he didn't knock down the madman. Even, he felt that his fist had hit the steel. When he looked at the thirteen, there was nothing wrong, and he directly fixed his body shape.

The reason why the elite of this level can hold his body is that at this moment, a sharp pain spreads all over his body from his chest, and his body convulses uncontrollably. Then his body suddenly falls down and his life or death is unknown.

This accident caused several other third level masters to be stunned for a while, because the symptoms of the 13th Institute had exceeded their cognition. However, they were stunned, but shisan was not stunned. As soon as he shook his arm, he hit a man's head. The man's body suddenly fell down, but shisan did not stop and attacked others again.

It was not until the madman put down three third-class and second-class elites that Zhang Xiong responded. The situation was so wrong. He quickly and loudly ordered: "Damn, what are you doing in a daze? Let's go together!"

Just now, shisan's performance not only stunned other people, but also shocked even the most powerful first-class masters. They were extremely conceited to be a first-class master. However, for a single person, they could not be confident of such strength in the face of thirteen's attack. Because of this, they forgot to do it for a while.

However, Zhang Xiong's words were a wake-up call to them. Although shisan is very capable of fighting alone, he is not invincible. Previously, shisan was beaten by the three of them. Even more, when all the people joined hands, he was beaten down in one fell swoop. Since he can be knocked down 13 times, he can still be defeated for a second time.

Thinking of this, the three first-class masters once again attacked the thirteen, and the other people around also coincidentally united to attack thirteen.However, he was indifferent. He was not a fool. How could he lose the opportunity again? The same experience would not be staged for the second time. His body movements started because there were too many people around him. He could always hit people. Every move he took was very hard. Before the three first-class masters rushed to the front of him, there were several second-class and third-class elites who could not fight again power.

This time, the madman didn't face the three first-class masters. His body began to swim. His goal was to be the second and third-class elites. In this way, Zhang Xiong's side did not gain the advantage because of the large number of people. On the contrary, because of the instability of thirteen's playing cards, they were afraid of hurting their own people and their own strength could not be fully released Come on, it's a little bit energetic and can't be used.

Gradually, one by one, the second and third-class elites were knocked down by the thirteen. The third-class elites were relatively weak and could not withstand the attack of thirteen. However, the second-class elites could not go through three rounds under the thirteen. The situation reversed after a moment

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