A subversive battle begins again. Shisan, like an immortal cockroach, always makes unexpected things. He falls down and climbs up again and again, and his injuries are not comparable to those of ordinary people. If you are more careful, you will find that shisan has not suffered any more trauma, and his original injury seems to have little impact on him. He is still the same Great strength.

The only difference is that at this moment, thirteen's eyes are really red and red, and the red is a little frightening. It seems that they can emit fire. However, the three first-class masters were not frightened by him. Now, all they have is anger. They are eager to cramp and peel skin at thirteen. The three masters unite and have no way to take an injured person. This is simply their shame.

When the three first-class masters were slightly stupefied, thirteen's action stopped. His finger pointed to the three first-order masters, and said in an extremely cold way: "now, it's your turn!"

Until this time, the three first-class masters just reflected that they had committed the great taboo of martial arts just now, that is, the Shenyou in the contest. Because at this moment, all the people of the second or third rank, including Zhang Xiong's minions, had been knocked down by thirteen. They either fainted and had no idea whether they were alive or dead, or fell on the ground, showing a look of unbearable pain.

The three first-class masters looked at each other. They saw the boundless anger in their eyes. Then, they rushed towards the thirteen. Boxing, footwork, claw, these three masters, again used their own good Kung Fu. The cooperation between the three of them is so complementary, and this time, their attack is even more fierce, it is like a storm!

However, it seems that the present thirteen is somewhat different from that before he was knocked down. Especially after fighting with him, the three first-class masters can't help but be shocked. They are shocked to find that what the madman uses is actually the Kung Fu used by the three of them. However, the three of them use three kinds of Kung Fu to attack the madman.

The thirteen footwork, boxing and claw techniques were all used by one person. If they were not still fighting, they would have been shocked. This is simply impossible.

It's not an impossible thing happened to shisan. He defeated the masters of three stages in the previous arena, entered the fifth hall, defeated the green dragon Association, and just stood up from the ground. These are almost impossible for ordinary people, but shisan has turned it into reality. What's more, shisan not only uses the attack method of three first-class masters, but also goes deep into the essence and plays with ease.

The three first-class masters, the more they hit, the more shocked they were. Slowly, they were a little bit uncertain. After taking the upper hand in the 13th leap, he used the Kung Fu he had just learned to the most incisive level. After a while, the three first level masters were a little bit unbearable.

With a bang, the first-class master who used boxing was knocked upside down by thirteen. At the same time, Shua, the first-class master who used claw method was scratched with a long scar on his face by a madman. However, the first-class master who was good at footwork was looking at the situation and wanted to withdraw from the battle circle. However, he was silent However, his body moved and chased him. He directly punched him in the back of his head. The last level one master suddenly fainted and was still uncertain.

At once, all the people in the audience were shocked, even the two first-class masters who escaped by chance. At this moment, all they had left in their hearts was the boundless fear of thirteen. However, the fear turned into fear. Now they had to do everything they could. Seeing 13 approaching them, they looked at each other and immediately turned their best The attack brought it out.

However, the three first-class masters, combined with the second-class and third-class elites, are still unable to subdue the madman. At present, there are only two first-class masters left. Moreover, they are all injured. How can they fight thirteen? Even if they all use their strongest attack means, there is no chance of turning the tables.

It's still fist, footwork and claw. Thirteen and these two purple level masters come to me. After a while, he puts them down.

So far, all the masters brought by Zhang Xiong have fallen down, and the situation has suddenly reversed. Zhang Wenyuan, who is arrogant and arrogant, is completely shocked. Let alone how surprised he looks.

At this time, Zhang Xiong had not been as proud as before. For him, the counterattack of thirteen was like falling from heaven to hell. How could things be like this? Zhang Xiong couldn't figure it out. Now, seeing all the masters collapsed, he was even more alarmed. In particular, at this moment, thirteen red eyes were staring at himself. Zhang Xiong was more and more restless. His heart could not help but thump. Now he has no mind on Ziyi. What does young master Zhang want? Only to live is the most important thing. He points to some of his men who are still standing, and orders in a panic: "quick, quick, quick, go, kill him for me! Come on

Zhang Xiong's struggle was obviously dying. He was almost starving. Even those powerful masters were defeated by thirteen. How could he be the opponent of thirteen? They were all shivering. How could they have the courage to fight with shisan.However, when they heard Zhang Xiong's order, they couldn't stay still. They had to brave their heads and stepped forward. Of course, as soon as they came forward, they were killed. However, they were completely killed by three punches and two feet.

At that moment, his fighting power was so terrible that he was like a hell Shura. His body was stained with blood, and his red eyes seemed to have a dark light. Zhang Xiong could not help but step back.

Suddenly, Zhang Xiong, who had just had unlimited scenery, instantly became a bare rod commander. All the people around him fell down, leaving only the thin one. His heart had already been startled. Seeing thirteen steps towards his side, Zhang Xiong immediately trembled, pointed to the madman, and stammered, "I, I, tell you, you, you, don't come here!"

Obviously, Zhang Xiong had already had a fear of shisan, not from his mouth, but from his heart. At the same time, he hated shisan more deeply. He was frustrated again and again. Zhang Xiong really choked down and died.

The madman did not show any movement because of Zhang Xiong's words. He was still cold faced and walked forward slowly. However, when he came to Zhang Xiong, he did not even look at the frustrated young master. He silently declared his disdain for Zhang Xiong. Then, he grabbed Ziyi's hand in a trance and said in a deep voice, "follow me!"

Come with me! Although there was no tone and indifference when the short three words were said, they were so domineering at this moment, which made Ziyi suddenly feel the most powerful masculinity. Especially, his hand was held by his big hand, and Ziyi's heart was filled with a strong sense of security.

According to the law, Ziyi will resist when a man outside of Suluo takes his hand. But at this time, Ziyi doesn't even have the instinct to resist. She seems to have forgotten everything. She just remembers that the man in front of her stood up at her most critical moment, knocked down the enemy with extraordinary strength and rescued herself in the fire and water. That's why she was right Thirteen at the moment, only rely on the feeling, as if led by him, he found the light of hope.

Zhang Xiong followed this beam of light and walked blindly. Her steps seemed sluggish, and her eyes were staring at shisan's side face, as if she wanted to see him through. For Ziyi, the thirteen in front of her was really a mystery. At the beginning, Ziyi thought he was just a poor beggar. Later, she found that he was seriously injured and could not take care of himself. Later, she met a light voice and a person who imitated Luo's mother Du regards shisan as Suluo and takes good care of him. He expects that he can be identified one day when he is sober. He hopes that the emperor will live up to the people who have the heart and make him and Suluo get along as soon as possible.

But on a wrong day, Zhang Xiong appeared, and everything changed. The disabled thirteen suddenly stood up and exerted infinite power. At that time, he beat Zhang Xiong back in the hospital, but later joined the five halls. This evening, he ignored Zhang Xiong's threat and tried his best to rescue himself. Even when Ziyi thought he was completely knocked down, he was surprised He got up from the ground like a trace and defeated so many masters around Zhang Xiong.

All of these are miracles. Ziyi can't accept it for a while. Even if she stares at the madman, she still can't see him through. Everything in him is very mysterious. However, Ziyi can be sure that shisan is not a bad man. At least, his heart is good.

Ziyi can't help but trust him, thinking that he is the light that lights up his dark heart. He makes himself see hope from the bottom of despair and has the hope to live. Thirteen, a man with a sense of security and worth relying on can escape from the grotto and find the hope of life.

The opposite of Ziyi's mood at the moment is Zhang Xiong who stays in the same place. The situation has changed too fast and the situation has changed too badly. Even though the young master has seen the world, his heart is shaking a little. You know, this is the territory of his family, which is the headquarters of the fifth Hall of the Hai Gang. However, the totally thirteen is reckless to him in his territory and takes away his woman in front of him His body was shaking with anger.

Shisan's temperament is crazy and his military force is abnormal. He subverts Zhang Xiong's cognition again and again. Originally, he sent so many experts to teach him a lesson. Later, they really couldn't get up. At that time, Zhang Xiong ravaged shisan with a very happy mind and trampled him under his feet. If he didn't know that his father had left him, he would not have gotten up Useful. He killed thirteen at that time. It was easy.

But Zhang Xiong was completely dumbfounded. In a flash, everything changed. Shisan, the dead dog, got up and beat the experts he had brought. Even a group of his subordinates were also knocked down, leaving him alone in the night, shivering in the cold wind.

When did Zhang Xiong experience this kind of humiliation? At the same time, it was the deepest humiliation he had ever experienced in his life. In particular, shisan completely ignored himself, the young hall leader, and directly took away his own woman. What a shame and what a blow.

Seeing shisan pulling Ziyi away from himself, Zhang Xiong's fists almost burst. Although Zhang Xiong was really afraid of such a terrible thirteen, he was also the head of the fifth hall and the son of Zhang Wenshan. Here, it was the headquarters of the fifth hall and his old nest. How could he endure thirteen Like in his own home to take away his own woman, this is more than in his head shits.The more he thought about it, the more angry Zhang Xiong was, and he almost went crazy. Finally, he couldn't help it. All the anger in his heart broke out in an instant. When shisan was about to leave the scene with Ziyi, Zhang Xiong, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly opened his voice and yelled: "thirteen, stop for me the hell!"

As soon as the voice dropped, Zhang Xiong rushed toward the direction of thirteen

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