Even though he was afraid of the crazy power in his heart, Zhang Xiong could not allow a dog to bully him. What's more, this is the headquarters of Wutang and the territory of his own home. He dare not do anything to himself.

What's more, just now, shisan knocked down all the people around Zhang Xiong, but he didn't move a hair of Zhang Xiong. Zhang Xiong was almost sure that shisan was not only contemptuous of himself, on the other hand, he probably didn't dare to do it himself. Thinking of this, Zhang Xiong's confidence was enough, and his inner impulse became more and more intense. When he rushed to thirteen, he caught Ziyi and said in a cold voice, "I said, I'm going to fix this woman today."

Apart from his inability to swallow this tone, Zhang Xiong really can't let go of Ziyi. He has coveted a woman for so long, but he hasn't tasted anything fresh. I can see that he can have a good time with her tonight. How can Zhang Xiong just let go?

Ziyi is suddenly pulled by Zhang Xiong, and her steps have to stop. She instinctively wants to get rid of Zhang Xiong's hand. However, compared with Ziyi, who has no strength to bind a chicken, Zhang Xiong's hand is an iron arm, and Ziyi can't break free at all.

Seeing that Ziyi was under control, thirteen also stopped. He said two words to Zhang Xiong in a cold voice: "let go!"

Two words, cold and merciless, let Zhang Xiong's heart produce a trace of fear, but soon, he suppressed the fear, and then showed a sneering face, said to 13: "it's you who should be let go, how about your strength? This is Wutang. It's my territory. After all, you are just a dog in my family. A dog dares to yell at its master and dare to take away the master's woman. You are really impatient to live. "

At this moment, Zhang Xiong regained his confidence. He firmly believed that the thirteen dog would take into account the occasion and dare not bite his master.

But shisan still did not move in the face of Zhang Xiong's insult. He repeated the meaning he had just expressed in a cold voice: "I said, let go!"

Seeing this, Zhang Xiong thought that shisan did not dare to do anything to himself. So he increased his strength and drew Ziyi to his side. He said, "what if I don't let go. If you want to know what you are and what qualifications you have to command me here, you should get out of my way. Don't do it Mind your own business

When he said this, the expression on Zhang Xiong's face became arrogant, just like the posture of the eldest son and his second son. Today, he has lost to thirteen, and this woman can't let thirteen take away. Otherwise, he will have no position in the fifth hall in the future, which is really too oppressive.

However, what made Zhang Xiong silly again was that after he said this, thirteen suddenly moved. He kicked out a foot with incomparable ferocity and hit Zhang Xiong's abdomen.

Zhang Xiong's eyes changed, showing an extremely incredible color. The dog actually bit its master. Moreover, his hands were so heavy that Zhang Xiong's waist was bent. At the same time, he could not help but release Ziyi's hand and fly out of control.

With a bang, Zhang Xiong's body fell heavily to the ground. His brain was a little confused at this moment. On the one hand, it was because thirteen pairs of them really started it. On the other hand, it was because of the pain he was suffering. Thirteen's feet were so heavy that Zhang Xiong couldn't even stretch his bent waist. However, he fell heavily on the ground, and his back was harmonious There was a close contact on the ground, which was a double blow to his abdomen and back. It was impossible for him to stand up again. He even became short of breath because of the pain.

Seeing Zhang Xiong being kicked over like this, Ziyi is shocked. She knows that Zhang Xiong's identity is unusual. He is a young master in the five halls. However, shisan dare to attack Zhang Xiong directly and fight so hard. This makes Ziyi have a new understanding of shisan. He can't use common sense to judge his work.

However, surprised to return to surprise, Ziyi's heart to Zhang Xiong is not a little pity, on the contrary, very happy. Only vaguely, Ziyi is worried about the situation after 13 days. After all, he is the eldest young master of the fifth hall, Zhang Xiong.

At this time, Zhang Xiong had already become a complaining woman, his face was distorted. After a few seconds, Zhang Xiong was as long as it had been for centuries. He still did not relieve his pain and lay on the ground, moaning.

Previously, he looked at his subordinates. Now, his own situation has become unbearable. But because of his identity, Zhang Xiong's heart is oppressed. At this moment, Zhang Xiong's eyes at shisan can be filled with endless anger. He suddenly bit his teeth, and forced himself to ease up. Then, with a towering anger, he faced Thirteen hissed and growled: "good, you thirteen, how dare you do this to me, I can tell you responsibly, this time, I promise you will die!"

This time, Zhang Xiong was determined to kill the thirteen. Before, he sent someone to knock down the thirteen. However, considering his father's plan, he didn't kill thirteen. But now, he can't care so much. When he gathers a good master again, he will humiliate shisan severely and kill him again.

However, Zhang Xiong's threat still failed to arouse any reaction from shisan. He completely ignored him and just took Ziyi's hand and quickly left the scene.His arrogance hurt Zhang Xiong's heart even more. His body and heart suffered a double blow. He could not bear it any more. When he collapsed on the ground, he suddenly raised his head and roared wildly: "ah!"

In the voice, is filled with the extreme sorrow and the anger, suppresses and is unwilling. However, the voice for thirteen, still with did not hear in general, just quickened the pace, pulling Ziyi quickly out.

However, Ziyi was shocked by Zhang Xiong's roar. On the one hand, she felt free and happy for Zhang Xiong's strangling and bending. On the other hand, she was still a little worried about thirteen. She could not resist Zhang Xiong's anger in the future, for fear that he would be really retaliated by Cao Zheng. After all, he worked under the hand of his father. However, up to now, shisan's performance is not what ordinary people can have. Ziyi can't help but believe that he can overcome all difficulties.

The night is getting deeper and deeper. Ziyi and shisan are in a hurry. From the beginning to the end, what shisan said is very few. He has always maintained his indifferent personality. On the contrary, Ziyi's expression is repeated and her heart fluctuates. Up to now, she has become a puppet and is led by thirteen.

Until the two of them went to the outside of the five hall villa area, Ziyi had some reaction. In silence, she took her hand out of thirteen's hands.

At this moment, Ziyi's mood is still a little complicated. She is going to leave here. Even if she stays here for one more minute, she will be more dangerous. Therefore, she can only escape from this dangerous area as soon as possible. She also knows that even if she escapes, she still has to stay and bear the danger alone.

Such a thirteen let Xu Nan appreciate, let Ziyi worry, at the same time, also let Ziyi full of doubts, why did he take the risk of offending Zhang Xiong, determined to save himself?

At the time of walking to the main road, Ziyi finally couldn't hold back this doubt and asked blankly to 13: "why do you want to save me?"

At first, hearing Ziyi's question, shisan's face was like stagnant water as before, but there was a strange light flashing away from his eyes. After a little meditation, he said faintly, "because you have saved me before."

This answer is simple but reasonable. Ziyi doesn't know about shisan, but she still trusts him. When she hears his answer, Ziyi doesn't think about this question any more. However, she doesn't know whether she will see thirteen any more. She can't help asking: "I know, you are one Good man, but I don't understand. How could you join the five halls? "

This is really Ziyi's biggest doubt. Ziyi can see that Zhang Xiong hated thirteen cases in the hospital at the beginning. They should be irreconcilable. From today's situation, they are still antagonistic. But why did shisan join this organization is a mystery to Ziyi?

When Ziyi asked about this, shisan's eyes were scanning the two sides of the road. Obviously, he was looking for a taxi. The area was a bit biased. It was not easy to wait for a taxi. But now, to let Ziyi leave as soon as possible, he had to stop for a taxi. At this moment, the madman's attention seemed to be all on waiting for the bus, but he also heard Ziyi's problem. However, this problem eventually made shisan hesitant. Finally, he opened his mouth and said in a deep voice: "I have something I have to finish!"

In a simple sentence, it really seems that thirteen words are like gold. Although his attitude is not enthusiastic, or even, it can be said that he is very indifferent, but his eyes are very sincere, which makes Ziyi remove this layer of doubt from the bottom of his heart. She doesn't know what the thirteen said. She only knows that if he continues to stay in Wutang, he will certainly bear a lot of pressure from Zhang Xiong, and may even be affected Zhang Xiong's assassin.

Thinking of this, Xu Nan couldn't help frowning: "I'm really sorry, I brought you trouble! But. How do you deal with Zhang Xiong in the future? "

For this problem, thirteen, like nobody else, casually replied, "I'll be OK."

Hearing this, Ziyi's heart was slightly relaxed. She also really believed that shisan had the ability to protect herself. Just as shisan finished saying this, a taxi was slowly coming from the distance, and thirteen immediately waved to the taxi driver.

Seeing that she was about to leave, Ziyi's heart was filled with emotion. Recalling the experience of these days, it was really rough, just like having a nightmare. After waking up, Ziyi was inevitably in a cold sweat, and felt physically and mentally exhausted. She deeply remembered that the suffering she suffered in these days was obviously not a little girl could bear. Fortunately, Ziyi was one Strong woman, therefore, will not be defeated by this cruel situation.

The appearance of shisan gives Ziyi great light. He is just like a hero in the world. He has immortal body and extraordinary strength, which makes Ziyi escape from such a terrible hell. Although Ziyi has ruled out the idea that shisan is Suluo, after today's event, Ziyi has more feelings for shisan, which is a kind of implicit Sense of dependence, feel that he can be incomparably safe.

Now, to be separated from the thirteen, Ziyi's heart can not help but some melancholy, but, no matter how to separate, from now on, can only pray for their own peace.Unconscious, the car has stopped by Ziyi's side. Thirteen seconds later, he walked to the side of the car, opened the door for Ziyi, and said faintly, "girl, I'd like to advise you that it's a mess here. It's not the place for you to stay. If you want to live, you should leave quickly!"

Although thirteen's voice is still very cold, Ziyi can feel that he is caring about himself, which makes Ziyi's heart rise a wave again, and his feelings for this thirteen are different and complicated.

With this trace of complex feelings, Ziyi raised her head, looked at thirteen with her meaningful eyes, and said gratefully, "thank you, goodbye!"

In fact, Ziyi wanted to say a lot to shisan, but she didn't know what to say when she opened her mouth. Moreover, the time was pressing. Ziyi knew that she couldn't delay any more. So, after expressing her gratitude, Ziyi immediately got on the bus.

But when Ziyi slightly turned the lower body, her whole person suddenly froze, because, in the 13 side rear, under a big tree is standing a woman, still secretly staring at himself.

This woman is not familiar with Ziyi, but her deeds are still fresh in Ziyi's memory, because she is the woman who once had a great hatred with Suluo, and the woman who changed Suluo's life path, Lin Shihan.

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