For these news, shisan did not care too much, he has been in his villa, no one to disturb him, but.

In the afternoon, deputy hall leader Zhang Wenyuan found thirteen and gave him a task. Zhang Wenyuan said that the task this time should be to make up for the mistakes made by the thirteen yesterday. Thirteen had no choice but to accept it.

This task has something to do with the development of Wutang's power. A few days ago, the members of the Qinglong Club attacked the courts and night bars of Wutang. Today, shisan's task is to fight back against the green dragon Association. However, it is not for the thirteen leaders to carry out large-scale invasion operations, but for shisan to carry out alone and assassinate the vice-chairman of the green dragon Association.

Zhang Wenyuan told 13 some key points. Tonight, the vice president of the Qinglong club, the target, will have a banquet in a KTV club called Tianya. That is to say, the characters, time and place have been made clear. On the 13th, we must take this opportunity to kill the vice president of the green dragon Association.

The KTV is the venue of the Qinglong club. It is a distance from the villa area of Wutang. In the evening, after nightfall, shisan changed into a black suit, mounted a motorcycle and roared straight to the destination.

However, just a short distance out of the villa area, after a forest, shisan's heart suddenly appeared a strong sense of crisis. As if to verify shisan's keen sixth sense, suddenly, a car motor roared from the woods, and then a car came crashing towards him from the opposite side of shisan.

This change has come so fast, but shisan has already reflected that he is in ambush. However, his motorcycle still keeps the trend of rapid progress. It is obviously too late to brake, and there are trees around, so it is impossible to turn around.

The speed of both sides is extremely fast. In one or two blinks of an eye, the car will collide with the motorcycle. At the most tense and critical moment, shisan gets up all his strength and jumps to the side.

Bang, the motorcycle and the car crashed into each other and made a loud noise. However, thirteen, who jumped off the motorcycle, could not pay attention to anything else, because his body was still rolling on the ground to cushion his inertia. After a while, his figure was slightly relaxed, but before he noticed the situation in the stage, he was attacked by a very sharp punch on his side.

The enemy came so fast that he was caught off guard and had no chance to dodge. However, as soon as shisan was standing up, another figure appeared in the other three directions around him. With a breath of terror, these three figures formed a suffocating encirclement with the man who hit thirteen from four directions.

All of a sudden, these four people made shisan feel a strong sense of oppression. Just by the breath released from each other, shisan realized that they were all masters. It seemed that everyone's strength was no less than the first-class masters of the fifth hall. Not only that, they also faintly exuded the smell of blood, which was the kind of bloody blood that has infected countless lives This makes them feel more bloodthirsty.

Thirteen clearly felt that the four men were ready to ambush here and take their own lives. Because, without waiting for half a minute to breathe, or even allowing him to think for one second, the other side launched a fierce attack from four directions.

In front of the thirteen, the man who attacked him first was a man with a broad face. He almost rushed to thirteen in front of him and punched him. Thirteen have no time to think, subconsciously they set up their own arms. In front of myself.

Bang, No. 1 man's iron fist, hit thirteen's arms, immediately, thirteen's body staggered back to retreat.

However, the number one man hit thirteen, did not stop at all, and continued to attack him. At the same time, people from the other three directions also quickly attacked thirteen, and the situation of thirteen became precarious in an instant. He was in a passive state, and the enemy's action was too fast, forcing shisan not even to have a chance to look at the other side. He could only glance at him with his spare light. Seeing that the other side rushed to himself like a mirage, shisan suddenly changed his figure and rushed to a man on his right.

Even though none of these four people is a good master to deal with, staying in the same place will only make him a turtle in a jar. At that time, it is impossible to quit. Thirteen only decided to attack the scarred man on the right.

Scar man's body is not powerful, but it is also tall. Seeing thirteen rushing towards him, his original forward steps immediately stopped and put forward the posture of intercepting thirteen. At the corner of his mouth, there was a cold smile.

For a long time, shisan didn't show the ability of speed. However, this time, he soared to the extreme speed, almost a sprint, and he came to scar man. Surprisingly, shisan did not punch or foot scar man, but he used his body directly to hit the other side. His action is so overbearing and powerful.

Seeing the scar, he couldn't help but be a little stunned. However, he lost the opportunity to fight shisan. However, he wanted to dodge, but it was too late. So he had to bite his teeth and stand up and confront shisan.Bang, thirteen, like a fast train, suddenly bumped into scar man. This is absolutely self-interest and harmful to others. In a flash, both shisan and scar man felt a force of bravery that spread from each other's bodies. Their bodies fell down at the same time. For a moment, both of them felt deadly pain.

Seeing this scene, the other three people who killed thirteen were shocked. This move was really crazy. However, thirteen was worthy of being thirteen. In addition to his great strength, he also had a strong perseverance and endurance. Even though his body was in pain, he knew that this was an opportunity for himself. Suddenly, his eyes showed a fierce strength and took advantage of another The other three people have not attacked, while the scar man on the ground has not responded, he fiercely a tiger pounce, sat on the scar man's body, with lightning speed, suddenly broke his hand, directly broke the scar man's neck.

After shisan solved the scar man, he rolled on the ground, escaped from the encirclement of the other party, stood beside his broken motorcycle, and coldly looked at the remaining three uninvited guests

from the feeling of crisis, to the collision of cars, to the siege of thirteen, and finally to the murder and breakthrough, all of these are the same It's as fast as a flint.

However, this scene shocked the remaining three people. These three people, as well as the Dead Scar man, were masters of the fourth hall and elite of the hidden group. They followed Fu Gang's instructions and lurked near the headquarters of the fifth hall, waiting for an opportunity to test thirteen, or kill thirteen directly. But they waited for more than a day, but they did not wait for the madman to come from the five hall The only time I walked out was at the side of the road at the entrance of the villa area last night to send a woman away. However, the location was also within the scope of the five halls, so the people of these dark groups did not get close to it.

And tonight, they finally seized the opportunity to see thirteen riding a motorcycle out of the five halls, so they immediately raided the nearest forest.

However, they did not expect that the four of them took such a swift and violent attack that they did not kill thirteen at one stroke and let thirteen escape from their encirclement. In such a short time, thirteen killed one of their companions. Seeing that the scar man was killed, the remaining three elites could not help but tighten their nerves and raised their vigilance to the highest level. However, they didn't stop there. No one dared to disobey Fu Gang's orders. In addition, thirteen's bravery stimulated their inner sense of war. Normally, they would take this opportunity to meet the rumored thirteen.

In this way, they were in opposition to thirteen. For a while, both sides didn't do anything, and the atmosphere suddenly became a bit oppressive and weird. No one dared to look down on the other side, so they were not willing to take the lead.

Time, minutes and seconds passed, thirteen showed an extremely indifferent state. He did not have any fear in his eyes, nor the excitement after the killing. He showed the same as usual. In the end, the three elites of the dark group could not bear the indifference of thirteen and took the lead in launching the attack.

The first one who moved was a man in the middle, who was the first man to hit the madman. He had a big drink, and his body was incomparably swift and violent. He rushed toward thirteen. When he was two meters away from thirteen, he was ready to give his fist again.

At first, shisan did not have the opportunity to avoid. He blocked with his arms and got a heavy blow from him. However, this time, he had already broken through the encirclement of the other party and had a lot of space. Seeing that the No.1 man's momentum was rapid and boundless, shisan did not choose to accept this time, but quickly transferred his body.

No. 1 man's fist, flying from the side of thirteen. At this time, the attack of the other two also came. A man with a moustache gave thirteen a powerful flying leg, while the other one with dark skin opened his hands and went towards thirteen.

However, shisan did not pay attention to the two men. After he dodged his body shape, he did not move again. It seemed that these two extremely rapid attacks did not attract his attention. Thirteen was aimed at man No. 1. In an instant, shisan hit the other man's neck, fist and neck with an iron fist Son hand over the voice, so crisp, a man's body, suddenly was hit to fly out of the side.

At the same time, his body fell to the black side of his fist, and at the same time, the third man fell to the ground like a black beard.

The three members of the secret group cooperated with each other very well. Although they did not speak, their attacks were so coherent that they could not get rid of the joint attack of the three of them even though they were of high strength. However, the No. 1 man, who was hit by 13, found that his arm, which had been hit by 13, couldn't exert his strength. While he was in severe pain, he felt a little strange. Thirteen did not dodge the attack of the other two. Unexpectedly, he was about to abandon himself. Thinking of this, his heart immediately rose to a towering anger.

With this anger, the number one man rushed to thirteen in an instant. At the same time, the little Hu Zi man also accelerated his pace and caught up with him.

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