At this time, thirteen is still being beaten by a black man with one punch and one punch. The only thing thirteen can do is to stretch out his arm to protect his head. When the other two celebrities are about to attack, the thirteen who is already in the downwind. At this time, the madman is more in the downwind. If he delays for another second, he will only be ravaged and will face death directly.

However, at this most urgent moment, shisan suddenly gave out a cry, and despite the black man's fist, he raised his whole body strength. Suddenly, he turned over and ran away from the other side's crotch.

The thirteen who broke free was really like a madman. The intense pain made him gasp like an ox, while the crazy one had to endure the pain and bombarded the black man with his fist.

Shisan's fist was heavy, powerful and fast. It broke out for a while. The black man couldn't bear it. The two of them reversed in an instant. However, when the black man couldn't bear thirteen's violence, a trace of blood came out on his back, and his clothes were cut and left behind A bright scar.

It turned out that it was the other side's moustache who picked up a piece of broken glass from the ground, and took the opportunity to scratch thirteen, but thirteen was quick enough to react. Otherwise, he would not have been injured so simply.

In such a moment, shisan took off his body shape from the other side for a distance. He clenched his teeth tightly, and his bad breath came out of his nostrils. His eyes were coldly scanning the three masters.

The three elite members of the dark group looked at each other, and the number one man, who had been beaten by thirteen, was still numb. Suddenly, he said in a deep voice: "he's very difficult to get around. Let's go together and make a quick decision."

As soon as the man's voice dropped, the three of them stormed toward thirteen. In the face of the joint attack of the three masters, such a scene is so familiar to the thirteen. Last night, they successively responded to the attacks of three first-class masters. Is that not the case?

Thinking of this, thirteen's mouth actually showed a trace of sarcasm. These three masters. Although he is better than the three first-class masters he played yesterday, it does not mean that the thirteen will be afraid.

When the opponent's fist and foot and glass attack together, shisan blocks and retreats. Indeed, the strength of these three masters is not covered. Thirteen has been attacked by them a lot, and even there is a scratch on his arm caused by glass. And, not long after that. Thirteen retreated to the car that attacked him. At this time, thirteen had no way to retreat, but his action was also neat. He turned over and turned back to the car. At the same time, with a bang, man No. 1's attack failed and hit the car on the engine hood. Suddenly exposed a pit, it can be seen that the strength of the No. 1 man is he Qimeng.

However, shisan just jumped into the car, he didn't even give the other party a chance to react. Instead, he did a somersault and jumped down from the car. Moreover, this time, he fell behind the three great masters. Even though shisan didn't even stand still, he grabbed the neck of moustache and hit the car. In this moment, thirteen No Knowing what he had done, he had already taken the broken glass from moustache's hand, and then inserted it into the back of his head.

At this point, two of the four elites of the other side have died, and the remaining two elites are slightly stunned. However, shisan, taking advantage of their astonishment, suddenly pounced on the black man and knocked the black man to the ground. Then, his fists fell again and again. Soon, thirteen's fists were stained with blood, some of which were his It's the black man. At this moment, the face of the black man is completely different. It's full of breath and less air intake. What he does is just struggle before he dies.

This is the last act of the man. This change is really too fast, not because these dark elites don't react fast enough, but because the attack of No. 13 is too fierce, and there is no chance for people to react. The remaining No. 1 man, one arm has been temporarily disabled, and he can't make any strength at all. After seeing 13, he puts down another person. His eyes have been fixed on himself, and his heart finally feels one A deep fear, his feet, uncontrolled backward, and then, suddenly turned around, he used the strength to milk, want to run away from the scene.

At this moment, the number one man's heart, not only very afraid, but also incomparable regret, the four of them could have simply tested the skills of thirteen, but they were determined to die for thirteen. Now, the situation has changed dramatically, and retribution has come so quickly.

With this fear and regret, man No. 1 held back his greater strength and ran as hard as he could, but he had not run far away. Suddenly, he felt a strong wind coming from behind him. Without waiting for him to respond, he kicked his foot violently on his back, and the body of man No. 1 suddenly fell down.

The man who came after him like the wind was exactly thirteen. His movements were so neat. One second, he kicked man No. 1, and the second later, he went straight forward, rubbed and twisted the neck of man No. 1.

After killing the four elites, he walked away from here without even looking at them. From the beginning to the end, he didn't say a word. He didn't even ask the other party what the reason was. From the moment these men attacked him, he judged the other party's death in his heart.So big scene, so far a mess, dark group of four elite, lying on the ground, no breath of life, the air, seems to be filled with the smell of blood. And the person who made this massacre, shisan, has quietly left the scene.

In the shadow of thirteen just disappeared in the night, a strange dark shadow, quietly came out from the nearby woods.

This dark shadow is not someone else. It is the white grandfather who has rescued Suluo for many times. The white grandfather under the night looks mysterious. He has no image of a country old man. He just stares at the place where thirteen leaves with his dim eyes.

At this moment, he did not rush to follow Suluo, but turned around and walked to the bloody battlefield. He looked at the wounds of the lower dark group experts. After a while, the expression of white grandfather moved. His dark eyes seemed to emit a trace of light. His mouth also could not help murmuring: "Suluo, you are really more and more interesting to me!"

An hour later, the provincial capital, Wutang headquarters, Fu Gang's villa.

At the moment, he was sitting upright in the chair in the study. In front of him stood a straight man. This man, in his early 30s, looks very ordinary at first sight. At most, it gives people a deep feeling. However, if you study it carefully, you will find that he is extremely introverted. His manner and momentum are like a quiet beast. Especially his eyes are shining with bloodthirsty light. This man is the first cadre under Fu Gang, that is, the dark group The leader of the team, Cowan.

At the moment, Fu Gang is negotiating with Wen Wen Wen about the martial arts competition with Wutang the day after tomorrow. The candidates for the contest at Wutang are already very clear, that is, thirteen. The contestants from the four halls are the No.13 of Kewen. Recently, there has been a lot of controversy in H Province. In particular, last night, 13 beat Zhang Xiong in the headquarters, as well as three first-class masters. For this well-known and powerful opponent, Kewen's heart is not only not afraid, but full of expectation.

In the study into a brief silence, suddenly, a knock on the door sounded. Fu Gang, quick in mind, seemed to think of something. At the moment, he said, "come in!"

The door of the study was opened, and a member of the dark group came in flustered. Seeing Fu Gang and Wen Wen Wen, he said respectfully. Then he immediately reported: "hall leader, group leader, the four dark group experts we sent to stare at 13 are dead!"

Speaking of the last three words, the voice of this member of the dark group trembled. Obviously, his heart, up to now, still can't accept this fact. He is just an ordinary member of the dark group, but he is very clear about the strength of the four dead masters. Their strength is outstanding in the dark group. He has always faced the four Master, only look up to share. However, the four beings that he looked up to all of a sudden died, and they were killed by the thirteen of the five halls.

This news also shocked Fu Gang and Kewen. They had expected the strength of thirteen for a long time. However, they didn't expect that thirteen was so strong that they killed four masters in the dark group by their own efforts.

Each of the elite masters in the dark group is extremely valuable to gang. At present, four elites are lost overnight. At the same time, Fu Gang's heart is filled with rage.

But standing on the opposite side of Fu Gang, ke'en is also very angry. There is a trace of fierce killing in his eyes. He says in a cold voice, "thirteen, I will make you pay for your blood debt."

It was almost at the same time that the story of killing four dark group masters by thirteen forces was also spread in the fifth hall. The news was first heard by Zhang Wenyuan, vice leader of the fifth hall.

After getting the news, Zhang Wenyuan went to meet his elder brother, Zhang Wenshan, without any stop. At this time, Zhang Wenshan was visiting his son in Zhang Xiong's room.

For his only son, Zhang Wenshan's heart, although some hate iron is not steel, but after all, he is a piece of flesh in his heart. Zhang Wenshan loves him very much. Because Zhang Xiong's mother died early, Zhang Wenshan dotes on his son. No matter what he does, he will follow him.

In recent years, only yesterday, Zhang Wenshan didn't explain to Zhang Xiong about the thirteen. Therefore, in Zhang Xiong's room, he enlightened and told him the importance of thirteen to his own plan. I hope Zhang Xiong can understand the Revenge of a gentleman and the mood of ten years later

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