Now, Zhang Xiong's injuries are not so serious. However, his inner wounds can not be healed. In particular, the fact that he was beaten thirteen times has been spread out, which makes Zhang Xiong feel more humiliated. This kind of humiliation, confined in Zhang Xiong's heart, almost drives him crazy.

As long as he is a big enemy, mute for thirteen days, Zhang Xiong's heart knot can not be untied. Therefore, Zhang Xiong said his dissatisfaction with his father almost without thinking: "Dad, I understand what you said, but you let him go so easily when shisan made such a big mistake. Is it true that thirteen is such an important tool?"

Zhang Wenshan certainly knows his son's thoughts and his son's sufferings. At the moment, hearing his son's grievances, Zhang Wenshan's indifferent face also shows a trace of love. He said in a slow voice, "Daxiong, you are my only son of Zhang Wenshan. How can I not care about you? I come to see you now to tell you clearly, thirteen, don't provoke him recently. For the time being, we can't touch him. "

Hearing Zhang Wenshan's words, Zhang Xiong was not only not relieved, but more depressed. Why? It's hard to count the time when shisan joined in. In his own family, the eldest young master still depends on shisan's face? Although Zhang Xiong also knew that his father wanted to use thirteen, he was extremely depressed just to make use of it and make his son so humble.

Cao Bao, just looking at Zhang Xiong's manner, knew what his son was thinking. He was about to open his mouth and continue to comfort his son. However, by this time, Zhang Wenyuan had already walked in from the outside.

Zhang Wenyuan looked at Zhang Xiong, and then directly said to Zhang Wenshan, "elder brother, in a forest not far from our five halls, thirteen killed four dark group experts of the fourth hall."

It sounds like Zhang Wenyuan is reporting a piece of information, but his manner and tone indicate that his heart has been extremely shocked up to now, and Zhang Wenshan and his son are even more stunned when they hear Zhang Wenyuan's words.

Zhang Wenshan naturally knew that the four dark group masters might have been sent by Fu Gang to test thirteen. Their strength must not be underestimated. To Zhang Wenshan's surprise, the four masters were killed by shisan himself. Moreover, shisan has not come back. This shows that after killing the four men, shisan is not a big problem Is to continue to carry out the task he assigned.

Zhang Xiong on the other side is surprised that he can't even close his mouth. How strong does it take to kill the four dark group experts in the four halls? At this time, Zhang Xiong found that the gap between his own strength and that of shisan was growing. Between him and the madman, it was an insurmountable gap. It's the jealousy at this level that makes Zhang's resentment against shisan more profound. The hatred in his eyes became more and more clear.

Zhang Wenshan was worthy of being the leader of the hall. He was shocked. But soon, he came to his senses. He was a little happy. Because the fact that he killed four masters by himself was enough to show that he had a good fight with the leader of the secret group, Wenwen Shan. Now, Zhang Wenshan has a little more confidence in the coming key contest.

However, Zhang Wenshan also knew that at this time, he had to worry about his son's mind. So he directly faced Zhang Xiong, who was angry, and said in a meaningful way: "don't worry, son, thirteen must die. It's just a matter of time."

Tianya KTV club, in H Province, is definitely one of the most popular entertainment places. Every night, it is very busy and full of people. There are countless people who spend a lot of money here, but there are no exceptions. In this club, all the people who come in and out are people with identity and background.

The Tianya nightclub tonight, in addition to the usual lively, but also a trace of unusual flavor, that is, rigorous. Compared with the usual, the number of people watching and security has increased a lot. Because, just this evening, the vice president of the Qinglong Association, Mo Qinghai, will come here in person to entertain an important guest.

The status of the Qinglong club in H Province is also deeply rooted, and its reputation is not small. The vice president of the Qinglong association is naturally a very precious identity. What's more, Tianya nightclub itself is an industry under the name of Qinglong club. Therefore, today's guard is particularly strict. Even some well-informed businessmen and celebrities from all walks of life want to see the honor of Mo Qinghai, Or he is waiting for the opportunity to make friends with him. He also deliberately chooses to spend in Tianya nightclub tonight.

At about ten o'clock, a line of neat luxury cars formed a long line and stopped at the gate of Tianya. Then, one after another, men in black suits stepped down from the car. The last one came down, which was particularly special. He did not wear black suits like other people, but wore a white suit and a bow tie. He looked like a gentleman and elegant demeanor. This man is the vice president of the Green Dragon Association, Mo Qinghai. The other men in black suits are his men.

As soon as Mo Qinghai came, the security guards and the people watching the venue stood aside respectfully and welcomed him with the most respectful attitude. Even some customers who came to spend money also consciously made way for the road and stood aside to enjoy the legendary style of namo Qinghai.However, what is surprising is that after getting off the car, Mo Qinghai did not immediately come to the club. Instead, he went to a car and opened the door of the car to meet the people in the car.

It is obvious that the people on the bus are the guests of the banquet hosted by Mo Qinghai tonight. It is enough to show that the people on the bus are of the same dignity.

In an instant, a woman in a white dress stepped out of the car. This woman has a perfect figure. If you don't look at her face, just look at her figure, you can't help but be obsessed. And her body, more invisible, exudes a noble atmosphere, which can only be viewed from a distance, but dare not profane it. The only pity is that this woman is wearing a hat, covering her face, which makes people wonder what kind of face such a perfect and elegant woman has.

However, the noble woman did not care about other people's views. As soon as she got out of the car, she walked with Mo Qinghai side by side in the road opened by the public, and walked toward the Tianya nightclub.

The other security guards are respectfully walking behind them, thinking about their incomparable dignity.

At this moment, Mo Qinghai's face with a brilliant smile, like prince charming, and he was wearing a white dress around the noble woman, is such a match. Almost everyone's eyes were focused on the two of them. When they entered Tianya, someone immediately led them to the most luxurious box.

Time, passing in silence, the most luxurious compartment in Tianya nightclub. In the world, Mo Qinghai sits majestically on the sofa and opens his arms. At the moment, he has a sense of imperial hegemony. But the emperor's mind, but in his side of the woman's body, today, he wore a white suit, in fact, is deliberately for it, in order to match the woman around him.

However, the woman around him, but let Mo Qinghai have a kind of invisible feeling, even to the box, she is still wearing a hat, even Mo Qinghai himself, up to now have not seen her front, Rao is so, Mo Qinghai for this woman showed the profile, has been deeply intoxicated.

Originally, as the vice-president of the green dragon Association, Mo Qinghai could find any kind of beautiful woman he wanted. But now he did not dare to make a mistake in the face of the woman who was regarded as a special object by him. In particular, the identity of this woman made Mo Qinghai have a deep fear in his heart. Even though he did not dare to do anything out of the ordinary, even if it was so big There were only two of them in the box.

The only thing Mo Qinghai can do is to talk with this woman, and at the same time, make the best of the friendship between the host and toast constantly. Of course, in his heart, there is also a hint of hidden purpose, that is, to intoxicate the woman in front of him to realize his desire.

But it has to be said that this woman's drinking capacity, just like her people, is so deep that her eyes are a little bit drunk and hazy, but the woman has no sign of being drunk. In desperation, Mo Qinghai had to order another drink.

Before long, a waiter knocked on the door and entered. Then, he opened the wine respectfully and put it on the table.

However, Mo Qinghai, who was absorbed in women and was slightly drunk, did not notice that the waiter who came in was wearing a mask. Such a small role would not let him care. At the moment, he did not realize that there were any signs of danger. He just felt that if he drank it again, his body would not be able to hold on.

Driven by the drunkenness, Mo Qinghai's courage to let go, his body, also followed the woman sitting on the sofa. Mo Qinghai has always been proud of himself. He thinks that with his own appearance, no woman can be conquered by him, even if the woman's identity is more extraordinary than him. What's more, although he drinks more than this woman, he doesn't believe that this woman will not be drunk. Since she has not refused to drink with herself, then maybe she will not refuse her inner meaning.

However, did not wait for Mo Qinghai to approach the past, suddenly, has been sitting on the sofa of the woman, suddenly cold between a big drink: "be careful!"

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