Although shisan was too brave, he was the only one in the end, and the number of enemies was countless times more than that of him. The attack was just the arrival of one after another. What's more, these enemies, either Miaomiao's bodyguards or Mo Qinghai's guards, were not comparable to ordinary gangsters. They were all extremely powerful masters, although shisan was on his own Force, better than them, but to face so many experts surrounded, he is difficult to deal with.

In particular, he still has Miao Miao's dagger in his back waist. His strength, with the flow of blood, is constantly volatilized, and with the continuation of the battle, it is constantly consumed. Gradually, thirteen's body added a lot of trauma, whether it is the fist, or the leg, the enemy's strength is very big, the waiter carried it hard, his forehead, sweat, and even, his hair was soaked in sweat, and his body was shaking, as if he could fall at any time.

Even so, he did not give up, he completely relied on his own perseverance, in the effort to support. His eyes are full of perseverance, but they are clearly mixed with fatigue. Suddenly, his eyes suddenly show the color of extreme pain.

It turned out that it was the man with long hair who took advantage of the chaos and kicked him on the back of thirteen, which made his body stagger forward involuntarily. This foot was impartial. It was right next to the wound with the dagger in it. It made his wound bleed a trace of blood, and the pain was more unbearable. Even, he could not help but snort.

At the moment when he was stumbling, the enemy in front of him and on his side took advantage of this opportunity to launch a fierce attack on him.

At this moment, thirteen just wanted to support his body. It was so difficult, let alone avoid these attacks. Those people's fists fell on him crazily. His body, as if he had been hit by several heavy hammers, fell down on the ground severely, and a bloody gas gushed up his throat. One hundred and thirty-one didn't resist it, and then he vomited Blood, blood dyed his mask, suffocating his breathing some difficulties.

But he did not get a chance to breathe, several people on the other side in his fall, mercilessly pressed him, and gave him a few punches. Finally, after the reversal, thirteen completely paralyzed. He lay on the ground, his breath became very weak, and his attacker did not kill him again, because, as everyone knows, this waiter is not the real waiter here, but the killer pretends to be. He killed Mo Qinghai and must be taken back for interrogation.

Also at this time, a slightly fat figure, into the private room inside. This is a middle-aged man with a beer belly. The light from his eyes shows his shrewdness. This man is the speaker of Tianya nightclub, named Chen Da.

In fact, Chen Da arrived outside this box early in the morning. Although he is the head of this room, he can't compare with Vice President Mo Qinghai in Qinglong Association. Now that Mo Qinghai is dead in his own field, how can he sit down? Just now, there was a battle between life and death in this private room. It was a battle between masters. Therefore, he did not come over immediately. Instead, he sent someone to check on Mo Qinghai and put his body away by the way.

Now, seeing that the assassin was knocked down, Chen Da finally couldn't help it. She quickly walked to the 13 feet on the ground. After confirming that he was no longer capable of fighting again, Chen Da squatted down and asked the waiter in a cold voice, "say, who ordered you to come?"

For the death of vice president Mo Qinghai, Chen Da must give an account, otherwise, his end will be very miserable. It is with this idea that Chen Da can't help uncovering the mask on the waiter's face while asking questions. After a while, Chen Da reveals the true face of thirteen in front of everyone.

This is a very cold face, because of the excessive blood loss, his face color, and his lips, are pale and a little terrible, and he just vomited a lot of blood on his face, white and red, very frightening, also very sad.

Such a ferocious face shocked all the people in the hall. Some of them recognized the face of thirteen and knew the identity of the waiter. It was thirteen of the five halls!

The name of shisan is very loud recently. It has been spread wildly by people in the underground world of H Province. Of course, the Qinglong Association knows more about his name. Last time, the Qinglong Association sent a large force to attack the court under the five halls. It was shisan who helped to turn the tide and defeated them. Almost everyone in the Qinglong association was deeply impressed by shisan and hated him to the bone. Therefore, as soon as the people of the green dragon Association saw this face, they immediately thought of their strong enemy, thirteen.

Suddenly, Miaomiao's bodyguards didn't react too much. However, many people couldn't help talking about it.

"The thirteen of the five halls turned out to be him. No wonder his skill is so strong. It seems that the rumors are true, but his courage is really great."

"Dumb thirteen, sure enough, a man as his name is, is really too arrogant to die alone!"

"We were assassinated by the vice president of the 13th party, but we didn't think that we had been assassinated at the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of China last time"Well, thirteen this time, no matter what, he will die. However, he eventually killed the vice president. This matter is too important. I think it should be handled by the president!"

The last person's words hit Chen Da's mind. The killer was the thirteen of the five halls. Although it was a little unexpected, it was also reasonable. After all, there was a feud between the five halls and the green dragon Association, and the thirteen really had the ability to take on the big responsibility.

At present, Chen Da did not hesitate, and immediately said, "tie up the thirteen for the president to deal with!"

As soon as the voice dropped, Chen Da took out his mobile phone, stepped back to one side, only to dial a number. At the same time, some people came over and tied up the dying thirteen. Even though thirteen did not seem to be able to fight back, they still tied him up firmly.

However, at the beginning, he said a word to Miaomiao at the beginning, and then he did not speak a word. Now, he has been recognized as a lamb who has been slaughtered. He is not moved. On his red and white face, there is no redundant expression.

However, Miaomiao on the other side, at the moment when she saw shisan's face, her heart suddenly burst into two times. There was a sense of panic. In her mind, she could not help but appear a face, Suluo.

When Miaomiao first saw Su Luo when she was a child, she had a deep dislike for him. Maybe it was because Miaomiao liked to be lonely. Maybe it was because she had some mental cleanliness. In the end, when she saw Su Luo, she didn't get angry. It was also because his first impression of Su Luo was so bad that he became more and more disgusted with him. In particular, he deprived himself of himself His father's love made Miaomiao hate him to the extreme. However, with the passage of time, Miaomiao saw more of that ugly face, and gradually got used to it. Later, she actually scolded Su luochou with prejudice. In fact, she was not particularly exclusive in her heart. She just hated him for too many years and could not change for a time.

Until Su Luo was forced to jump out of the building, Miaomiao picked up the broken hairpin and slowly paid attention to Suluo. She gave up all her prejudices, went to understand Suluo's heart and found her advantages. Unconsciously, she took the attention to Suluo as a habit. She put all of Suluo's into her heart. She found that she actually fell in love with her Yes, solo.

Miaomiao is a woman who dares to love and hate. If she loves, she will be domineering. For this love, she will not hesitate to go to Suluo's wedding to make a big fuss because the woman she married is not herself. Although Miaomiao is finally hurt by Su Luo, she is very clear in her heart that she will never forget Su Luo.

as like as two peas, dislike the thirteen of them, and the same face with solo, they are so familiar and disgusting that they feel so shocked that they feel the same as their own first time when they were young.

Just, think about it carefully, this thirteen skills are much better than Suluo. Moreover, Su Luo has undergone plastic surgery and has become not ugly. However, why does the shadow of Su Luo linger in Miaomiao's mind?

All of a sudden, Miaomiao suddenly remembered the scene that thirteen killed her. At that moment, shisan clearly wanted to kill her, but at the most critical moment, shisan did not kill her. At that time, Miaomiao found that there seemed to be a trace of complexity in shisan's eyes. At that time, Miaomiao had no mind to care too much. He just wanted to subdue the murderer as soon as possible. However, when he thought about it now, Miaomiao could not restrain a trace of doubt in his heart. That is, this dumb thirteen is very likely to be su Luo!

At the same time, this suspicion is accompanied by a sense of panic. Miaomiao finds that even if only one in ten thousand of this doubt can come true, Miaomiao can't forgive himself. After all, it was she who had killed Mo Qinghai and could have left safely. She obstructed shisan's way of life and gave him a knife of 131, which finally brought him to such an end.

Thinking of this, Miaomiao's inner panic is even worse. At this moment, the most urgent thing she wants to know is to confirm whether thirteen is Su Luo or not.

At this time, Chen Da, who had finished the phone call, had already come from the side. He looked at the bound thirteen and said in a cold voice, "first, put him in custody. The president decided to come over in person."

When she heard this, Miaomiao was more anxious. For a moment, she even ignored her own identity. She stood up directly and said in a deep voice, "you all go out first. I have something to ask this person!"

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