Chen Da and those guards of Mo Qinghai suddenly heard such a sentence, and they could not help being surprised. You know, shisan killed their vice president, but Miaomiao and shisanshu did not meet. Why did they ask shisan? However, although they were puzzled, they also knew that Miaomiao's status was extraordinary. Even their president was polite to see her. Today, vice president Mo Qinghai hosted a banquet for her. She had the right to ask for such a woman, but they did not have the right to disobey. What's more, Miaomiao's attitude is so resolute that they can't even ask her for a moment.

After pondering for a long time, Chen Dacai asked the people of the green dragon Association and the guards of Mo Qinghai to follow him out, leaving this space for Miaomiao. They could stay outside the door.

But Miaomiao's request is more than that. After the people of the green dragon Association went out, she drove out all the bodyguards around her, until only she and 132 people were left in the huge box, and Miaomiao walked slowly to the thirteen.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the private room is very quiet, so quiet that Miaomiao can almost hear his own heartbeat. Her heart seems to be entangled with a thousand emotions, but more excited. With this excitement, Miaomiao finally comes to shisan's body. She takes a deep breath, and then she whispers to shisan: "are you Suluo?"

She asked directly enough to show how eager she was to know the truth in her heart. However, the bound thirteen did not respond to Miaomiao, and even did not say a word. His eyes suddenly became extremely cold and looked at Miaomiao coldly.

Such a thirteen makes Miaomiao's heart more difficult to touch. She is a little puzzled. Thirteen looks at her eyes. What does it mean? Is it to blame yourself or to be hostile to yourself?

Thinking of this, Miaomiao is more and more uncertain whether this thirteen is Su Luo. She is a little anxious, and she can't help but say again: "if you are su Luo, you should admit it quickly. If you are his, I can find a way to get you out of the way. Otherwise, when the president of the green dragon association comes, you can't go if you want to go!"

When she said this, Miaomiao lowered her voice very low, but her tone was obviously a little anxious. This was completely different from that of the arrogant and domineering Miaomiao. It can be seen how much she wants to confirm her suspicion. It seems that as long as the thirteen in front of her eyes admit that she is Suluo, she will be reckless and even will not need any verification, and will directly let go of thirteen 。

After hearing Miaomiao's words, shisan's cold eyes slightly softened. In such a moment, a color that was not easy to be detected passed through his eyes. It seemed that he was moved by Miaomiao's words. After all, Miao Miao is the only one who wants to save his life at the moment. Otherwise, when the president of the green dragon association comes, he will not be able to save himself.

However, there is still some kind of concern in shisan's heart. It is this kind of concern that keeps him silent. He seems to have his own faith in his cold and merciless machine. He has a firm belief that he does not care about his own life and death. Maybe this belief is deeply rooted, which makes him not choose to make a living for himself immediately. Even if he knew that once he admitted that Miaomiao would really save him, he did not immediately respond to anything.

Time, as if frozen in this moment, the box is still very quiet, only Miaomiao's slightly rapid breathing sound, and thirteen lingering voice, this voice is too small to hear, finally, in this silence, the seriously injured thirteen ready to speak.

But in the next second, before thirteen had time to make a sound, there was a small sound outside the box. At the moment, it could spread to the quiet compartment. It seemed that some important person was coming. The member of the brotherhood waiting at the door saluted the man, and the visitor was about to walk towards the box.

Because of this reason, shisan just took back his words when he was about to speak. At the same time, his eyes changed instantly and became more indifferent. Even his cold face became a little ferocious. He looked at Miaomiao coldly with some gloomy air and said in a deep voice: "whore, ungrateful thing, I would have killed you if I knew I would have killed you."

When he said this, although shisan's body was tied up and could not move, his eyes showed no hidden intention to kill him. It seemed that he hated Miaomiao so much that he wanted to kill him quickly.

With the fall of thirteen words, the box door suddenly opened, and a very slender figure came in from the door. This is a man who is nearly 40 years old. His facial features are not clear under the weak light. However, he exudes a kind of awe inspiring dignity. He is wearing a black windbreaker, a pair of camouflage casual pants and a pair of military boots. His body is extremely powerful and powerful, which is released from his body That kind of uncontrollable ferocity, even if ordinary people just saw him in the street, I'm afraid they would not dare to look at him. This man is the president of the green dragon Association, Mo Qinglong.

I didn't expect that Mo Qinglong's arrival was so fast and direct. It seemed like a gust of wind. As soon as he entered the door, he first scanned his eyes with his sharp eyes, and then he looked at the corpse of Mo Qinghai, which was placed on one side. As for the murderer 13, he automatically ignored it. His eyes, only tightly staring at the dead Mo Qinghai.At the moment, the trauma on Mo Qinghai's throat, and his white suit, which was stained by blood on his chest, looked a little frightening under the light, but in Mo Qinglong's opinion, it was so eye-catching that his anger in his chest could not help but surge up.

Mo Qinglong didn't say anything. He walked slowly, stretched out his hand and closed Mo Qinghai's wide open eyes. At this moment, Mo Qinglong's angry eyes seemed to exude a trace of desolation.

Most people only know the identity of Mo Qinghai and he is the vice president of the Qinglong Association. However, few people know that although Mo Qinglong and Mo Qinglong have different names, they think they are brothers, but they are not. There is another relationship. Mo Qinghai is the younger brother of Mo Qinglong's family.

In the past, there was no vice-president of the Qinglong Association, and Mo Qinghai's strength did not seem to be vice-president. However, it was precisely because of the kinship between Mo Qinglong and Mo Qinglong. In addition, Mo Qinglong was the confidant of Mo Qinglong and the military adviser of the Qinglong Association. Therefore, Mo Qinglong made an exception to promote him and make him the vice president of the brotherhood 。

Mo Qinglong recalled that over the past few years, the Qinglong association has been able to achieve such rapid development, and even has a considerable position in such a complex territory of underground forces in the provincial capital. His younger brother's contribution can be attributed.

At present, Mo Qinghai was killed by people, and still died in his own territory. How can Mo Qinglong swallow this breath? How can he not be sad? All of Mo Qinglong's grief turned into anger. In a flash, Mo Qinglong stood up, his momentum changed, and his fright just now reappeared. Without saying a word, he took two or three strides to the front of shisan, kicking out an extremely cruel kick to shisan.

For a moment, thirteen's body was like a sandbag, flying backwards, and finally hit the wall with a loud noise.

Originally, shisan was badly hurt and then he suddenly suffered a kick from Mo Qinglong. In an instant, shisan felt that all his internal organs were broken. His mouth was uncontrollably spouting a large mouthful of blood donation.

At the moment when his consciousness was almost hazy, Mo Qinghai flashed to the madman at a high speed and looked down at him. At the moment, Mo Qinglong was exposed with a terrible murderous spirit. His eyes overlooking shisan are full of frost like cold air.

With this murderous spirit, Mo Qinglong drank to shisan: "good, your mother's thirteen. I haven't settled accounts with you for the last time. You dare to seek your own death today and run to my field to kill people!"

Mo Qinglong's murderous spirit envelops shisan fiercely, which makes shisan's breathing more difficult. He is so weak that his eyes are somewhat lax, and he has no way to respond to Mo Qinglong. Miaomiao on one side sees that shisan has become so miserable, but she no longer has that worry. Her eyes look very calm, as if he doesn't care about the life and death of shisan 。

Indeed, at the beginning, when she thought that thirteen might be su Luo, Miao Miao's heart was bound to panic. She was very worried that she had sent Su Luo to the netherworld by herself. Therefore, she was so eager to ask thirteen, but after thirteen's ferocious face denounced herself, Miaomiao immediately became convinced that the thirteen could not be su Luo.

At such an extremely urgent moment, if thirteen was solo, he would admit that only by doing so could he gain vitality.

But in the end, he not only did not admit it, but also said that to Miaomiao, which made Miaomiao's heart feel relieved and her doubts were eliminated. In fact, when you calm down and think about it carefully, there are too many differences between shisan and Suluo. It is impossible for them to be the same person. At that time, Miaomiao was only afraid that shisan was Suluo, so he was worried.

Now, Miaomiao doesn't care whether the thirteen is kind to a woman or surprised by her appearance and doesn't kill him. Anyway, Miao Miao doesn't care about his life and death. This unprofessional killer deserves to die.

Therefore, she did not look at more than thirteen one eye, directly aimed at the murderous Mo Qinglong and said in a cold voice: "why does this person take such a big risk to assassinate the vice president?"

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