For Miaomiao, Mo Qinghai is an important figure for their organization to use here. It is precisely because of this that after killing Mo Qinghai on the 13th, Miaomiao ventured to stab the assassin in the 13th to catch the assassin. Fortunately, her Kung Fu was not in vain, and shisan was finally arrested. At the moment when he showed his true face, Miaomiao was completely caught up in the conjecture of Su Luo. He did not pay attention to the identity of the assassin. He only vaguely heard his name was thirteen. At this moment, Miaomiao thought that he could thoroughly understand the identity and motivation of this man.

But Mo Qinghai suddenly heard Miaomiao's question, his heart couldn't help tingling. Although he knew that his cousin had died, now, Miao Miao said the fact. He was still in deep pain. His body could not help shaking. If it was not for his strong willpower and his violent temper, he would have given thirteen on the spot It's torn.

Mo Qinglong responded to Miaomiao's question with a little calming down. He said, "he is a member of the five halls. The last time we raided their field, it was he who killed them suddenly that we were defeated. Now he came to assassinate, he must have been instructed by Zhang Wenshan, the leader of the five halls."

At this point, Mo Qinglong's anger can't help but ignite from shisan to Wutang. The murderer's death is hard to escape. Zhang Wenshan, who instructed the thirteen, is also unforgivable in Mo Qinglong's mind. After all, shisan is just a machine, a machine that only obeys orders and ignores life and death. The real culprit is the five halls of the Hai Gang and Zhang Wenshan.

Thinking of this, Mo Qinglong couldn't help but let out a fierce anger: "Wutang, Zhang Wenshan, I will ask you to pay the price of bleeding!"

After hearing Mo Qinglong's angry words, Miaomiao didn't say anything more. As a murderer, she knew very well that it was necessary for the two factions to fight against each other. As the murderer's thirteen, though tragic, it was his life, and he deserved more than his death.

But Mo Qinglong, who had finished speaking, did not look at the decadent thirteen one eyes again, and drank in a cold voice: "come on!"

Immediately, those who were waiting at the gate of the green dragon Association came in. They stood respectfully aside, waiting for the order of the eldest Mo Qinglong. Mo Qinglong pointed to thirteen and said in a cold voice, "put him in a sack, and I will let him sink to the bottom of the sea!"

For such a cold-blooded killer, Mo Qinglong also knows that there is no need to talk nonsense with him. It is obviously impossible to get valuable things from thirteen mouths. What he urgently wants to do now is to kill thirteen in the most cruel way, so as to relieve his hatred. He deeply knows that shisan is now very famous in Wutang and is a big red man beside Zhang Wenshan.

Today, he personally executed thirteen, which was a loud slap in the face to let Zhang Wenshan know that their green dragon association was not easily provoked, and the consequences of offending them were a dead end. At the same time, it also showed that the battle between him and the five halls was officially opened.

On the other hand, when Mo Qinglong's subordinates heard this order, they could not help but be shocked. This is the most cruel way for Qinglong to treat the enemy. The thirteen will be suffocated alive and will clearly feel the process from life to death. This is a process of extreme pain. Of course, no matter how painful they are, they will not have any compassion. All they have to do is to carry out the orders of the president.

At that time, someone found a sack and put the bound thirteen into the sack. After the strapping was firm, they immediately carried him to the car downstairs.

From Mo Qinglong's entrance to the present, there is no expression, no voice, no appeasement, no plea for mercy. It seems that he is ready to accept the death sentence. Such a person is really a machine, a madman, and no one can understand his ideas.

After shisan was carried away, Mo Qinglong didn't leave immediately. He made an account of Mo Qinghai's body. Then, his eyes turned to Miaomiao, slightly guilty, and said, "Miss Yang, I'm afraid that such a thing happened in my meeting today. Please forgive me. Now it's too late. If I'm sorry I didn't greet you properly, I'll give you a new dinner some other day. "

Miaomiao knows that Mo Qinglong is angry now. It's very polite to say such a thing to herself. So, she doesn't mince it. She responds directly: "it's OK. You're busy first."

Smell speech, Mo Qinglong nodded his head, then also followed to walk downstairs. Since Mo Qinghai is dead, people can't be reborn after death, but Mo Qinglong can only let go of this tone when he sees the thirteen deaths with his own eyes.

Half an hour later, several cars of Qinglong Club drove to the wharf by the river. After stopping, several men in black came out of the car. They were neat and cold. The air around them was infected with the atmosphere of killing. Among these people, the first one was wearing camouflage combat uniform. He was the president of the green dragon Association, Mo Qinglong.

The night was already very deep. The night wind blew the hair in front of Mo Qinglong's forehead and brought up his deep emotion. He did not speak. He quietly took out a cigarette and lit it for himself. At the same time, his men carried a sack from the trunk and carried it to Mo Qinglong.

Among them, a man in black untied the sack in front of Mo Qinglong. Suddenly, shisan's face was exposed. At the moment, shisan had passed out. His pale face, pale lips and dripping blood on his face showed that he was so miserable.But no one in the scene felt sympathy, all felt that he was dead and dead. When 13 holes were exposed, one man had brought a large stone and put it in the sack. Then, they tied the sack firmly again, waited for Mo Qinglong's order.

Mo Qinglong did not immediately order, until the beginning to the end, he was smoking smoke, cold eyes at all this, quiet river, some of the quiet some terrible, only the howling night wind to make a whine, and also take the river with the sound, make a sound of cheering.

When Mo Qinglong's cigarette was finished, he flicked his finger, and the cigarette butts crossed an arc in the air and fell into the river. Meanwhile, the silent moqinglong finally opened his mouth. He only said two words in cold voice: "do it!"

This voice was so strange on such a quiet night. In this strange atmosphere, all people stood still in place. Only two thick figures walked to the side of the sack with 13 and boulders, and then lifted the bundle of extremely strong sacks, and threw it towards the vast river.

Poop, sack fell into the river, made a sound, splashed a wave, then, sack suddenly sink to the bottom of the river.

The next day, the vice president of Qinglong society, Mo Qinghai, was killed in Tianya nightclub in the 13th day, and was executed by Mo Qinglong, the president of Qinglong Association. These two things, combined, were totally considered as a major event. The news, in the underground world of H Province, was spread wildly.

Originally, the reputation of thirteen in the underground of the provincial capital was very loud, and his enthusiasm was in a very high state. Now, there are two more major events about him. How can we not let the whole city crazy?

Although outsiders don't know the details of the incident, at first glance, people suddenly hear the news, they still feel horrified. 13. He was brave enough to assassinate the vice president of the Qinglong society in the venue of Qinglong society. What's more, the thirteen was successful. What shocked people most was that a generation of shining stars fell down, and the name fell The thirteen who make noise for a while actually died.

For his death in the bottom of the river. Some people think it is normal to be arrogant to be caught in the territory of others. He kills and lives and lives up to the rest of his life. Some people also feel sad for the death of 13. Since then, there is more legend in the underground world of the provincial capital, but less one legend.

The news is spreading very fast and causing a great sensation. But many people are only the listeners. Even many of them have not seen what 13 looks like. From 13 to 13, it is just a flash in the pan.

For others, however, the news has a considerable weight.

Zhang Wenyuan, the deputy head of the five halls, was in charge of the intelligence work in the five halls. The next morning, he also received the news. At first, he did not believe it. He went to the villa where he lived in person to check whether the thirteen came back. When he found that the room was empty, he felt the seriousness of the matter immediately, almost forcing him to feel the seriousness of the matter Can not wait, he went to his big brother, zhangwenshan.

Anxious Zhang Wenyuan, can not care big brother and his wife alone, directly came to Lin Shihan villa, after entering the house, Zhang Wenyuan did not have nonsense, saw his brother, and slightly took a congealed way: "brother, accident, 13 last night to assassinate Mo Qinghai, but not back, but outside, there is already news in the dissemination, 13 killed killed Mo Qinghai, and now not back, and outside, there is news in the dissemination, 13 killed Mo Qinghai, but then was executed by Mo Qinglong. "

Zhang Wenshan, who reversed luanfeng overnight with Lin Shihan, had a little tired on his face. But at first, when he heard Zhang Wenyuan's words, he was frozen when he was tired and settled down. Even, he was always surprised at many things. He stood up from his seat in shock and said in doubt: "what do you say? 13 he died? "

Zhang Wenshan's heart, for the death of 13, in fact, did not care so much, but thirteen died in this bone eye, which really makes Zhang Wenshan worried, for him, now is a very important emergency, thirteen is absolutely not dead, so, a time, hearing Zhang Wenyuan, he is a little bit of a bit of a disbelief, after all, this is just that he does not want to accept That's the fact.

Zhang Wenyuan saw his brother so, but only helplessly nodded. For his brother to use 13 to do the stepping stone, his deputy hall leader was certainly the most clear. At the beginning, he saw the strength of 13, and brought 13 in. At present, the day when the four halls and five halls agreed to compete, there was only one day left. Thirteen is his biggest He was not anxious about the bet.

However, Zhang Wenshan is worthy of being the leader of the five halls. After a short shock and unbelievable experience, he gradually faced the reality. Since the underground world is spreading such news, it is proved that the news is not a bland wind, and it is also a good explanation that the 13th has not returned to the present.

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