However, the death of shisan means that he is going to make use of the thirteen plan and declare bankruptcy completely. For a time, Zhang Wenshan, who was as stable as Mount Tai, was also depressed. He was immersed in this frustration alone and did not speak for a long time.

The hall suddenly fell into a dead silence. For a long time, Zhang Wenyuan took the lead in breaking the silence. Facing his elder brother, he said with guilt: "elder brother, it was my arrangement to order the thirteen to assassinate Mo Qinghai. Now, although Mo Qinghai is dead, but thirteen is also dead. I'm afraid that the martial arts contest between us and the four halls is in suspense. It's all my fault. You should punish him Punish me

When he said this, Zhang Wenyuan was already in a state of regret. At that time, he just couldn't let out his anger at the attack of the Qinglong Association. He wanted to repay each other and kill their vice-chairman, which was also a test of shisan. Now, although Mo Qinghai is dead, a generation of war god shisan is also dead. This is simply not worth the loss.

However, as for Zhang Wenyuan's words, Zhang Wenshan only slightly waved his hand and said with deep heart: "it's not your fault. In the five halls, your orders have always been equivalent to mine. I have hated the green dragon Association for a long time. However, it is rumored that Mo Qinghai is not sharp. With the strength of thirteen, even in the field of the green dragon Association, it should be successfully completed The mission is, do you know what happened in the middle of this, what led to thirteen after the killing. He was killed by Mo Qinglong. Is it true that Mo Qinglong was also present at that time

After listening to the elder brother's words, Zhang Wenyuan shook his head, saying that he did not know. Before, he kept coming to report, and had not had time to investigate the specific details. Zhang Wenyuan pondered for a moment and said, "elder brother, I will investigate this matter now, and I will find out thoroughly."

With such a sentence, Zhang Wenyuan left the hall, while Zhang Wenshan sat down on the chair again. His eyes became deep. Obviously, he was lost in meditation.

However, neither Zhang Wenshan nor Zhang Wenyuan noticed that there was a man at the corner of the hall who listened to the conversation between their brothers just now. This man is Zhang Wenshan's Canary and Lin Shihan.

Lin Shihan couldn't see through the thirteen all the time. Originally, she suspected that shisan was Suluo, but shisan was too unfathomable. She tried two times in succession, but she didn't find out anything. Up to now, she was not sure whether her doubts were true or not. However, she didn't expect that shisan died like this. For a while, Lin Shihan didn't know his heart. What is the taste, happy have, regret, also have.

Almost at the same time, in the base camp of the four halls, the leader of the dark group, Wen Wen, knocked on the door of Fu Gang's study. When Wen Wen enters the door, Fu Gang is sitting at his desk with two pictures in his hand. One is a picture of thirteen and the other is a picture before he came to the city.

Fu Gang is very smart, especially his insight. His eyes are like the golden eyes of the monkey king. He seems to be able to see through everything. When he saw thirteen at the first sight that day in Wutang, he thought of Suluo. Although he dispelled the doubt that thirteen was Suluo at that time, now, he thought of them both People's photos are put together for comparison. Deep in his heart, Fu Gang suddenly feels that they are more and more alike.

Although, in Fu Gang's opinion, shisan is a bit unfathomable and quite different from Suluo, Fu Gang's intuition tells him that this thirteen has something to do with Suluo. If shisan didn't participate in the martial arts contest, Fugang would not have been so interested in him. Now, he has been involved in the martial arts contest. Fu Gang, who is careful, can't help but fight against him A thorough investigation was made.

When Kewen came up to him, Fu Gang finally moved his eyes from the photo and focused on him. He was about to tell him about it, but he was impatient to report: "master, thirteen is dead!"

Hearing this, Fu Gang's face immediately showed an incredible color. Even the photo in his hand fell to the ground. He had already ignored these two photos, and said suspiciously to Wen Wen: "how did he die?"

Cowan suppressed his emotions and told Fu Gang what he had heard in detail.

After listening to Wen Wen Wen's words, Fu Gang was shocked again. He knew that thirteen was powerful and crazy. Otherwise, the four masters of his secret group would not be killed by the madman at one stroke. However, he did not expect that shisan dared to go to other people's territory to kill people. Moreover, he really killed Mo Qinghai.

After tilting for a moment, Fu Gang's sense of shock slowly dissipated. He couldn't help laughing and said, "ha ha, God has helped me! This thirteen is arrogant and arrogant. Even if he is killed, he deserves to die. I'll have to see what he zhangwenshan can do with me in the contest tomorrow. "

Fu Gang's inner joy was all shown on his face. This news directly dissipated his heart's pain because of the death of four powerful men. However, when he died on the 13th day, he didn't care about the relationship between Suluo and him, leaving the two photos on the ground.

Wen Wen, standing in front of Fu Gang, sneers at him. Originally, he had great expectations for the contest with 13. Now, he has no expectation. Once the contest is won tomorrow, the four halls will soar into the sky, and his position will rise with the tide.In the evening, Zhang Wenshan was sitting alone on the sofa in the hall of Wutang headquarters. The day was fleeting. All day, Zhang Wenshan was depressed. He saw that tomorrow was the appointed time to compete with the four halls. He was worried about it.

It was at this time that Zhang Wenyuan came in with a gloomy face and said to Zhang Wenshan, "elder brother, I have found out that the real cause of the death of thirteen is also the key, which lies in the guests of the banquet in Qinghai."

Hearing the speech, Zhang Wenshan's eyes narrowed and a sharp edge burst out of it. He asked in a cold voice, "who?"

Zhang Wenyuan responded in a deep voice: "a woman, this woman does not seem to be from the city, she is very mysterious, very special identity, even Mo Qinghai is respectful to her, and my people found out that when the thirteen assassinated Mo Qinghai, only he and this woman were in the room."

Hearing this, Zhang Wenshan's eyes suddenly became deep again, and his expression once again fell into a state of secrecy.

While Zhang Wenshan was worried about shisan's death, young master Zhang was completely happy about it. He also got the news of thirteen's death. For Zhang Xiong, the news was the antidote to his frustration and depression these days. It was great good news. He didn't expect that his big enemy would die without paying much attention. Zhang Xiong suddenly felt that he was still there A mountain in his heart was unloaded, which made him feel extremely free. With this joy, Zhang Xiong went to have fun with his dog legs that night.

At the moment, the night is deep, and one day has passed since the 13th death. However, the news still has a great sensation. Even some people who are not on the road have heard the news. What a coincidence is, a single woman here, also unexpectedly know the news. This woman is Ziyi.

The night before yesterday, Ziyi was safely sent away from the villa area of Wutang by shisan, but she did not listen to shisan's suggestion and left the provincial capital directly. Although, she also knew that she was a woman without power, power and dependence. It was not easy to find Suluo in the provincial capital. She knew how dangerous it was for her to stay alone in the provincial capital, but she had made up her mind that she would not leave until she found Suluo.

Even thirteen's persuasion could not change Ziyi's determination. She didn't even know the life and death of Suluo. How could she go back to live secretly on her own? Therefore, no matter how difficult the situation was, she still chose to stay carefully in the provincial capital and secretly look for Suluo.

In fact, there is a small reason why she doesn't leave here. She feels a great sense of security from 13 when she helped herself in Wutang. It seems that where he is, there is room for survival. This also makes Ziyi, who is alone in the provincial capital, feel less lonely.

Of course, Ziyi is not stupid, will not ask for trouble, will not go to thirteen trouble. In order to be safe, Ziyi is very cautious in the provincial capital these two days. She dare not make too much publicity. In any aspect, she is extremely low-key.

However, this evening, when the city lights up, Ziyi ate in a small restaurant, but unexpectedly heard about the thirteen deaths.

At the beginning, Ziyi thought that she had heard something wrong. In her opinion, thirteen was a miracle. He had extraordinary strength and steel body. He was surrounded by so many experts in the five halls the night before yesterday. He could escape from danger and even knock down the other party. How could he die like this?

When Ziyi side ears listen carefully to other people's words, her body, completely frozen, her heart seems to have thousands of emotions in stir, stir her stomach pain, this moment, purple has been completely determined. And he died, and he was bound up in sacks, and went down with the stones to the bottom of the river.

This fact, let Ziyi for a long time can not accept, for a long time, she suddenly stood up, quickly settled the account, and then flustered out of the hotel, stopped a car, straight to the river.

To the provincial capital, the only river, Ziyi looked like a demon, looking for thirteen along the river, but until she came to her feet and legs were sour, and did not see a person's shadow. Finally, Ziyi realized that the miracle happened once, twice, but not the third time. No matter how hard she tried, she could not find the final miracle.

At night, the riverside, with a gloomy breath and a terrible wind, attacked Ziyi, but she didn't feel afraid at all. She just stood by the river side like a puppet, looking at the vast river in the distance.

There was no movement on the river, but it seemed that Ziyi saw a face. It was a face of incomparable indifference. At the beginning, the face was dirty and looked pitiful. Later, the face was washed clean and often wore a silly smile. There was no impurity in the smile. It was so simple. Finally, this face was indifferent or indifferent, But purple obeys this indifference, read out the deep human sentiment.

However, let Ziyi heart suddenly tremble is that the face in front of her began to blur, slowly, slowly, slowly and completely disappeared. At this time, Ziyi found that her eyes had been covered with a layer of deep fog

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