Zhang Wenshan looked around warily, and no one attacked him again. But at the same time, he found that although he had defeated the four masters of the other side, his people had lost miserably. At least 40 or 50 people fell to the ground, including two more first-class masters, and more people of second-order and third-order. Even standing people, most of them were injured slightly or heavily, and few were in good condition. Moreover, as the battle went on, more and more people fell on their side.

This time, Zhang Wenshan's anger suddenly soared and his eyes widened. He didn't expect that the green dragon Association, which had always been ignored by himself, had such fighting power. If it hadn't been for this fight, he might not have discovered it. At this moment, he was almost sure that the green dragon association must have found some powerful foreign aid, otherwise, he could not have beaten himself so miserable.

Qinglong will have foreign aid. What about its own side? If it was not for the situation on the spot, Zhang Wenshan would have taken out the phone and scolded Fu Gang.

Just as Zhang Wenshan's anger rose, a loud roar came from the periphery of the battle: "kill the scum of the green dragon association!"

Finally, someone came. However, it was not Fu Gang's person, but someone who had been assigned to other venues before. Zhang Wenshan recognized the voice, which was made by his brother Zhang Wenyuan.

Zhang Wenyuan brought all the other members of the team, and there were a lot of them. With the participation of these people, the pressure of the elite of the five halls who followed Zhang Wenshan's side was greatly reduced. Zhang Wenshan's heart was finally relieved. However, before he could get excited, a figure came to him from the camp of the youth dragon Association.

This man, dressed in camouflage combat uniform, is the president of the green dragon Association, Mo Qinglong.

Zhang Wenshan looked directly at Mo Qinglong with his round eyes, and said in a cold voice, "Mo Qinglong, today, I will not let you die!"

In the face of Zhang Wenshan who wanted to get out of control, Mo Qinglong was still indifferent. Even if Zhang Wenyuan, the other party's leader, came to the scene with a large group of people, he did not change his color. He even took a mobile phone in his ear and dialed it in his ear. He said to Zhang Wenshan, "is it? I want to see who can't die

With Zhang Wenshan said such a sentence, Mo Qinglong said to his mobile phone: "now, you can come out!"

Hearing the speech, Zhang Wenshan was stunned and thought, is there any successor in the green dragon association?

This idea bloomed in his mind, and Zhang Wenshan's heart couldn't help being stunned. But at this time, Mo Qinglong had already thrown away his mobile phone. He took off his camouflage jacket and showed his vest inside, which showed his strong figure. Then, he said to Zhang Wenshan extremely domineering: "Zhang Wenshan, don't think that if I don't fight with you, I'm afraid of you Knowing what you're fighting for is just trying to catch me, or kill me directly. Now, I'll give you this opportunity. "

As soon as the words fell, Mo Qinglong threw his clothes to one side, and his figure was also a run-up. He jumped suddenly and kicked Zhang Wenshan with flying feet.

Zhang Wenshan was immersed in the words that Mo Qinglong said to his mobile phone for a moment. Only when Mo Qinglong attacked, did he leave his mind. But at this time, it was too late for him to escape. Suddenly, he stretched out his arms and crossed his body to block.

When Mo Qinglong's leg kicked on Zhang Wenshan's arm, he made a dull sound. Zhang Wenshan was forced, and his body moved backward two steps in succession. With only this move, Zhang Wenshan had reason to believe that Mo Qinglong did have arrogant capital.

At this time, a sound of fighting and shouting came out from the rear of the crowd. This situation verified the phone call of Mo Qinglong. It turned out that he really had a second hand. This time, the situation of the five halls once again became precarious.

Zhang Wenshan was so angry that he was so frustrated that he could not do anything in the battle today. The only thing he could do was to take Mo Qinglong. After he settled down on this doctrine, Zhang Wenshan suddenly shook his head, put aside his mind, and rushed to Mo Qinglong wholeheartedly.

After the two men really fight together, Zhang Wenshan finds that Mo Qinglong's strength is so terrible. Although Mo Qinglong can't suppress him, it is almost impossible that he wants to win Mo Qinglong. Both sides have tried their best, each of them has hurt, but in the peak, Mo Qinglong has the upper hand 。

At this moment, whether it's the fight of the boss or the people below, it's all white hot. The huge bar door seems to emit a murderous air. The fallen people moan in pain, and the people standing fight loudly. The vast night sky is full of endless noise. But in these noises, suddenly, a series of very harsh voices are given It's covered.

This harsh sound is the siren of the police car, and the whistle is getting louder and more complicated, indicating that a large number of police are approaching here.

After such a large-scale fighting, no matter the Wutang or the Qinglong Association, even though they have personal connections, they dare not stay here. Especially the members of the Qinglong Association, who are the active attack party, are on the verge of the police coming, and they immediately become the one who takes the initiative to withdraw.However, the people of the green dragon association are neat and plain, and they are not messy.

And Mo Qinglong, at this time, he has been separated from Zhang Wenshan. He is obviously very unhappy with the arrival of the police. With this anger, Mo Qinglong roared to Zhang Wenshan: "Zhang Wenshan, this is your life. Today, this is just a lesson for you. Our business is not over. Wait, I will kill you myself!"

The war ended. On the other side of the river, Ziyi was still quiet in the memory of the death of the thirteen. Looking at the river, her beautiful face seemed to be in a trance, as if she had forgotten the time. Suddenly, an untimely voice sounded, breaking the quiet picture. It was an ugly man with Zhang Xiong coming.

In the night, Zhang Xiong was full of spring breeze. He walked with a relaxed step and said with a laugh: "there is no place to look for in broken iron shoes. It takes no effort to get here. I didn't expect that the little beauty is really here!"

With that, Zhang Xiong gave the ugly man a "well done" look. Then, his eyes turned to Ziyi again. At this time and here, Ziyi is the only one in this situation. For Zhang Xiong, heaven helps him.

After a while, Ziyi was like being electrified for a moment. She suddenly woke up. When she turned to see Zhang Xiongzhi, her eyes immediately showed a color of horror. She never thought that in such a deep river, she could meet Zhang Xiong, a scum.

Now, the people who help themselves are dead, and those who bully themselves are in front of them. The fate is so funny that Ziyi's heart has fallen to the bottom. However, Ziyi knows too well that she has no time to panic. If Zhang Xiong and Zhang Xiong catch her, she will not even have the chance to threaten her death. Almost subconsciously, Ziyi runs away Get up.

But, silent night, desolate River, there are so many hungry wolves behind, where should Ziyi escape? How can we get out of their clutches?

This moment, despair of Ziyi, the brain suddenly flashed a solemn and stirring idea, that is, jump river.

In such a situation, she deeply knows that she must not escape Zhang Xiong's palm. Since fate has forced her to such a Jedi, she can only choose to commit suicide. In Ziyi's opinion, she would rather die in the river with thirteen than be defiled by Zhang Xiong.

However, Ziyi, after all, is a weak woman. It's not easy to run. However, Zhang Xiong's dog legs have played their role thoroughly. Before Ziyi gets close to the river, they quickly run to Ziyi and block her way.

Zhang Xiong, however, was not in a hurry to approach Ziyi. As he walked, he said softly: "Ziyi, thirteen is dead, and no one can help you. What else do you want to think about? As I said, you are my man. Today, you have no way out. If you don't obey me, believe it or not, I can handle you on the spot. "

Say, Zhang Xiong leak out extremely obscene smile, the voice falls, Zhang Xiong and Ziyi distance become closer, and Zhang Xiong's face, appear more licentious.

Ziyi wants to escape, but she is blocked by Zhang Xiong's doggies, and there is room to escape. At this moment, Zhang Xiong can't help but cry out: "help, there is no one, help!"

This is a person in the most desperate moment can not help but instinctive reaction, Ziyi now can not even commit suicide, see Zhang xiongchao closer and closer, she has no choice but to cry for help.

When Zhang Xiong heard Ziyi's cry, he became more excited. He could not help but rush forward. But just as Zhang Xiong's body suddenly tilted forward, a car horn suddenly sounded.

The voice, on the quiet river bank, seemed particularly loud and clear. It was sharp and could almost pierce the eardrum. In an instant, Zhang Xiong stopped moving, and Zhang Xiong's dog legs all showed their inexplicable color.

In despair, Ziyi seemed to hear the sounds of nature. She suddenly saw a ray of hope. With this hope, Ziyi's eyes immediately looked at the source of the voice.

At the same time, Zhang Xiong and his henchmen all turned their heads and looked at the place where the sound was made. There was a luxury Rolls Royce parked on the road not far away

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