This luxury Rolls Royce, in such a deep and wide roadside, looks so eye-catching, but in Ziyi's eyes, it really looks like a bunch of the most dazzling light, shining her heart bright and bright.

However, in Zhang Xiong's eyes, the car is a disgusting thorn, which is really too eye-catching. At this moment, when Zhang Xiong saw this eyesore, he could not help but burst out a fire in his eyes, and his heart was filled with anger, which made him very uncomfortable.

In Zhang Xiong's breath, Rolls Royce's driver's seat and passenger's seat door, almost at the same time, two figures came out.

The two men were resolute in face, tall and straight, and dressed in stiff suits. They looked very gentlemanly. However, their resolute faces did not show any expression. After getting off the bus, the two cold men walked straight towards Zhang Xiong and others.

Zhang Xiong and his henchmen are also characters who have experienced the wind and rain. With their eyesight, it is natural to see at a glance that these two people who came down from the Rolls Royce are extraordinary. But they didn't take it seriously. Where is this? In H Province, Zhang Xiong, the young master of the five halls, is here, which means that this is their territory. The previous 13 is an exception. As for other people, they really don't care too much.

Seeing that the two people of the other side went straight to this side, they didn't mean to stop. The ugly man beside Zhang Xiong couldn't help shouting: "Hey, I warn you, it's none of your business. Don't ask for trouble!"

The threatening words were released, but the two people didn't care as much as they didn't hear them. They didn't even stop. They didn't change their cold look.

Seeing them like this, Zhang Xiong's henchmen immediately realized something. They did not wait for Zhang Xiong's command, but went forward in tacit agreement, and stopped two cold men. They were made to stop at last.

Zhang Xiong on one side was still worried about whether these two people would have any future and destroy their good deeds. Seeing that they stopped, he subconsciously thought that the other side was afraid. Immediately, he said in a cold voice, "there's no business for you here. Go away quickly!"

Zhang Xiong's words were dignified, but to his surprise, the two cold men did not mean to go away. They were still standing there, especially their eyes, which did not even blink.

At this moment, Zhang Xiong's heart seemed to be frozen. He had no patience at last. He gave a sign to the man under his opponent. Immediately, the ugly man took the order and hit one of them with a heavy blow.

The ugly man's punch, with a very strong force, almost exerted his whole body strength. What he wanted was to knock down one pretender in front of him with one punch, and then hit another, so as to get rid of them as soon as possible, so as not to get in the way here.

The ugly man's punch was about to hit the other side, but the other side didn't move. At this moment, Ziyi's heart on one side could not help mentioning her voice. In her eyes, she couldn't help showing the color of worry. However, in an instant, Ziyi's eyes were enlarged, and all the worries in her eyes were replaced by shock.

She almost didn't see how the cold man did it. The ugly man, full of momentum, suddenly flew out and fell on the ground, never to get up again.

The ugly man is really fast to come and go. When Zhang Xiong saw that he suddenly ended up in such a situation, he immediately got angry. Zhang Xiong had been bullied by thirteen for several times. In recent days, his heart has been full of haze. It was not easy to find out that thirteen was dead. He was very happy. After drinking some wine tonight, he happened to meet the purple nearby Yi, his mood has become more beautiful, but this good mood has not been enjoyed, suddenly was broken, how can he not be angry.

Zhang Xiong's face immediately pulled down and became extremely gloomy. He asked the two people in front of him in a cold voice: "do you know who I am? Tell you, H Province is my territory. If you offend me, there will be no good end!"

Such a threatening sentence did not arouse any reaction from the two cold hearted men. They were still standing in the same place as the wood. Obviously, they were not moved by Zhang Xiong's words, let alone paid attention to him.

Originally, Zhang Xiong was on the verge of rioting, but he didn't think of it. He said that he had said it, but these two people were not on the road. Especially their attitude of ignoring themselves made him think of the dead thirteen.

There was a madman who was so indifferent to him. At present, two strangers appeared and despised him. Zhang Xiong could not bear the humiliation. At the moment, with a wave of his hand, he ordered his subordinates: "all to me, kill them!"

Even though Zhang Xiong's henchmen suffered heavy losses in front of the thirteen, the history of humiliation, for them, has become the past. The two cold men in front of them did not make them feel afraid. They only followed Zhang Xiong's lead.

As soon as Zhang Xiong's voice fell, they attacked two cold men together, just like a lion in love.In fact, these doggies are not weak enough to be Zhang Xiong's bodyguard. Moreover, they are now numerous and their strength is extraordinary. However, the two cool men who came down from Rolls Royce did not care at all. From the beginning to the end, their eyes did not release any fear. They just stand straight in place, waiting for Zhang Xiong's hounds to attack.

One of the bald men took the lead in the past, his iron fist, to a cold man with white skin, mercilessly blasted out.

At this moment, the white faced man finally moved, but his body did not move. He just stretched out a hand and wrapped the bald man's fist.

The bald man was stunned and wanted to break free, but he was shocked to find that he couldn't get rid of it. On the contrary, he wrapped his fist's hand, and the strength came from it, which made him show his teeth.

With a bang, the white faced man kicked the bald man's body, his body was directly kicked up into the sky by him, and then he fell down. And in this gap, the rest of the dog legs have rushed forward, and another relatively dark skin of the cold man, also began to start.

The first thing the white faced man dealt with was a man who had been kicked. The kick was very gorgeous, and there was a faint momentum in it. Even, it brought out a strong wind, which was extraordinary. But the white faced cold man simply raised his arm, even dodged, did not dodge, directly and forcefully blocked the opponent's powerful foot, and then, he swung his fist on the dog's leg, and immediately knocked the man to the ground.

Although Zhang Xiong had a large number of people, and everyone was a practitioner, they found that the two people in front of him were not pretending to be forced, but their skills, which were really powerful.

When they raised their hands, two cold hearted men lost their fighting ability, and then they poured into the crowd of dog legs. At this time, their momentum was completely released by them. They were very fierce and domineering.

The two of them, like hungry wolves out of the cage, mixed into the sheep. They had no fancy moves, only violent hands and feet, but their hands and feet were very heavy. As long as Zhang Xiong's people were beaten by them, they would basically fall to the ground. Moreover, they were very painful. It was difficult to get up again, and almost lost the ability to fight.

The battle was so simple and crude that after a while, almost all of Zhang Xiong's henchmen fell on the ground and screamed with pain. Some of them even vomited blood.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xiong gave a thrill. Even the trace of drunkenness left in his head disappeared. He didn't expect that the two men who suddenly arrived were so fierce that they could not be defeated by so many of his subordinates.

However, after shock, Zhang Xiong had no fear. Even though he knew that he was not their opponent, he did not show any fear. Instead, he pointed at the two men with arrogance and said: "to tell you the truth, I am Zhang Xiong, the head of the fifth Hall of the Hai Gang. You have offended me today, and the only thing that you will do to me is to die!"

Zhang Xiong has moved out of his most powerful threat, but the two cold men are still reckless. The black faced man's body suddenly sprint, like a cheetah. In a blink of an eye, he almost never stops at Zhang Xiong's, and he kicks out a very sharp kick to Zhang Xiong.

Zhang Xiong, who was just arrogant, suddenly flew out like a sandbag, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Zhang Xiong's stomach was full of water, and he couldn't help vomiting. At this moment, he felt the boundless humiliation again, and his inner anger was surging up again.

But no matter how angry he was, Zhang Xiong had nothing to do at the moment. Although he was a lousy man, he thought that H Province was a piece of heaven for him, and he would not be afraid of anyone. However, at present, he could not find a helping hand in time to deal with the two uninvited guests in front of him, Unexpectedly, he has to fly away from his mouth again, which makes Zhang Xiong suffocate to the extreme.

It's true that most people don't dare to offend people like Zhang Xiong, but these two robot like men are as easy as knocking down a group of hooligans, and they are not afraid of him.

When Zhang Xiong and his men were all lying on the ground and in agony, the two cold-blooded men did not look at them any more and went straight to the Rolls Royce. The white faced man ran to the back door of the car and slowly opened the door, while the black faced man stood aside with a respectful nod, as if to greet the people coming down from the car.

Seeing this, Zhang Xiong, who was in agony, suddenly realized that the two people who had no feelings at all were just drivers and bodyguards, and the real owner was still sitting in the car.

Although Zhang Xiong has already guessed that the identity of the owner in the car is not simple, he does not think that the background of the person can be stronger than himself, which makes his anger increase. He keeps his eyes open and looks at the back of the car with hatred.Even Ziyi, who was liberated, was moved by her heart. She could not help but wonder, who is the holy man who came down from the sky to save her from the fire and water.

In an instant, almost all the eyes of the audience were staring at the Rolls Royce car. As the door slowly opened, a gorgeous and extraordinary woman stepped down gracefully.

To everyone's amazement, this person is no one else. It is the woman Zhang Xiong has coveted for a long time, but he has not been able to get it. Yan Qingyu...

is a woman who has been coveted by Zhang Xiong for a long time

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