Light language itself is a beautiful girl of school flower level. Moreover, she has a unique temperament. At the moment, under the background of luxury cars and gorgeous costumes, she is even more dazzling. It is in sharp contrast to the ordinary one before. She has a feeling of flying to the branch and becoming a Phoenix.

Her appearance, as if with a kind of invisible gravity, suddenly attracted the attention of the whole audience. The light words at this moment, even if they were just on the Bank of the river, were so dazzling. The light flashed into Ziyi's eyes and stunned Ziyi's heart. Ziyi didn't expect that at such a critical moment, the salvation benefactor who went down to earth like a God would be a light language that had not been seen for a long time. Moreover, today's light language compared with the past, the change is too big, let Ziyi a little bit can not accept.

Without exception, Zhang Xiong and his dog legs were all surprised by the light words that suddenly appeared. But it must be Zhang Xiong who has the deepest shock in his heart.

It can be said that Qingyu is the most desired woman in Zhang Xiong's life. He has been wandering in the flowers for so many years, and has played with countless women, including some beautiful as immortals. However, it is the first time for Zhang Xiong to meet a woman who has no trace of impurities and is indifferent to his various temptations.

At the first sight of light language, Zhang Xiong was attracted by his unique temperament. After that, he tried all kinds of tricks and means, but he didn't move the heart of light language. The woman he wanted most, however, let him not get it. At last, he had to use the method of robbing, but he was rescued in the middle of the journey The most important thing to remember in my heart is to hold back one's sufferings.

At the beginning, Zhang Xiong took people to the hospital to look for thirteen, in order to get the news of light language from thirteen mouths. But unexpectedly, he suddenly found Ziyi, a beauty equal to light language.

Ziyi's beauty is pure and attractive. Ziyi's refusal to Zhang Xiong makes Zhang Xiong more and more interested in her. It is because of Ziyi's appearance that Zhang Xiong shifts his attention and temporarily slows down his desire for light language. Instead, he chooses to let Ziyi yield.

It's also a coincidence that the egg hurts. Because of the light words, Zhang Xiong and shisan have a lot to do with each other. Because Ziyi, Zhang Xiong and shisan have a deep feud. Now, the stumbling block soul of shisan has returned to the west, which is a very happy thing for Zhang Xiong. Zhang Xiong thinks that, finally, no one can stop his beauty hunting, but fate is to love and make fun of Zhang Xiong. He is ten thousand Ten thousand did not expect, at this moment obstructs him and the good thing between Zi Yi, unexpectedly is he most wants to get the woman, Yan light language.

Yan light language in front of her eyes, a little bit of the original poor color, she suddenly from a helpless civilian girl, into such a gorgeous and beautiful princess, and her bodyguard also saved Ziyi, hit him and his people.

At this moment, Zhang Xiong's heart was full of five flavors, among which he was the most oppressive. He had never encountered such a big setback in the sea of flowers in H Province for so many years. However, the appearance of these two beauties made Zhang Xiong extremely angry and oppressed. At the same time, the gorgeous appearance of light language awakened his deep selfish desire and wanted to take light language as his own The face is light language, and the other is Ziyi. These two women have their own characteristics and are all the women he is eager for. Zhang ambition is excited again.

In a trance, Zhang Xiong seemed to forget the pain. He slowly got up from the ground and went straight to the walking light language. With a pick on his eyebrows, he said with a laugh: "light language, I didn't expect it was you. It seems that after you left, your identity has changed dramatically. However, since you have appeared, you can't escape from my palm. H Province is the world of Zhangjiang, I'll get you sooner or later. "

Zhang's ambition is extremely arrogant. Even if he is weak now, it does not reduce his confidence. In terms of experts, he has many experts in the fifth hall. As long as he can move back to rescue the soldiers, he can easily eliminate the two people who just made him suffer. However, he was also a wise man, who did not suffer from the immediate loss and did not rely on the light language to get close to him.

After hearing Zhang Xiong's words, she can't help but stop. In her clear eyes, she shows a trace of disgust. But she did not look at Zhang Xiong any more. She just slightly turned her face and simply winked at the two people who were following her.

The white faced man immediately accepted the idea and started to move without hesitation. His speed was very fast, just like a gust of wind. In a blink of an eye, he came to Zhang Xiong's side. Without saying a word, he directly reached out and slapped Cao Zheng in the face. Then, he flew up and kicked the arrogant Zhang Xiong away.

All these changes are still coming so fast, until Zhang Xiong's body fell to the ground again, many people on the scene have not responded. This time, compared with just now, Cao Zheng was hit more seriously, and his people were more miserable. His faces on both sides were swollen, which completely destroyed his image as a childe. There was also blood spitting out from his mouth, including even two teeth.

It can be seen that although the white faced man only gave Zhang Xiong two simple moves, he directly let Zhang Xiong suffer from deep internal injury. Seeing this, Zhang Xiong's henchmen shivered and did not dare to show up to help their master.As for Zhang Xiong himself, his brain was suddenly confused. In the past, or after I remember, he was only beaten by thirteen, but it was only one time. Even the last time he was hit by thirteen, it was not so heavy. It was like his dignity and identity were trampled on under his feet.

The humiliation in his heart and the anger transformed from humiliation filled Zhang Xiong's whole body. In particular, in the past, Zhang Xiong bullied and molested the light language, but now, he was beaten by the light language bodyguard. This psychological gap makes Zhang Xiong very difficult to accept.

But this time, Zhang xiongxue was smart. Even though he was so angry, so unwilling, and so eager to get light language and Ziyi, he also held back and didn't say anything more. In fact, the pain on his body was enough for him, and it was extremely difficult for him to open his mouth.

Just when Zhang Xiong was suffering, the white faced man drank a cold voice to Zhang Xiong and his people: "don't go away!"

If someone talks to Zhang Xiong like this in ordinary times, it is to seek death. However, in this situation, this is tantamount to amnesty. Zhang Xiong's subordinates are immediately relieved when they hear this.

They all got up in pain and walked to Zhang Xiong's side. They stood him up and left the scene together. This made Zhang Xiong's heart even more angry. He even had to be supported by someone to walk. As a thorn, it pierced into Zhang Xiong's heart. Zhang Xiong couldn't extricate himself. When he left, his eyes showed a sinister color.

However, light language and Ziyi did not pay attention to Zhang Xiong. After they left the scene, the black-and-white man under Qingyu spontaneously stood aside.

At night, the riverside, once again restore its quiet nature, all the noise has gone, leaving a place of silence, in the quiet atmosphere, light language slowly walked to the side of Ziyi.

At the beginning, the two were just staring at each other, and no one spoke. At this moment, there were only two of them.

The evening wind blowing slowly, blowing the hair in front of purple Yi's forehead. Finally, she took the lead in opening her mouth and whispered, "light language, thank you for saving me. I didn't expect to meet you here."

Ziyi's thanks are from the bottom of her heart. Without the arrival of light words, her fate today will be unimaginable. While thanking, her inner shock is still not reduced.

Ziyi remembers that the family of light language is very poor, but now, as time goes by, the light language in a difficult situation suddenly changes from an ugly duckling to a white swan. He comes in a luxury car with such a powerful bodyguard. On the contrary, he was wandering alone in a foreign land, and constantly fell into a desperate situation.

Because thirteen, Ziyi knew the light language, and when she saw the light language, she couldn't help thinking of thirteen. At first, in the hospital, Ziyi thought thirteen was Suluo. Therefore, she was desperate to prevent light language from taking away thirteen. She was afraid that other women would take Suluo away. But in the following days, light language disappeared and disappeared.

Now, thirteen died, light language suddenly appeared again, or very coincidentally appeared in this river. In a flash, Ziyi's mind swayed, can you say, the light language of this time. Also for thirteen?

When Ziyi opened her mouth, her heart was filled with infinite emotion. She turned her head and looked at the quiet and desolate river. Her voice seemed calm, but her voice trembled: "I came here because of the thirteen thing. I want to know whether he is really dead in this!"

The light words made Ziyi's heart tingle for a moment. Her face could not help but feel sad again. Her eyes also turned to the river. For a long time, she said with a heavy voice: "I heard that it's like this. I'm sorry, I'm too stubborn. At the beginning, if I didn't stop you, I asked you to take him to the capital for treatment, He will not end up today! I'm sorry. "

The last sorry, Ziyi seems to have said to the dead shisan. She is really sorry for him. After getting Ziyi's affirmative answer, her expression suddenly becomes sad. Although she has known the news for a long time, she can't stand it when she hears Ziyi's own admission. At this moment, she feels her own body, all of them It's getting a little numb.

Immersed in the trauma, light language even Ziyi's remorse are some don't care, after a long time, she suddenly asked: "he, is that the person you are looking for?"

This is what Qingyu wants to know. If shisan is not the one Ziyi is looking for, he may be the one he is looking for. This is also the most important reason why Qingyu rushed from the capital. Up to now, she is not sure whether shisan is Xiao Yu, but she can't see shisan die so inexplicably. She is here to find out Chu everything.

When Ziyi heard this question, she was shocked again. If shisan was really Suluo, Ziyi would have been dead with him. Now she dare not associate shisan with Suluo. Therefore, she did not think much about the problem of light language. She said, "no, he is not the person I am looking for!"See Ziyi so determined thirteen is not Suluo, for a time, light language in the heart do not know what taste, there are happy, also have inexplicable sadness.

Now, hearing that Ziyi denies this, Qingyu suddenly realizes that she is worried. However, even if shisan is not Suluo, Qingyu is not sure that he is Xiaoyu. All these conjectures can only be confirmed by shisan's own words. But now that shisan is dead, everything has come to an end. But Qingyu can't forget that shisan was born by their mother and daughter Therefore, she is still sad about thirteen's death.

After a little calming down, she said to Ziyi in a deep voice: "since he is not solo, why do you come here alone and have different feelings for him?"

Ziyi with a full heart of gloom, leisurely back: "once, I also suspected, from his body, I really saw the shadow of Suluo, especially the day I met your mother in the hospital, I thought he was Suluo. But later, I found out that he was really not Suluo. In many aspects, he was quite different from my solo. He also joined the five halls of the Hai Gang. However, it is certain that he is a good man, but a good man does not live long. "

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