Qingyu doesn't understand Ziyi's words, but at the same time, she is also clear. Ziyi said that shisan was not Suluo, and there was no definite evidence. It was just her conjecture. Besides, listening to Ziyi's meaning, she seemed to be looking for Suluo.

After pondering for a while, he could not help but ask, "where's solo? Have you found it?"

Seeing light language so concerned about this issue, Ziyi's heart should have been a little jealous, but in this situation, she couldn't give birth to that kind of mind. She shook her head in despair, and then she said all the things that happened before Suluo came here. When Ziyi said these things, she almost put all her feelings into it. Her speech was very emotional, and her light voice was also very moving.

Qingyuhan didn't expect that so many things happened to them, which shocked her. At the same time, she also admired Ziyi's persistence in Suluo's feelings. As a woman, she can deeply understand Ziyi's situation. It's not easy for a weak woman to be alone in a strange city. She can bear the pressure and look for her heart so firmly Love people, and how deep to true love.

Compared with Ziyi, Qingyu suddenly feels that she is so insignificant to the one she loves, which makes her feel a sense of loss beyond words. In fact, she also wants to do something for shisan, but her position does not allow it. Now, Ziyi's boyfriend Suluo has disappeared in the provincial capital. After missing for so long, she still has no news, so she feels like she is Something should be done.

At this moment, light language suddenly fell into meditation. She was thinking about everything about shisan, thinking about what Ziyi had just said. Slowly, light language seemed to be suddenly general. With her delicate mind, she unconsciously combined shisan with Suluo. Because it's a coincidence. This also made her certain that thirteen was not the person she was looking for.

Su Luo came to H Province, but no one knew anything about her. At that time, he said that he was just a countryman who went to work in the city. A countryman saved his mother on the first day, and then got involved with Ziyi. Finally, he joined the five halls under the Haibang. It happened that Suluo's father was also captured by the Haibang, the most strange one The point is, how can a person who goes to work in a city have such a strong strength that it causes a great disturbance in the whole provincial capital, and finally dies at the bottom of the sea.

Everything is too coincidental, can't help but let light language doubt that the dead thirteen is really Suluo. Thinking of this, the heart rate of the screen can't help but speed up, but she did not show any abnormality. She didn't want to let the pure purple find anything. She just pretended to ask: "Ziyi, can you tell me something about thirteen? I want to know what happened to him after I left? "

Ziyi knows that shisan is the benefactor of Qingyu's mother and daughter. Now that he is dead, Qingyu has come all the way back to find out about shisan. Therefore, Ziyi does not hide anything. She tells Qingyu all the things she knows about shisan, including saving herself in Wutang headquarters. Said, purple eyes are red, she thought of thirteen so dead, the heart can not help but sad.

After hearing Ziyi's words, the heart can't help shaking. If she was just a superficial doubt, then, after hearing Ziyi's narration, she was completely doubted.

The first 13 came here to help himself and his mother. Then he joined the thirteen of the five halls. He was desperate to save Ziyi. He even beat Zhang Xiong for Ziyi's sake. Who else but Su Luo could do it? In particular, Ziyi just said that after the 13th, he was very indifferent, which was completely the kind of robot like indifference. Would such an indifferent person take care of such a big business for Ziyi?

Think like this, the heart of light language trembles more fierce, if thirteen is really Suluo, then the corpse sink in the bottom of the river is not Suluo?

At the thought of Suluo's death, the light words that had nothing to do with him made her tears dim. At this moment, she had made up her mind that she would not go back in a short time. In any case, she would find out the truth about it.

However, to avoid giving ziyitu more sadness, light language did not show Ziyi what she wanted, just accompany her to chat and talk to each other in this silent river.

The two women talked about the past by the riverside. Ziyi is responsible for speaking, light language is responsible for listening. After a long conversation, the two women did not speak again, and the deep night became silent again. The river was splashing on the shore. The scene environment was so desolate, and the more desolate was the hearts of the two women.

On the other side, on the road outside the bar at night, the people of the green dragon Association beat and retreated in the sound of the alarm bell, and soon disappeared.

From the appearance of the green dragon association to their retreat, everything was in order. Obviously, this time they took the initiative to invade the five halls was carefully arranged by Mo Qinglong. It was not until the large forces of the green dragon association disappeared that Zhang Wenshan finally recovered. He was calm and looked at his side of the situation. This time, they were really suffering heavy casualties. Many people were lying on the ground, some were dead, some were comatose, some were crying in pain, and the battlefield had already been dyed red with blood, a wolf By. Most of the people who were standing were injured, heavy or light. Many people's faces showed deep weariness.At the beginning, Zhang Wenshan came out with people to fight against the green dragon Association, and even to take the life of Mo Qinglong. However, the ending he saw was quite different from what he expected.

In this battle, they were defeated completely. As soon as they arrived here, they were trapped in the empty city plan of the other side, and were in an ambush. Although Zhang Wenyuan later led people to arrive, the support of the other side also appeared at the same time. In the end, Wutang still lost a lot, and Jane reached a miserable situation.

Just by sweeping the scene, Zhang Wenshan's heart became desolate unconsciously in this instant. Although the members of the green dragon Association left, Zhang Wenshan's ears echoed the words left by Mo Qinglong before he left.

This sentence is so harsh, provocative and humiliating to Zhang Wenshan. However, Zhang Wenshan does not even have the opportunity to fight against the green dragon Association. At this point, Zhang Wenshan has been very sure that Mo Qinglong must have sought the help of external forces. Otherwise, they could not have so many people, including so many experts, but what if they were convinced Well, the battle is over, and the police are here. Now, he can't do anything, leaving only too much reluctance and pain.

When Zhang Wenshan's mind was heavy, Zhang Wenyuan brought people together. He was also dignified and said to Zhang Wenshan, "elder brother, I'll take care of the aftermath here. You can take people first."

After hearing Zhang Wenyuan's words, Zhang Wenshan slowly regained his mind and looked at Zhang Wenyuan listlessly. His second brother has always dealt with this kind of aftercare. Although today is a challenge initiated by the Qinglong Association, it is of great significance and the aftercare work is bound to be cumbersome. Therefore, Zhang Wenshan explained to Zhang Wenyuan and left here with a group of people Inside.

Zhang Wenyuan, on the other hand, first arranged for people to collect the dead and injured people from different regions to count their casualties. At the same time, he ordered people to clean up the scene. While Zhang Wenyuan was busy with these things, the police had already arrived at the scene.

Wutang is a lobby under the Haibang. It has been developing in H Province for many years. Its strength can be said to be deeply rooted. During this period, there were a lot of contacts with the police. Therefore, although the number of police came this time was quite large, and they all dressed up neatly, they didn't make trouble for the Wutang side. On the contrary, it was the situation on the scene that made the police puzzled.

The fight between the Green Dragon Society and the five halls is of course known by the police for a long time. However, they didn't expect that the fight was so fierce. However, the losses of Wutang, which has always been strong, are so heavy. It can be seen that the strength of the green dragon association has reached a new height. It can even be predicted that the underground forces in H Province will start a new round of shuffling.

After a brief surprise, the police began to ask Zhang Wenyuan some relevant information.

At this time, Zhang Wenshan was still on his way back to the headquarters. His heart has not been completely relaxed, the light is gray, as his heart, is so low. His face was swollen, and his clothes were stained with blood and footprints. He looked very embarrassed. The same was the team behind him. These people were the people who had followed him to the night bar. But now, the number of them is much smaller, and their momentum is much different from that when they came here. When they went there, they were furious, It's killing, and now, it's in a state of depression.

Zhang Wenshan's heart was mixed with five tastes. At the same time, he regretted that he was too contemptuous of the enemy. If he didn't pay enough attention to the green dragon Association, how could he have been ambushed by the other party? However, what surprised Zhang Wenshan was the strength of Mo Qinglong. He did not expect that this man was so strong that he could not catch the thief first The means to capture the king.

It can be imagined that this war will soon spread underground, and the reputation of the five halls will undoubtedly be damaged, and even their morale will be low. On the other side of the green dragon Association, its reputation will certainly rise to the top of the five halls. Just imagine that Mo Qinglong is powerful and resourceful. He has many subordinates. Now he has found powerful foreign aid. It is not easy for him to join the first-class gangs.

Thinking of the word "foreign aid", Zhang Wenshan's heart was cold again. At the beginning, out of caution, he also found foreign aid. This foreign aid was Fu Gang of the four halls.

At the beginning of the battle, Zhang Wenshan thought that Fu Gang didn't arrive. But now, he is certain that Fu Gang didn't show up on purpose. If he came, the green dragon association would not be so rampant and would destroy them completely. Of course, the five halls would not be so miserable.

Zhang Wenshan and Fu Gang have known each other for a long time, and they have worked together for many years. Originally, Zhang Wenshan thought that if only by this point, Fu Gang promised himself on the phone, and nothing would go wrong. But he never thought that Fu Gang would stand up his own pigeon. This is really beating him in the face of Zhang Wenshan. Zhang Wenshan hates Mo Qinglong and Fu Gang, who has fallen into trouble.

Not long after, Zhang Wenshan returned to the headquarters. At this time, the night was very deep, even his villa area was very lonely. The people in the headquarters, seeing that it was the boss who brought people back, originally wanted to ask about the situation of the battle. But when they saw Zhang Wenshan's face and the decadence of the troops behind him, they all stopped at once. Even no one dared to speak. They just couldn't help but marvel that the boss himself led people out to fight, which would have resulted in such losses Heavy, even the boss himself has become so embarrassed.When they were amazed, Zhang Wenshan gave them a simple command to let those people staying in the headquarters help to treat the injured people who followed him back. After that, he will go to his villa.

At this time, suddenly, there was a rustling running sound behind him. Accompanied by the sound of footsteps, there was a cry: "Dad, Dad, Dad!"

Hearing this call, Zhang Wenshan's steps could not help but stop, because he had already recognized that it was his son Zhang Xiong calling out. Zhang Wenshan turned around and looked at Zhang Xiong.

The light was dim and the distance was a little far away. He could not see the mess of Zhang Xiong. He just felt that it was inconvenient for Zhang Xiong to walk. Even those people who followed him were trembling. It seemed that something had happened to him

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