However, Fu Gang was able to get to his present position. He knew very well that his agreement with Zhang Wenshan was different from that of Zhang Wenshan who asked him to support the Qinglong club last night. Although Fu Gang didn't show up on purpose and stood him up last night, it was Zhang Wenshan's private request for help. Outsiders did not know that Fu Gang had no obligation to help It's all in his mind.

However, the agreement of the contest was a gentleman's agreement between him and Zhang Wenshan, and Fugang had to abide by it. The more you think about it, the more bitter Fu Gang's heart is. However, if you become a king and lose the enemy, you will lose your mind. Fu Gang has already accepted this fact in silence.

However, he could not control his hatred for shisan. It was the appearance of shisan that blocked his way. It was shisan that pulled him from the high position of the vice leader of the Hai Gang. At that moment, his eyes staring at thirteen showed a more sinister color.

The rest of the four halls were as indignant as Fu Gang. Although the competition was exciting, they still couldn't accept the fact that the thirteen of the five halls actually defeated the object they admired. The leader of the dark group, Wen Wen, was an extremely dignified organization. Now, the thirteen defeated Wen Wen, in other words, ten 3、 The pressure is on the whole dark group, and even the five halls are pressed on the top of the fourth hall.

What's more, they all know that this competition is not a simple victory or defeat. What's more, it also involves the competition between the two hall leaders of the four and five halls against the vice leader of the Hai Gang. But now, they should have won, they have failed. It can be said that they have spent five halls.

When the people of the four halls were extremely angry, shisan stepped down from the challenge arena. The action of shisan made the crowd more excited. Some of them even took shisan as an idol. Although shisan was not handsome, he completed a complete counter attack with his own strength. What a great inspiration.

When the people of Wutang saw that shisan had stepped down, they couldn't help but greet shisan. Zhang Wenshan has never forgotten that Fu Gang attacked himself when he was in the lowest position. After he stepped out of his seat, he walked up to Fu Gang and said to him, "brother Fu, I thought you would win today, but I really didn't expect that, your leader of the secret team and the first general of your team are just like this!"

Zhang Wenshan clearly knows that Kewen's strength has indeed reached a certain level. Even if he fails, no one dares to say that he is not strong. However, Zhang Wenshan is in disguise to deal with him. He just said that Kewen is not strong.

When Fu Gang heard Zhang Wenshan's words, he felt that it was totally a slap in the face, but he had no words to refute. After all, his first battle general was indeed defeated by the 13th, and the 13th was from the 5th hall.

At the moment, Fu Gang's anger is really nowhere to vent. Secretly, it turns into resentment against shisan. If it wasn't for the environmental factors at the scene, I'm afraid he would have been angry with him now. He gave a fierce look at thirteen, and then he snorted coldly. He didn't pay attention to Zhang Wenshan, and left immediately with anger.

The people around Fu Gang went to fight Kewen who had passed out. Before they left the underground boxing ring, Zhang Wenshan's voice came from behind: "Oh, by the way, brother Fu, please don't forget our agreement! Ha ha ha

On hearing this, Fu Gang couldn't help being stunned. Similarly, when he was in the Wutang headquarters last night, Fu Gang spoke to Zhang Wenshan in a very arrogant way. But now, it has turned around and turned to Zhang Wenshan.

This is just a ridiculous irony. Fu Gang's heart broke. In the end, he didn't say anything, because he couldn't refute. For Zhang Wenshan's words, Fu Gang could only choose to be silent. After a pause, he took the people directly away from the scene. Compared with the strategy of the time, they looked so gloomy at the moment.

In the venue, the eyes of the crowd always stay on the winner. Even though Fu Gang and his five halls are a huge force in the underground boundary here, they also rely on the big organization of Haibang. But no one noticed their gloom, and no one thought about their thoughts. All the audience were still paying attention to the thirteen and the five hall people behind the thirteen.

The people of Wutang and shisan gathered together. Zhang Wenshan's face showed a sincere smile and said to shisan, "shisan, thank you very much today."

Even though Zhang Wenshan did have too much dissatisfaction with shisan in the past, and even killed shisan for his son's sake, what he said now is from his heart.

Zhang Wenshan's experience in the past few days is simply unbearable to look back on. It seems that his bad luck has not been broken since he was rumored to be buried at the bottom of the river on the 13th. First, he was attacked by the green dragon Association, then, he was severely frustrated by Mo Qinglong, and then he was insulted by Fu Gang when he went back.

It was really unacceptable to Zhang Wenshan, who had been in a high position for a long time. Until this moment, the sudden appearance of the 13th, and the victory of the 13th, swept away his haze, and he felt once again the unprecedented happiness.But thirteen for Zhang Wenshan's thanks, he just lightly nodded his head, did not say anything, still maintained his own bad speech that side.

On the other side, Zhang Wenyuan couldn't help asking shisan, "shisan, we really didn't miss you. You really gave us five hall faces. Good job. But why did someone say that you were sunk to the bottom of the river by Mo Qinglong, the president of the green dragon association?"

Hearing this, shisan's body was slightly stunned. Zhang Wenyuan's words brought his thoughts back to the night two days ago. At that time, he was stabbed by Yang Simiao and surrounded by many experts. Finally, he was put into a sack and thrown into the river with a stone.

Zhang Wenyuan's words once again brought shisan to the event of the day. Thirteen, who was caught in the memory, became more indifferent. However, seeing that he did not respond to himself or say anything more, Zhang Wenyuan thought that there must be something difficult to say about shisan in his heart. Therefore, he took the initiative to change the topic and said, "No No matter what, it's a miracle that 13 died and came back to life. He is the hero of our five halls. After a while, we'll celebrate the 13th anniversary and celebrate the return of our hero

Zhang Wenshan would have been dissatisfied if he had been so secretive in his daily life. But now, he can't feel dissatisfied. He can't control his happiness. His words have been echoed by others.

At the moment, under the leadership of Zhang Wenshan, they formed an arch defense against shisan. They wanted to take the dazzling shisan to the hotel, but as soon as they got out of the underground boxing hall, shisan stopped and said to Zhang Wenshan, "I'm a little tired. I'll go back and have a rest first."

Finish saying, he then turn to leave, the pace is unusual free and easy. His back is full of mystery in the depression. No one can understand thirteen's heart. After defeating Kewen, he has infinite glory aura in an instant. However, shisan seems not to care. He seems to have completed a task that he should complete. He comes quietly and leaves quietly.

Originally, shisan did not give himself face, and Zhang Wenshan's character would not be happy. But now Zhang Wenshan really doesn't care about this small matter. He is totally immersed in the excitement of today's martial arts competition. Moreover, Zhang Wenshan clearly understands that shisan escaped from death and was seriously injured in the arena. It is reasonable for him to be tired. In order to avoid shisan's coming out again, he is very excited Now, unexpectedly, Zhang Wenshan didn't want to go to any hotel. He ordered directly: "go, brothers, let's all escort thirteen back!"

As soon as Zhang Wenshan's voice fell, the troops of Wutang followed the steps of shisan and headed for their base camp.

In this way, shisan, like a general who returned triumphantly, returned to the headquarters of Wutang in the crowd's support. For more than a day, although the people of Wutang did nothing but watch a thrilling competition, they were very tired. They were not tired of the body, but the heart. So, after returning to the villa area, they were tired At Zhang Wenshan's command, they all went back to their respective villas to have a rest.

After leaving the crowd, shisan walked toward his villa alone. From the beginning to the end, the expression on shisan's face was indifferent. Up to now, even if he was walking alone on the road, his expression was still extremely indifferent, without any unnecessary emotion. However, when he entered his villa, his indifferent eyes suddenly moved and became ten Sub vigilance, because, he unexpectedly saw, his villa hall sofa, actually sitting on a person.

This person, even if sitting, can fully reflect his figure, very tall and straight, he is wearing a neat suit, the face is a little white tender, but meticulous, very cold. Seeing him motionless, it seems that he has been sitting here for some time. It is hard to imagine that this cold faced man could easily enter the villa through the heavily guarded headquarters of Wutang.

However, for such a mysterious figure who suddenly appeared, shisan didn't show any panic. He just asked, "who are you?"

At this point, the white faced man suddenly got up from the sofa, and then walked toward thirteen. As he walked, he said coldly: "it doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that you have to go with me. Our lady wants to see you!"

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