The white faced man said that there was no tone in his words, which seemed to be a bit old-fashioned. However, between the lines, he revealed a sense of dignity. It was as if he was just notifying thirteen one, not inviting.

I'm afraid that anyone who has such a character in his house will not be happy if he is so rude. However, the expression on his thirteen faces did not change much. He remained indifferent as always, but there was a faint and imperceptible color of vigilance in the indifference. He did not open his mouth, but stood quietly in the same place, watching the white faced man walk towards him.

The white faced man seemed to see shisan's mind and knew that he would not follow him so easily. Therefore, one meter away in front of the thirteen, the white faced man stopped and stood there, but his eyes were straight with shisan.

At the moment, the hall of the villa is so quiet, but the atmosphere seems strange. After a long time, shisan takes the lead in breaking the silence and replies coldly, "no see!"

The two words are concise enough to show his rebelliousness. At the same time, he also shows his inner attitude. He is going to walk towards the room upstairs.

The white faced man seemed to have expected that shisan had such an attitude. He knew that shisan's words and actions were just to break the silence with him. Seeing that shisan was ready to leave, the white faced man did not hesitate to move up. He said: "that would be a lot of offense!"

At the same time, the white faced man's body moved and was already in front of shisan. When the voice dropped, his palm also grabbed at thirteen's shoulder.

From the moment of starting, the momentum of the white faced man showed, very fierce, very stable. His speed was extremely fast. Seeing that his hand was about to catch shisan's shoulder, his body was shaking and he was able to dodge it cleverly. At the same time, shisan also started with him. He swung his hand and hit the white faced man's arm.

As soon as the white faced cold man can't catch it, his reaction speed is also extraordinary fast. At present, when he sees thirteen attacks, his arm and thirteen hard knocks together. Both of them are masters, and they are experts with strength. Between the hard knocks of this arm, the strength is superior.

Thirteen deeply felt the strength of the white faced man's arm. He felt that the other side's arm was as hard as iron, and the strength seemed to be above himself. But the white faced man's action is more than this, almost just after the knock with thirteen hard, his wrist is extremely smooth turn, his palm directly toward thirteen's arm.

Although thirteen's reaction was quick, he didn't expect that the white faced man was so smooth, everything was so natural and natural. Thirteen wanted to parry, but he was not as good as the other party. In a hurry, he took a step back and pulled back his arm.

In the end, the white faced man didn't catch it, but his hand caught the madman's sleeve down. Shisan's ragged clothes became more ragged, but shisan did not start any more on the white faced man.

From the beginning to the end, it was just a blink of an eye. But in shisan's heart, he already had a certain understanding of the strength of the strange man. He knew that the strength of the white faced man should be higher than himself, and even, he might be much stronger. Let alone the fact that he had a fierce fight with Wen Xun before, and his body was injured, he had to do something about it When he was in good condition, he could not hold the white faced man.

Thirteen did not start again. Although he knew that he was invincible, it did not mean that he gave in. His eyes returned to indifference and looked at the white faced man coldly.

And the white faced man's heart, also can't help but be surprised at the strength of thirteen. Although this man is not very old, he has such strength at this age, which is really rare.

However, shisan's attitude convinced the white faced man. He and shisan looked at each other for a while, and finally couldn't hold on. He said, "in fact, I don't mean any harm. Our young lady is also an old acquaintance of you. As long as you come with me, you will know."

White faced man can say such words, which to a certain extent, has shown his compromise to thirteen, which even means to ask thirteen.

Shisan stood in place for a while. His mind seemed to be thinking. He did not know whether he was measuring the strength of the white faced man, or that he was afraid that he would make too much noise if he knocked hard. Finally, he said to the white faced man simply: "lead the way!"

Hearing this, the white faced man's face softened a little. He gave a sign to shisan. Then, he walked straight to the gate of the villa. It seemed that he didn't care that this was the headquarters of Wutang, and shisan followed closely.

In the dead of night, in a park in H Province, a beautiful figure is in it. Against the dim moonlight, this beautiful figure is moving, and her face is even more charming and exquisite. This man came from the capital to inquire about the thirteen deaths.

Not far behind the light language, the black faced man is walking back and forth, his eyes wandering around in case of any adverse situation to light language.

The atmosphere here is very quiet, but the heart of light words is not calm at all. Since the news of shisan's death, she killed directly from the capital and went to the river where shisan was buried.Although she didn't know why her first consciousness was to go to the riverside, she was extremely concerned about shiseidu all the way. She was very anxious and prayed hard in her heart. This is just a false rumor.

However, by chance, she met Ziyi on the riverside, and confirmed the news that shisan was dead from her. The news made light language feel uncomfortable. However, Ziyi told herself that shisan was not Suluo she was looking for.

At first, Qingyu thinks Ziyi is so sure. Then, shisan may not be Suluo. But later, through Ziyi's description of Suluo and shisan, Qingyu suddenly finds that she is almost sure that shisan is not Xiaoyu, but Suluo that Ziyi is looking for.

Whether from their own feelings or from all aspects of inference, light language can draw this conclusion, but light language found that after connecting shisan with Suluo, his heart was even more painful.

In any case, when shisan first arrived in H Province, it was only because he had caught up with Zhang Xiong and had all the subsequent experiences. If shisan had not helped her in this way, he might not have ended up in such a miserable situation, especially when he thought that shisan might be su Luo. Light words on the purple more sad, guilty.

With such a lot of emotions, light language has already secretly vowed to find out the cause of thirteen deaths, and this matter must not be left undone.

It is because of this obsession that Qingyu has been listening for more than a day since she came here. She wants to find out the details of shisan's being dumped in the river. However, the details have not been fully understood, but Qingyu first learned about the sudden appearance of shisan in the underground boxing ring tonight.

The news was not groundless. The bodyguards sent by the light language group to investigate the news clearly told themselves that thirteen represented five halls in the underground boxing field, and competed with Kewen of the fourth hall. In the end, he severely defeated Kewen, and his reputation rose again.

At the moment she knew this, she was extremely excited. Of course, what she cared about was not that shisan had defeated Kewen, but that shisan was still alive. This made light language, who had been immersed in pain, immediately eliminated the haze in her heart. In any case, the best news for light language was that shisan was not dead, which was also the greatest comfort of light language.

In her heart, solo is a person who constantly creates miracles. There are so many miracles that he can create all kinds of impossibilities. But now thirteen is also a miracle figure. After his legs were abandoned, he suddenly burst out of extraordinary strength and became a big red man around Zhang Wenshan. Now, when everyone thought he was dead, he appeared miraculously, and even made his reputation more and more loud.

In this way, the light language has another reason to suspect that shisan and Suluo are the same person. Perhaps it is because the doubt is too deep, or it is because the light language is too eager to find out the truth of the matter. Immediately, he ordered her white faced bodyguard to invite 13 to come and reminisce with himself.

Unknowingly, light language has been standing in the park for a long time. Under the moonlight, there is a trace of tension on her beautiful face. Thinking about meeting with shisan soon, how can she calm down?

In the light language mind wandering, suddenly, behind her came a gentle footstep sound, which was accompanied by a report voice: "Miss, I have brought you."

When she heard this, she couldn't help but be stunned. Then, she suddenly turned around and looked at the comer. In her eyes, it was her bodyguard, the white faced man, and the man who let her mind wander.

Although she has heard the news that shisan is still alive, and she is almost sure of it, but at the moment, when she really sees thirteen, she stands in front of her, and her heart is still excited. She can't wait to come to shisan, and even has the idea of embracing him.

However, when the light language clearly felt the indifference from thirteen bodies, she suddenly responded. Shisan is not Xiao Yu. He is just a friend with himself. Even in his heart, he is not even a friend. His performance is a bit abrupt.

However, the light language can not hide her inner happiness. She opened a tiny smile and said gently to shisan: "long time no see, thirteen. It's great to see you still alive!"

This is the light words in her heart and the reason why she is most excited. No matter whether thirteen is Suluo or not, she wants to show her most sincere blessing.

But shisan's performance is completely opposite to the light language. For the enthusiasm of the light language, shisan just replied coldly: "what do you want from me?"

Hearing this, light language suddenly felt her enthusiasm was poured cold water, and a sense of loss flowed through her heart. Even though she had heard Ziyi say that after shisan became very indifferent, she didn't believe it very much. She thought that maybe it was just an image of thirteen used to hide her identity. If she met an acquaintance, he would be moved.

However, the light language did not expect, the original thirteen really more indifferent than the rumor, this kind of indifference has already entered the bone, directly cold to the light language's heart.Hesitated for a long time, light language again opened his mouth: "before you did not help me and my mother, but caused trouble, also let me have a misunderstanding of you, think you are a bad person, I have no opportunity to apologize to you, so now I want to say to you, thank you for helping us, at the same time, also sorry!"

The light words of apology and thanks are so sincere, which contains deep feelings, but shisan's look is still not half moved. He replied in a very cold tone: "nothing!"

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