Late at night, four hall headquarters.

Today's four halls are particularly dead compared with ordinary days. The sky of the whole area seems to be condensed with thick haze, which makes people suffocate. Even the guards on duty are terrified. They are in their own positions one by one. They are afraid of losing their lives because all members of the four halls know that their leader is in the midst of volcanic eruption No one dares to touch him.

The study of the villa where Fugang is located is already in a mess. The books are scattered on the ground. The bookshelves are collapsed and the chair is broken. These are obviously Fu Gang's masterpieces.

All this shows how angry Fu Gang is. It can be said that today is the most oppressive and angry day in his history. Even at the beginning, more than 100 members of the dark group were killed by Su Qiyao's group, and his brother Buddha died in an unnatural way. Fu Gang didn't think of it. He planned his own strategy, decided to win thousands of miles, and prepared for this For a long time, he saw that the position of vice leader was easy to get, but he lost his chain at the most critical moment. How could he bear it.

Fu Gang turns all his anger to the culprit shisan. It is he who destroys his own things. It is he who blocks himself from climbing to the high position. Fu Gang's hatred for shisan is raging.

In the past, Fu Gang was extremely dissatisfied with shisan. He thought that he had something to do with Suluo, who was wanted by the sea gang. He had planned to investigate, but when he learned that shisan was dead, Fu Gang gave up the idea of investigation directly. However, Zhang Wenshan lost his thirteen and suffered a series of heavy losses. He could not compare with his own four halls. He was about to crush him Zhang Wenshan lost his life. However, the dead thirteen suddenly killed him, which broke his own good deeds. He also severely injured Wenwen, one of his most effective cadres. He is still unconscious in the hospital, and Fu Gang's heart disease is about to be committed.

At the scene of the competition, Fu Gang wanted to keep the dignity of the hall leader. He was not good at getting angry. Now he returned to his own territory. He couldn't help it any longer. He was furious. The whole headquarters seemed to be shaking with his anger.

Of course, while angry, Fu Gang is also trying to find a way. He can't tolerate Zhang Wenshan becoming the vice leader. However, they have signed a gentleman's agreement. He can't break the agreement by breaking his promise. In that case, the two schools can't stand it. Moreover, the spread of this matter will be extremely bad for the reputation of his four halls. He will be looked down upon as well.

Therefore, the only way is to make the agreement void automatically. If the agreement is not tenable, we can only start from the 13 things he hates deeply.

Fu Gang has always been a keen thinker. Since he suspects that thirteen is Su Luo, he has reason to believe that. As long as he proves his conjecture, then the martial arts contest agreement can not be counted, because Su Luo is the wanted criminal of the whole sea gang. Zhang Wenshan takes in such a person, not to mention that the agreement does not count. He is afraid that he will Take the consequences.

However, although Fu Gang now has a lot of information, there is still no direct evidence to show that they are the same person. Everything is conjectured by Fu Gang himself. Since there is no evidence, he dare not jump to a conclusion. At that time, Zhang Wenshan will bite him back and say that he has slandered him. Therefore, Fu Gang has sent his staff to investigate the situation thoroughly What he has to do now is to wait patiently for the news.

Perhaps because of too much anger, Fugang did not have the slightest sleepiness this night, has been pacing back and forth in the messy study, feeling upset, expression tangled.

When it was dawn, Fugang finally couldn't carry it. He went back to his room and was ready to go to sleep. But at the moment he lay down, there was a knock on the door outside.

The person who came here is Zhao Yang, who is also a member of the secret group. He is not very good at qualification, and his strength can not reach the peak. However, he has a lot of ears and ears. Just like know it all, he has a good set of intelligence. It is because of this that Fu Gang will promote Zhao Yang as the deputy leader of the secret group when Kewen is seriously injured, because now As far as I'm concerned, the most important thing we need is intelligence.

However, he only informed Zhao Yang shisan last night. As a result, he came here early this morning. Fugang didn't think he had such a quick move. Therefore, Wang Sen said angrily when he saw him: "what's the matter?"

Now Fu Gang is an angry tiger. Anyone who touches his butt must bear his anger. However, facing the angry Fu Gang, Zhao Yang does not panic, but excitedly reports: "report to the hall leader, good news, good news!"

On hearing this, Fu Gang's anger suddenly extinguished. His eyes suddenly gave out a sharp light and said, "Oh, tell me, what news!"

Zhao Yang didn't dare to hesitate. He quickly replied, "I investigated all night last night, and finally found out some valuable clues. Just last night, after returning to the villa on the 13th, he secretly went out to meet a man. This is a woman named Qingyu. I also found out that this light language is the one that shisan met when she came here. Thirteen was because she had saved her mother, and she and shisan were old acquaintances, so they met each other! "

Smell speech, the light of Fu Gang's eyes became hot, he couldn't hide his excitement, picked a eyebrow, meaningful way: "Oh!"When Zhao Yang saw that Fu Gang was happy, he couldn't help but feel a burst of joy. He held his head high and continued to report: "master, what's more, I also found that because of another woman, he offended Zhang Wenshan's son twice. Even because of this woman, Zhang Xiong was seriously injured. I specially asked people to investigate this woman. Her name is Ziyi Sulo's girlfriend

When Zhao Yang said this, his heart was full of emotion. He had been brewing this passage for a long time. For Zhao Yang, today is a great opportunity for him to do meritorious deeds. He must take it well.

In the past, there was Wenwen, who was not very active. But now it is different. He is seriously injured and hospitalized. It is estimated that he will become a disabled person. The position of the leader of the secret group is vacant. Now he becomes the acting group leader. The hall leader gives him such a task at this critical moment. Once he completes the task well, there will be a chance for him to go to the top. Maybe, he will You can be the leader of the secret team.

Therefore, Zhao Yang stayed up all night and did not spare no effort to do what the hall leader told him last night. He spread all his intelligence network and thoroughly investigated all things about Su Luo and thirteen all night.

Sure enough, the Kung Fu pays off. Zhao Yang finally got such an important clue. How can he not be inspired.

Of course, Fu Gang was more excited than Zhao Yang. He was so angry yesterday that he was afraid that Zhang Wenshan would try his best to become the vice leader of the gang. Now, Fu Gang's anger is not left at all, and his heart is only open and bright.

Originally, he only suspected that shisan was Suluo by his keen intuition, but unexpectedly, Zhao Yang suddenly gave him such a big good news. Fu Gang was a smart man. By linking up all the things reported by Zhao Yang, he could almost conclude that thirteen was su Luo. At this moment, Fu Gang had already thought of how to force thirteen out of the prototype.

At that time, not only did the martial arts contest agreement fail, but Zhang Wenshan could also catch Su Luo, an important wanted criminal of the sea Gang, in one fell swoop. This is the blessing of God for him. This is how to kill three birds with one stone.

Thinking of these, Fu Gang regardless of Zhao Yang's presence, directly laughed and said with pride: "ha ha ha ha, Zhang Wenshan, thirteen, this time you're finished!"

At the moment, Fu Gang is quite different from what he was last night. How angry he was last night, how excited he is now. His eyes radiate a strong self-confidence light, as if everything is under his control. He has already imagined the appearance of thirteen in his hands. He seems to have seen his lofty and far-reaching posture, and his old opponent, Zhang Wenshan, is holding back 。

Thinking about it, Fu Gang's heart is about to blossom, and his laughter is getting louder and louder. Zhao Yang, standing in front of Fu Gang, is very excited to see the hall leader so happy. However, he is deep enough in the city and does not show too obvious. Just like a pug, he looks at Fu Gang who is laughing heartily.

Fu Gang laughed for a long time, but he finally slowed down. Then he looked at Zhao Yang and said solemnly: "yes, yes, I did not mistake you. This is a beautiful thing. I will give you another thing. If you do it for me, I will immediately promote you to be the leader of the secret group!"

Fu Gang's greatest characteristic is his keen mind, good at observing people, and more able to penetrate people's minds. How could he not know Zhao Yang's careful thinking? He promoted Zhao Yang to be the acting group leader because he valued his intelligence expertise. Now Zhao Yang did not disappoint him, and indeed gave Fu Gang a surprise. Therefore, Fu Gang continued to lure him I hope he's done it.

Zhao Yang's eyes brightened and his heart was filled with excitement as soon as he heard what the leader said. He said in a hurry: "master, if you have anything, please do not hesitate to tell me. I will try my best to die!"

The guy's voice was like a pug. He felt comfortable listening to it. But Fugang didn't have any nonsense. He said directly, "I want you to bring the girl named Ziyi to me in the shortest possible time, no matter what method, and remember to live!"

At this moment, Fu Gang showed his incomparable spirit. His imposing momentum is incisively and vividly displayed at this moment, just like the posture of a generation of heroes. Obviously, Fu Gang has recovered his former appearance. This is the real leader of the five halls, Fu Gang. Every word, every word, every word, is so important.

With such momentum, Zhao Yang became more and more cautious, which was not comparable to that of a small person like him. Zhao Yang knew that this matter was too important for the hall leader. If he had done it well, Zhao Yang would have become the group leader as he wished, but if he could not do it well, maybe he would have lost his life.

Therefore, Zhao Yang didn't dare to be careless at the moment. He immediately responded solemnly and seriously, "yes, master, I promise to complete the task and bring Ziyi to you completely and completely!"

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