Zhao Yang is full of confidence in Fu Gang's order. He may not have much confidence if he says to catch Qingyu, because he knows that there are very strong bodyguards around Qingyu, but Ziyi is different. She is alone, the city is helpless, and Zhao Yang's intelligence organization is also developed. He believes that it is not difficult to catch a girl by himself.

With this cautious excitement, Zhao Yang stepped down. After Fu Gang left Zhao Yang, he didn't feel sleepy at all, so he didn't sleep at all. He went back to the study again and took out the photos of shisan and Suluo. Looking at these two photos, his mouth was deeply grinned, showing a trace of sinister smile. Then, he crushed the two photos as if At this moment, Fugang has already sentenced 13 to death.

Maybe last night was destined to be an extraordinary night. Fugang stayed up all night and was furious. Zhao Yang stayed up all night, carrying out tasks. But the light language was also a sleepless night, struggling with heartache.

After meeting with shisan, Qingyu has always been in a low state. Although shisan is so indifferent and even heartless, she still believes that shisan is Suluo, especially the words that shisan said before he left, and the figure he left behind at last, all make light language determine the identity of shisan.

It is because of his identity, light language will be so dejected, this sad feeling almost every cell of light language, let her can not restrain sad, she felt worthless for Ziyi. Perhaps, light language understands Suluo's suffering, and knows that he has become what he is today to save his father, but she is unable to understand and accept.

According to Ziyi's description, the former Suluo was love supreme. His greatest feature was his amorous feelings. His feelings were hot and deep. Everyone who was treated by him could deeply feel the warmth of his emotions.

In ziyidui's memories, Suluo always has the spirit of never yielding in front of the cruel fate. He treats love persistently and ardently. Once, for Ziyi, he could fight against the enemy regardless of life and death.

However, so far, the most sincere and affectionate Suluo has changed, completely changed. He has become so indifferent, so hard and hard that she can easily stab a woman's soft heart. Light language is not used to this change of thirteen. On the other hand, Ziyi's insistence is not worth it.

Originally, light language has confirmed that thirteen is Suluo. She should leave the city, but she can't rest assured that Ziyi, the simple and persistent girl, is still searching for Suluo for love. Qingyu doesn't want Ziyi to continue to search for Suluo's fall like a fool in the vast sea of people. She can't find it in her lifetime.

Now, what Qingyu is struggling with is whether to tell Ziyi the real situation. Only by telling the truth can Ziyi die and leave this dangerous city. But Qingyu also knows that once the truth is told, Ziyi will be hurt, which is a very heavy and heavy heartache. Qingyu is really afraid that Ziyi will be upset.

Hesitated for a long time, finally light language or decided to leave before their own, tell purple according to the truth, put aside any entanglement, just for a clear conscience. After making up his mind, Qingyu rushes to the place where Ziyi lives in the early morning and knocks on the door of Ziyi.

See the haggard Ziyi, light language found that she seems to be like herself, night after night, her dark eyes are very heavy, red blood in the eyes, look tired can't, Ziyi see light language, tired all of a moment sent out light, just so a moment, Ziyi came to the spirit.

Ziyi understood that since light language took the initiative to find herself, it must have brought news.

Because, the day before yesterday and light language separated, she promised to light language as little as possible to go out, stay in the hotel obediently, just to wait for her news, light language gave Ziyi promise, said to help her inquire about Suluo, at the same time, also found out the details of the thirteen death causes, let Ziyi do not run around, lest fall into crisis.

Ziyi knows that light language is for her own good, and she knows that her ability to speak light language is greater than her own, and she must be faster than herself to ask for information. Although Ziyi doesn't want to help with light language, she doesn't refuse, because she really needs help. Ziyi knows her own situation. Once she goes outside, she has to take too many risks and fall into the clutches of Ziyi. Therefore, she can only choose to listen to light words.

But the taste of waiting is not good. Ziyi feels that every moment is suffering. In her mind, she constantly comes up with various pictures, most of which are about Suluo, and there are 13. The more pictures are, the more Ziyi's heart is more sad. She is so eager to find Suluo, but she has been bumping for so long, but she has never found anything. Up to now, she can only hide in her room and wait for other people's news.

Suddenly, Ziyi felt that this kind of waiting might be in the future. She felt that it would be very difficult to find Suluo easily. If she found them, they were not familiar. Would Suluo believe in light language? What's more, the city is so big, it's not easy to find a person in the vast sea of people.

Can let purple Yi big surprise is, light language unexpectedly in today early morning to find, this let purple Yi eliminate all the mood in the heart.

As soon as light language entered the room, Ziyi asked impatiently, "what's the matter? Have you got any news?"

Seeing that Ziyi was so urgent, light language did not turn the corner, and directly picked the key point and said, "thirteen is not dead, he is back!"Hearing this, Ziyi's haggard face suddenly became energetic. Although she had been looking forward to looking for Suluo, suddenly, she thought that the thirteen who had died did not die, which was an unexpected surprise for Ziyi. The surprise made her excited. She could not help but murmured: "it's good if you don't die, it's good if you don't die. As expected, good intentions will pay off!"

Ziyi's excitement stung her heart. Such a simple girl can't bear to hurt, and can't bear to see her fall into endless pain. However, the fact is the fact, and no one can change it. What she can do is let Ziyi know the truth and choose her next path.

Pause for a moment, the light language can't help but say: "he has always been big life!"

Although, the light language has a lot of connotation, but Ziyi seems to feel something from her expression and words. At this time, light language should not be such a dignified expression, and she will not say anything that has always been big. This moment, Ziyi's excitement suddenly solidified, she was very serious staring at the light language, doubt asked: "what do you mean?"

When asked, she took a deep breath, adjusted her mentality, and said seriously, "he is Suluo!"

Solo? Thirteen is Suluo. When Ziyi heard the words, she said back without thinking: "impossible, absolutely impossible. How could he be Suluo? You haven't seen Suluo. You must have made a mistake!"

Ziyi doesn't believe it. She ruled out this idea long ago. She can't not recognize Suluo's. Ziyi doesn't believe it in any case.

Can light language but insist, continue to say affirmatively: "really, you have to believe me, Ziyi, thirteen, he is Suluo!"

Even if the light words are sure, Ziyi can't believe it. She shakes her head and says excitedly: "how can it be? They are not like each other at all. Do you have any evidence to say that they are the same person, did he admit it personally?"

Ziyi's mood is a little out of control. She doesn't want to admit this statement, and she dare not admit it. She understands Ziyi's mood in a light language, and knows how cruel this fact is to Ziyi. It's understandable that she doesn't want to believe it.

However, light language has made up her mind to confess to Ziyi, so she won't hide anything. So, after Ziyi's mood gets a little stable, she tells Ziyi all she knows and infers. When light language is finished, Ziyi is completely in a daze.

In fact, Ziyi is the person who knows Suluo best. On the 13th day of the first meeting, Ziyi realized that the beggar was probably Suluo. Maybe this is the power of love, and the heart has the magic power.

But later, the beggars became thirteen, thirteen's strength and indifference. He looked at the kind of heartlessness in his eyes, which was really cold to Ziyi's heart. Ziyi didn't dare to connect shisan with Suluo. She didn't want to believe that the thirteen who were so indifferent to herself would be Suluo. She couldn't accept this fact.

But at the moment, when hearing the light language to tell this fact to herself, Ziyi wants to escape again, and doesn't want to believe it any more. It turns out that there is no thirteen of her own in her eyes, which is really the Suluo who loves her. How cruel this fact is. This is simply a bottomless hole in Ziyi's heart.

In a trance, Ziyi felt her head dizzy, her body was very stiff, and her feet were heavy. All the sad emotions at this moment rushed to Ziyi, making her almost suffocated.

One side of the light language to see Ziyi like this, her heart is also incomparable pain, she is very poor for the girl, the silent room, as if suffocated by the air filled, the air of sadness factor is too much, too dense, entangled the two women can not extricate themselves, let themselves immersed in this sadness.

After a long time, he sighed softly and broke the peace of the room. He said plaintively, "well, we all understand that it's hard for him to save his father. He can hide everyone, but he shouldn't hide you. After all, you are his girlfriend and the one he wants to protect all his life. I don't think that Suluo is a man of unfeeling feelings. I remember his brain Isn't bag injured? Do you think he lost some memory because of his head injury? "

In fact, qingyuming knows that shisan should be a normal person, not as she said. Otherwise, he would not have the kindness to save Ziyi several times. He just learned to be indifferent and constantly change himself.

The reason why Qingyu said this is just to comfort Ziyi and let her not be too sad. However, this words not only did not ease Ziyi's mood, but also made her more painful. Unconsciously, Ziyi's eyes slowly dropped a few tears of despair.

With the fall of tears, Ziyi's sad voice sounded in the silent room: "I know why he doesn't know me!"

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