When she said this, Ziyi's voice was extremely painful, and her despair made her heart twitch. For Ziyi's sadness, she could not help but ask, "why?"

Ziyi raised her hand hard, wiped her tears, and said in a hoarse voice, "he hates me, because he doesn't love me anymore!"

The last sentence, said all the suffering of Ziyi, her voice is not like, as if affected the most painful string in her heart.

After listening to the light language, he quickly said: "impossible, Ziyi, you don't want to be so extreme. If he doesn't have you in his heart, how can he ignore the danger to save you?"

Ziyi was staring at the light language. Her eyes were empty. She tried to pull the corners of her mouth and showed a very bitter smile. She said, "that's because I helped him. He is returning my love. Don't you say it. I'll have an accident again. He won't help me any more."

When Ziyi said this, her voice was as bleak as it could be, and the light language she heard was a little creepy. In the light language, Suluo's love for Ziyi was everlasting, so she couldn't understand why Suluo was so indifferent to Ziyi, and why Suluo would let Ziyi look for him alone in this city.

Now, hearing Ziyi's words, she suddenly remembered that there was still such a possibility. In fact, Suluo's feelings for Ziyi were not as good as at the beginning. What she didn't understand was why Ziyi said that Suluo was hating her?

Something must have happened between them. Thinking of this, he immediately asked, "Ziyi, can you tell me what's going on?"

The only way to persuade Ziyi is to find out the situation and find out what kind of cracks have appeared between Suluo and Ziyi. Only by doing so can we achieve the situation like this.

And Ziyi doesn't want to talk to the light language now. The person who has been helping him hide something. It can be said that the light language now is the only way for Ziyi to rely on here. Now even Suluo doesn't want to be himself. Ziyi is in this strange place, and the only object she can talk to is light language.

Although the heart is painful and the memory is sad, Ziyi still tells all the things about the wedding ceremony between ziluo and Suluo. The more she says, the more hoarse Ziyi's voice becomes.

After that, Ziyi also said a sentence: "all blame me for not being sensible, not understanding him, hurt his heart, let him disappointed in me, so he will run here alone to risk it!"

Up to now, Ziyi still feels that Suluo didn't forgive herself on that matter. At that time, before she left, she sent her a short message full of emotion. However, in Ziyi's opinion, this is just a consolation to Suluo, so as not to get upset. However, Suluo really has her in her heart, and it is impossible to leave her alone.

In fact, Ziyi also knows the pain in Suluo's heart. It is precisely because she knows his pain that Ziyi embarks on the road to find Suluo and wants to explain to him clearly that no matter how dangerous it is here, Ziyi sticks to her belief, just because she wants to find Suluo too much, apologize to him and make up with him.

However, it is more difficult to carry out this matter than to go to the Western Heaven to learn scriptures. For so many days, Ziyi has experienced so many setbacks, and even several times she was almost defiled by Zhang Xiong. However, she still can not change her perseverance. She has been persisting and has expectations. She is not willing to accept the fact that Su Luo leaves quietly. She thinks that she will give herself a chance to wait for her own explanation.

However, today, Ziyi finally got the news of Suluo, but the news brought her the deepest and most desperate pain. This fact confirms what he fears in his heart. Suluo, he really has no feelings for himself, and he really has no feelings. This answer is even more painful than death for Ziyi.

If it was just a simple break-up, Ziyi would not be so painful. After all, she and Suluo did not break up for the first time, but what she couldn't accept was that she once loved her so much, and even could die for herself, but now she has become a cold-blooded and merciless stranger. This gap makes Ziyi unable to bear the fact that it is really cruel.

After listening to Ziyi's story, she is also shocked. Her eyes become extremely complicated, and her inner emotions are surging. Light language does not expect that they should have such a past.

All of a sudden, light language seems to understand why Suluo will become indifferent and merciless. Originally, it is forced by this society.

In the early days, Suluo was a person who didn't resist even after being beaten, but later he was forced to go on this road. Now, he is on a cold and merciless Road, which is pushed up step by step by reality. From the perspective of Suluo, light language can really feel the helplessness and pain of Suluo's mother, but from the perspective of Ziyi, light language can also understand Ziyi's heart, No matter which woman is, seeing her wedding disturbed, but the groom has an old love for the third party, she should not be able to bear it. Therefore, it is reasonable for Ziyi to repent.

Light language is good at empathy. She is a girl with high emotional intelligence. In her opinion, no one is wrong. What is wrong is the cruel reality. The reality makes Suluo and Ziyi suffer such a blow. The reality forces Suluo to become a cold-blooded person, while Ziyi has to bear all the consequences.

Light language knows how desperate Ziyi is at the moment, but she doesn't know how to comfort her. After a long pause, she says, "Ziyi, what are you going to do next?"Anyhow, Qingyu is worried about Ziyi's safety. The reason why she tells Ziyi the truth today is that she wants Ziyi to give up looking for Suluo and stop staying here to bear unnecessary risks.

Ziyi can feel Qingyu's care for herself. She adjusted her mood and said seriously to Qingyu: "I'm ok, light language. Thank you for helping me so much. Now you can help your business. Don't worry about me!"

Originally light language is not at ease Ziyi, a listen to her say such words, more uneasy, so, light language quickly said: "I have nothing to do, I just worry about you, after all, you alone here is too unsafe, or."

Ziyi seems to know what light language wants to say next. She doesn't wait for the light language to finish, directly interrupts her, and solemnly says: "I'm really OK, you can rest assured that I won't be upset, and I won't be looking for Suluo. I know how to ensure my safety. I'm tired now, just want to be quiet!"

Ziyi is so calm and resolute. She knows that Ziyi can't do anything. She knows that Ziyi can guarantee her own safety, so she won't make any mistakes. So, Qingyu also stands up and says to Ziyi in a soft voice: "well, you have to think about it. This is the way that Suluo chooses. He should consider it well, since there is no business for me here, Then I will look back. If you have anything to do, you can call me! "

Although, Qingyu and Ziyi haven't known each other for a long time. Now, they seem to have known each other for many years. Qingyu treats Ziyi as her sister. Ziyi also has a great affection for Qingyu. For her last concern, Ziyi sincerely said, "well, I will!"

Light language nodded, did not say anything more, then, he left Ziyi's room.

Although, Ziyi does not seem to have anything to do, but light language is still not at ease, so, after leaving the room, she did not immediately leave, but waited for Ziyi to close the door, she stood at the door of the room, secretly listening to the room.

Sure enough, not long after that, Ziyi's bleak cry came from the room. She knew that this was the vent of pain, and only when she let it out, her heart would not be depressed too hard.

Wait for the cry in the room more and more small, until there is no time, light language just to the door of the two bodyguards said: "let's go, let's go back!"

Half an hour later, Ziyi cried enough and was tired. She dragged her walking corpse like body and stood at the window of the room, overlooking the city that had brought her too many nightmares.

The city is very prosperous, but at this moment, Ziyi's eyes do not have any scenery, her eyes are empty, her heart is empty, the pain seems to be unconscious, her legs some soft, almost can not support her heavy body, this is a kind of deep despair, Ziyi can not think of like.

Looking at the busy traffic in this strange city, Ziyi's mind is filled with bits and pieces about Suluo. The once deep-seated memory is printed in the deepest part of his heart. Now, Ziyi wants to cut every memory from his heart. This pain makes Ziyi's body shake and fall.

Originally, Ziyi is a strong girl. It is because of her strength that the love between her and Suluo has been delayed until now. But now, Ziyi can no longer be strong. Her thin shoulders have been unable to bear such a heavy blow. The people who love so deeply do not love themselves any more. How can a weak woman bear such a reality Time, purple is really crushed, even, she wants to commit suicide, jump directly from the window, end this tragic fate.

For Ziyi standing there, death is not terrible. Death has become a kind of relief. She is really too tired and tired. However, Ziyi's heart knows that even if she is dead, she can't die here. Because if something happens to her in this city, it will definitely affect Suluo. Ziyi doesn't want to disturb Suluo any more, and doesn't want to add more trouble to him You don't love yourself anymore, so let yourself disappear from Solo's life!

Ziyi knows that, up to now, whether her people stay here or her body remains here, it will only add trouble to Suluo's way forward, and will only become a stumbling block to Suluo's progress. At present, Ziyi's only way is to leave here, leave far away and live in a remote place.

Only far away from everything, can we make Suluo feel at ease to do her own things. Since fate can't make Ziyi happy, Ziyi has to fulfill her beloved man and make him on the road he stands on.

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