Thinking like this, Ziyi raised her hand to wipe away the residual tears on her face, and then resolutely turned around and packed up her own luggage. When she came, she didn't bring a lot of things. When she left, Ziyi was such a suitcase. She left the room with her suitcase and walked out of the hotel.

The sky outside sets off Ziyi's mood. It's gloomy. Suddenly, the dark sky is suddenly split by lightning, and the rain is coming.

This city is really terrible, it has eroded Ziyi's soul. At first, she came to this city alone. Her shoes were worn out and her feet were swollen. She met with all kinds of troubles and crises. She only wanted to find the man in her heart. Unexpectedly, her body and heart were exhausted to the end. What she finally found was the most cruel pain. A wry smile appeared on the corner of Ziyi's mouth Wipe smile, with endless self mockery, as well as deep sadness.

Rain more and more, suddenly, a cold wind mixed with rain, slapped on Ziyi's face, she raised her head, facing the wind and rain, deeply closed her eyes, in the dark, Ziyi saw Suluo's indifferent eyes, saw Suluo's heartless heart, she felt that Suluo seemed to be saying to herself: leave my world, without you, I would be better off.

This voice is very clear, this is Suluo is driving Ziyi away, Suluo has wiped her from her heart, then, Ziyi can no longer occupy his heart, can not affect his life, she is also time to go.

Silence for a while, Ziyi deeply inhaled the cold air, and then, finally opened her eyes, tears mixed with rain sliding down her cheek, she lifted the suitcase, moved her feet, and stepped into the torrential rain.

The rain kept falling on Ziyi's body, instantly drenched her thin body. Ziyi dragged her luggage and walked very hard. However, no matter how heavy the rain was, no matter how hard the steps were, they couldn't stop her determination to leave. At this time, Ziyi was so resolute and so down-to-earth.

At an intersection, Ziyi stops and waits for a taxi. The wind and rain make her body sway, but the traffic on the road is very small. There are only a few private cars shuttling back and forth. Ziyi is standing in the rain. The tears on her face have been submerged in the rain. Only those red and swollen eyes prove that she has cried. Her spirit and body have suffered a huge impact, which is cruel to a weak woman.

When Ziyi lost her soul, a taxi suddenly came out and stopped in front of Ziyi. She suddenly regained her consciousness, then moved her trembling legs and put the trunk in the trunk of the car. Then, she also got into the back seat of the car.

But not waiting for Ziyi to report the address he wanted to go, the taxi driver went straight away. In the cold street, the taxi drove fast. Although Ziyi's body and mind are exhausted to the extreme, her head is also confused, but she still has consciousness. She can feel something wrong. Maybe Zhang Xiong has brought her too much shadow in her heart, so that Ziyi suddenly feels panic. In the panic, Ziyi doesn't think much about it, and quickly shouts: "master, stop quickly, I want to get off the bus!"

Because she was too nervous, Ziyi's voice trembled, but the taxi driver didn't pay any attention to Ziyi, and still drove fast. This time, Ziyi was even more flustered. She even said that she got off the car several times, but the driver completely ignored her. The driver was like a robot, completely ignoring Ziyi's cry, which made her feel deeply afraid.

Ziyi's wet body has been shivering, which is the shiver of fear and despair. She is planning to leave the world of Suluo. She would rather bear all the pain, but also determined to leave the city. Why are there people pestering themselves!

Ziyi doesn't want to fall into the hands of the villains. At the moment, she is desperate to put her hand on the door and yells again: "you, if you don't stop, I'll jump out of the car!"

With that, Ziyi opened the door of the car. At this time, the taxi came to an emergency brake, and the car stopped immediately. Ziyi was excited and was about to get off. But Ziyi had not moved her feet. Suddenly, a fierce figure appeared outside the car, completely blocking the door, leaving Ziyi with no way to go back.

At this moment, she was petrified, and her panic was even greater. Ziyi was in despair. This added insult to injury made her almost deranged. The tough man outside the car pushed Ziyi into the car when she was stunned.

Then he also sat in, sat next to Ziyi and said to the driver in a deep voice: "drive!"

Immediately, the taxi left.

The man sitting next to Ziyi is Zhao Yang, the acting group leader of the dark group. As easy as blowing away the dust, Zhao Yangzhen can be said that in the investigation, the very professional of, especially in this H Province, is full of his eyeliner, so catching a purple Yi is really not a great effort for him. Everything is under his control. At this moment, purple is even difficult to fly.

However, now Ziyi doesn't care about life and death any more. What she cares about most is her chastity. Even if it's death, she won't be defiled.

So, when Xu Nan woke up from the chaos, she immediately yelled at Zhao Yang: "I tell you, I won't get rid of Zhang Xiong's son of a bitch. If you force me again, I will die for you!"Ziyi's words fully showed her determination. After finishing her speech, she was even ready to bite her tongue and commit suicide.

Zhao Yang on the other side saw that Ziyi was so stubborn that he didn't want to die. Zhao Yang was not afraid of Ziyi. He was afraid that Ziyi's life was gone. He got a death order in Fugang. No matter what method, we must catch Ziyi, but we must make sure that she is alive. Once Ziyi has some faults, Zhao Yang can not become the leader of the dark group I'm afraid it's hard to save my life. He will never allow such a thing to happen.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yang's head was excited for a moment. He quickly put on a gentle posture and explained to Ziyi: "little girl, you misunderstood me. I'm not Zhang Xiong's person. We have a feud with that boy. Don't worry, I won't hurt you, but our boss wants to see you!"

There is no other way, Zhao Yang can only use this strategy, sure enough, this move is very useful, Ziyi listen, tense nerves immediately ease down, she carefully looked at the next person, found that he is not Zhang Xiong's people, but, purple or more eyes, doubt asked: "who is your boss?"

Zhao Yang did not tell her, just casually said: "you will know when you get there."

At this time, Zhao Yang's voice became extremely soft, for fear that Ziyi felt the malice of his body.

Although Ziyi dare not trust strangers, she has no other way. She is a woman without a chicken in her hand. It is impossible for her to escape from the world. She can only follow her to find out the situation. First of all, Ziyi can't commit suicide until she knows the origin of the other party. She knows that once she dies in this city, she will have an unnecessary impact on Suluo's plan. Therefore, she can't get there Forced, Ziyi will not choose suicide this way, but if forced to a desperate situation, she can only end her own life.

Half an hour later, Zhao Yang has led Ziyi to the villa where Fugang is.

In just one day, Zhao Yang had completed the two major tasks assigned to him by Fu Gang, and they were very efficient. Zhao Yang seemed to have seen that the position of the leader of the dark group was waving to himself.

The more he thought about Zhao Yang, the more excited he felt. His steps were light. He first came to Fu Gang's study where he often stayed. He went in and saw no one. Then he went straight to Fu Gang's bedroom and knocked on the door directly.

This morning, Fugang was too excited to fall asleep. But after two hours of hard work, he had a rest. However, he didn't sleep very long and was awakened again. According to his fiery temper, he had to deal with the people who disturbed his peace. However, at this moment, even if he was woken up, he was willing to go out at will Zhao Yang is the only one who enters his villa. If he dares to knock on the door, he must have good news.

Then, Fu Gang's sleepiness was eliminated again. He got out of bed with full of excitement, put on his clothes and went to open the door.

Sure enough, as soon as the door opened, Zhao Yang immediately reported: "master, I brought Ziyi to you!"

On hearing this, Fu Gang couldn't help but arouse a deep smile, and his eyes burst out with a surprise light. He didn't expect that things were going so smoothly, which was much more relaxed than what he had imagined. This made him tired and said: "OK, OK, OK, OK, now bring the people here right now!"

Zhao Yang didn't leave immediately. Instead, he whispered a few words in front of Fu Gang, explaining the situation of xiaziyi. He reported Ziyi's downfall, carrying his suitcase as if he wanted to leave, and wanted to commit suicide.

After hearing this, Fu Gang's eyebrows began to wrinkle. However, this wily fox soon had his own plan. Even Zhang Wenshan, who was in the fifth hall, was often played by him between applause, not to mention Ziyi, a little girl who didn't understand the world.

Therefore, Fu Gang didn't care much about it. He directly ordered, "well, it's OK. Take her to the hall."

Zhao Yang took the order and retired.

As soon as Zhao Yang left, Fu Gang immediately picked up himself, washed himself, and changed his clothes. Fu Gang was quite different in peacetime. He restrained his wolf like evil spirit and showed only amiable manner. Then he left the room and headed for the hall.

Ziyi has been waiting in the living room for a long time. Although Ziyi can see that this place is not Zhang Xiong's territory, Ziyi's heart is still uneasy. The world is too complicated and people's hearts are even more dangerous. Ziyi is alone and has to guard against it. As soon as she sees Fu just coming out, she immediately asks, "who are you? Why do you want to catch me?"

At the moment, Ziyi is just like a hedgehog. She is injured too much. When she sees anyone, she will erect the thorns on her body, so as not to be taken advantage of.

Fu Gang seems to have expected Ziyi's reaction. So, when facing Ziyi's question, he behaves more kindly, and his tone is not urgent. He replies, "needless to say, it's Ziyi. You're wrong. I'm not arresting you, but protecting you!"

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