In the quiet alley, the streetlights drag all our figures for a long time, as if frozen in this moment.

Ma Qiang, who has always been superior to others, dare not put a whole fart at the moment. He just bends his face and stares at me indignantly. I stood in the same place, and Ma Qiang's four eyes opposite, the eye collision seemed to have the spark to jump out.

His words deeply touched me. What should I do? Should I accept his single challenge or hide behind Shen Muchen and let him clear the obstacles on my way. I was lost in thought.

The crab cut in and said, "if you have the ability to fight with me, I'll let you have a hand. If you can beat me, even if I lose, otherwise, don't ask for Suluo's trouble in the future."

Even though Ma Qiang has this look now, crab also knows that I am still not his opponent, so he helps me out. However, Ma Qiang doesn't seem to hear the crab's words, and his eyes are staring at me, waiting for my answer.

I stood in the same place for a few seconds, suddenly, I moved, I strode to Ma Qiang, pointed to him, said loudly: "OK, I'll fight with you!"

My voice broke the silence of the alley, and what I said surprised everyone, especially Ma Qiang. He didn't seem to think that I would fight. He looked at me in amazement and asked, "are you sure?"

I firmly said: "sure!"

Simple two words, I said sonorous powerful, expressed my determination. However, my determination, in other people's eyes, is mindless stupidity, no one thought why I would do this.

Shen Muchen was the first to open his mouth to persuade him: "Suluo, don't be impulsive. Don't look at him. You are not his opponent. Calm down!"

The crab also immediately agreed: "yes, pick a hair with him. When he took people to beat you today, why didn't he fight with you alone? Now that he has become a turtle in a jar, I think of it. You can't be so stupid to be cheated by him!"

Not only the two of them, but also many brothers who were together persuaded me not to accept his challenge. I looked at Shen Muchen and crab with grateful eyes, as well as the brothers who cared about me, and said seriously: "brothers, I have no impulse, now I am very calm, I am serious, I want to fight with him alone!"

Look at me so calm to say such words, they can't say anything more.

However, Ma Qiang was complacent. He had a sly look in his eyes. Then he grinned and yelled to me, "OK, sulo, that's what you said. Don't regret it then. Say it. When you're on your own, no one else will interfere."

I clenched my fists and looked at Ma Qiang tightly. I said calmly, "it's OK to let them intervene. But you must promise me that if I win this competition, we will not invade the river in the future. From now on, everything will be different. If I lose, whatever you do!"

To tell you the truth, I was really excited to see Ma Qiang beaten up by Shen Muchen's people at the beginning, but even though he tortured him, he didn't let me off. I suddenly thought, even if I stabbed Ma Qiang into the hospital like last time, what? After he was discharged from the hospital, it was still a crazy revenge on me. In this case, how to beat him and torture him will never help. It will only make our hatred more and more intense.

Just at the moment when I heard the word "single choice" appeared in Ma Qiang's mouth, a heat flow suddenly appeared in my heart, and the blood in my body gradually boiled. In the past, I would not even think about fighting with others, but today I feel this kind of blood with Shen Muchen, and I really envy it.

My mind also sprouted an idea, accept his challenge to prove his ability, Shen Muchen can not stay with me all the time, as long as I get out of his scope, then I will enter Ma Qiang's endless revenge, the most important is that I rely on Shen Muchen's help to revenge Ma Qiang. In no one's opinion, I will not be looked up upon.

If I want to make others look up to me and want to stand firm in school completely, I must have the most basic manly spirit. No matter whether I can win the single contest or not, at least I can use my own strength to fight once under the condition that someone is backing me this time. Although my words are what he does to me, I believe that Shen Muchen will not ignore things.

Of course, in Ma Qiang's opinion, there was no suspense in the single contest. He was completely in the grip of the victory. Therefore, he did not consider the conditions I proposed, so he agreed, and again told me to keep my word, so he climbed up from the ground.

In the face of this kind of Ma Qiang, I also know that I am still not his opponent, but I will try my best to beat him and defeat him. I also once again Shen Muchen a group of people to say hello, said that do not interfere in the middle of the way, must have one side to admit defeat, just calculate the end.

Seeing that I was so resolute, Shen Muchen could only promise not to intervene in any persuasion. Next, he and his brothers, back to one side, Ma Qiang's girlfriend, also consciously back away.

The battlefield has been cleared up, fight, ready to start!

Now Ma Qiang, who is opposite me, is full of fury in his eyes, as though he will light me up. There is no unnecessary nonsense. He directly provokes me, hooks his fingers, and indicates that he doesn't pay attention to me at all.I clenched my fist, and my faith became more and more firm. Although I had never fought since I was a child, I did not have any actual combat experience except for the lucky success of the last attack on Ma Qiang. But if I want to win him, I must show my belief in winning and my determination not to be afraid of death, and fight him to the end!

Late at night, the cool wind blows on everyone's face, everyone is staring at the scene of us, the battle is imminent!

Looking at Ma Qiang's appearance of being beaten, I took my legs without saying a word and rushed at him. Although my body was sensitive, I was still injured in the afternoon, which made me look clumsy. Therefore, when I was close to Ma Qiang, he suddenly raised his legs. Before I could Dodge, I was kicked out by him.

I know I'm not his opponent, but I didn't expect that Ma Qiang, who was seriously injured, is still so flexible. Before I got up, Ma Qiang chased after him and ran to me quickly. Then he sat on me with his huge body, and punched me one after another. He scolded me as he hit me: "son B, you are looking for death, Look for death

The pain of the body attacked the whole body. With his falling without a fist, my body began to numb, and gradually I didn't know what the pain was. I only felt a fire burning in my heart, supporting my faint brain!

But Ma Qiang, perhaps afraid of Shen Muchen, did not dare to lay too heavy a hand on them. After a few blows, he stopped, grabbed my collar and asked in a sharp voice, "do you admit defeat?"

I opened my mouth and spit on his face mixed with blood, and said, "I think your mother's lost." he stretched out his other hand to wipe the saliva on his face. Taking advantage of this opportunity, I hit Ma Qiang's dog's head with my head as quickly as possible. Immediately, Ma Qiang hugged his head and cried out!

This time, I hit the eye also straight out of Venus, feel the head from a package of hot pain. However, I didn't care at all. On the contrary, I pushed Ma Qiang away from me, jumped up and dragged his hair to the ground.

After hitting with all his strength, Ma Qiang's head was smashed by me. It may be from his own instinctive reaction. His random fist flew me to the ground. I deeply felt that his fist was very powerful. My hands were tight and his hair remained.

Just as I was about to get up, Ma Qiang fell down on me like a drug. In order to prevent me from hitting him with my head again, he pinched my neck with one hand and beat me with the other. However, in the face of him, my hands made room for movement.

In the moment he punched me, my hand accurately grasped his hand. Directly open mouth bite, a bite to go down, bite that call a cruel. Ma Qiang yelled again, his tears of pain straight, his other hand kept beating me, while fighting and scolding: "you TM, quickly let me loose!"

However, he hit me, I bite more hard, the smell of blood makes me become extremely violent, I am not afraid of pain at all, just want to bite this son of a bitch, the pain keeps shouting Ma Qiang, that hand is still beating me, I am almost knocked out by him, but my mouth is not loose.

The crab looked at me like this, can't help but cry out: "Suluo, quickly relax, or you will be killed like this!"

Said, he also wanted to help me, but Shen Muchen stopped him in time. At the moment, Shen Muchen was staring at us with his sharp eyes.

I was beaten a bit delirious, but I still bite Ma Qiang, the pain is the real pain, finally, Ma Qiang some can not carry, his accumulated anger also completely broke out, he slowly from me, it seems to be ready to give me a final blow.

When I feel my body gradually lighter, my eyes suddenly light up. I deeply know that it is impossible to win Ma Qiang by watching brute force. The most important thing is to rely on insidious means. Now, he has given me this excellent opportunity.

When he was about to stand up and hungry, my hand had reached his crotch quietly. Without his knowledge, I grabbed his crotch.

In an instant, I can feel the feeling of broken eggs. Ma Qiang, in a cold sweat, has enlarged his pupils. He raises his head and makes a scream of shaking mountains.

My mouth immediately let go of his hand, and then I asked aloud, "give up?"

Hearing this, Ma Qiang immediately stopped calling, squatting in the body of the non-stop shivering, he gave up the resistance, only the eyes full of red blood glared at me.

Seeing that he did not speak, the strength of his hands suddenly increased. This time, let alone Ma Qiang, even the bystanders around him felt the pain of broken eggs. He could not bear to look directly at him. However, I didn't feel excessive at all. On the contrary, it was quite exciting. In any case, I defeated Ma Qiang on my own. My eyes flashed with excitement when I thought of this.

Ma qianggong was about to roll his eyes, but I didn't mean to stop. He couldn't hold on any more. He opened his mouth directly and said in a hoarse voice: "I give up, I give up!"The moment Ma Qiang's voice fell, my body was liberated. I slowly released my hand pinched on the crotch of Ma Qiang's pants and lay on the ground directly. Looking at the starry night sky, the corner of my mouth showed a victory smile

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