I, won, this time, I really won!

Shen Muchen and a group of people, seeing that I won, immediately ran to surround me, and kept praising me and saying that I underestimated me. It turned out that I had a fierce fight and said that my monkey stealing peach was really wonderful, which made them all scared for a while. I could feel that at this moment, I was no longer the soft guy who was not enough of a man in their eyes.

Maybe, this is what I want.

With a smile, I enjoyed their admiration. When they finished their praise, Ma Qiang, who was lying on the ground in agony, stopped moaning. I eased for a moment on the ground, stood up with the support of all the people, and walked up to Ma Qiang, looking down at him. His tone was indifferent: "you can go, but I hope you remember what you said!"

With that, I turned my head and looked at the girl Ma Qiang had brought. At this time, I was shaking with fear. I called to her, "help him away quickly!"

The girl nodded immediately and helped Ma Qiang up. After Ma Qiang got up, Shen Muchen came over. He looked at Ma Qiang coldly and warned loudly: "Ma, listen to me. It's a man who should keep his word. I hope you can keep your promise. If you dare to play tricks, I will be the first one who won't let you go. Go!"

Ma Qiang's face is like bitter gourd, without a word. He just glared at me fiercely. With the help of the girl, he left in a down and out way.

Looking at their far away back, Shen Muchen could not help but say to me: "this person, I feel that he will not keep his promise, you should be more careful in school."

I smile, light said: "I know he will not convince me, but I did, even if his words are untrustworthy, he should not wantonly retaliate against me, after all, he has made a promise to me, there will always be some consideration in my heart. But if I rely on your maintenance, it will only make the hatred between us more and more deep. After all, you are from other schools. You can help me once, but you can't always be with me. I have to rely on myself for some things. I need to change the status quo. "

Hearing this, Shen Muchen's eyes suddenly flashed a glimmer of light, the expression on his face also became serious, patted my shoulder, solemnly said: "Su Luo, good, this just looks like a man! My brother Shen Muchen has made a decision. Write down my phone number and contact me directly if you have something to do. If that guy dares to trouble you at school, I will directly kill him in your school and kill him! "

Brother, this word is so far away for me. At the beginning, Ma Qiang's saying that I was a brother made me excited for a long time. But I could also feel that what he said was not true. He always looked down on me. At this moment, Shen Muchen mouth friends, absolutely out of sincerity, unexpected, I made friends for the first time in my life, can make such a special friend, I am really very happy, I can't wait to take out my mobile phone, wrote down Shen Muchen's mobile phone number, excitedly said: "thank you, brother Chen!"

Shen Muchen showed a charming smile and said boldly: "we are all brothers, so don't say these polite words. Let's go. It's too late. I'll send you back!"

I am grateful to say: "no, Chen elder brother, this injury is nothing to me. I can go back by myself. Besides, your bedroom is going to be closed. Don't delay to send me off. I can go back by myself."

Shen Muchen gently nodded his head, also did not say what, returned a sentence: "well, you take care of yourself!"

With that, he turned and left, and then all the brothers said to me in succession. Watching them disappear in the lane, I started, dragging the body of the wounded to the other end of the alley, slowly walked in the past.

In May, the weather in the southern city is changeable. There is a thunder in the sky without warning. Then it starts to rain. I walk in the rain and no longer feel sad. On the contrary, I am so manly now.

The rain came and went in a hurry. After a short time, it stopped. The air after the rain became extremely fresh. My mood seemed to be washed by the light rain. A clear feeling grew up in my body.

I have never felt the warmth of friendship. At this moment, I feel it. I have never experienced the bloody fight. At this moment, I also experienced it! Suddenly found that this feeling, really good.

Compared with the past lonely, today's passion is so happy, even if my body was seriously injured, but I still feel worthy, I do not feel pain, only feel happy, this is the state of young people should have, this, can be regarded as a real man.

Although I hurt a little bit, but I'm too lazy to go to the hospital, and I don't want to go to school. I'm very excited and excited now.

All the way around, I came to Lin Shihan's house unconsciously and looked inside. The window on the second floor was still on. At this time, I didn't want to leave. Even if I was watching from afar, I also wanted to guard her silently!

I found a bench nearby and sat down. Just as I was in a trance, my phone rang, breaking the silence of the night. I took it out and said, "what's wrong, brother Chen?"

Shen Muchen said: "nothing, how did you get to school?"

I lied to him and said, "well, it's time to go to school. If it's OK, you should have a rest earlier."Shen Muchen: "OK, that doesn't say, Su Luo remembers, has any matter to call me."

I replied: "en en, I know, brother Chen. That, that. "

Shen Muchen, who was just about to hang up the phone, heard the words behind me and asked, "what's the matter with you, Suluo, what's the matter?"

I quickly explained, "no, nothing!"

Shen Su said to me, "if you can hide from me, you'll do your best to help me out. If you can tell me something, you can't do anything else."

Shen Muchen's words let me appreciate, although it was only the first contact, he was like a brother to me, I dare not to refute him, so, weakly said: "brother Chen, this is not a big deal, I just want you to help me inquire about your school, there is a girl named Shen Yue, how she is now!"

What I didn't expect, Shen Muchen, who was calm at ordinary times, became frightened when he heard the name of Shen Yue. He said in a trembling voice, "you, you, how can you know Shen Yue?"

Feeling his strange, I was a little embarrassed to say: "she and I are junior high school students, and she is still my favorite person, and then she suddenly left, the previous stage in this city met, forget to contact information, so I want to ask you about her!"

For Shen Muchen, I just said the general thing, those sad things I don't want to mention any more, let it dissipate with memory in time.

Shen Muchen said again, "Suluo, I'll ask you again. Is Shen Yue the Foreign Language Department of our school?"

I nodded and said, "well, yes!"

See me so sure, Shen Muchen said: "Su Luo, as a brother, I advise you to stay away from her, you don't ask why, in short, believe me right, I will not harm you!"

Shen Muchen's words, I said a little confused, Shen Yue she this person is not to become some material, I am also to inquire about, also not as such.

I am slightly puzzled and asked, "brother Chen, I really don't understand what you mean!"

Shen Muchen felt a little angry and said, "I won't cheat you. In a word, you believe me on the right. OK, you can have a rest early and call again if you have something."

Shen Muchen didn't answer my question, then hung up in a hurry, I also fell into disorder, Shen Yue she is now changed very material! Is not and Ma Qiang had intercourse! How is it so terrible in Shen Muchen's mouth? I comforted myself. Maybe my Shen Yue and his mouth's are just two people of the same name!

Forget it, she has nothing to do with me. I have to care about so much. At this time, seeing that the light of Lin Shihan's home has been turned off, I stand up and leave.

After looking at the time, it was 11 o'clock. I walked on the street and lost my direction completely. My bedroom was completely closed. I really didn't know where I could go. Finally, I stayed at the door of an Internet cafe, looked at it for a few seconds, and then went in. I opened a package, and I was prepared to make it here for one night.

I spent a hard night in the Internet bar, and spent the night in front of the computer. I didn't know what I was thinking and why I was distracted. The next day, I stood up from my chair and moved my stiff body. I left the Internet bar and walked in the direction of school.

The morning sun sprinkled on my body, a cold suddenly hit me, cold I unconsciously beat a shiver, I completely wake up from the confusion.

I went back to school along the original road. When I got to the door of Lin Shihan's house again, I saw her open the door and came out. Today's Lin Shihan still looks so pure and beautiful. Her white sweater makes her skin more tender and tender, with black eyes, red lips and beautiful hair and shawl. It's so beautiful. I was a bit stunned at what I saw for a while. I didn't want her to see me, so I found a place to hide.

Just when I was hiding. You can see that a red sports car shot out in the air and drifted in a very domineering and unrestrained posture. You don't have to guess that this man must be Han Boyang. Don't stop, Han Boyang comes down and opens the door for Lin Shihan. Lin Shihan sits up with a smile on his face.

Immediately, Han Boyang also returned to the driving position, and the car started to drive away.

But I was hiding in the corner, looking at the back of the sports car leaving. My heart felt like a piece of hollowed out. My breath was a bit blocked. Although I knew that Han Boyang was around her, I still couldn't accept Lin Shihan. Every time I met her, my heart would feel inexplicably sad!

Why do you expect me? I was lucky enough to be favored by the goddess? This is just my fantasy. I dare not think about it any more. The more I think about it, the more painful my heart is.

But until now, I suddenly realized that the cowardly I dare to fight Ma Qiang is not only for the so-called justice and bullshit conscience, but I can't bear to see Lin Shihan hurt.Originally, I followed her quietly in those days, not only for fear that she would be retaliated by Ma Qiang, perhaps just to secretly see her.

It turns out that all of them are just because I really want to eat swan meat.

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