At the same time, Zhang Wenshan, like Fu Gang, was also the convener of Wutang headquarters. However, Zhang Wenshan and Fu Gang had different intentions. He just wanted to celebrate. He wanted to celebrate the turn over of the fifth hall, the return of thirteen, and let everyone witness the promotion of thirteen. Because Zhang Wenshan had decided to promote thirteen to be the guard captain of the fifth hall In charge of all members of rank one, two, three.

The position of captain of the guard is almost equal to Zhang Wenyuan. Obviously, Zhang Wenshan attaches great importance to thirteen from the bottom of his heart. For the reversal of his adversity, Zhang Wenshan knows that he relies on thirteen to turn the tide. He has to be grateful for thirteen. If it is not for thirteen, the five halls would have lost their dignity and become the laughing stock of all people. Zhang Wenshan would have been hard for him To have a chance to turn over.

But now it's different. Although his influence has been severely damaged by the Qinglong Association, this is not a big problem. After a little rectification, he will recover. On the contrary, the appearance of shisan saves his face. What's more, shisan has won the competition agreement for himself. Then, he will soon win the position of vice leader.

Zhang Wenshan was extremely excited by all these good deeds. He left all his troubles out of the air, and his cautious attitude towards the 13th was also temporarily abandoned. At present, what he has to do is to thoroughly boost the morale of all the members of the five halls.

As soon as the hall leader was excited, the whole five halls became active. All the members were relaxed and became extremely excited. Perhaps, it is also because the setbacks suffered the day before yesterday were too deep and repressed for too long, and finally released, they would feel more happy. They were excited and admired for the revival of thirteen and the strength of turning the tide in the arena. They could not help but look at him with a new look.

Now, no one in Wutang is unconvinced, because his strength is obvious to all. Since he is inferior to him, he is willing to admire him.

However, when everyone was excited, there was a man in the five halls who was in great pain. This man was Zhang Xiong.

Since he met Ziyi the night before last, Zhang Xiong's bad luck has hit one after another. Originally, he thought that he would be able to hold the beauty back when he was 13 dead. However, he killed a light voice on the way, which made Zhang Xiong both depressed and excited.

It is a shame to Zhang Xiong that he can't get two beautiful things in front of him, but he can't get them immediately. Instead, he is severely punished by the light language bodyguard, and even knocks out his two front teeth. This is a great shame to Zhang Xiong. And excited, two women he wanted most appeared, he finally had a chance to catch.

With a complex state of mind, Zhang Xiong hurried home, thinking that he could find his father to make the decision, so he took the two Beauties home. Who knows, as soon as he came back, he met his father who was furious. He was slapped by his father who loved him most. Finally, he would be locked up. He couldn't even think of going out, let alone the two beauties.

Zhang Xiong was bound in his villa, and he was about to get mad. However, what made him angry was that when he was most depressed, he heard another bad news. Thirteen finally came back from the dead again. He was so powerful that the whole five halls planned to celebrate for him. How could Zhang Xiong bear it? He was poor I didn't get angry.

It can be said that the person Zhang Xiong hates most in his life is thirteen. If it wasn't for this son of a bitch, Zhang Xiong would not have fallen into such a situation. He would have gone home with a beautiful woman.

The most hated person had died well, and his heart was relieved for so long. But who could have thought that he had stepped on the dog excrement, and all the bad luck had hit him, which made him fall into hell in an instant. If not for the colorful world, Zhang Xiong would have committed suicide.

However, even though Zhang Xiong understood that the status of shisan in Wutang was more prosperous and difficult to overthrow, he still secretly vowed not to kill him and not to be a human being.

Even though he was in the room for five and a half days, he was totally indifferent to the news of himself, and even he was in the room for five and a half days For an outsider.

He is just a person, quietly stay in the room, no one knows what he is thinking. Originally, thirteen's character is very cold. Since he came back last night, he has become colder. Moreover, he has no thought. It seems that he has a lot of worries, because at the moment, he is staring at the mirror in the room.

When shisan was immersed in his own world, suddenly, a harsh doorbell rang. At once, shisan took back his mind and went out of the room to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, he saw a beautiful face he didn't want to see. Her face was beautiful and her figure was graceful. She was Lin Shihan.

For this woman, shisan has always had no good feelings. As soon as he saw her, shisan did not show any politeness. He asked her in a cold voice, "what's the matter with you?"

The tone is extremely cold, obviously, he did not intend to let Lin Shihan come in, just want to blow her away as soon as possible.

However, Lin Shihan, who had run into the wall several times, seemed to be used to shisan's indifference and didn't care at all. When she came to shisan's villa, she just went to her own home. She just laughed and said, "what else can I do? Of course, I'm here to see you!"With that, she ignored the thirteen in front of the door and walked into the villa with a casual look.

The indifference on the 13th day became colder, and even a chill rose in his eyes. His voice also contained some slight dissatisfaction, saying: "go out!"

But Lin Shihan ignored thirteen and pretended not to hear. He only used that pair of bright eyes to scan the hall of the villa.

When shisan came to her with a cold momentum, Lin Shihan looked at shisan and said frankly: "thirteen, I'm really surprised that you can still live. However, I'm even more surprised that you beat Kewen. I want to know why you want to join Wutang since you are so capable? How about working under the careful Zhang Wenshan? "

This is Lin Shihan's doubts. She is really very strange. What is the attraction of Wutang? People who are so cold as shisan are willing to give in. In the past, shisan might have been forced to join in because of Zhang Wenshan's threat. But now he has come back and defeated Wutang Wen Wen, this makes Lin Shihan have to be strange.

Of course, it's not Zhang Wenshan's will that Lin Shihan asked these questions. Now, Zhang Wenshan has completely trusted shisan, and there is no need to test anything. Lin Shihan came here not to test whether shisan is Suluo. Up to now, she has almost completely ruled out the possibility that shisan is Su Luo. It can be said that Lin Shihan has known Su Luo since he was in high school If he is not in good health, he will not be able to defeat Kewen, who is famous for his kung fu training.

Therefore, after learning that shisan defeated Kewen, Lin Shihan completely dispelled the doubt that shisan was Suluo. She came to ask this question out of curiosity. She was curious about shisan, a cold and mysterious person. In fact, as early as the last time she tried him out, Lin Shihan had a little interest in him. She thought that if shisan was not Suluo If he would laugh a little, maybe he would like him.

Now, it's certain that shisan is not Suluo. Moreover, shisan is really different. He doesn't want anything, but he always makes people surprised. This makes Lin Shihan more curious and interested in him.

However, shisan doesn't understand Lin Shihan's heart. In shisan's eyes, Lin Shihan, as long as she appears in front of his eyes, has a smell of conspiracy. He doesn't want to see her at all. He says coldly to her again: "it's none of your business. Please go out!"

The last four words, with endless indifference, it seems that Lin Shihan will start at thirteen if he doesn't go out.

In the face of shisan's order to leave, Lin Shihan remained unmoved. She just showed a little sadness in her eyes. With this sadness, Lin Shihan put away her charming attitude and asked Shishen in a voice: "do you hate me so much?"

Thirteen answered without thinking: "yes!"

Lin Shihan has suffered this cold and disgusting attitude several times in shisan. Originally, she should be numb if she has suffered too much. But now, Lin Shihan feels a little uncomfortable. Maybe it is because she cares about shisan. She feels disgusted by the people she cares about. It is a great pain and grievance. After all, Lin Shihan can't help speaking "Why?" he asked

Shisan did not look at Lin Shihan any more, but uttered an extremely cold voice: "I don't like to be with people who sell their souls!"

This is so familiar and so hurtful. The first two thirteen times, she said that Lin Shihan was too dirty, and she accepted it. That's because she didn't care too much about him. No matter how much he insulted himself, she would forget it later.

But now, Lin Shihan is more appreciative. If he wants to be close to him, he can at least speak and be a friend. She is in this strange city, carrying the infinite hatred and pain in her heart, with an old man so much older than herself, to compromise. Her life is so lonely that she seems to live her own life every day, wearing a mask every day, and her smile is also so against her will.

But suddenly he met such a special person as shisan. After several temptations and concerns, Lin Shihan's feeling for him gradually changed from disgust to hate, and then became interested in him, wanted to be close to him, and wanted to take him as a person who could talk to each other. However, the man refused himself again and again, despised himself. How could Lin Shihan not feel dejected.

Lin Shihan also understands that the thirteen refers to the young and beautiful woman, who has been with such an old man as Zhang Wenshan. This is indeed a shameful thing, and it is also the pain in Lin Shihan's heart. This pain has been mentioned many times, which inevitably makes Lin Shihan feel sad. Her thoughts can not help being led to the past. When she thinks of all kinds of experiences, Lin Shihan can't help but feel sour and astringent I can't help but blush.

After a long time, Lin Shihan looked at thirteen with her aggrieved eyes, and said in a hoarse voice, "I don't want to be like this. I was not such a person before. If I told you that my earliest favorite was a poor, ugly and cowardly man, would you believe me?"

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