13 this person is indifferent to anyone, no friend, no one really knows him, and his character, especially Lin Shihan, is more indifferent. No matter what she said or did, thirteen can return to her most harsh, coldest, and cruelest way to strike her.

But at this moment, at first glance, when Lin Shihan said this strange words, thirteen's heart was touched, as if his memories were also moved with him. However, thirteen heart moved again, his face was as cold as ever, without a slightest reaction.

However indifferent he is, Lin Shihan only cares about her painful thoughts and remembers the past.

This time, Lin Shihan did not regard 13 as an imaginary enemy again, but as a listener for a long time. Lin Shihan didn't show her true feelings to anyone. Her emotions accumulated more and more in her heart, and the deeper she accumulated, sometimes she felt she wanted to have schizophrenia. Some words were nice to say to herself, because she was really She has no object to talk about. She can only pay for the false meaning of anyone around her. The disguised days are really tired.

Now, Lin Shihan, the indifferent and ruthless 13, suddenly wants to release himself, wants to talk to him about the past, wants to unload some of the burden in his heart, let himself not be so tired.

So, before he had rushed to go completely, Lin Shihan talked about her past, said that she was a flower level figure in her high school, and many pursuers visited, but no one came into her eyes, but a very lonely person quietly entered her eyes.

It is a waste that a person dislikes, but for Lin Shihan, she does not think of him, but also pays great attention to him. Because, his achievements are outstanding, he is a talented person, and his character is very good, and his personality is isolated and has personality. Lin Shihan wants to pay attention to him without independence. The longer he cares, Lin Shihan becomes a person to him The more appreciative, simply put it, is to have a good feeling, to say in the deep, this feeling seems to be a green secret love, and Lin Shihan mouth of this person, is sulo!

But since the year of senior high school, everything has changed. Sulo, the top ranked student, has fallen down suddenly and her study has been falling. This disappointed her to pay attention to Lin Shihan. What's more, during the period of University, sulo also did something that she couldn't understand. In a moment, sulo's talent and character were destroyed.

That is, from that time on, Lin Shihan has completely changed his image of sulo, from appreciation, kindness and hatred. Finally, sulo has become the biggest enemy in her life, and sulo has completely changed Lin's life.

Lin Shihan always thought that as long as the enemy died, she would have fulfilled her wish of this life, and she could be reborn. But until the last time, Lin Shihan was suddenly confused. Although, Lin Shihan was not sure at that time. Whether it was Suluo at that time, Lin Shihan's mood became abnormal in the moment when he heard about the death of the 13th Complex, which is mixed with a variety of flavors.

Later, slowly, Lin Shihan felt empty and empty. She imagined thirteen as sulo. If Suluo died, Lin Shihan suddenly found that he had no expected happiness and no such pleasure. Once the person completely disappeared from his life, Lin Shihan did not know what he had to expect. At that time, she had always been thinking about it In thinking, is the meaning of her life now, just revenge?

With the more she thought later, Lin Shihan himself was more painful. She suddenly wanted to retreat from the whirlpool of revenge and escape the life of this disguise. However, she had gone on the road of not returning. How could she say that she could retreat, Zhang Wenshan would not let her go. She could only stay here and endure endless darkness.

But the return of 13 at first let Lin Shihan look for a light in the dark, and it may be that the death of thirteen brought her too much thinking and brought too much influence. Therefore, the return of 13 will make Lin Shihan have a very different feeling on him.

First, Lin Shihan determined that thirteen is not Suluo. Secondly, in this cage like five halls, Lin Shihan has no one who can face with real face. Thirteen is as indifferent as a machine, but people are very decent and have a taste. Lin Shihan feels that he is a beam of light in the whole five halls, which can illuminate his heart. What Lin Shihan hopes is just that he hopes Can make a friend with him, can talk about the friend of heart.

So, today, she let her depressed mood go out of her mind. Even the previous time she took 13 as sulo, she made a special attempt to test sulo, and confessed to thirteen. She regarded thirteen as a listener completely. Those heavy memories were buried in her heart. She felt so sad that she was too upset to say everything at once Out, Lin Shihan can not help but relax a lot.

At this time, Lin Shihan really understood how painful it was to be pressed by hatred, being burdened, and being pressed by too much emotion. She could not bear the shoulder of a weak woman. Only, even if she understood all of this, even if she could try to throw out her heart with others and let go of those negative emotions, she could not let go of hatred completely.For shisan, although he has beaten himself several times, insulted himself several times, and even threatened himself, Lin Shihan can now put down his hatred for him. She knows that shisan is not wrong and has not caused too much harm to herself. Instead, she can not bear a grudge, but regard shisan's as a straight-minded person, as having a temper and personality I can't help but feel a good feeling.

But for Suluo, she can not easily forgive, this man once in her ignorant youth years of deep existence, but also in the later days, completely upset her happiness, Suluo brought her hatred is too big, unforgettable, she can not let go, even if the meaning of her life is just for revenge, she will not hesitate, even if she knows revenge After, he will not be happy and happy, she has no way back to go.

At present, Lin Shihan's only hope is that he can accept himself a little and not hate himself so much. In this way, when you are too tired in the future, you can also find him to complain and relieve his depression and pain.

However, shisan is really affected by Lin Shihan's words. Although shisan is extremely indifferent, his eyes are still sharp. You are hypocritical or sincere in front of him. He can see it at a glance. For the first two times, he obviously knew that Lin Shihan was trying to test himself with bad intentions. This time, he felt Lin Shihan's sincerity, more importantly, This translation of Lin Shihan touched the heartstrings of shisan and affected his memory. His cold heart seemed to shake.

For a moment, he seemed unable to help himself and wanted to say something to the poor and pathetic woman. However, he, with a strong will, finally buried all his emotions in the bottom of his heart. He did not show any emotion on his face. At the moment, only indifference appeared in his expression. He once again made a merciless order to Lin Shi "Have you finished? Then you can leave! "

Tone, no doubt.

Indeed, shisan is a person who is not good at communication. It is impossible to talk to him. Lin Shihan also understands this point. She also realizes that this thirteen is really disgusting and disgusting. No matter what she says, she is afraid that he can not change his heart. It is good that he can listen to his heart and not blame himself.

Therefore, Lin Shihan no longer expected anything, but said painfully: "sorry to disturb you!"

Then, Lin Shihan turned around and left lonely

on this day, everyone in the four halls, five halls and two lobbies of the Hai Gang had different thoughts. On this day, both sides made great moves.

Time in such an environment, quietly lost, in a flash, to 3:30 in the afternoon.

The torrential rain has already stopped. What remains in the sky is the colorful rainbow. Under the rainbow, the Wutang villa area is very lively and joyful. The wide grass is full of wine tables, and the crowd is also endless. Many people are attracted by thirteen.

In this jubilant atmosphere, every member of the five halls was full of energy and full of spring breeze. Zhang Wenshan, in particular, was excited by his expression and actions. He was so busy that he felt like he was the bole of thirteen.

As the focus of the audience, 13, although he also participated in the grand banquet, but he has always maintained his usual indifferent style, do not communicate with anyone, just sitting alone on a table, looking up at the rainbow in the sky, quietly in a daze, his loneliness and festive and lively environment, seem to be incompatible, but on him The light is very dazzling.

As lively as the five halls, there are four halls.

At the moment, the headquarters of the four halls is also overcrowded. However, the people here are different from the people's Congress of the five halls. All the people in the four halls do not have that kind of happy smile. Each of them has an extremely serious expression, but their spirits are all excited. These people are standing in order, fully armed and ready to go.

All the armed forces of the four halls are gathered here. This force is so powerful that it penetrates into the hearts of the people. Everyone is full of energy. They stand together, and their momentum is almost overwhelming.

At the forefront of this powerful team stood a tall and upright man. He was the head of the four halls, Fu Gang.

At the moment, Fu Gang's face is shining, his eyes are shining, and his body is filled with the power of explosion. Like the God of war, he is like a generation of heroes. He stands in front of the personnel and is facing these people in front of him. He speaks with great enthusiasm. His words are very inspiring.

When all orders were finished, Fu just clenched his fist, raised his arm, pointed to the sky, raised his arm, and exclaimed, "let's go!"

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