With Fu Gang's order, those soldiers in front of him who were ready to go immediately felt refreshed. They got on the train orderly and prepared to leave. However, Fu Gang himself did not get on the bus immediately. He went to Ziyi's residence with Zhao Yang.

Obviously, Ziyi, who is staying in the guest room at the moment, has been quietly in a daze after being convinced by Fu Gang.

A woman is not iron after all, after a lot of kneading, it is easy to cause mental exhaustion. Ziyi has not experienced hardship, pain or ups and downs. However, today's roller coaster ride is a bit fierce, which makes her unable to relax for a long time.

Early this morning, the light language brought her a bolt from the blue, which made ziyidun's soul broken. She didn't expect that shisan was really Wu Lai and was so cruel to herself. She couldn't bear the fact that Su Luo didn't love herself.

For many days and nights, Ziyi broke down her shoes every day just to find Suluo. Even in her dreams, she also thought of Suluo, hoping to reunite with him one day, and even more hoped that Suluo could listen to her own voice and get back together again.

But what Ziyi finally got was the inference that Suluo changed his mind. This idea made Ziyi want to die, and even didn't dare to die. He was afraid that his own death would affect Suluo. His mood was really indescribable.

But when Ziyi falls into the abyss of despair, she suddenly meets the strange Fugang. Ziyi can't believe the stranger because she is really afraid of the danger of people's heart. But after so much communication, Ziyi has to believe Fu Gang. Even if she is more cautious, she can't find any flaw in each other. On the contrary, it's because she believes him that Ziyi can't believe her Hope in the hell.

It turns out that Suluo doesn't love himself any more. He just has his own difficulties. In fact, Suluo has been concerned about himself, and even sent someone to protect himself. How can Ziyi not be excited? Since she came to this guest room, Ziyi has been in a state of relaxation. She is afraid that everything is a dream, so she has been sorting out her thoughts and sorting out today's mood In the end, she confirmed that the happiness in her heart was still there, and her expectation for Suluo was still there. With these, Ziyi felt that God would treat her well, and she was very satisfied.

But when Ziyi was slowly immersed in happiness, Fu Gang came to the door. As soon as he entered the room, he said to Ziyi kindly: "Ziyi, you are ready, we are going to start soon!"

Fu Gang is really a qualified old fox. He changes his face very quickly. He was a dignified and ambitious man before, and suddenly he becomes a kind uncle. His kindness and disguise are very good. Ziyi can't help feeling cordial and has no defense against him.

So, purple directly up, blankly asked: "Uncle Fu, where are we going?"

Seeing that Ziyi has no sense of vigilance to himself, Fugang is very satisfied. He is very comfortable with the chess piece, which makes him feel more and more happy.

After a pause, Fu Gang seriously said: "where else can I go? Of course, I'll take you to see Arlo. Now, the identity of Arlo has been revealed by the old fox Zhang Wenshan. Now he is in crisis. I must rescue him from Zhang Wenshan's hand immediately. Therefore, you can't stay here. No one will protect you. Go with me, and arrive When I get solo out of here, you get out of the city

Fu Gang talks about lies. She doesn't change her face. She can always talk about Ziyi's heart. His lies make Ziyi worry about Suluo. At the same time, she can't help being excited. She didn't expect that she could meet Suluo so soon. It's just too exciting for Ziyi.

Since Su Luo left without saying goodbye, Ziyi has countless days. However, Ziyi knows how many words she wants to say after seeing Suluo. These words are held in her heart for too long. Almost every day, Ziyi hopes to tell her her her feelings and express her feelings. Don't blame herself. She wants to make peace with him Good as ever.

Ziyi also knows that Suluo is in danger now, and it is not easy for them to meet, but Ziyi is not afraid. As long as she can be with Suluo, she is willing to break through all kinds of dangers. Her only hope is that Suluo can escape danger successfully and leave the city with herself.

Thinking of this, Ziyi's eyes all gave out the light of hope, and her spirit became particularly vigorous. She quickly dealt with it and just replied, "OK, I know. Uncle Fu, wait for me, I'll clean up a little bit!"

Although, Ziyi also knows that the time is pressing, but she must seize the time to dress up. Because, her image today is really in a mess. She didn't sleep well last night, was stimulated in the morning, and then drenched in the rain. Her face was so bad that she was very miserable. She really didn't want to let Suluo see her bad side. Every woman should want to be in a good state in front of her beloved man, and women should be happy for themselves, no matter when What is the scene, Ziyi all hope, Suluo see is a beautiful self.

With this excited and urgent state of mind, Ziyi changed a suit of clothes with a quick action and dressed up slightly. Then she started with Fugang.If Ziyi was a little worried just now, for fear that uncle Fu would not have the strength to compete with Zhang Wenshan, Ziyi's heart finally calmed down a lot after seeing a large number of motorcades. She could see that uncle Fu's power was also very huge. Maybe she could beat Zhang Wenshan. At that time, Suluo would be rescued and Ziyi could be completely relieved 。

Thinking like this, Ziyi's pace can't help but accelerate, almost trot, with pay just got on the car.

With the sound of the bugle of Fugang's car, immediately, the motorcade drove towards the headquarters of Wutang.

The sky after the rain, hung with a beautiful rainbow, so that the whole land is set off by colorful colors, wonderful, and the air after the rain is very fresh, fall in this sky people, can not help feeling relaxed and happy, very comfortable.

But in this land, there is a group of people who are trapped in endless pain and hatred.

Another force in H Province, on the territory of Qinglong Association, a private cemetery, and in front of a large tombstone, are full of men in suits and leather shoes. Each of them shows a dignified and sad look. The large tombstone they are facing, the head engraved on the door, is the vice president of the Qinglong Association, Mo Qinghai.

Today is the day when Mo Qinghai entered the earth, and the whole green dragon association was shrouded in a haze. It is not to say how deep the friendship between these people and Mo Qinghai is, but that they are all formal members of the Qinglong Association. The dead Mo Qinghai is the vice president of the Qinglong Association. He represents the face of the Qinglong association to a certain extent, and has made great contributions to the Qinglong Association.

It was such a man with meritorious deeds who died in the hands of a 13 men who had just established a foothold here. This made the members of the green dragon association very depressed. What's more, the murderer still escaped from death.

Originally, they buried shisan at the bottom of the river and severely damaged Wutang, which was a kind of face saving. But now, the damned shisan has miraculously resurrected, and his reputation is even more prosperous. I heard that Wutang held a celebration banquet for him today, which was a great stimulation to the green dragon Association. Therefore, at this moment, everyone in the green dragon club, The heart is full of resentment.

Of course, one of the angry people is the leader of the green dragon Association, Mo Qinglong.

You know, Mo Qinghai is not only his right-hand assistant, but also his younger brother. The relationship between them is extraordinary. Therefore, when he saw Mo Qinghai dead, Mo Qinglong was furious, put thirteen dead, and wantonly attacked Wutang.

If we say that shisan is so dead, Mo Qinglong may not have such a big resentment, but now, shisan dies and comes back to life, which is absolutely intolerable. Although Mo Qinglong knows that the initiator of all this is Zhang Wenshan, shisan is just a killing machine, but his younger brother died in shisan's hands, and did not take shisan's blood as a memorial ceremony His younger brother, Mo Qinglong, is not worthy of a long time.

What's more, now almost everyone knows that Mo Qinghai died at the hands of 13, and Mo Qinglong announced the death of 13 to the public. But now, 13 is alive, and Wutang has held a celebration banquet for him, and even promoted his position. This is the face of Mo Qinglong by the red fruit fruit fruit.

Mo Qinglong couldn't swallow his breath. So today, he brought all his members to his brother's tomb. First, he sacrificed him. The most important thing was that he came here to swear in front of Mo Qinghai. He must have 13 hands to pay for his blood debts. At the same time, the people of the five halls had to pay a heavy price.

After a memorial ceremony, Mo Qinglong bowed deeply in front of the tomb. Then, he resolutely turned around and looked at the powerful members of the Qinglong Association behind him. He yelled in a deep voice: "brothers, today is the most sad day for us and the most humiliating day for our Qinglong Association. Our vice president died unjustly. The person who killed him came back alive, What's more, the five halls are holding a banquet for the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of China today. They base their joy on our grief. Do you say, can we bear this tone? "

Mo Qinglong is also a hero of a generation. He is the leader of the green dragon Association. His words are very convincing to all members of the organization. Moreover, at this moment, this sad and heroic statement made by Mo Qinglong completely pokes the hearts of his brothers.

After a while, the blood of all the members of the green dragon Association burned up. Their souls were shaking, and their surging momentum soared into the sky. Almost at the same moment, all the people on the cemetery said with one voice: "can't bear it!"

The voice is loud and powerful, and the aspirations of all members of the green dragon association are integrated into these three words. They are all a group of warmongers, fighting for dignity and honor. Revenge, is their irresistible mission, even if the blood sacrifice, they are not afraid.

Mo Qinglong saw the determination of the brothers, and his expression became more and more excited. His eyes were full of sharp light. His eyebrows were also tightly locked together. With that fierce heart, Mo Qinglong roared again: "today, we'll get justice, kill thirteen, blood wash the five hall headquarters, capture Zhang Wenshan alive, and make them never turn over, brothers, you What do you say? "

At this moment, the blood inside the members of the green dragon Association rolled more violently. They all cried out in unison: "good, good, good!"

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