In the sky above the whole cemetery, it seems that there is still a lingering sound, which is the morale of the green dragon Association. While the members are in high spirits, a noble and hidden image of despotism comes.

This beautiful figure is a woman, with several bodyguards behind her. At this time, she is walking slowly towards Mo Qinglong in front of the tombstone.

It seems that all the members of the green dragon association all know her. As soon as they see her, they immediately give her a straight road.

The noble woman stepped on a domineering pace, crossed the straight road, and came straight to Mo Qinglong and stood down. This woman was the one who met with Mo Qinghai, Yang Simiao.

When Mo Qinglong saw Yang Simiao standing in front of him, he immediately restrained his domineering spirit and cordially said hello to Yang Simiao: "Hello, Miss Yang!"

After a while, Mo Qinglong was so polite and even more respectful to Yang Simiao. This is mainly because of the power behind her. Behind Miaomiao, there is an unknown organization, bloody cherry blossom.

Last time, the reason why the green dragon association was able to easily hit Wutang and let Zhang Wenshan eat a big depression was because of the secret help of this organization. Yang Simiao was the middleman sent here by bloody cherry blossom.

Red cherry blossom is a mysterious organization. Its main force is not here. However, judging from its secret help to the Qinglong Association against Zhang Wenshan, it has the ambition to win the city, which is not obvious. So far, it is still hidden and has not surfaced. It is mo Qinglong, the leader of the green dragon Association, who has been jumping on the surface.

Now, Mo Qinglong plans to fight back from the Jedi, and fight against Wu Tang. Then, Yang Simiao, the middleman, has to come forward again.

She nodded slightly to Mo Qinglong, in response to his greeting. Then, she asked Mo Qinglong with a serious face: "Chairman Mo, have you really decided?"

Hearing Yang Simiao's question, Mo Qinglong replied without hesitation: "yes!"

One word, sonorous and powerful, expressed his determination.

After hearing this, Yang Simiao was expressionless, but there was a cautious look in her eyes. She paused a little and then said in a deep voice: "today is the big day of the five halls. The other party must be prepared. Moreover, their power is mainly concentrated in the headquarters. Are you not afraid to fall into the trap now?"

Of course, Mo Qinglong thought about this in advance. He knew that the headquarters of Wutang must be very busy today. In addition to the people in Wutang hall, there are some other sea gang members. Mo Qinglong is not unaware of this, but even so, he is not afraid.

With this determination, Mo Qinglong said to Yang Simiao seriously again: "it's because of this that I'm going to go. This is a good opportunity for me to catch them all. It's an opportunity to lose!"

Mo Qinglong has ambition, but his ambition is far greater than his ambition. Although he is willing to be a puppet of others now, he is very good at hiding, but no one can understand his heart. His strength is unfathomable. Even Zhang Wenshan has suffered losses in his hands. It can be seen that his ability and strength can not be underestimated.

When Yang Simiao saw him like this, she couldn't help but look at him carefully. Then, she said something meaningful: "you should know, with your ability now, it's very difficult to catch all the people in Wutang!"

Hearing this, Mo Qinglong showed a smile and said frankly to Yang Simiao: "I know this, so I need your help!"

Mo Qinglong's tone is very casual, as if he had expected that Yang Simiao would help himself.

As a matter of fact, Yang Simiao came here purposely, and she did have this intention. She couldn't watch Mo Qinglong take people to death. However, this matter is very important. Yang Simiao will not help him blindly. She must ask the situation clearly before she can transfer people.

Therefore, Yang Simiao did not beat around the Bush and directly asked Mo Qinglong, "Why are you so anxious? There are still many opportunities to deal with Wutang. There is no need to rush for this moment!"

Mo Qinglong can't help but put away that smile. His eyes again radiate a sharp light, which also has a deep chill. In a very solemn tone, he said to Yang Simiao: "you should know that shisan has come back alive. Last time, he was so seriously injured, but he was thrown into the water under my own supervision It's strange that he could survive. What's more, I heard that his strength had greatly increased, and he was defeated by the fourth Hall of science and technology. He is still in the hospital. He is just a terrible existence. I'm worried about such a person.

Besides, since thirteen can assassinate Mo Qinghai, if not, he will assassinate me later. Therefore, I must first attack them and be unprepared. At his celebration banquet, I will eradicate them! "

After that, the cold light in Mo Qing's longan was even worse. He revealed a strong sense of killing all over his body. In front of Yang Simiao, he exposed this killing intention without reservation. It can be seen how determined he is.

Yang Simiao feels Mo Qinglong's killing intention, and her own heart can't help feeling all kinds of emotions.Yang Simiao was very impressed by the man shisan. On that day, she was on the scene, almost in the blink of an eye. Mo Qinghai died in front of him. Of course, Yang Simiao could become the intermediary of the bloody cherry blossom. After all, she was also a person who had seen the world. She was a little flustered at that time, but not confused. She knew the seriousness of the matter, so she took a certain risk Risk, also do not hesitate to give thirteen knife behind, the purpose is only to delay the assassin.

When shisan was really subdued, Yang Simiao was gratified. She felt that her adventure was worth it. However, at the moment when shisan showed her true face, she felt a deep panic, which was an unprecedented fear, because she thought of a person, a person who made her love hate, Suluo.

Thirteen's eyes and thirteen's looks are just like that. For a moment, Yang Simiao connects the two of them together. However, the two people who were not in contact with each other brought the same feeling to her, so Yang Simiao thought that they could kill themselves at the beginning of the 13th day, but they kept their hands at the last moment, which made Yang Simiao think that thirteen might be It's solo.

After realizing this, Yang Simiao felt the unprecedented fear. She was afraid that it was a fact, and she had to associate with this possibility. Therefore, she could not wait to ask thirteen. Finally, thirteen's answer completely dispelled her doubts. At the same time, Yang Simiao's heart was relaxed. She didn't want this to be a fact. Fortunately, she didn't want it to be true It's really not the truth.

After confirming that shisan and Suluo are not the same person, Yang Simiao returns to his cold face. She looks at Tu's suffering coldly and Mo Qinglong's sentence of death to him, as if everything in the future has nothing to do with her.

Now, shisan has been resurrected. Originally, it didn't have much impact on Yang Simiao. However, as Mo Qinglong said, the thirteen is really not ordinary people. It is a threat for him to stay in the five halls. Yang Simiao also knows that shisan must hate himself deeply. Now that he survives, he must be unfavorable to himself. If he is not careful, he may want it I was killed.

In this way, Yang Simiao can't help but want to remove this tumor as soon as possible. It's just that you can take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of Wutang. Mo Qinglong is right. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Why not seize it.

Thinking of the advantages and disadvantages, Yang Simiao did not talk nonsense any more. He said in a cold voice: "OK, I'll contact you now and cooperate with your action."

The night came quietly, the whole sky was gradually dyed black, even the air, it seems to start to become gloomy, the air from time to time also burst out a few crows call, all this seems to indicate that the calm for a long time in H Province, there will be a raging storm rain.

However, the five hall people did not feel the danger at all. At the moment, the banquet has begun, and everyone has already sat on the table and drank freely. The dazzling incandescent lamp makes the villa area as bright as the daytime. The huge lawn is full of vitality. The whole scene is full of people and the atmosphere is warm. All of us are talking and laughing while eating and drinking, but our topic is always inseparable from the legend 13.

As the focus of the show, shisan was almost praised by others. Now he wants to be alone and not alone. Waves of people come to him to toast. However, shisan is really cold to the bone. He doesn't need to sell others' face or disobey his own heart. He doesn't pay attention to people's toasts or chat up with him, but he just ignores them, just alone Sitting in their own seats, quietly drinking wine, maintaining a pair of Mount Tai collapsed in front of the air, and the face did not change color.

We all know this personality of shisan, so, we didn't care too much. We still kept smiling face, eating, drinking and chatting happily.

Just as everyone was drinking in xingtou, Zhang Wenshan suddenly stepped onto the built stage and announced an important thing in a loud voice, that is, he was promoted to thirteen as the guard and commander of the five halls.

This news made the atmosphere of the audience reach the climax. The scene suddenly became hot. No one doubted the competency of shisan for this position. Because everyone knew his strength, many people couldn't help cheering at the historic moment of the five halls. Even though shisan was no longer indifferent, most people could not help coming to him and congratulating him.

As the leader of the hall, Zhang Wenshan came to shisan in person, and he also brought his son Ziyi. As soon as he came up, Zhang Wenshan said to Zhang Xiong sternly, "Daxiong, make an apology to shisan!"

Zhang Wenshan was very aware of the depth of the festival between his son and shisan. In the past, Zhang Wenshan only wanted to use the thirteen temporarily. Therefore, he did not care how his son targeted him. He even intended to remove the thirteen for his son.

But now, the situation is different. Shisan has made great contributions to him, and his strength can be used by him. He plans to put thirteen in important position. Therefore, he does not allow his son to have any more enmities with shisan.

What's more, if he, as a frustrated son, can get a good relationship with shisan, he can also get help from shisan when he takes over his position in the future.

With these thoughts, Zhang Wenshan specially brought Zhang Xiong to come, and wanted to relieve all the gratitude and resentment with shisan

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