I have to admire him. Zhang Wenshan, an old fox, makes a brilliant plan. But he doesn't know his son's heart. How can Zhang's hatred for madmen be solved? He is eager to make a thousand cuts. How can he resolve the resentment with him? He can forgive anyone, but he can't forgive thirteen.

Before the time, his father clearly promised him, and after using thirteen, he would help him eradicate. Now it's time for him to come to the top 13 and apologize to him in person, asking him to be an excellent young master and a slave. How can he accept this.

However, Zhang Xiong knows his father's temper. If he doesn't obey his orders, he may be locked up forever. He doesn't want to do that. As the saying goes, it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. He believes that one day, thirteen will die in his hands.

Finally, with ten thousand reluctant, Zhang Xiong followed his father to shisan. Looking at shisan's face, Cao Zheng felt disgusted. He held back the tumultuous stomach, held the wine cup, and reached in front of shisan. He said with a hypocritical attitude: "that, thirteen, I can't bear it. I used to be so mischievous. Now I apologize to you!"

What Zhang Xiong said was indeed an apology, but his tone was obviously extremely reluctant, just like thirteen owed him money. Of course, no matter what, he apologized. A great young master apologized to a slave. The slave should have been grateful. However, thirteen was different. He didn't bother to look at Zhang Xiong at all and ignored him. He didn't hear his apology.

How could Zhang Xiong, who was so arrogant, could bear such a situation? He originally apologized, but he was greatly wronged. This has already touched his bottom line. Now, thirteen is still not giving face, which makes Zhang Xiong angry. He is very unhappy and yells at shisan: "what do you mean, I'll talk to you!"

Attitude, very arrogant, voice, extremely loud. After a while, the noisy scene was silent. Almost everyone's eyes were on this side. Here, one is the young master of the five halls, the other is the red man around Zhang Wenshan. These two people are of extraordinary status. Now, when there is such a contradiction between them, everyone can't help holding their breath and paying attention Watching the farce.

The atmosphere suddenly became embarrassed. Zhang Wenshan, especially as a peacemaker, was embarrassed. He brought his son here to solve the misunderstanding. Unexpectedly, it turned into a joke. Of course, Zhang Wenshan's face was not good-looking. He opened his mouth and was trying to end the scene. Suddenly, shisan took the lead in opening his mouth. He said to Zhang Xiong mercilessly, "get out! ”

the tyranny of shisan completely infuriated Zhang Xiong. As the head of the fifth hall, what he needed most was a face. How could he be humiliated by a slave? When the word "thirteen" fell, Zhang Xiong threw the wine in his glass on shisan's face without saying a word. He cursed: "I cnmd, who do you think you are It's just a dog in my family. What qualifications do you have to talk to me like this

Zhang Xiong was mad with anger. His words were sharp and his actions were even more rude.

The focus of the scene 13, Zhang Xiong's cup of wet hair, suddenly changed into a mess, his eyes flash murderous, the whole person is in a violent state.

Seeing this, Zhang Wenshan immediately realized that things were not good. If thirteen was angry, the consequences would be unimaginable. Therefore, before thirteen, the sleeping lion, didn't get angry, Zhang Wenshan got angry first. He slapped Zhang Xiong's face heavily and said: "you son of a bitch, I'm here to ask you to apologize, not to make you mischievous, is it normal for me Too spoiled you, let you become lawless, arrogant, hurry to 13 apology, immediately. Now

Zhang Wenshan was really angry and almost smoked on his head. He almost yelled at Zhang Xiong.

If Zhang Xiong was taught by his father at ordinary times, he would not dare to fart. But now, his father even hit himself in front of so many people, which made Zhang Xiong unable to accept. His whole person was confused and his eyes became blurred. Instead of looking at the thirteenth, he covered his face and looked at his father and said in a daze: "Dad, I am It's not your own son. Why do you have to face an outsider? What's thirteen? It's just that you can do some Kung Fu. Why do you face him so much? I've been wronged. You don't help me, and I'll apologize to him. Now you even hit me for him. Why! Why is that? "

This moment. Zhang Xiong's grievances were almost crying, and his voice was full of bitterness. In the past, his father took care of him in every way, but in the end, because of a thirteen, everything was upset. Zhang Xiong thought that thirteen was his father's son, and he was wild. His father looked down on him. How could Zhang Xiong stand it.

Zhang Wenshan didn't move after hearing Zhang Xiong's crying. On the contrary, his face became more ugly. He said to Zhang Xiong in a sharp voice again: "did you hear what I said? Apologize to shisan, hurry up!"

In fact, Zhang Wenshan didn't like his son, but he really let himself down. What's more, compared with the 13th day, he felt that his son was a loser and he only knew how to have fun all day long.At present, shisan is very helpful to his career. He certainly won't offend him. He doesn't want Zhang Xiong to have a deep feud with shisan. He does so with good intentions. However, his son Zhang Xiong doesn't understand his heart at all. Under Zhang Wenshan's strict orders, Zhang Xiong still stubbornly contradicts him: "what if I don't apologize?"

Seeing that his son was so stubborn, Zhang Wenshan was even more angry. Regardless of the occasion, Zhang Wenshan yelled at Zhang Xiong with his voice: "then get out of the house for me. I don't recognize you as a son!"

Zhang Wenshan thought that this should be able to frighten his incompetent son and make him compromise.

However, Zhang Xiong was also confused by his anger. He would rather run away from home than endure shisan. He looked at thirteen with hatred, then looked at his father with red eyes. He retorted: "go away. Who is afraid of anyone? I don't want to stay in this family for a long time."

After that, Zhang Xiong turned around angrily and walked directly to the outside.

Zhang Wenyuan wanted to stop him. Zhang Wenshan immediately roared: "don't stop him!"

After the roar, he still cursed at Zhang Xiong's back: "you're a rebellious son. If you leave, you will never come back again!"

Zhang Wenshan's liver was sore. He was so disappointed by such an incompetent son. Other people present also felt Zhang Wenshan's anger. They were not afraid to say anything, but let Zhang Xiong leave.

Time, suddenly like static general, the whole audience fell into a dead silence.

For a while, Zhang Wenshan, in his anger, slowly suppressed his anger, and his face finally showed his most ordinary look, indifferent. Zhang Wenshan, with a face of indifference, was about to open his mouth and mobilize the atmosphere of silence.

But he didn't say anything, but found that his son, who was determined to run away from home, ran back in a hurry.

At this time, Zhang Xiong and Zhang Xiong, who had just rebelled and left, were quite different. He ran to Zhang Wenshan in a breath with solemnity on his face and his feet were in a hurry. He said to Zhang Wenshan anxiously, "Fugang, Fugang has come, and brought a lot of people!"

As soon as Zhang Xiong's voice dropped, a large group of people suddenly appeared at the entrance of the villa area. Almost all of them held the guy in their hands, which was very powerful. It was just that the newcomers were not good.

These uninvited guests, like entering the uninhabited territory, marched into the headquarters of Wutang. Among them, walking in the forefront of the team is a very tall and strong figure.

In the light, the big guy looked extremely domineering, and his pace was also quite vigorous. Soon, he came into the sight of the whole audience. He was the leader of the fifth hall, Fu Gang.

In the past, Fugang was always full of domineering atmosphere, with a sense of dignity. However, today's Wang Sen is more domineering and more dignified than before. Like Lao Tzu, he led his soldiers of the five halls and broke into the banquet scene of the five halls without any scruples.

Zhang Wenshan, the host of the banquet, immediately changed his face when he saw Fu Gang. He finally turned to a pale face and was covered with black lines. This anger made him feel more worried and indignant than when his son disobeyed him just now.

If Fugang had only brought a few bodyguards, Zhang Wenshan would not have been in such a big fire. After all, everyone was a member of the maritime gang. Even if Fu Gang didn't mean to come over and spoil everyone's fun, Zhang Wenshan could accept it or even be willing to accompany him.

But now, Fu Gang has brought such a huge team, and all of them are fully armed, and directly break into his five hall headquarters. Obviously, he does not pay attention to Zhang Wenshan and the whole five halls. To Cao Bao, it is a great shame. Zhang Wenshan can't bear it.

Don't mention Zhang Wenshan. At this moment, all the members of the fifth hall could not help feeling that there was a burning flame in their hearts. A sense of anger hit their faces, making each of them look extremely angry.

However, the focus of today's figure, thirteen, is still calm, as if he did not see the group of Fugang, still sitting in the position, drinking his wine, his eyes, there is no change.

All the people except 13 at the scene focused on Fu Gang at the moment. Fu Gang did not squint and went straight to the center of the banquet. He stopped. Then, he raised his hand slightly, and the large team behind him immediately scattered around. He surrounded the banquet hall and didn't let anyone leave.

At this time, Fu just showed a satisfied smile. With this smile, he walked towards Zhang Wenshan again. He said with a smile: "I said that hall leader Zhang, how can we pay someone less on such a happy day today? You don't even tell me. It's too shameless!"

Fu Gang has a smile on his face, but his tone is weird, which makes people unable to understand his mind.

However, Zhang Wenshan, who was angry, was not in the mood to ponder over Fu Gang's thoughts. He only saw in his eyes that Fu Gang's people surrounded his five halls and only heard in his ears that Fu Gang's words were too harsh to bear.

Immediately, he directly took these bodyguards and blocked Fu Gang in front of him. He said in a bad tone: "well, you're a big hall leader, but you're shameless. I don't blame you for all these things. But it's not in line with the rules if you mobilize people to bring so many people to the territory of my fifth hall?"

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