Since Fugang had already begun to deny him face to Zhang Wenshan, he didn't need to give him face. At this time, Zhang Wenshan expressed his anger without concealment. To be honest, if it was not because of the heavy damage he suffered in the last battle with the Green Dragon Society, Zhang Wenshan would have to fight against gang this time. However, the fact is that he was badly hurt in the five halls and his power is obviously insufficient In order to fight against Fu Gang's tiger wolf teacher, therefore, even if Zhang Wenshan was angry at the moment, he did not dare to act rashly.

But Fu Gang also felt Zhang Wenshan's anger, so he stopped. Instead of irritating Zhang Wenshan, he just gently shrunk his mouth and explained: "Zhang hall leader, you have misunderstood me. I come here today, not for you, but for him!"

Finish saying, Fu Gang finger suddenly pointed to sit on one side drinking alone, thirteen.

After a while, everyone's eyes followed Fu Gang's direction, staring at 13. He was out of the way and became the focus of the audience.

Zhang Wenshan saw that Fu Gang came to the madman, and his resentment deepened. You know, today's banquet is to celebrate the success of shisan. Shisan is the red man in front of Zhang Wenshan and represents his face. For the sake of thirteen, he even beat his son today and even drove his own son out of the house. But now, Fu Gang even ran to the thirteen, still so blatant, how can not let Zhang Wenshan angry.

Therefore, Cao Bao didn't suppress his anger, and continued to be very hostile to Wang Sen: "hum, Fu hall leader, you can't be so small-minded, right? It's just that thirteen defeated Wen Wen Wen and made you lose the bet. Is it really necessary to mobilize the public in this way?"

When Zhang Wenshan said this, the fire in his eyes was raging, as if he wanted to burn Fu Gang to death. In Zhang Wenshan's opinion, Fu Gang came to find shisan on purpose today. It must be because of the last martial arts contest, because shisan seriously injured his powerful general Wenwen, and slapped Fu gang in the face, so that Fu Gang had no chance to run for vice leader. This led to his resentment I'll take care of everything. I'll set up a teacher.

However, to Zhang Wenshan's surprise, after listening to his own words, Fu Gang even showed a slight scornful smile, and then said, "I'm not as small as you think. I'm here to find thirteen for another purpose."

With that, Fu Gang ignored Zhang Wenshan and went straight to thirteen with a very arrogant attitude.

Seeing that Fugang was so rampant, Zhang Wenshan became more and more annoyed. He quickly ran to Fu Gang and gave an order to him. He said coldly, "Fugang, I don't care what your purpose is. In my territory, I don't allow you to move thirteen cents. Here, welcome you, please leave here immediately!"

As soon as Zhang Wenshan's words fell, his men had already gathered around him. Many outsiders who came to congratulate him couldn't help but blame Fu Gang, saying that he was too arrogant. Anyone with a clear eye could see that Fu Gang had gone too far this time, and no one would be angry.

However, no matter what others think, no matter how tough Zhang Wenshan's attitude is, Fugang still doesn't care. On the contrary, he looks at Zhang Wenshan with slight contempt and says calmly: "Master Zhang, since we are old friends for many years, I advise you not to get involved in this matter, otherwise, you will burn yourself !”

This is also Fu Gang's sincere words. As a matter of fact, Zhang Wenshan has taken in a man wanted by the sea Gang, which is extremely harmful to Zhang Wenshan. If he does something extraordinary for the sake of the 13th, I'm afraid Zhang Wenshan will be in danger.

Yes, the purpose of Fu Gang's trip is to take advantage of this to suppress Zhang Wenshan, who is incompatible with himself, to see how he eats and trample him under his feet. But in the end, Zhang Wenshan is also the mainstay of the maritime gang. In the future, maybe his own subordinates, he will not harm Zhang Wenshan's life.

After hearing this, Zhang Wenshan suddenly realized what he had said. Instead of blindly getting angry, he tried to suppress his emotions and asked Fu Gang, "what do you mean by this?"

After hearing Zhang Wenshan's words, Fu Gang suddenly put away the trace of fun and showed a very serious look. When the crowd was talking about it, Fu Gang pointed to thirteen and solemnly said to Zhang Wenshan, "because you, the thirteen under your command, are the wanted criminals in the headquarters, Su Qiyao's son, Su Luo!"

Fu Gang's words, like thunder, rose from the ground, and the people at the scene of the explosion were dizzy. In an instant, the whole scene fell into silence. It seemed that only the breath and heartbeat of people could be heard in the huge scene.

Su Qiyao has a great reputation in the sea gang. The battle that captured Su Qiyao at the beginning was a holy war of the sea gang. It was so hot that it shocked the whole Haigang. Later, all the members of the Haigang did receive a secret order. Su Luo, the son of Su Qiyao, was wanted all over the country.

Therefore, after hearing Fu Gang's words, all the people on the scene were shocked. All of them were speechless. After a short silence, the whole audience suddenly burst into a heated discussion. Some people couldn't believe it. Some people were wondering how Suluo got into the five halls. Some people sighed, like father, like son, all kinds of repercussions.

But there was only one person whose expression was the most colorful. Of course, this person was Zhang Wenshan, the leader of the five halls. He didn't know what to use to describe his mood.Thinking of his great fame, Zhang Wenshan has been calculating for many years, but he has hardly lost his calculation. In his opinion, nothing is a matter of any importance. However, he never thought that his thirteen as a treasure turned out to be a time bomb?

Moreover, the power of this time bomb is too powerful. If one is not careful, Zhang Wenshan and the five halls may be blown to pieces. Thinking of this, Zhang Wenshan's body can't help shivering, his head is still a little confused, and his heart even shows some panic.

Of course, Zhang Wenshan was also a shrewd man. On the first day he took in shisan, he sent Lin Shihan to test shisan. Later, he failed. Zhang Wenshan became more and more wary of shisan. He did not intend to use shisan again until he knew his identity. He even sent his younger brother to investigate shisan. Moreover, he had something to do with shisan in H Province Ziyi.

But everything changed because of the death of thirteen and the resurrection of the dead.

The death of shisan makes Zhang Wenshan fall into hell and suffer a series of attacks. The resurrection of shisan makes Zhang Wenshan rise from hell to heaven in an instant. After this, he feels the importance of shisan and knows how much he needs him. Therefore, he temporarily puts aside the matter that the origin of thirteen is unknown and directly promotes him, but who can think of him Is it su Qiyao's son who is easy to trust?

Zhang Wenshan couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe it. He couldn't help murmuring to Fugang: "impossible, absolutely impossible. Don't talk nonsense. How can thirteen be Suluo?"

If Zhang Wenshan wants to believe that shisan is Suluo, Zhang Wenshan prefers to think that Fugang is deliberately looking for trouble to sow dissension.

In the face of Zhang Wenshan with rich expression, Fu Gang gave a smile of pride in his heart. Then, he turned his eyes to thirteen and said to Zhang Wenshan, "you can ask him for yourself."

On hearing this, Zhang Wenshan glared at Fu Gang. Then he looked at the thirteen not far away. To be honest, Zhang Wenshan was willing to believe thirteen, but he didn't want to doubt thirteen. However, it was too important for him to follow his head if it could not be done well. Therefore, he did not dare to be careless.

Finally, Zhang Wenshan asked shisan tentatively: "thirteen, are you really Suluo?"

Zhang Wenshan's tone showed unprecedented tension. He was afraid to say the answer he didn't want to hear. It can be seen that he didn't want to accept the thunderbolt.

As the focal point of the audience, 13, from being pointed out by Fu Gang to becoming the object of attention and discussion, has not been moved. It seems that he had anticipated such a thing for a long time. His expression is still calm and his heart is still calm.

At the moment, facing Zhang Wenshan's question, shisan did not immediately answer, but slowly got up and looked at Zhang Wenshan. Then, he replied solemnly and forcefully: "no!"

It's just two words. It's cold and piercing, but it also shows the heart of shisan. Shisan has always been a man of two minds. After a short time of getting along with each other, most of the people in Wutang also understand shisan's temperament. As soon as thirteen opens his mouth, it's easy to convince others of his words.

Zhang Wenshan, in particular, has not been in contact with shisan for a long time. However, he is very clear about shisan's behavior. He knows that shisan is unwilling to speak and is reluctant to speak words. However, he never lies. What he says is the big truth in the truth. His so-called old friend Fu Gang is Fu Gang. But he was a cunning fox. Zhang Wenshan didn't believe his lies in his heart.

Therefore, after hearing thirteen's negation, Zhang Wenshan aimed his sharp eyes directly at Fu Gang and said in a bad tone: "did you hear that? He said no!"

At this time, Fu Gang's eyes were still on shisan, but, inadvertently, Fu Gang's eyes suddenly showed an extremely violent and fierce light. After hearing Zhang Wenshan's words, Fugang ignored him, immediately gave a cold snort, and said cunningly: "the bad guys never stick a note on their faces. If they say that they are bad people, they will know that they will sophisticate. However, I do Let him show the prototype

Finish saying, pay Gang eyesight a cold, direct order says: "come person, tie up 13 to me!"

As soon as Fu Gang's order was given, several members of the dark group immediately moved behind him. They attacked the thirteen in a very powerful manner with endless momentum. Their goal was to win thirteen at one stroke

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