Ziyi is no stranger to Zhang Wenshan, Zhang Xiong, shisan, Lin Shihan and others. It can even be said that there are many intersections. However, none of them expected that Ziyi would be in Fu Gang's hands.

At the moment, Fu Gang is full of gloomy color. After he hung up the phone, he immediately said to Zhang Wenshan: "one thing, you should also know, Ziyi, she is Suluo's girlfriend. She wants to prove that thirteen is Suluo. Ziyi is the best candidate. I have already stepped back. I hope you can step back and cooperate with me. Then, you will know the identity of Thirteen!"

When Fu Gang said this, he spoke in an enigmatic tone. Although he made Zhang Wenshan extremely unhappy, Zhang Wenshan also knew that Fugang had made concessions. If Fu Gang was really forced to hurry up and make a net break, he really had no way to deal with him. Therefore, Zhang Wenshan could only accept Fu gang. In fact, Zhang Wenshan himself also wanted to know After all, if he really is Suluo, let alone climb to a high position, he may even be implicated.

Thinking of this, Zhang Wenshan immediately raised his eyes and looked at Fu Gang, and faintly replied, "say it, how to cooperate?"

Fu Gang grinned and showed a sly smile. Then, he asked Zhang Wenshan and the people of the five halls to step back, leaving only thirteen in the middle. In addition, everyone should keep quiet and wait for the good play.

Zhang Wenshan pondered for a while, and finally did what Fu Gang said. He ordered all the members of the fifth hall to step back a few steps. However, at first glance, they were still antagonistic to Fu Gang's men.

Thirteen, who was seriously injured, was immediately abandoned and isolated between Fu Gang and Zhang Wenshan. The scene was thus divided into three parties: Zhang Wenshan and Fu Gang. Shisan himself stood at the juncture of Chu and Han and became one of them.

So large scene, lingering around a kind of atmosphere called silence, almost all the people in the audience stood still in their own position. But obviously, everyone's expression is dignified, slightly nervous, and a little expectant.

At first, Fu Gang's appearance didn't make shisan moved. Later, Fu Gang pointed out that he was Suluo, and didn't make him react. Even when Fu Gang publicly injured himself, he didn't touch shisan's heart. However, when Fu Gang said that he brought Ziyi, shisan was not touched Touched, however, he did not show his emotions on his face, has been holding on, no one can understand his inner world.

Thirteen stood alone in the middle of the crowd, standing still, the light reflected on his ugly face, looked very seeping, his shadow was pulled by the light very long, but, that slender figure, looked a bit desolate, the atmosphere of silence, as if frozen in general, everyone was waiting, waiting for Ziyi's appearance.

Finally, two figures appeared at the entrance of the villa. One of them was Zhao Yang, the acting group leader of Wutang dark group. The other is the heroine, Ziyi.

Ziyi has a beautiful face. Her dress is fashionable and her temperament is outstanding. However, her look is somewhat haggard. She is slightly nervous and dignified.

Seeing Ziyi, Fu Gang was the first to greet him and whispered a few words beside Ziyi's ear.

Ziyi heard Fu Gang's words, her face became more and more dignified. She couldn't help but quicken her pace and followed Fu Gang to the scene.

As soon as he arrived, Ziyi found that he was standing in the middle of the crowd and was injured for 13 minutes. Ziyi's heart beat broke out to the extreme. This face is very familiar to Ziyi. Before I saw him, Ziyi would not have too much touch, because Ziyi didn't connect him with Suluo.

Now, seeing him again, Ziyi is so nervous that her breath is a little blocked. She can't imagine that her favorite man has passed her many times. The furthest distance in the world is not thirteen standing in front of Ziyi, but Ziyi doesn't know that he is Suluo?

The person you are looking for is always by your side, but you can't recognize him. This is the most painful thing for Ziyi. But after all, God gave Ziyi the opportunity to really see thirteen today. At this time, thirteen has already become the Suluo in Ziyi's heart. Looking for men who have been looking for many days and nights, they mistakenly think they don't love their own men, and finally they are sure Recognize that there are their own men in my heart, and the men who lived and died with Ziyi. At the moment, standing in the sight range of Ziyi, how can Ziyi not be excited!

Excited beyond the limit of Ziyi, simply unable to control her emotions, she instantly ignored all the people, and went straight to thirteen.

Ran to 13 of the front, purple in desperation, a hug him, trembling voice said: "Suluo, are you ok? Don't fight any more. Let's go. Uncle Fu will clean up the five halls for you

Obviously, Ziyi was completely misled by Fu Gang. She also thought that Suluo's injury was caused by the people of Wutang. She also thought that Suluo's staying at the scene did not want to leave because she wanted to fight with Wutang. At the moment, what the simple girl wanted was to leave with Suluo and fly far away. It was not that Ziyi was too simple and easy to be cheated, but her heart was too eager for such love and too much hope for Suluo Together, leaving this place of right and wrong, she did not realize that the scene was different, and she did not know that her words were equivalent to dropping a heavy bomb at the scene.Almost everyone was woken up by Ziyi's words. Everyone slowly believed that thirteen was Suluo. Even Zhang Wenshan's heart was shaking. The fact that he was most reluctant to accept was the fact that red fruits appeared in front of him, which made Zhang Wenshan's face become a poker face, which was extremely ugly.

However, his son, Zhang Xiong, had a brilliant look in his eyes. How could he have never thought that the woman he had been searching for would be thirteen's girlfriend. The drama of this made Ziyi unable to ease up.

In addition, Lin Shihan, hidden in the crowd, exudes a particularly complex light in her eyes. She almost keeps her eyes on Ziyi and shisan in the field.

As the focus of the audience, thirteen, at this moment, even if his heart is strong, he can't be indifferent. He didn't expect that things would develop to this step. It was totally beyond his imagination. His eyes changed, and his fist couldn't help pinching up. After a long time, he stretched out his hand and pushed Ziyi away mercilessly, and said coldly: "I'm sorry You've got the wrong person

This voice Ziyi is very familiar with. It is thirteen's cold voice. It's always the same voice to her. It's just because of shisan's indifference that she can't believe that he is Suluo. Now, she has clearly determined that thirteen is Suluo. In Ziyi's imagination, this kind of voice should not appear. At the moment, thirteen, namely, Suluo, should be Embrace with oneself in the exciting atmosphere, two people hold together will produce a warm spark.

But why, in front of the thirteen, unexpectedly still that indifferent thirteen, this let purple Yi whole person immediately petrified, she looked at thirteen in disbelief, hoarse voice asked: "Arlo, why do you still want to hide me, you."

Ziyi said here, found that thirteen's eyes were more cold, which did not mix any emotional elements, which made Ziyi swallow back in the middle of his words. She seemed to notice something. Immediately, Ziyi turned her head and looked around.

At this time, Ziyi found that all the people's eyes were focused on her and shisan, and even, many people were still talking about something. The voice of those comments came to Ziyi's ears intermittently, which made the ignorant Ziyi wake up in an instant. Only then did she know that she had been cheated. Everything seemed to be a conspiracy, and she seemed to have got into a day In the big trap, and her role in this trap is to identify the thirteen identities.

Suddenly, Ziyi's heart thump, burst open, broken to the ground, her head suddenly like being blown up general, pain is incomparable, all the dream in an instant burst, helpless she became a withered leaf, that panic, that despair.

originally, she was so indifferent that it was all just bubbles, so she didn't worry about herself at all. She didn't send anyone to protect herself, and didn't want to fly away with her. Originally, solo was sincere about the callous thirteen, who had no longer loved herself and gave up her real identity thirteen.

Originally, it is their own silly to believe in love, believe that their desire for happiness, the original, the reality is still so cruel, all is just their own wishful thinking, is their own too silly, too naive.

In an instant, Ziyi fell from heaven to hell again, which made her to pieces. Ziyi's thin body became shaky and could not hold on, but the last trace of reason supported her not to fall down. She was strong enough to know that she was stupid and was about to kill herself. The so-called she deserved to die, but if she killed Suluo because of her innocence Well, she'll never die in peace.

The atmosphere of the scene made Ziyi suffocate. Although she had a headache and her heart had already broken into countless petals, she also felt that these covetous people on the scene obviously aimed at Suluo and wanted to kill him. As a weak woman, since she could not help Suluo, she could not harm him. Therefore, Ziyi realized that she had made an unforgivable mistake In fact, she suppressed all her grief and tried to stabilize her limp feet. Then, she dragged her stiff body, retreated, and said to shisan with apology: "I'm sorry, I recognized the wrong person!"

In a simple word, Ziyi said that it was so difficult. She wanted to say it naturally, but there was a shaking in her voice that was hard to hide. How painful she was in her heart, but she had to say, just to make up for the mistakes she had made.

But what has happened is hard to recover. Even if Ziyi admits that he is wrong, many people on the scene have also recognized the fact that shisan is Su Luo. Zhang Wenshan, in particular, was the first one to stand up and said very sternly to shisan: "thirteen, are you really Suluo?"

At this time, even Zhang Wenshan's tone was not good. Obviously, if shisan was really Su Luo, the blow to Zhang Wenshan would be the biggest.

But Zhang Wenshan finished his speech, thirteen have not answered, Ziyi immediately answer the word anxiously: "no, he is not Suluo, I recognize the wrong person!"

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