Ziyi's voice still can't stop shaking. She can't hide her panic. Her pain is so deep that she can't pretend to have no pain. But other people's eyes are bright. Of course, the more she explains, the more people think thirteen is Suluo.

And Zhang Wenshan's heart, also seems to firmly determine the identity of thirteen, so, his eyes severely locked in thirteen's body.

The focus of the audience 13, facing thousands of people as the eyes of the trial, he was still not nervous, but coldly said two words: "no!"

It's just a simple two word answer to Zhang Wenshan's question, which is equivalent to answering the whole audience's question. However, his answer seems to be feeble and not convincing.

At this time, Fugang also came out, and he said: "I said thirteen, you can admit it. It's time for you to argue. Do you really want to see your girlfriend have an accident? Don't worry, we are targeting at you. It has nothing to do with Ziyi. If you admit your identity, we can let Ziyi live! "

Fu Gang's words are light, but they are full of threat.

However, in this situation, shisan remained calm in the face of threats. He pointed his sharp eyes at Fu Gang and continued to say in a deep voice: "I am not Suluo. There is no evidence. Please don't talk nonsense!"

In a word, she tore Ziyi's heart again, making her shaking body more and more swaying. Although, she knew that in this environment, no matter whether thirteen was Suluo or not, anyone who had a little sense could not admit his identity, but Ziyi could not help shaking and suffering when he heard thirteen's merciless words.

She felt more and more that Suluo was getting farther and farther away from her, so far away that she couldn't catch her, far enough to make her miserable. However, at this juncture, Ziyi couldn't even feel sad. She was not afraid of death. She was afraid that her stupidity would involve thirteen. Therefore, even if she could not stop shaking in her heart, Ziyi still tried very hard to cover up the pain and pretended to be indifferent Son.

And pay Gang seems to have expected Ziyi's hard mouth, so, after listening to thirteen's words, he was not angry, but showed a sly flavor, which was hard to understand.

On the other hand, although Zhang Wenshan almost identified shisan's identity, he didn't want to admit the fact in his heart. After all, if shisan were Su Luo, it would be a huge loss for him, and he would be implicated. Moreover, Ziyi's personal will alone could not prove shisan's identity. What's more, Ziyi later denied it, especially shisan Without hesitation, Fu Gang denied it without hesitation. Fu Gang couldn't provide any real evidence. It was impossible to accurately determine the identity of thirteen.

So, after some deliberation, Zhang Wenshan still solemnly said to Fu Gang: "master Fu, although we have reason to doubt the identity of shisan, but how to say, there is no real evidence. We can't presume that thirteen is Suluo. Can you provide other strong evidence to prove that thirteen is Suluo?"

Zhang Wenshan's words also got the approval of other people at the scene. While others quietly expressed their opinions, Wang Sen had already come to Cao Bao's face, and he whispered a few words in Zhang Wenshan's ear.

Although he could not hear what was said, Zhang Wenshan's face changed after hearing it. However, he finally nodded and seemed to agree with Fu Gang's opinion.

Later, Zhang Wenshan took a sharp dagger from his man's hand and came to shisan. He looked at shisan with a serious face and said in a solemn voice: "shisan, it's not that I don't believe you. You can see it. I'll spare no time to protect you, but the evidence on the scene is really against you. However, I'll give you a chance to prove your innocence. You can take this one Dagger, kill Ziyi, so that we can dispel everyone's suspicion of you

With that, Zhang Wenshan immediately handed the dagger to shisan.

At this moment, thirteen's hand couldn't help shaking, but in the end, his hand slowly lifted up and gently took over the dagger.

The dagger was very light, but it fell into shisan's hand, but it was heavy. He held the dagger tightly, raised his head, and looked at Ziyi with his cold eyes. In the attention of all the audience, he opened his feet and walked towards the lost Ziyi step by step.

This idea is really insidious. Fu Gang, an old fox, has already made clear the matter between Suluo and Ziyi. He is using their feelings to force thirteen's true identity.

At the beginning, the Buddha seized Ziyi and forced Suluo out by burying Ziyi alive. Fugang also heard that at that time, Suluo did not hesitate to die for Ziyi. Therefore, Fugang was very sure that Suluo must have a deep love for Ziyi. Even if he has become a cold thirteen, he can be indifferent to Ziyi, but he can't do it Killing Ziyi by hand is absolutely impossible.

Therefore, Fu just thought of this move. Now, seeing Suluo holding a dagger and going to Ziyi, Fu Gang's mouth can not help but appear a smile of conspiracy. His eyes are shining. Obviously, he is looking forward to the next good play.

The other people on the scene also couldn't help but shine. Many people's eyes were obviously full of expectation. For them, it was more wonderful than fighting, and it was a little bit exciting.Of course, what they feel exciting is not the matter of immortality. After all, almost all the people on the scene were from the sea Gang, which had no blood on their hands or who had not experienced a bloodbath. Therefore, it was not a big deal for them to kill people. What they are looking forward to is actually the identity of shisan. They want to see whether this admirable thirteen is Wu Lai. If he is Su Luo, he can kill his beloved girlfriend. That's what you want to see.

However, not everyone at the scene didn't care about the killing. Lin Shihan, who was submerged in the crowd, was completely shocked by the incident. Her eyes showed some tangled color. Although Lin Shihan also wanted to confirm whether shisan was Suluo, it was not what Lin Shihan wanted to see, no matter how Well, Ziyi is innocent.

In the past, although Lin Shihan hated Suluo to the bone, even cheated Ziyi out and threatened Suluo with Ziyi, in fact, she did not intend to do anything excessive to Ziyi, because Lin Shihan knew in his heart that Su Luo's crime could not involve anyone, especially Ziyi. She was simple, and the matter had nothing to do with her, and there was no need to bear the blame for Wu Suluo Therefore, it was impossible for Lin Shihan to target Ziyi at that time.

But now, Lin Shihan didn't expect that the storm would involve Ziyi. What's more, he had to kill Ziyi himself. This is really cruel.

In fact, from Ziyi's appearance here to Ziyi's performance after he saw thirteen, especially Ziyi's stimulated look, Lin Shihan was almost sure that thirteen was su Luo.

Although Lin Shihan is very reluctant to accept this fact, she has to believe that, even if it is a fact, her hatred is only directed at Suluo, which has nothing to do with Ziyi. Now the situation has evolved into this. The innocent Ziyi is on the verge of life and death. What's more, she has to be stabbed by her boyfriend.

As a woman, Lin Shihan seems to feel the pain of Ziyi. Originally, she felt that her life was pitiful and pathetic when she came to this situation. However, seeing Ziyi in front of her, Lin Shihan felt that she was even more pitiful than herself.

For Ziyi and Suluo's feelings, Lin Shihan also understands. She knows how much Ziyi loves Suluo. She also knows how lonely Ziyi is when she is alone in a foreign country, and how much she hopes that the man he loves can take care of himself and warm himself. But the reality is that Suluo not only does not give Ziyi warmth, but also gives her the most biting cold. Up to now, she has to kill her by hand According to say, is how cruel, she is a lonely weak woman, how to bear.

At this moment, Lin Shihan's heart is painful, but she can still only drown in the crowd, watching this scene, she knows her identity, but is just a drop in the ocean, just as the saying goes, Lin Shihan has no right to speak here, she can not prevent the tragedy, nor can she change Ziyi's fate. All she could do was pray silently, praying that fate would not torment Ziyi too much.

And there is a person on the scene, at this juncture, the mood is particularly complex, this person is Zhang Xiong.

From the first moment Ziyi appeared, Ziyi was completely stunned. He never dreamed that the relationship between Ziyi and shisan was so extraordinary.

Zhang Xiong remembers very clearly that at that time, he went to the hospital to find shisan, and then he ran into Ziyi. At that time, Zhang Xiong only thought that Ziyi was too kind-hearted and would take care of an unrelated person. Now I think Ziyi has a unique taste. No matter whether this thirteen is Suluo or not, at least, Suluo himself should not be very good. Ziyi and Su are unexpectedly Luo is a boy and a girl friend relationship. This is just a flower planted in a dungpit. What Zhang Xiong can't understand is that flowers are not rare in this dungpit. The thirteen in front of him is so indifferent to Ziyi that he even wants to kill her.

Zhang Xiong couldn't bear it. Although he wanted thirteen to die, and he wished thirteen was Suluo, Zhang Xiong didn't want to confirm his identity by killing Ziyi. Anyway, Ziyi was the woman he had been thinking about for so long. To this day, he didn't get the woman. How could he see her die in front of him 。

For Zhang Xiong, the more he can't get it, the more eager he is to get it, and he will try his best to get it. If Zhang Xiong doesn't do Ziyi in his life, he will always have a thorn in his heart. He doesn't want to live with a thorn in his heart. He doesn't want to live with a duck in his mouth.

The more he thought about it, the more he was bent. He could hardly bear to see the man he had been thinking about for a long time was in front of him. He never wanted to see this creature become a dead man. Moreover, Zhang Xiong was afraid that the wood would not show mercy on her and kill Ziyi. In that case, he would never get Ziyi.

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