Zhang Xiong seems to be a smart man, but in fact he is a dandy. He can't see the scene clearly and only thinks about his own private affairs.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiong was worried. He couldn't control other things. He directly stood up and advised his father: "Dad, there are many ways to prove the identity of thirteen. There is no need to kill people. Don't we members of the Haigang always kill women

Zhang Xiong's words sound reasonable. Some people who don't understand his mind may be deceived by his false impression. They think that Zhang Xiong is really upright, carries forward traditional virtues and takes good care of women's lives. But Zhang Wenshan, a father, knows his son who is not striving for success. If Zhang Xiong farts, he can know what his intention is. Now, Zhang Xiong stands out openly To stop him, it was obvious that he was aiming at Ziyi. He knew that his son had taken a fancy to others. It was because of this that Zhang Wenshan was angry.

As a matter of fact, how can Zhang Wenshan want to go to this stage? He wishes thirteen is not Suluo, but things have developed like this. If he can win this for thirteen, he has done his utmost. If he protects thirteen unreasonably, it will be the crime of shielding, and he will face a great disaster. But at present, his son of straw bags does not think about his situation at all, At this critical juncture, Zhang Wenshan is still thinking about women. How can Zhang Wenshan not get angry.

After listening to Zhang Xiong's words, Zhang Wenshan began to rebuke Zhang Xiong in a loud voice: "you're a villain. You don't have a chance to speak here. Get out of here quickly!"

In the face of his father's anger, Zhang Hongli was also in a flurry. But when Zhang Xiong's eyes touched Ziyi's pitiful eyes, Zhang Xiong didn't flinch from the emotional elements of the explosion. He retorted to his father again: "what I said is the truth. Ziyi is innocent. You shouldn't do experiments with her!"

This time, Zhang Xiong completely angered Zhang Wenshan. Originally, Zhang Wenshan was extremely unhappy. Today should be a happy day, but he kept eating shriveled. No matter how strong his heart is, he can't contain his irritability. Now, his unfilial son is still with him. How can Zhang Wenshan accept it? He said angrily: "come on, please I'm going to drag this son down! "

Zhang Wenshan has no way to communicate with his son. He is too lazy to talk nonsense any more. As soon as he says something, several people force Zhang Xiong down.

Scene, gradually restored to silence, silence to Ziyi seems to hear his heart broken voice, at this moment, Ziyi feel that she is the world's most stupid woman, she is waiting for love, she is looking for love, she insists on love, can die for love, but what is the return of all her love? One step closer to the man is to take the knife.

Although the knife had not yet stabbed her body, she first cut Ziyi's heart. The pain was too painful. Ziyi couldn't accept the blow. A weak woman couldn't bear it.

Originally, the fact that Suluo didn't love himself had pushed Ziyi into the abyss of eternal destruction. Now, Ziyi witnessed shisan's ruthlessness, and destroyed Ziyi's soul. Seeing shisan take the dagger, he walked towards him indifferently. From the beginning to the end, it seemed that shisan did not hesitate. In his heart, killing himself was just a task An opportunity to let his identity not be exposed, so he accepted without hesitation. How can Ziyi face this fact and how to bear it?

Ziyi's body is completely stiff, only the tears of sadness are whirling in her eyes. In this moment, the past is like a tide, flooding into her heart. In the past, there are shadows of Suluo everywhere. At that time, Suluo loved her, tolerated her, and even risked her life for her. Although there were ups and downs and pain at that time, compared with today's Everything in the sky, once all the pain is not pain, because, even if once again uncomfortable, at least, Suluo is still that Suluo, is love oneself invariable Suluo, but today, Suluo is not that Suluo, his heart is hard as iron, mercilessly stabbed Ziyi, his behavior is to let Ziyi pain.

Ziyi's heart has been numb, she is not afraid of death, not at all, but she is afraid to die in Suluo's hand. Suluo's indifference is tantamount to a thousand cuts to herself. If Suluo's knife goes into her heart again, Ziyi will not die in peace.

Ziyi can't think of it. Why did the former Suluo become like this today? How can the solo who can die for himself become the executioner who wants to kill himself? Why is all this?

Despair, Ziyi felt a complete despair, Ziyi's heart has been completely dead, but her trace of reason is clearly stimulating her, she knows, everything is her own fault, if not for her previous willful, Suluo would not go on a forgetful revenge Road, if it was not because she was like a fool, was cheated by the old fox Fugang and fell into him In the trap, Suluo will not face the crisis of being dug out of its original form. All this situation is caused by himself. Then, in order to atone, end all this with his own life!

Ziyi slightly raised her head and did not let the tears in her eyes fall. She tried to support her rickety body, not to let the cold wind blow down, just to wait for the arrival of thirteen.However, when the God of death like thirteen really came to her, when she clearly felt the killing intention of thirteen, Ziyi was still strong in the end. She tried to hold back the tears in her eyes, and finally burst into tears. Tears crossed her cheek and fell to the ground.

Ziyi is not a lover, a benefactor, or even a passer-by. He is reduced to a cold machine and emits a murderous spirit, which makes Ziyi suffocate. Her grief falls with her tears and coagulates, blocking her chest, making her unable to breathe. She has no strength to think, no energy to grieve, just absolute Waiting for death to come.

Time, in this moment, followed by solidification, the scene fell into a dead silence, all the people in the audience held their breath, opened their eyes, and closely watched the thirteen and Ziyi in the field.

Everyone was looking forward to the next scene, but all of a sudden, all of a sudden, what everyone waited for was not thirteen stabs into Ziyi's body, but a very cold voice: "I can't do it, she saved my life, I can't be ungrateful!"

The tone is flat, there is no emotion to speak of, but it shows the determination of thirteen. In a moment, the silent scene is in a state of uproar. Other people can't help but talk about it. Everyone is not a fool. They all know what it means. If they see thirteen stabbing Ziyi with a knife without hesitation, they may give up the idea that thirteen is Suluo, because For, in their consciousness, thirteen is a cold and heartless person. In order to prove his innocence, he should not care about a woman's life.

But now, shisan, a cold machine, talks to you about lifesaving benefactor and ingratitude. How can this convince everyone? Therefore, at this moment, almost everyone thinks that shisan must be solo. Then, their attitude towards shisan changes from admiration to dissatisfaction.

When the whole audience was dissatisfied, only one person got the greatest satisfaction. This person was Ziyi. She thought that Suluo was cruel enough to kill herself. That's what she was afraid of most. Therefore, she fell into the most desperate abyss. However, when she was hopeless, she heard thirteen voices like the sounds of nature.

Although the voice was still cold, it completely melted Ziyi's heart. Anyway, shisan didn't kill herself. How lucky for Ziyi, at least, she didn't have to die with her eyes closed.

Unconsciously, Ziyi's sad face is filled with a trace of smile. With this pair of tired but gratifying eyes, she gently stares at shisan. At this moment, shisan is not a cold machine in Ziyi's eyes. His body is still full of justice, just as he did several times before, fearing power and life and death.

However, Ziyi was so pleased that others were dissatisfied, especially Zhang Wenshan. His eyebrows were all frowned, with some anger. Zhang Wenshan stepped forward two steps and said in a cold voice to shisan: "shisan, I'm afraid this is your last chance. I know that Xu Nan helped you in your most difficult time, but you also saved her, and you have paid off her love for her Now, you don't owe her anything. What you have to do now is to prove your innocence. Do it

It can be seen that Zhang Wenshan still does not want to accept this cruel fact. After all, thirteen is too important to Zhang Wenshan. Moreover, Zhang Wenshan really wants to sit on the throne of deputy leader. Therefore, even if all the evidence points at shisan, he still holds the last hope and prefers to stand on the side of shisan to prove his innocence.

But thirteen is thirteen. No one can change his decision. He seems to have made up his mind. Even if Zhang Wenshan said so, he did not move. He still insisted on his principle and continued to say in a cold voice: "I will not kill my benefactor, I can't do it!"

The more convinced he is, the more he won't be convinced by the principle of killing all the people, because the more he doesn't believe in the next fight, the more he won't be convinced. By this time, the truth has come to the surface, and some people can't help but shout and arrest thirteen.

These voices naturally reached Fu Gang's ears, which made him feel comfortable. He was very satisfied with his plan, and as expected, he did not expect that when shisan killed Ziyi, he showed his Fox's tail and showed his original shape. Fu Gang was very pleased with this.

Although there were some twists and turns in the process, it was not beyond Fu Gang's expectation. With this result, Fu Gang was considered successful. It can be said that he has made great contributions to the Hai Gang today. It seems that the position of deputy leader has already waved to him.

The more he thought about it, the more happy Fu Gang felt. He couldn't wait to go to Zhang Wenshan and said to him, "I said hall leader Zhang, can't you see it now? It's clear that thirteen is Suluo. Now I can take the madman away?"

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