This voice seems to have thousands of magic, has been entangled in thirteen, hard poke thirteen's heart, as if he was frozen, as if gradually melted, his grim face, also slowly began to show some unprecedented color, the light in his eyes become more and more dangerous, his whole person is like a volcano burning crazily with magma inside Emotion in the Pentium, slowly infected to his surface, his expression seems to be changing, this change, more and more obvious.

Standing beside shisan, Zhang Wenshan seems to have felt the change of shisan. After a while, Zhang Wenshan's heart couldn't help beating the drum. He was afraid that shisan would really mess up. So, regardless of the occasion, he quickly patted shisan on the shoulder and called out seriously: "crazy man!"

The sculptural thirteen was suddenly photographed by Zhang Wenshan. Finally, he moved. He turned his head slowly and looked at Zhang Wenshan. His eyes became red and red. His expression was no longer indifferent, but turned into anger. With this anger, he yelled at Zhang Wenshan with no politeness: "get out!"

A word, such as the roar of a dragon and a tiger, has shaken Zhang Wenshan back a few steps. At the moment, the thirteen is really terrible. It seems that the devil is possessed by the body, and the breath is abnormal.

At this moment, all the people on the scene took a breath. Everyone's expression was different, but everyone's eyes showed a color of surprise, extremely shocked, because the word "thirteen" completely shows that he has admitted his identity. He is Suluo.

Who could have expected that the thirteen would acquiesce in his own identity at such a time, which was simply a subversion to the public's understanding. You know, as long as thirteen continues to hide, he can avoid the disaster. He doesn't need to kill Ziyi by himself. This is the best way for him to retreat, but he doesn't go down this road, He was so merciless to the only Zhang Wenshan who stood out to help him out. He was so desperate!

In the shock of all, thirteen ignored all, gently stretched out his hand, dragged Ziyi's soft body, gently laid her down on the grass.

Then, shisan gently plucked the hair on his face for Ziyi. At this moment, the anger in shisan's expression subsided. In his red eyes, there was no cold light of the evil people. Some were just affectionate light. He looked at the weak Ziyi deeply and said softly, "Ziyi, why are you so stupid?"

Thirteen's voice is hoarse with infinite emotion. At the moment, he finally completely exposed himself. He finally stopped hiding. He showed his identity in front of Ziyi, in front of all people. He was Suluo, who loved Ziyi deeply.

The confused Ziyi, after hearing the soft voice of Suluo, suddenly came back to light. The rhythm of her heart beat suddenly fast. She tried to open her tired eyes and look at the man she loved most.

In an instant, Ziyi's eyes blurred again, and her eyes were filled with tears uncontrollably. These were the moving tears and the expression of Ziyi's deepest emotions. After searching for Suluo for so long, she finally came back to her side.

However, when he came back, it was time for him to leave. Ziyi's heart was really bitter. What made Ziyi sad was that when Suluo came back, he was completely in a desperate situation. In the end, she still implicated him.

Ziyi gently swallowed a mouthful of blood, and then said to Suluo with difficulty: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry for you, I'm too stupid, always implicate you, bring you trouble, I think, as long as I die, no one can force you again, you won't be embarrassed!"

This is Ziyi's deepest regret and the last pain of Ziyi. She thinks that she can exchange her death for Suluo's safety. She thinks that she can finally stop implicating Suluo.

How many times, purple because she implicated Suluo and self blame, so this time, she really don't want to implicate him again. In Ziyi's opinion, Suluo didn't kill herself with a knife, which was enough to make her happy. She didn't ask for anything else. She just prayed for Suluo to be safe. She knew that if it wasn't for herself, Suluo could continue to hide his identity, and he would not fall into the dilemma of life and death today. Ziyi also knew that once Suluo exposed her identity, she would surely die. This disaster was caused by her, and she had to bear it alone. Suluo had done too many things for her. It was time for her to repay. She owed Suluo too much, only As soon as he dies, no one can force solo to admit his identity.

However, how could Ziyi think that what she got in exchange for suicide was such a result. The result moved Ziyi very much, but at the same time, it made Ziyi hurt and remorse.

And Suluo heard Ziyi's words, his heart trembled even more, his eyes were filled with tears, camouflaged for so long, indifferent for so long, he cried for the first time.

Since becoming thirteen, he has been used to indifference and ruthlessness, but this time, he can no longer hide the feelings in his heart. He can't control the flow of tears, which is sad tears, this is painful tears, he said to Ziyi in pain with tears: "Ziyi, are you stupid? Since they have guessed my identity, they can't let me go. No matter how I disguise, it's useless. Even if you don't show up, I can't escape. I hesitated just now, just trying to find a way to keep you safe, but why do you have to worry about it? "In the end, Suluo's voice is hoarse and can't be sent out. This kind of Suluo makes Xu Nan more moved. Her hazy eyes seem to emit some strange light. She slowly feels Suluo's heart, which still cares about her heart, which makes Ziyi too warm and warm. She seems to forget the pain in this moment. She is strong enough to support her consciousness, light Voice said to Suluo:

"but I'm just a drag on you every time. I've never helped you. I don't want to go on like this. I'm not afraid to die, Arlo. Really, after I leave, don't feel sorry for me!"

Ziyi's voice is full of her strong, she said that she was not afraid of death, but when Suluo heard this, her heart was more bitter, as if it was a different kind of blow, which made Suluo heartbroken. His hoarse voice said to Ziyi: "you are not dragging the oil bottle, you."

Before Suluo's words were finished, Ziyi suddenly put out her hand and blocked Suluo's mouth. Her hand was gently placed on Suluo's lips. The corner of her mouth could not help pulling because of the pain brought by lifting her hand. However, she did not feel the pain in her heart. She was just very excited. She was about to lose her breath. Her consciousness was gradually disappearing. She wanted to be in the final meaning Knowing, get the answer she wants most.

This is also her last wish. With this wish, Ziyi tried to support her consciousness, exhausted her last breath, and uttered the most difficult voice. She said weakly, "Arlo, thank you, thank you still mean me. Now I just want to know, do you still love me?"

But Suluo suddenly heard Ziyi ask, for a moment, he was stunned, he did not expect, in such a moment, Ziyi would ask such a question, this does not need to answer, can be sure of the answer.

In a trance, Suluo seems to understand that Ziyi must have misunderstood herself. She must have thought that she was indifferent and pretended not to know her, because she changed her heart, because he didn't love her anymore. She was really stupid.

Thinking of this, Su Luo can't wait to express his sincerity to Xu Nan and explain his hardship to Ziyi. However, Suluo didn't have time to say anything. Before his words were spoken, Xu Nan's hand close to his lips suddenly dropped down. Her tears were squeezed out by her closed eyelids and finally flowed to her ears along the corner of her eyes Root.

Ziyi's expression was so frozen, her mouth in addition to residual blood, no slightest smile, she finally left regretfully.

She couldn't hear any more sound, let alone the sound of Suluo's heart breaking. At this moment, Suluo's heart exploded to pieces. His tears surged out. His face was ferocious and twisted. The veins on his forehead were exposed. His soul seemed to be separated from his body. His whole body seemed to have been emptied.

The air seemed to condense, time seemed to be still, and the scene was suddenly silent. Only the tears in Suluo's eyes flowed wantonly. The tears passed through his lips and penetrated into his mouth. However, he could not feel the taste of tears. He just opened his mouth and kept whispering Ziyi's name: "Ziyi, Ziyi..."

after several whispers, Suluo's eyes were full of tears Suddenly tightly hugged Ziyi, opened his hoarse voice and cried out in pain: "Ziyi, I love you, I love you, do you hear me, Ziyi, I answered you, I love you, did you hear me?"

His voice was too sad. The sadness permeated everyone's heart, but he could not enter Ziyi's heart alone. Ziyi at this moment still had no reaction and looked lifeless. Her expression was still with deep regret. In the heavy air, she couldn't hear Suluo's call or answer. She was looking for Suluo's return Come, but she left, her solo still love her, but, she did not hear.

This scene, frozen into a most desolate picture, the picture of Suluo and Ziyi, touched the hearts of many people on the scene, this scene is really moving, is indeed sad, those who were originally ruthless bystanders, can not help but be moved by them. Even, some people's eyes are fogged, many people have experienced life and death, but they have not experienced such a touching love.

In the two of them, they see the real love, the love that can transcend life and death. A weak woman, in order to help her beloved man keep secret, chooses to commit suicide without hesitation. How much courage does it take for a man, for a woman who loves deeply, to expose his identity and fear life and death without any hesitation Their emotions can be learned from the heaven and earth, but the heart is not made of iron, and how can we not be moved when we see such a scene.

In particular, a woman drowned in the crowd was deeply shocked by this scene. This woman is Lin Shihan...

she is the one who is deeply shocked by this scene

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