These variables make Yang Simiao feel a little uneasy. In fact, today, Mo Qinglong insists on attacking Wutang. Yang Simiao feels a bit in a hurry. However, after some measurement, she still agrees to help Mo Qinglong. She also wants to quickly clean up the thirteen to prevent future trouble. It is because she attaches too much importance to it that she will personally lead the blood colored Cherry Blossom people to help Mo Qinglong 。

However, the variables of things are totally beyond her imagination, which makes Yang Simiao lose confidence. She is afraid of accidents. Therefore, she can't help asking Mo Qinglong, "what's the situation, boss Mo?"

Mo Qinglong shook his head blankly and said in a low voice, "I don't know. It's estimated that there is something wrong with the four halls and the five halls. This time, they may have internal strife."

As soon as Mo Qinglong's voice fell, a spy he had sent out to lurk to the other side of the five halls just came back.

As soon as the spy arrived, he immediately reported to Mo qinglonghui: "boss, I have already inquired about it. Fu Gang of the fourth hall is mainly here to catch the Thirteen!"

When Mo Qinglong heard of this, he immediately showed a happy look. He asked the spy with great interest: "Oh, tell me, what's going on here?"

The spy didn't dare to hesitate, so he said all the information he knew one by one. It was not detailed, but the situation inside was basically clear.

After hearing this, Mo Qinglong's face was even more joyful. For him, the girl named Ziyi can't die. He doesn't care about the identity of shisan. What he cares about most is shisan. He's crazy, and there has been a violent conflict with the people of the sea gang. This is absolutely the best thing for Mo Qinglong. The main purpose of his trip is To kill the culprit shisan, the next target is all the members of the fifth hall. Now, they are fighting inside. Mo Qinglong can directly take advantage of the fish. How can he not be happy.

However, although Mo Qinglong is happy here, Yang Simiao beside him is just like eating dynamite. Her face is covered with black lines. Her heart is even more shaken. She hears the spy's words clearly. However, how can she believe that thirteen is really Suluo?

For a while, Yang Simiao couldn't stop at all. This fact is really terrible. After living for so many years, Yang Simiao has always acted with great vigour. She has never regretted what she has done, but suddenly, her life has been in such a deep shadow.

Last time in Tianya nightclub, shisan killed the vice president of the Qinglong Association in front of Yang Simiao, and almost threatened her life. She did not allow the assassin to run away. Otherwise, she would not be able to take advantage of the Qinglong club for the organization. There would be a gap between the two sides. Therefore, Yang Simiao attacked the madman in spite of the danger and finally made shisan arrested. At that time, although she doubted shisan's identity and tried to ask him, she didn't admit it at that time. Moreover, the murderous spirit and indifference of shisan and his unfathomable strength made Yang Simiao give up the idea.

In Yang Simiao's consciousness, Su Luo is a child who will never grow up. She knows Su Luo very well. Because of understanding, she will feel that the indifferent thirteen is not Suluo. However, at this moment, she even heard that thirteen is Suluo. How can Yang Simiao accept it.

At this moment, she was suddenly soft, and her heart was shaking wildly. She was also mixed with too many complex emotions, which made Yang Simiao more and more messy. Her eyes had the color of pain, regret, sadness and even a little jealousy.

Since she left the wedding site of Suluo last time, Yang Simiao has a hatred for Suluo. Although she knows that her hatred is unreasonable, she can't help but blame Suluo for being too unfeeling towards herself. However, if she hates a person, it means that she has not forgotten him, there is no love, and there is no hatred. Yang Simiao still thinks about Suluo all the time.

Especially, when she heard that Suluo had sneaked into H Province alone, she even came here on the basis of the organization's dispatch to find Suluo and know his situation. However, on that day, in Tianya nightclub, Suluo appeared in front of her, but she did not recognize it. Even, Suluo showed mercy to herself at the critical moment, but she made up for him, which was not good Now, she has to bring people to encircle him. All this makes Yang Simiao feel guilty.

At the same time, Yang Simiao can't help but feel sad, and can't help eating Ziyi's vinegar. That day, she almost recognized thirteen. She promised that as long as he admitted his identity, she would let him go. However, shisan would rather die than reveal himself. He was so hidden. Now, Suluo for the sake of Ziyi, but can be desperate to expose their identity, and even for her crazy.

Su Luo, he is still the former Suluo. He is the enemy of the whole world for the sake of Ziyi. Compared with Ziyi, his weight in Suluo's heart is really too light, which makes Yang Simiao sad.

Since the contact between Su Luo and Ziyi, Yang Simiao has blocked them countless times. However, the result is that they love each other more. They can prevent their separation from each other, but they can't separate their hearts. This makes Yang Simiao really sad. She just does so much for love. But is her way really wrong?Up to now, Yang Simiao has a complete fall in emotion, which makes her strong heart hurt a little. However, at this juncture, Yang Simiao has no time to worry about her feelings. She knows that this is not the time to be sad at all. At this time, Ziyi's life and death are unknown, and Suluo herself is in absolute crisis. If she does not help her, they will become a pair of desperate mandarin ducks That's what Yang Simiao absolutely doesn't want.

So, Yang Simiao quickly calmed himself down and said anxiously to Mo Qinglong: "boss Mo, it's not too late. Let's start now and hit them by surprise!"

Yang Simiao is so anxious, but Mo Qinglong is carefree. He is very happy and calm now. When he hears Yang Simiao's words, he just gently waved his hand and said calmly: "Miss Yang, don't be anxious. They haven't started fighting yet. It's better for us to take advantage of the opportunity when they are both defeated."

Mo Qinglong is a smart man. He will not take into account Yang Simiao's mood. He only knows that today he is going to fight with a snipe and clam to make a profit.

Of course, Yang Simiao knows that she can't command Mo Qinglong at all. In the end, the relationship between her and the Qinglong association is just mutual utilization. No one can command anyone. She wants to save Suluo, but it doesn't mean Mo Qinglong wants to save Suluo. You know, the vice president of the Qinglong Association died in Suluo's hands. Mo Qinglong must kill Suluo to vent his anger, and how can he save him.

However, without the green dragon Association, she had no hope to rescue Su Luo from the tiger's mouth. For a moment, Yang Simiao did not know what to do. At this moment, all the expressions in her eyes were replaced by anxiety. At this moment, Yang Simiao, who was once lawless, was really worried.

With the roar of Su Luo, the momentum of Wu Tang headquarters has changed. At the moment, he has become a devil. His momentum is so powerful that it is suffocating. At the scene, no matter the people in the five halls or the four halls, they respect and keep away from Suluo, because everyone on the scene can feel Suluo's outrage, and no one will be stupid court death.

Zhao Yang, the only one who touched the mold of Su Luo, was even more scared. He did not care how much he was hurt. He quickly got up from the ground and rolled to Fu Gang's back.

Even standing behind Fu Gang, Zhao Yang is still in deep fear. Recently, he relied on Su Luo to feel his power most clearly. Su Luo's strength has completely exceeded his expectation. He never thought that Su Luo could hurt himself with one move, which really shocked Zhao Yang.

Don't mention Zhao Yang. Even Fu Gang, an old fox, can't help shaking in his heart. Su Luo's strength has broken through his own expectations again and again. In the underground boxing field, Su Luo defeated Wen Wen Wen, and Fu Gang was surprised. Just here, Su Luo was able to deal with his eight secret elites. Fu Gang was surprised again. This time, Suluo broke out With such a terrible roar, Fu Gang was shocked by the power of his body. Of course, Su Luo was still alone after all. Besides, he was injured. Fu Gang didn't believe that he could fly.

Thinking of this, Fu Gang's eyes once again showed fierce light. He immediately ordered to his people: "go on, take him down for me!"

As soon as Fu Gang ordered, the eight elites in his rear immediately gathered to Suluo from all directions with four long ropes. These people were well-trained experts. Although they were not strong enough to fight alone, they cooperated perfectly. These ropes felt like spider webs in their hands, which made people have no escape.

And Suluo in the fury, blindly immersed in endless pain, his head is still in a state of supine, his eyes, still staring at the dark sky, he did not notice the arrival of danger.

When Suluo reacts, the rope of eight people has already caught him. At the same time, the eight of them are constantly changing directions, winding left and right. In a few blinks of an eye, Suluo is tied with ropes. And these eight people stood in eight directions, pulling the rope, so Suluo was tied to the center of the eight of them, unable to move.

This frightening lion became a turtle in the urn in such an instant. Many people at the scene could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, especially Fu Gang. Seeing that Su Luo didn't resist and was so easily bound up, his dignified face did not appear, and a gratifying smile appeared on his dignified face. With this smile, he said sharply to Zhao Yang around him again: "yes He knocked out and took it away

Zhao Yang ordered him to go to Suluo without hesitation.

If we say that Su Luo is standing in the field safe and sound at the moment, even if Zhao Yang is given ten courage, he will definitely not dare to approach Suluo. However, now that Suluo has been firmly bound up, Zhao Yang is certainly fearless. He stands up slightly and shows his domineering color. Under the attention of the whole audience, he strides forward to Suluo with powerful steps 。

When he came to Suluo's side, he looked at Su Luo who was tied up with zongzi. Zhao Yang coughed gently and said with a little respect: "I'm sorry, I offended you!"

With that, he raised his hand and tried to knock solo unconscious.

But what made the audience dumbfounded again was that Zhao Yang Gang raised his hand. Su Luo, who was originally in a static state, suddenly changed his face and became extremely terrifying. His mouth suddenly opened again and let out an extremely violent roar.Standing beside Su Luo, Zhao Yang's eardrum almost broke. The infinite momentum of Su Luo's body made Zhao Yang dizzy, and other people in the field were suddenly shocked.

At a time when people were shocked and frightened, suddenly, the hemp rope wrapped around Su Luo broke apart. At the same time, Zhao Yang, standing beside Su Luo, was attacked again and flew backward like a sandbag. Finally, he fell to the ground severely. This time, Zhao Yang was not as lucky as before, and he could not get up again.

The eight people who pulled the rope fell to the ground one after another because of the broken rope and inertia. In a moment, the scene was in chaos. The huge space was covered by the breath of death again. Many people unconsciously shed cold sweat, and even Fu Gang became a little flustered. However, what makes Fu Gang more frightened is that the Furious Suluo suddenly stares at him with his blood red eyes. When he touches the eyes, Fu Gang can't help but tremble.

At the moment, Suluo is like the reincarnation of the devil. When his eyes touch Fugang, the murderous spirit of his whole body becomes more and more strong. His ferocious face is particularly dangerous under the light. All of a sudden, he fiercely steps forward and approaches Fu Gang step by step. In the process of walking, his mouth moves and says to Fu Gang coldly: "you, damn it! ”

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