Zhang Wenshan was so stared at by Su Luo. The head of the Hai Gang's Hall couldn't help sweating. This abnormal monster was really frightening. When faced with the people of the green dragon Association, Zhang Wenshan was not afraid. He even denounced Mo Qinglong with anger. However, Suluo, who was regarded as abnormal, had to make Zhang Wenshan's heart cold. He was really afraid and crazy su Luo would do something unreasonable.

Therefore, Zhang Wenshan stopped for a long time, and then answered honestly: "I didn't see it either!"

As he spoke, Zhang Wenshan found that his voice stuttered. He thought that he was also a veteran in the world for many years. Now, he was scared by a young boy who just came out of the cottage. This is really a shame, but it is also a fact.

However, to Suluo, this fact is still sophistry. After listening to Zhang Wenshan's answer, he immediately ran to attack Zhang Wenshan, and the speed was still crazy.

Although Zhang Wenshan was not seriously injured, because of a fight with Mo Qinglong, the whole person was also in a state of exhaustion. He could not withstand the stormy attack of Suluo. After two moves, Zhang Wenshan was beaten away by Su Luo.

Su Luo's crazy performance has already made everyone on the scene speechless. Even Mo Qinglong, the president of the Qinglong Association, can't help being stunned. He even feels a little lucky in his heart. Fortunately, Yang Simiao stopped himself just now and didn't let him go to Suluo to find trouble. Previously, Mo Qinglong thought that Su Luo had suffered such a heavy injury He is on the verge of dying. He can kill him as long as he pinches it easily. However, how can Mo Qinglong think that this abnormal Suluo's strength has reached such a situation? Under such circumstances, he can still send out such a powerful force. I can't imagine it.

When Mo Qinglong was stunned, Suluo's crazy roar broke out in the bloody air: "where is Ziyi?"

This is very fierce. It seems that he asked all the hostages on the scene. However, in the silent scene, no one answered Suluo. It was not so much that they didn't know, it was better to say that they didn't dare. Everyone was afraid of getting angry. It seems that the whole audience did not know how Ziyi disappeared. After all, just now, everyone participated in the battle. Who cares about one lying down What's more, there are so many people on the ground. Who knows where Ziyi is drowned.

So big lawn, so fell into a dead silence, no one to answer Suluo's question, so that Suluo's anger burning more and more intense, more and more fierce, he simply can't bear the fact that Ziyi is missing, but he can't find the trace of Ziyi. He suddenly went mad, and he was crazy towards a member of the dark group around him Attack, knock down one, he goes to the next, one after another.

In an instant, Suluo fell into a frenzied killing, his eyes were red, his momentum was frightening, his hands were cruel, and he became a complete devil.

Such a demon made the people of the Haigang feel scared. However, Mo Qinglong was pleased. After all, the two hall leaders of the Haibang were seriously damaged, and their subordinates were also in fear. It can be said that this moment is the best time for him to destroy the five halls, and at the same time, he took the opportunity to kill the four halls. It was like killing two birds with one stone He can't kill Suluo today, but it can kill the two halls, and it also solves the hatred of Mo Qinglong in his heart.

At the moment, Mo Qinglong ordered: "brothers, kill all the people of the sea Gang!"

The people of the green dragon association also know that today is the best time to eradicate the four and five halls at one stroke. It's just the right time, the right place and the right people. Their hearts are also extremely surging. With this passion, they go all out with their swords to kill the people of the sea Gang again.

Once again, the scene became more and more fiery with blood flying all over the sky. This time, the people of the Qinglong Association and Yang Simiao were fighting more and more fiercely, while the people of the four and five halls became weaker and weaker. Their mentality and morale were not good. In addition, the crazy attack of the devil Suluo made them lose the courage to fight. Some people even withdrew from the battle, and the battle situation was obviously successful It's one-sided.

However, Yang Simiao in the chaotic battlefield did not have any excitement because of the situation on one side. In her heart, she only worried about what would happen to Suluo.

Yang Simiao knows how much Su Luo is injured. At this time, what he needs most is to receive emergency treatment and take a good rest. However, at the moment, Suluo is still struggling, still consuming the only energy, which is not fatal at all.

Anxious Yang Simiao can't take care of a lot. He quickly runs to Su Luo's side and dissuades him: "Su Luo, don't fight, go quickly!"

But in the madness, Suluo couldn't listen to it at all. He was just like beating chicken blood and couldn't stop completely.

Looking at such a Suluo, Yang Simiao's eyes were a little red. She opened her voice, broke through the noise, and yelled at Suluo again: "Suluo, are you crazy? What's the point of fighting like this? Even if you kill all the people, you can't find Ziyi. No matter how, Ziyi won't fly. As long as you retreat, are you worried that you can't find her? "

Yang Simiao's words are very reasonable. However, Su Luo, who is in a frenzy, does not listen to the truth. He completely kills the red eye and kills the enemy with all his life, but only the last trace of reason in his mind is to kill Fugang and avenge Ziyi.Therefore, after killing his way of blood, Suluo went straight to Fu Gang lying on the ground. His murderous spirit was fierce, his feet were heavy but powerful, and his whole person was extremely violent.

Fu Gang, who was seriously injured, finally got a chance to breathe. When he saw Suluo killed him again, his heart was burning. He was really helpless and panicked. This day, to just say, was a nightmare day. His mood was too big and too big.

Originally, everything was in his plan. Ziyi was used to force Suluo out of his original shape, and then he took Suluo away. Although he had experienced several twists and turns, Fugang was still very confident to take Suluo away and go to the headquarters to ask for merit and reward. How could Fu Gang, who could hold the winning ticket, expect Ziyi to commit suicide suddenly, and Suluo would do the same This madness, crazy to the abnormal state, so that Fu Gang, the strategist, lost his sense of propriety, but also completely planted in Suluo's hands.

At this moment, the situation is even worse than ever. His four halls and Zhang Wenshan's five halls are all slaughtered. What's more, he has lost his life in this wise life. This really makes Fu Gang very reluctant, but he has no choice.

On his deathbed, Fu Gang's heart burst with sadness. He could not help turning his head and looking at his old friend for many years, or, in other words, his longtime enemy, Zhang Wenshan.

At the moment, Zhang Wenshan's situation is not much better than Fugang. He was seriously injured by Suluo, and no one was able to ease up, but he was attacked by Zhang Wenshan. Mo Qinglong's strength was above Zhang Wenshan. Now, when Zhang Wenshan was seriously injured, Zhang Wenshan was attacked by Mo Qinglong.

Zhang Wenshan, lying on the ground, endured the pain of his whole body and said angrily to Mo Qinglong, who is eyeing the tiger, "Mo Qinglong, do you know what you are doing? If you kill me, your whole Qinglong Association will be flattened by the sea Gang!"

Zhang Wenshan knows very well that his five halls can no longer turn over. He can only move out of the sea Gang to suppress Mo Qinglong. However, the Qinglong association is stationed in this city. If he really angers the Hai Gang, he will face the fate of destruction.

However, Mo Qinglong didn't care about Zhang Wenshan's threat. The reason why he was willing to be a puppet of bloody cherry blossoms was that he wanted to be protected. In this way, he didn't have to worry about the influence of the sea gang. Therefore, Zhang Wenshan's words didn't scare him at all. He just licked his tongue wickedly. Then, he said proudly to Zhang Wenshan, "Zhang Wenshan, I told you so long ago I will kill you with my own hands. You should be prepared to die when you send someone to assassinate my brother. Today, I will tell you clearly that you and your five halls will disappear from the world, and you will not be lonely on the road. So, you can go to death at ease

After that, Mo Qinglong didn't have a second word. He directly waved the knife in his hand and chopped at Zhang Wenshan.

Zhang Wenshan, who is on the verge of death, has reached the extreme of despair. He is not afraid of death. But today, he is really too oppressed and bent. He never dreamed that he would die in the hands of Mo Qinglong one day. This is a big blow to Zhang Wenshan. However, Zhang Wenshan is not willing to die again. He also knows clearly that today, he and his five halls are in robbery It's hard to escape.

Zhang Wenshan is also a man, not to beg for mercy. In the face of death, he can't help turning his head and looking at Fu Gang.

At this moment, Fugang is being pinched by Suluo, and the whole person is lifted up. He is blushing and hovering on the edge of death.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Wenshan was more and more sad. He even felt a bit funny. The situation was still bad. He and Fu Gang had been fighting for a lifetime, but they didn't know whether to win or not. However, Zhang Wenshan had no regrets about dying at the same time on the same day, the same month and the same year. At least, with an old friend in huangquan, Zhang Wenshan was dead without regret.

Thinking of this, Zhang Wenshan grinned bitterly, stretched his neck directly and simply, waiting for the arrival of death.

However, at the moment when Fu Gang and Zhang Wenshan, the brothers and sisters, were going to report there, the bloody battlefield burst out a startling roar: "stop it!"

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