This sound is different from sulo's roar. He is not as powerful as sulo. However, it is no less powerful than sulo. Because, the sound is very ghostly, as if it can take people's soul. Anyone who hears this sound has a deep vertigo. He feels headache and brain swelling. Even the powerful Mo Qinglong is shocked by the sound, even the powerful Mo Qinglong is shocked by the sound, even if he feels headache and brain swelling The knife in his hand was held up by the devil.

But Fu Gang and zhangwenshan, wandering around the edge of death, heard the sound, but the heart was a little relaxed. It seemed that this was their voice of saving lives, which made the breath of death all dissipated around them. Their hearts suddenly became bright and filled with hope for life.

But this voice can frighten all people, but it can not live in sulo. He is in a frenzy. No matter how overbearing the voice is, sulo only hears it, and continues to stare at Fugang with his bloody eyes. The voice is cold and says, "you must die!"

Sulo seems to see Fu Gang's heart of happiness. He doesn't give him a chance at all. After he dies, he immediately increases his strength and prepares to strangle Fu Gang. But at this critical moment, a figure suddenly shuttle over and over, with extremely fast speed, he rushes to sulo.

The moment that the people in the scene did not respond to, sulo in the fury, unexpectedly in a roar, the whole people flew out, and the edge of death Fu Gang was caught by a man in white. Obviously, this sudden appearance of the man, who hit solo in a flash, was the one who shot solo in a flash.

This scene shocked the whole scene again. It is necessary to know that the force value of sulo in his madness is very appalling. But such existence can be beaten and flown. Thus, it can be seen how powerful the white clothes man exists.

For such a strong man who killed in the air, Yang Simiao and Mo Qinglong, all were shocked and did not know where the coming people were sacred. But the gang of people saw the white men, but they all showed the color of happiness, at the same time, also showed a full face of respect, because, this White dressed man, is the gang of the elder of the criminal department, he Yunxiang.

He Yunxiang is a perverted character. It is under his law enforcement that the gang of the sea will be disciplined and no one can cross the throne. Even the hall leaders in the lobby will fear him. Whoever is, once he Yunxiang catches the whip, he will not be able to get off the court. He will have no face to tell. He is a famous and selfless person. Of course, his strength is more than a sign of his strength Peak is extremely high and unpredictable, otherwise, it is impossible to serve the public.

The biggest feature of heyunxiang is that he has a white hair and a powerful face. He is about fifty years old, but he is very competent in his manner. From the aspect of appearance and momentum, he has a very deterrent power and makes people pay tribute to him.

In the attention of all, he Yunxiang with the cold eyes, a slight scan of the whole scene, then, he put down the hand of pay Gang, with the momentum of lightning can not cover his ears, directly rushed to his nearest Mo Qinglong, a move, he will be able to suddenly beat the Mo Qinglong to retreat.

By this time, he Yunxiang's appearance saved the lives of two hall leaders of the gang of China. After both of them were safe, he only showed a sharp eye and said to the public very seriously: "how brave! How dare he spread the field on the territory of the gang!"

Once the voice fell, the entrance of the villa poured into many people. All of them were fierce and fierce. It seems that all the elite of the headquarters of the gang really represent the real power of the gang. Each of them looks extraordinary and magnificent.

Mo Qinglong, who had just eaten a flat food in heyunxiang's hand, suddenly saw these elite of the gang. His face was white and his heart was beating. Today, he broke in with the heart of killing five halls with one stroke. Later, he found that he could destroy them with four halls. His heart was even more exciting. Unexpectedly, this incident brought the people from the headquarters of the gang. Then, he was mo Qinglong, even even the leader of the headquarters of the gang The whole Qinglong meeting, I'm afraid it will be planted here today, he has to panic.

On the other hand, Yang Simiao's heart was also not flustered. She knew that the gang of the sea had come. What this means, however, Yang Simiao is not concerned about his own safety but sulo. Her eyes quickly moved away from heyunxiang and the gang of the sea, and stared straight at sulo.

At this time, sulo was like a ball that let go of his breath. He was paralyzed completely. He just went crazy and almost exhausted his energy, and he was hit by heyunxiang. His bones were smashed. His wounded body was completely destroyed. He was so miserable that he could not stand up again. He became a waste completely and paralyzed On the ground, motionless, only a pair of eyes, blinking, very confused, even, his eyes still filled with tears, as if, he was still immersed in the loss of Ziyi pain, unable to pull out.

When sulo was sad, he Yunxiang had come to sulo's side. He looked at Suluo with contempt, and then looked at Fu Gang, and said in disdain, "this is the son of suqiyao?"

Fu Gang hurriedly returned with respect: "yes, yes, it is him!"

He Yunxiang heard it, and said, "hum, it is such a doll that has turned the sky over your two halls!"

At this point, both Fu Gang and zhangwenshan are a little ashamed. They are willing to bear the accusations of heyunxiang. Now, these two once magnificent lords dare not ask for anything else. It is the best to find a life. Moreover, today, it is not proper for them to do this, which will cause such an unbearable consequence.After blaming them, he Yunxiang ignored them and Su Luo, who was in danger. Then he turned his eyes to Yang Simiao. He didn't care much about Mo Qinglong of the Qinglong Association. He just looked at Yang Simiao directly. After a pause, he said in a cold voice, "if I expect it is good, you should be sent by bloody cherry blossom. Your organization should set foot in it We know that even if you want to interfere with the underground forces, the Haigang will be happy to accompany you, but it's not kind of you to hide behind your back! "

He Yunxiang is worthy of being a senior member of the Hai Gang. Seeing things thoroughly, he pointed out the main points at once. Indeed, today's affairs can make him personally, and it is also because it is of great importance. On the one hand, it is about the bloody cherry blossom, on the other hand, it is about Su Qiyao's son. Things on both sides are very important, so he had to come out.

However, like Su Luo, Yang Simiao doesn't care about the elder at all. Yang Simiao can't say anything about he Yunxiang's accusations. However, her current focus is not on the organization. She only cares about Su Luo. Seeing Su Luo fall on the ground dying, Yang Simiao is worried. She ignores he Yunxiang and goes directly to Su Luo's side and squats down, She felt her four pulse and found that his pulse was weak.

Suluo experienced two flashbacks, the two explosions were extremely violent, completely exhausted all the energy in his bones. Now, he was knocked down, paralyzed like a ball of mud, with weak breath, no light in his eyes, only tears in his eyes were still shining. Obviously, he was dying.

Yang Simiao couldn't care much at all now. She said directly to he Yunxiang, "I'll talk about my business later. Su Luo is dying. You have to send him to the hospital."

He Yunxiang, who is experienced and shrewd, has mastered the situation on the way to here. He has a general understanding of what happened here. However, he was surprised to see the bloody Cherry Blossom man who cared so much about Suluo. He stopped and then said, "Oh, are you begging me?"

In the eyes of he Yunxiang, human life seems to be nothing. There are so many people lying on the ground, their life and death are not clear. He doesn't pay attention to them. He doesn't speak or do things in a hurry. It seems that he is the master here. He comes here to convict other people's crimes.

Seeing that he Yunxiang is so, Yang Simiao becomes more and more anxious. She doesn't want to talk to he Yunxiang any more. She quickly says, "you can't let him die. As long as he's OK, I'll cooperate with you in everything."

He Yunxiang couldn't help laughing, he said slowly: "ha ha, you are now in my hands, you must cooperate with me, you have no choice, so, you have no right to discuss terms with me!"

With such arrogance and indifference, he Yunxiang is like a judge beside the king of hell. His two words choked Yang Simiao's words. At this moment, Yang Simiao's heart was really anxious. However, she was so helpless. She did not remember the consequences, regardless of Mo Qinglong's opposition, took the lead in killing people, just to protect Suluo's safety, but in the end, she did not care about the consequences Not to do, her heart is really too oppressive, too uncomfortable.

Su Luo is lying on the ground. Although he is as angry as a gossamer, his last trace of consciousness is still there. He is very clear that Yang Simiao has done his best for him. What's more, he knows that Yang Simiao is in a desperate situation for him.

Su Luo's heart was so sad that his half foot seemed to have stepped into the ghost gate. He only felt the pain. His energy was exhausted, and his breath of life was gradually passing away. At the last moment, Su Luo held his last breath and said to Yang Simiao weakly, "thank you, Miaomiao!"

In the last five words, Suluo said that it was so difficult. As soon as the voice fell, his brain stopped working completely. He slowly closed his eyes, and his tears slid down. When the tears fell to the ground, Suluo was finally unconscious.

In an instant, Yang Simiao's eyes were full of tears. She held Suluo's hand tightly, and the tears gushed out uncontrollably. Her heart was rolling with huge waves, which made her miserable. Suddenly, in the silent night sky, Yang Simiao's voice was extremely hoarse and extremely sad: "Suluo

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