A bitter drama is staged in this land again. However, this play can't move people any more because the atmosphere on the scene is too heavy and bloody. The whole courtyard is filled with a strong breath of death, which makes people suppress and suffocate. Everyone is taking care of their own life and safety. Who will care about the life and death of others? Only Lin Shihan, who is submerged in the crowd, has her heart rolled again When he saw Suluo, who was still in the dark, and the weeping woman beside her, Lin Shihan's eyes became dull.

He Yunxiang, the elder of the punishment Department of the Hai Gang, is superior to everyone. He has no feelings or feelings. He just looks at this sad play with a cold face. When Yang Simiao's voice drops, he suddenly raises his hand and points to Yang Simiao and Su Luo, and orders to his subordinates: "take them away, and the others will not stay!"

His words were so powerful and unquestionable that he directly sentenced all the people except the Haibang to death. At his command, all the people in the headquarters immediately raised their swords and launched a massacre.

Mo Qinglong, who was in a desperate situation, was overwhelmed by fear. He didn't expect he Yunxiang to be so merciless. He killed himself without saying a word. Mo Qinglong didn't want to die like this. As soon as people from the sea Gang roared in, Mo Qinglong quickly stood up and yelled at he Yunxiang: "you can't kill me. I have someone in the city Bureau. If I die here You can't get rid of it! "

When Mo Qinglong said this, his voice was very loud and clear, which brought out all his momentum. It seemed that he was very confident in his backstage. His words really stopped the people of the Haigang. At the moment, everyone did not dare to mess around.

Seeing this scene, Mo Qinglong's courage came up. He looked at he Yunxiang with a little bit of sense, thinking that he would let himself go, but he underestimated he Yunxiang in the end.

He Yunxiang, a cold faced judge, heard the threat of Mo Qinglong. His eyes became cold. He looked at Mo Qinglong fiercely and said: "in this city, there is no one I dare not kill!"

With that, he drank again and said, "kill!"

A word of "kill" is full of endless dignity, and even more with the momentum of vastness, so that all the members of the sea Gang, as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, would take action when they raised the knife.

But as soon as they started their steps, there was a violent siren in the night sky. The sound was domineering and loud, which pricked the eardrums of everyone in the field, which made everyone in the audience stop. Even Yang Simiao, who is immersed in sadness, is awakened by the shock. She and everyone who still has consciousness on the scene turn their eyes to the source of the sound.

For a moment, all people's eyes showed inexplicable surprise, because they saw the number of cars, with a crazy momentum, broke through the villa area railings, wantonly broke into the bloody battlefield.

What's more astonishing is that these suddenly stopped trucks are all green military jeeps and military trucks. As soon as the cars stop, there are batch after batch of armed soldiers.

As soon as they got out of the car, they lined up their ranks in an orderly way. When everyone stood, one of the soldiers came out. He was tall and powerful, powerful, vigorous and rigorous. He was a man of integrity. From the rank on his shoulder, he was an officer.

This powerful officer is Zhang Lei and company commander Zhang who had had two ties with Suluo. However, he is no longer a company commander. He has been promoted to a battalion commander. He can be regarded as a model in the army. He has always regarded Su Qiyao as an example because of his firmness It is the unshakable faith that makes him a success and makes him have the status he has today.

Zhang Lei's army is also a trump card army, which was led by Su Qiyao before. Therefore, all the soldiers who come here are full of lofty spirit, tall and upright, strong and vigorous. When they stand together, they have an air of momentum, which makes people feel admirable.

No matter how fierce the people of the Hai Gang are, they are just a group of street thugs. They are not afraid of it. The atmosphere of their brigade crushed the momentum of the sea Gang people. Even he Yunxiang, the cold faced judge, frowned at the appearance of such a domineering soldier. He Yunxiang, as the punishment Department of the largest gang in H City, frowned Elder, I haven't seen any scenes before. I have to deal with the people on the white road in two or three days. In the whole place, no matter who he is, he has to give him some face. It is because of this that he Yunxiang has the arrogant capital. Even if he wants to kill the whole green dragon society, he does not blink.

However, he Yunxiang was surprised and surprised that at this juncture, so many armed soldiers suddenly appeared. According to the principle, the gang struggle is handled by the police, and the troops are generally not involved in it. But looking at the situation today, it is obvious that these soldiers are prepared to come, which makes he Yunxiang's heart lost. However, as a big elder of the Hai Gang, he Yunxiang has no idea After all these years, I haven't seen anything in the world. I'm an old man in the world, so I won't be scared.

After a slight pause, he Yunxiang, who can dominate the whole audience, still walked forward calmly. He went to Zhang Lei and saluted him with a nonstandard military salute. Then he said, "Sir, what's up with you so much to join us?"For the soldiers, he Yunxiang still did not dare to be presumptuous. Speaking with awe, he Yunxiang was obviously a veteran of understanding interpersonal relationship.

However, Zhang Lei didn't sell his face. He was too lazy to look at he Yunxiang. He ignored him directly and walked towards Suluo with vigorous steps.

Zhang Lei's action let he Yunxiang eat a shriveled, fell a lot, but he is not good at anger, can only hold his breath, mercilessly stare at Zhang Lei.

Zhang Lei saw the miserable Suluo, and his heart twitched a few times. He knew that Suluo was facing the danger of life and death here, but he didn't expect that Suluo would become so miserable that people could not bear to look directly. After a while, Zhang Lei squatted down and explored Suluo's breath. He found that there was still a faint breath. Immediately, Zhang Lei was facing the large army behind him and raised his voice Order: "come on, carry solo away quickly!"

As soon as Zhang Lei's voice fell, two strong soldiers in the large team immediately brought the stretcher and trotted towards Suluo, ready to carry Suluo away from here.

However, he Yunxiang didn't follow their wishes. He went out in person today, and the most important task was to take Suluo away. He wanted to take Suluo away even if he didn't give him face. He would never allow such a thing to happen.

As a result, when the two soldiers came to Suluo, he Yunxiang immediately stopped and said, "wait a minute!"

With great momentum, he came to Zhang Lei and said impolitely, "I say officer comrade, Su Luo made trouble on the territory of our Hai Gang and killed many of us. He is also the person named by our leader. You can't take him away!"

He Yunxiang's tone was very strict. What's more, he moved all the leaders of the sea gang out, thinking that everyone should give some face.

However, Zhang Lei still did not eat his set, for he Yunxiang's fierce, Zhang Lei did not care, immediately replied: "if I have to take it?"

Hearing this, he Yunxiang's face turned red. He held back his anger and said, "which army do you belong to? This is the business of our Haibang. You'd better not get involved in it? "

Listening to his meaning, it seems that they all have backstage in the army. Therefore, he Yunxiang can maintain his spirit when facing Zhang Lei. Indeed, he Yunxiang is also a strong man. He is one of the top experts in the whole H Province. His majesty is very frightening, but he can not oppress Zhang Lei.

Looking at Zhang Lei, he still kept a cool and serious expression. He gave he Yunxiang a cold look and said very severely: "my name is Zhang Lei. Please remember me. I come today to take Suluo, and no one can stop it. In addition, I want to emphasize that this includes the whole H Province, which is national, not from your maritime gang. I hope you will remember it!"

Qin Shun's words were quite stiff. As soon as his voice fell, he continued to order in a loud voice: "take it away!"

There was no doubt in the tone. Then, two soldiers around Suluo listened, and immediately carried Suluo to the stretcher and wanted to carry away.

Seeing Zhang Lei so domineering, he Yunxiang ate in front of him one after another, which made him angry. He was right. The whole province of H is national, but after all, it is the territory of their maritime Gang, and Suluo is their wanted figure. If he is easily taken away, he will not only be unable to pay the business, but also damage the face of the Hai Gang. He Yunxiang must not allow this When the incident happened, he Yunxiang immediately ordered Su Luo to be carried away: "stop them!"

After a while, the people of the sea Gang surrounded one after another and blocked the way of the two soldiers. Although the black one was afraid of the white one, it was also a status existence when it reached a certain level. It was impossible for them to stand still for many years without any energy. Therefore, he Yunxiang showed his iron and blood skills in the face of the soldiers who were ready to go. He did not believe it These soldiers dare to mess around on the sea Gang's territory. Moreover, he also knows that the soldiers involved in this matter have not received any orders. This is not their business at all. This place is not under the jurisdiction of the garrison troops at all. He Yunxiang is not afraid of each other at all.

Of course, he Yunxiang is tough and Zhang Lei is harder. As a rolling soldier in the army, Zhang Lei has always been strong. The stronger he is, the stronger he is. If you don't give him face, he doesn't need to give face to the other party. Seeing he Yunxiang and himself, Zhang Lei is not polite and solemnly orders: "listen to my orders, but if there is any obstruction, fire directly"

Zhang Lei's The voice was loud and powerful, and the shock was in the night sky. In an instant, those armed soldiers were full of energy and roared: "yes!"

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