Shouting into the sky, all the soldiers in the roar of this voice, then quickly put up the submachine gun, aimed at this group of sea gang members who do not know the height of the earth.

Under the muzzle of the gun, everyone in the Haigang turned pale. They were not gods. They were just human beings. No matter how powerful a person was, he could not bear the power of the bullet. Even he Yunxiang, who was so arrogant, didn't dare to come around again in the face of the muzzle. He didn't expect that the officer should be so domineering. He grinned his teeth and looked at Zhang Lei angrily He said, "Sir, do you know that if you offend the Haigang, there is no good fruit to eat?"

His words were full of resentment and a strong threat. However, as if he had not heard of it, Zhang Lei still had an unquestionable and severe tone. He said to the soldiers carrying the stretcher: "take the people away!"

The two soldiers took orders, quickened their pace, and soon carried Suluo away. All the people in the sea gang did not dare to stop him. No one was so stupid as to hit a bullet with his chest. At this moment, they finally tasted the taste of suffocation.

In the anger of the sea gang members, Suluo broke away from the den. Later, Zhang Lei was ready to leave. He came today to rescue Suluo. As for the enmity between other gangs, it has nothing to do with him. The police will deal with it and he can't control it. Therefore, after saving Suluo, he will take people away immediately.

However, just as Zhang Lei was about to order the evacuation, Yang Simiao suddenly rushed out and stood in front of Zhang Lei, and said with a hint of request: "Sir, I'm Su Luo's sister. I can ask you to help me and my people out, or we will die!"

For so many years, Yang Simiao's temperament has always been domineering and arrogant. She never lowers her head easily, let alone plead with others in a low voice. Especially now, in front of so many people and according to her previous personality, she will never be so shameless to survive. However, at present, she can't destroy many people's lives for the sake of so-called face Knowing the situation of Suluo and seeing if he can escape from danger, she really doesn't want to fall into the hands of sea helpers, which is more painful than death.

After thinking about it, Yang Simiao finally pulled down his face and asked the officer in front of him, because now only he can save himself.

Zhang Lei was stunned after hearing Yang Simiao's words. In fact, as soon as he arrived here, he saw that the woman seemed to have different feelings for Suluo, and she was the only one on the scene to grieve for Suluo. However, he didn't know the identity of the woman and was not easy to say anything. But now, this woman has asked for herself, and even she has said her own and her own Su Luo's relationship, this let Zhang Lei have to manage.

Without hesitation, Zhang Lei immediately responded domineering, "OK, you take your people, go with you!"

Seeing Zhang Lei's promise, Yang Simiao's tight string in her heart finally loosened. Her expression showed a look of relief.

On the other side, Mo Qinglong, wandering on the edge of death, saw that Yang Simiao had been saved. He ran over like a dog and pleaded to Zhang Lei: "Sir, there is still me, and I, take me with you, or they will kill me!"

Now, Mo Qinglong can't control his face. It's the most important to keep his life. When he licks his face, he must firmly grasp the straw.

After listening to Mo Qinglong's words, Zhang Lei, like a savior, did not make any response. He just looked at Yang Simiao and seemed to be asking her.

Yang Simiao knows that Mo Qinglong is an important target of their organization. If the whole army is destroyed this time, her responsibility will be even greater. She can't see her allies being slaughtered like this. Therefore, she calms down and nods to Zhang Lei, which means that she acquiesces with Mo Qinglong.

Seeing Yang Simiao nodding, Zhang Lei didn't have much hesitation. He directly said to Mo Qinglong, "well, take your people with you, and the speed should be fast."

For Zhang Lei, the most important thing at present is to make a quick decision. He doesn't want to delay any more.

Mo Qinglong was blessed by Zhang Lei, and immediately he was elated. He did not dare to delay for a second. He immediately ordered an emergency evacuation, and Yang Simiao immediately asked people to retreat.

At this time, he Yunxiang's head was full of anger. The inexplicable officer suddenly took Suluo away, which has already exceeded his bottom line. Now, he has to take all the people from the red cherry blossom club and the green dragon club. How can he stand it? His eyes are red and red, with full of anger, he growls fiercely at Zhang Lei "Are you going too far?" he growled

In the face of he Yunxiang's towering anger, Zhang Lei is still at a loss, as if the sea Gang elder is the air.

He Yunxiang was really mad. He lived so much of his life that he had not been so cowardly. He could not care about anything else. He directly red eyed and angrily ordered: "listen to all orders. Don't let them go!"

The order of the elder is the imperial edict of the Haigang people, and no one dares to disobey it. Therefore, at his command, all the members of the Hai Gang immediately set out, regardless of life or death, and wanted to stop it.

However, as soon as they started, two gunshots burst out of the night sky. The gunfire pierced the air and shot into everyone's heart. With the end of the gunfire, two people fell down and lay on the ground, whining and wailing.The shooting, which made an example to others, shocked all the people on the scene. No matter who was on either side, they were scared. We couldn't believe that the soldiers actually dared to shoot. They were not joking at all. Even he Yunxiang himself was so frightened that his eyes almost burst out.

When everyone was dull, Zhang Lei's icy voice suddenly rang out: "this is just a lesson. If you dare to mess around again, you can shoot him directly!"

Zhang Lei's words completely shocked all the people in the field. Everyone in the Hai Gang, including he Yunxiang himself, was completely shocked and did not dare to mess around.

At the same time, the men of Yang Simiao and Mo Qinglong quickly withdrew from the battlefield with thunder force

after all the people were evacuated safely, Zhang Lei also left quickly. Before leaving, he did not forget to remind the stunned he Yunxiang again: "let me tell you again, remember, my name is Zhang Lei!"

With the departure of Zhang Lei's troops, the bloody battlefield gradually returned to its quietness. In the air, there was still a breath of blood. On the grass, there were countless corpses and seriously injured people lying in disorder, while all the people standing were stupefied and stunned.

After a long silence, he Yunxiang's extremely unwilling roar was suddenly raised in the night sky.

It seems that I have entered another world, an extremely dark world, just like the world of hell. My body has undergone the red training of the sea of fire in hell. It is very painful and painful. Every nerve of mine is cross pulled and is about to be broken. My thinking is extremely confused and I can't think. I just feel the extreme pain.

Do not know how long the pain, also do not know how time elapse, I finally woke up from the pain, back to the real world.

Muddleheaded, I slowly opened my fuzzy eyes. What came into my eyes was a skinny old man with gray hair. However, the eyes inlaid with his vicissitudes of life were like diamonds, shining and giving people a sense of shrewdness.

When I saw him, I immediately felt a familiar smell. However, my mind was too confused. It was like a tangle of silk, which could not be sorted out or eased. For a while, I could not remember who the old man was.

When I was confused, the old man in front of me took the lead and asked with concern, "are you awake? Is there any discomfort? "

I pause for a while, just hard open mouth, blankly ask a way: "who are you?"

On hearing this, the old man rolled his eyes at me and said unhappily, "you stinky boy, don't pretend to me. Believe me or not, I'll make you comatose for a few days."

This old man's voice, sounds very familiar, constantly reverberating in my ears, I feel very familiar with the shadow of entanglement, but my brain is like a short way, for a while I can't remember who he is, so I closed my eyes deeply and tried to recall.

Slowly, my mind began to flash some fragmentary fragments, scene by scene, stinging my nerves, but also stimulate my memory, I seem to remember a lot of things, but for a time still can not be sorted out, a variety of pictures intertwined, let me feel very messy, but, in front of this old face, I finally remember, he is the old Chinese medicine, Grandfather Bai.

Thinking of this, I immediately opened my eyes, inexplicably looked at the white grandfather, asked: "white grandfather, how are you here?"

In my disordered consciousness, I seem to remember that grandfather Bai has been hiding in the valley. Unnecessary things will never come out. What he hates most is to set foot in the city and participate in disputes. But I clearly remember that I came to H Province. Then, how could grandfather Bai come here?

White grandfather see I finally think of him, his mouth can not help but emerge a faint smile, and then to me: "you boy, you know all day long trouble, if I don't accompany you, you don't know how many times to die!"

Hearing this, my thoughts became more and more disordered, but there were some clear fragments in the confusion. These fragments deeply stimulated me and made me feel more curious. I couldn't help but ask, "last time, I was interrupted by someone and my mind was not clear. Did you cure me?"

White grandfather with a smile, nodded and said: "yes!"

I slowed down a little, and then asked, "well, I was thrown into the river, and you saved me?"

White grandfather put away his smile and said, "that's right."

In an instant, my heart, as if thrown into a big stone, set off a burst of spray, this is a kind of inexplicably excited spray.

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