In fact, I have always had a feeling that during my stay in the provincial capital, someone always helped me secretly, but I couldn't find anything. However, the help I received was too obvious, because my body suffered great trauma and almost died. But after being rescued, my body not only recovered, but also changed my physical quality It's like a completely different person.

I know that the person who can make such a great change to me must be extraordinary. I have suspected that this person may be grandfather Bai, but I am not sure. After all, grandfather Bai is a man who does not care about the world. He should not be out here. Therefore, I have never known who helped me secretly Who, no matter who it is, I know that he has helped me a lot.

Because, after these two changes, I have completely changed, my strength has become very different, whether it is speed, or strength, have made great progress.

What's more, there seems to be a huge energy in my body. Once it breaks out, it's quite frightening. I'm afraid that I don't know myself. However, after the outbreak, what I've replaced is exhausted, and my body seems to be hollowed out. I'm totally powerless and even empty. I vaguely remember that when I finally fell into a coma Waiting, because of the complete collapse.

But the memory before coma, I still feel messy, especially chaotic, I can't remember the specific, only feel very sad. My heart was heavy and speechless. This kind of taste made me very painful. I tried to find the source of the pain, but I couldn't remember it for a while. The more I thought about it, the more I thought about it, the more painful it was.

So, I simply do not want to think, just very grateful to the white grandfather said: "thank you, grandfather!"

Many times, it was grandfather Bai who pulled me back. For his kindness, I was deeply engraved in my heart. No matter how much I said, I could only use a thank you instead. I know that the white grandfather is always duplicity and doesn't care. In fact, he is very concerned about me. Otherwise, he won't come here to protect me at any time Pay attention to me, even at the critical moment, but also help me.

However, for my gratitude, grandfather Bai seemed not very appreciative. He waved his hand and said to me with some dissatisfaction: "you don't need to thank me. If you want to thank Bai Ling, I'm the silly granddaughter who cried and begged me to protect you, lest you lose your life and let her baby lose her father!"

When I heard Bai Ling, I couldn't help pricking my heart. This is a woman I failed. But she didn't blame me at all. She cared about me so much. No wonder, after she decided to take action last time, Bai Ling was willing to let me come here. Originally, she asked her grandfather Bai to protect me in case of any accident. I didn't know how to repay her silent devotion to me. I could only smile bitterly It can't be expressed.

White grandfather also did not pursue this matter, just reached out to touch my pulse, and then asked me seriously: "I asked you, but I haven't answered me. Is your body any different?"

The old doctor seemed to be most concerned about my illness. For this, I took a long breath, slightly moved my body, and then seriously said, "except for a little disordered brain, there are really no other problems!"

White grandfather listened to this, then slowly relaxed, said: "well, then you continue to have a good rest, call me again if you have something!"

With that, he went straight out of the house. Although grandfather Bai showed indifference, his tone was always full of care, which made people feel warm.

When the white grandfather left, I just turned around and looked around blankly. I found that the place I was lying in was a small room with old decoration. The bed under me was also an old-fashioned wooden bed. However, what I care about now is not these, but my memory. I try to continue to sort out my thoughts and find out the reason why my heart is heavy. But I can't remember for a while. The more I think about it, the more headache I have.

So, I simply got up from the bed, walked to the room in front of a mirror, looking at himself in the mirror, I was surprised to find that his face was covered with gauze, the package was like zongzi, I could not help touching the gauze on my face, only felt the burning pain on my face, this time, I remembered that the last time when my face was disfigured, white grandfather told me that I had this medicine Once the time limit is exceeded, even the gods can't save me.

Now, my identity has been exposed, there is no need to disfigure, and my time limit is estimated to have arrived. Therefore, grandfather Bai will help me repair my face. His kindness is too much and too heavy. I still can't come here, and I can only keep it in my heart.

In fact, I don't care much about the foreign minister now. It doesn't matter whether I'm handsome or ugly. My heart is still as heavy as lead. I always feel that I don't think of something, one that stimulates my deepest pain, and one that condenses in my memory. I try my best to think about it. No matter how painful it is, I also force myself to think about it Yes.

Finally, I still remember that in the night when there was no moon and no stars, the headquarters of Wutang was dyed red with blood, and the root of everything was that Ziyi committed suicide under my knife. This woman I love the most, in order to protect my identity secret suicide, even, she finally disappeared inexplicably.Originally, it was this event that made me dare not to recall, let me grieve, let me involuntarily seal the most painful memory, however, at this moment, the memory was turned out, like the deepest wound was opened, my heart suddenly burst, my head hurt and hurt, my chest seemed to be blocked, difficult to breathe, suddenly, I opened my throat, crazy shouting "Ziyi!"

My shouts, heartrending, seemed to shake the whole house. Even the white grandfather outside the house was startled. As soon as he entered the room, he yelled at me and said, "Suluo, who made you get up? Your injury is not good. Lie down and take good care of it!"

White grandfather's voice suppressed the pain and pain in my heart, and let me gradually come back to God. I turned around and looked at him blankly, facing him with the most hoarse voice. He asked anxiously, "grandfather white, where I was in a coma, Ziyi committed suicide, but her body disappeared. Have you seen her, have you?"

I don't know how Ziyi disappeared. There were so many people in the scene. How could she disappear? I couldn't think of it. Ziyi was dead, and the people of Haibang didn't need to steal her body. I really don't understand. What's the matter? I remember that night, I questioned Zhang Wenshan, Fu Gang, and all the people of the Haibang. They didn't know about it, and Ziyi, she was also It's impossible to walk by yourself. Then, there's only one possibility. It must be in the middle of the scuffle. Other people mixed in and took away Ziyi's body. Yes, it must be.

Since grandfather Bai has been paying close attention to me, he must have seen the scene. My only hope now is that he is here. After asking this sentence, my heart will jump to my throat. My eyes are staring at him straight, and all of them are painful and anxious expectations.

Just, I am so anxious, but white grandfather is still a calm face, he did not answer my question, just frowned, solemnly asked me: "do you care about this girl? She's worth your life? "

I did not hesitate to reply: "worth, I am willing to pay everything for her, do you know where she is? Grandfather Bai, do you know? "

After listening to my words, the white grandfather suddenly sighed and shook his head helplessly. Then, he turned and left with negative hands. When he walked out of the door, he gave me a sentence: "come with me!"

White grandfather put down that sentence, profound, let my heart suddenly shocked, tired and impatient I instantly stunned, gradually, my heart began to faster and faster, I seem to understand, white grandfather this sentence meaning, he let me go with him, that is to say, he not only knows where purple is, even, he can take me to see her immediately.

Think of this, my spirit immediately inspired, in my eyes, white grandfather is the existence of God, as if there is no thing he can not do in the world, therefore, hear his words, I immediately feel the light of hope, no time to think about it, I hastened to take steps to keep up with him.

Out to the hall, I found that the white grandfather is standing at the door of another room waiting for me, see me come, he said lightly: "come in!"

Then he opened the door and went in first.

I suppressed the heart of pounding straight jump, with a tense pace, followed the white grandfather to go in.

As soon as I got into the house, I immediately inhaled a strong smell of traditional Chinese medicine into my nose. In a moment, my brain seemed to wake up a lot, which was very refreshing. At the same time, I immediately saw a bed and people on the bed in my eyes.

Seeing the man lying on the bed, my heart beat to the extreme in an instant. There was a very complicated look in my eyes, which was startled, joyful, painful and excited. The person lying on the bed was really my favorite woman, Ziyi.

I didn't expect that grandfather Bai had such a great ability. He really brought Ziyi out. He shocked me a lot. I was full of complex emotions, and suddenly accelerated my steps. I rushed to the bedside and called her name: "Ziyi!"

My voice was choked and hoarse, full of all kinds of pain, sadness and tension. But when I held Ziyi's hand, I was stunned. I found that Ziyi's hand was still warm, not like a dead man. Although her face turned white, she was also angry, as if she was asleep.

This discovery makes my people almost faint. I can't believe this fact, but I can clearly feel the temperature from Ziyi's hands. This temperature is burning my heart crazily, which makes me more and more excited. With infinite excited heart, I look back at the white grandfather on one side and ask in amazement: "is Ziyi not dead? ”

grandfather Bai gave me a speechless look and muttered: "nonsense, what am I doing here when I'm dead!"

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