White grandfather's words, like a bomb, instantly blew me dizzy, my brain buzzing, chaos to the extreme, the heart of the excitement is ferocious rolling, I don't know the situation, but this fact makes me too excited, but, how can Ziyi not die? How could this be possible? I remember that she did fall in my arms and died. I also went out of my breath to find that she did not breathe. It was because of this that I felt the extreme pain and lost my mind.

So, how did Ziyi live again? No matter how powerful grandfather Bai is, he can't have the ability to bring the dead back to life. What kind of miracle is this? Did God open his eyes? I was extremely nervous. Suddenly, I stood up and looked at the white grandfather inexplicably. I was shocked and said, "what's going on here?"

Originally, my brain was in extreme confusion. I couldn't accept the fact that Ziyi died, so when I just woke up, I lost this memory. This memory is too painful for me to remember. Now, I finally remember these things and remember Ziyi's leaving me. Suddenly, my grandfather Bai gave me such a heavy blow Play, he let a living Ziyi in front of me. How can I not be excited? I really don't know how grandfather Bai did all this, how to save Ziyi quietly, how to save Ziyi, and even save me from the territory of Haibang. All these are really fantastic.

"What's so strange about me? Ziyi never died. In fact, she didn't hurt very much. The knife didn't hit the key point, but she lost too much blood. In addition, during the two days when she was injured, she suffered too much damage and had too many things in her heart, which made her exhausted and exhausted, She couldn't carry it, so she suffered from temporary shock and suffocation! "

Hearing this, I finally took a long sigh of relief. Ziyi didn't die, which was a blessing in my misfortune. The words of grandfather Bai, like a reassuring pill, let my confused heart settle down completely. I finally fully accepted the fact that Ziyi didn't die. It turned out that everything was a false alarm. Originally, the world was not complete In fact, there is hope in life.

At this moment, I suddenly felt the blood boiling, and the whole person was full of energy. For me, it is a panacea that works better than any medicine, a soothing pill given to me by God, and the biggest surprise given to me by my grandfather.

After a long time, I focused my eyes on the white grandfather again. I asked inexplicably, "grandfather white, since you can save Ziyi at that time, why don't you save me at that time? Do you know, I almost died later!"

White grandfather couldn't help but snorted from his nose, speechless: "you think I'm a real immortal. At that time, it was because you attracted the enemy there that I had the opportunity to take away Ziyi secretly. And ah, they won't kill you. What do you need me to risk to save?"

Yes, they won't kill me. I'm just crazy and crazy, and I've almost lost my energy. I suddenly remember that before I fell into a coma, Miaomiao was with me. Yes, in my most critical moment, Miaomiao came to save me, but in the end, she herself was in crisis.

Thinking of this, I quickly asked grandfather Bai: "by the way, grandfather, Miaomiao was also on the scene at that time. Is she OK?"

White grandfather shook his head, relaxed said: "no, Zhang Tianfeng's son saved you together!"

White grandfather's words let me again ignorant, I completely in the clouds, dumb asked: "Zhang Tianfeng's son? Who is it

"Zhang Lei!" said grandfather Bai

As soon as I heard the name, immediately, a great figure appeared in front of me. It was company commander Zhang, who used to be my brother-in-law. I remember meeting him for the first time in my school. I had a conflict with the instructor. Company commander Zhang came out to help me out.

Later, I was arrested and taken to the police station. Kang Ming almost abused me. It was Zhang Lei who rescued me in time. I always remember his kindness. I am also impressed by him. He is a good brother I admire.

I really didn't expect that it was he who rescued me and Miaomiao this time. His ability is really getting bigger and bigger. I can't believe it, but I can't thank him enough.

After a pause, I came back to God and asked the white grandfather, "what about their people?"

White grandfather indifferent way: "long gone, you don't know how long you coma? It's been in a coma for a week

For a week, this figure directly pulled my comfortable heart up again. I just felt that everything was over, and Ziyi and Miaomiao were all right. This was the greatest relief for me. But when I heard the words of grandfather Bai, my heart was blocked instantly, and I was filled with depression and panic. I did not dare to think further and asked, "my God, it has been so long Why hasn't Ziyi woken up yet

I was in a coma for a week, in reason, because my body's consumption was too big. The whole person was completely collapsed, and I was injured too much. I was mummified all over my body. But Ziyi was different. Grandfather Bai said that she didn't hurt her vital part. If she hadn't died, she would have been awake. How could she still be in a coma? The more I think, the more heavy my heart is.Sure enough, after listening to my words, grandfather Bai's face became dignified again. After a while of silence, he explained to me in a deep voice: "Ziyi's problem is a little serious. If she had been treated in time, there would be nothing wrong with her. However, when I rescued her, it had been for some time, which caused her brain to be extremely hypoxic, so that she was unconscious!"

What does that mean? I don't understand, I dare not think, just nervously asked white grandfather: "can you explain the white point?"

White grandfather sighed and said in a sad voice, "she has become a vegetable."

Hum, my brain exploded in an instant, and my heart was like being pierced by ten thousand arrows. This is from the heaven of hope to the hell of disappointment. The most terrible gap. I just thought Ziyi was alive. Finally, I could have a lover. However, she just didn't die, but she became a living dead person. What's the difference between this and losing her? I still have so much to say to her. I still want to wait for her to wake up, explain to her and apologize to her. But if she becomes a vegetable, how can I tell her? How could she hear that? Does she sleep forever with regret?

At this moment, I was confused, my heart was shaking, my eyes turned red instantly, eyes were dull, I looked at Ziyi, looked at her pale and colorless face, my heart was torn, if it was not for me, she would not suffer so much torture, if not for me, she would be better now, but now, she has suffered so much pain Bitterness is the end of a vegetative man. It's all my iniquities.

My soul seemed to be pulled away from my body. My stiff body sat on the head of Ziyi's bed. My shaking hand slowly stretched out and touched Ziyi's cheek. My voice was extremely hoarse and painful and said, "Ziyi, I'm sorry, I hurt you!"

White grandfather see me this pair of dejected appearance, can't help but persuade a way: "Su Luo, this does not blame you, you have done good enough, with the man should have the responsibility, Ziyi won't blame you!"

For the white grandfather's persuasion, I feel at a loss, just immersed in their own sorrow, unable to extricate themselves, white grandfather also know that can not persuade me, did not say anything, sighed, and walked out of the room.

In the quiet room, only I accompany in Ziyi's body side.

Ziyi, who was once full of vigor and vitality, is now so quiet and quiet. Her expression is not sad or happy, but it seems to me that it is full of sadness and regret. Her eyes are closed, and there is no bright eyes. There is only a light line. Her face is pale and bloodless. Even her once slightly round face has been thinned a lot and the contour has changed It is more clear that she looks so depressed and desperate.

Her appearance stabbed my heart, let my mood stir more and more fierce, all kinds of sour and astringent surging in my heart, surging up my nose, to see her like this, I am really too sad, uncomfortable breathing difficulties, my mind, can not help but flash the previous scenes, I and Ziyi have experienced bit by bit, are deeply branded in my memory Inside.

We fell in love so much that we finally entered the palace of marriage. But Miaomiao's appearance made me hurt Ziyi, so that she abandoned me in pain and refused to forgive me. At that time, I was really in a low mood. In love, I was a complete failure, frustrated. What's more, my father was arrested later, which was fatal I feel like I'm a broom star, which can only bring disaster to people. I think I'm useless.

Therefore, I will finally make up my mind to temporarily abandon love and brothers, and embark on a road to save my father. I only want to prove myself and that trace of value, but also to express to my father that I want to save the person I respect most through my own efforts.

With this determination, I regardless of everything, came here alone, opened my another life road.

In this road to save my father, I suffered too much, too much suffering, too much forbearance, whether it is the body and soul, I have been fatally devastated, but no matter how cruel the facts are, I bear it in silence, endure, work hard, I am constantly changing myself, at that time, I was no longer a child only love, weak The broken solo, even, I suppressed all my emotions, became indifferent, became a supercilious robot.

It's hard and hard to be such a person. But in the end, I did it. Even I succeeded in gaining Zhang Wenshan's trust. I also heard that my father was detained in the headquarters of the maritime Gang, but I didn't know the exact location. Therefore, as long as I assisted Zhang Wenshan to become the deputy leader of the gang and become his confidant, I would have a chance to know where my father was detained I'll have a chance to save my dad.

But the fruits I have worked so hard for so long are all destroyed by paying gang.

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