That night was a night full of nightmares, a night of terror, not only because of the previous efforts to save my father, but also because Ziyi committed suicide for me and lost consciousness with regret. That night, I will never forget.

Although, for me, saving my father is a big thing and my mission, but Ziyi's love is equally important to me. If the plan to save my father is destroyed, I can think of another way. But Ziyi is gone, I can't find it all my life. I'll live in pain and remorse all my life. However, the fact is so cruel, Ziyi, she still thinks I don't love her, she is supporting The last breath asked me if I love her, I want to answer, want to explain, but lost this opportunity forever. At that moment, Ziyi, she still left with deep regret.

Her regret is the deepest pain in my heart, I do not want to let her misunderstand, do not want to let her depression, do not want to let her sad regret, I really do not want to.

I slowly came back to my mind and looked at the quiet and sad Ziyi. I couldn't help but bend down and kiss her on her forehead. Then, I gently raised my head and said to Ziyi in pain:

"Ziyi, why are you so stupid, why do you come here to find me, to bear so much pain and suffering, I'm not telling you to stay at home Wait for me? I do this, not do not love you, not give up you, I just care about you too much, do not want to implicate you, do not want you to be hurt, I just don't want you to get involved in my affairs, suffer.

Here, I pretend to be indifferent to you. Although it is so difficult for me to pretend to be so hard, I can still only be indifferent to you, because only in this way can I not arouse other people's suspicion and let you be implicated. I understand your character. You are too simple and too sincere to act. Once you know my identity, you will show abnormal behavior Will persuade me to leave, but I have made up my mind to save my father, this is the only thing I can do for my father now, I can't change my original intention.

I treat you indifferently, just want to let you back home early. I advised you, but why don't you understand my heart? How can you think I don't love you? Ziyi, I love you, I love you very much, always love, I can change anything, but my heart of loving you will never change. I am still the Suluo who can do everything for you.

You said that you are my drag, but for me, you are not, everything is my willing, love is to pay each other, I love you, so I am willing to pay all for you, for you, I even with the world for the enemy, have no regrets, purple, can you hear me? Did you hear all that I said? Ziyi

My voice brought out my most true feelings, and my words showed my most true heart. My true feelings and sincerity floated in the quiet room, echoing in Ziyi's ears. But Ziyi, who was lying on the bed, had a sudden reaction in this moment. Her sad eyes actually slipped down two crystal clear tears.

This tears is like the sweet spring in the desert, let me immersed in sadness, instantly feel the great hope, I was overjoyed, the heart was excited to burst open, almost without hesitation, I opened my voice, excited shouting: "white grandfather, white grandfather, you come quickly, you come quickly, Ziyi she has reaction!"

At this moment, my mood can't be described. I feel my heart will jump out of my body. I speak incoherently. After calling grandfather Bai, I quickly took Ziyi's hand and said nervously, "Ziyi, I'm Suluo. My love for you, Suluo, do you hear me talk?"

I was looking forward to Ziyi's further reaction. However, Ziyi didn't give me any extra reaction except for the residual tears in the corner of her eyes. She was still quietly lying on the bed, motionless.

After a while, white grandfather came in, a little inexplicable asked: "what situation?"

I quickly stood up, said to the white grandfather excitedly: "grandfather, purple by her reaction, her eyes just shed tears!"

I thought, it means Ziyi heard me. She had a chance to wake up. She was no longer a vegetable, but grandfather Bai seemed more calm. He just walked forward two steps, came to Ziyi, and simply checked her condition. Then he said to me:

"Oh, this is normal. She is different from other vegetative people. She also has a little sense of hearing, perhaps because of your words, touch Moving her heart makes her react, but it doesn't mean she can wake up

White grandfather's words like a mallet, once again broke my heart, my excitement instantly frozen, I once again fell into the bottom, this time I fell more miserable.

With endless pain, I hoarse to the white grandfather asked: "that purple by her, really do not hope to wake up?"

At the moment of asking this sentence, I hope that miracles can come. I believe in miracles, because I have walked through the gates of ghosts for so many times, and finally came back miraculously. Even, my body has undergone miraculous changes under the treatment of grandfather Bai for several times. And Ziyi has been wandering on the edge of life and death for many times, but in the end, she has carried it. I believe that she can survive this time.

We have gone through so many difficulties and obstacles that we have come to this day with great difficulty, and we have overcome them. I don't believe it. This time, Ziyi has come back from the dead and escaped from the yama. She will be willing to lie like this for the rest of her life. I absolutely don't believe it.One side of the white grandfather obviously felt my pain, he did not say absolutely, just said to me lightly: "no one can say anything about this situation, everything depends on her own creation!"

White grandfather's words, is a doctor often said to patients. That is to say, her hope of recovery is very little, almost no more.

After a while, I feel weak and sad. How to transition the sad state and how to find the light of hope? Even the master Bai is a master of medical skills, and has no rule of law. Who can I expect to cure her? Maybe, just like grandfather Bai said, everything can only be left to fate.

Fate can't be violated, but people's hearts can be influenced. Maybe, without treatment, I can influence her with my sincerity. I believe that love can move everything and overcome everything. With my unswerving heart, I will certainly be able to wake up from the chaos.

With this determination, I have been sticking to Ziyi's bedside, telling her about our past and telling her my feelings.

After being a robot for such a long time, I feel so much depressed in my heart, especially for Ziyi. I feel like I can't say enough about Ziyi all my life. Taking advantage of this opportunity, I told her all I wanted to say.

For several days, I spent it like this. Although Ziyi was quiet and terrible, but waiting by her side, I felt very stable in my heart. Every day, I would be like a fool. In Ziyi's ear, I would talk to myself. My voice was dry and I couldn't make a sound. I stopped.

But after all, my prayer, my confession, my remorse, still can't move God, Ziyi didn't wake up, she still lay on the bed in peace, did not give me any response.

Unconsciously. I stayed here for a week. During this week, I was accompanying Ziyi, while grandfather Bai was taking care of me. After so many days of recuperation, my injuries were almost all healed, the gauze was removed, and even my face returned to normal. Although it was not as handsome as before, at least it returned to normal. There was also a masculinity in my appearance, which looked like a real thing Right man.

But I returned to normal, but my beloved woman did not. She made me unable to let go. However, I also know that I can't let myself degenerate. Whether it's for waiting for the miracle Ziyi or for my father who is in danger, I can't be depressed. I still have to try my best to save my father from the sea gang. Although, after my identity is exposed, it's about saving my father It's going to be harder, but I'm not going to give up.

But I can't ignore Ziyi. I really can't bear to leave her and let her sleep forever. I still hope to wake her up with love and still look forward to miracles.

I can't put down both sides, but I don't know if I can take both sides into consideration. My heart is in deep pain, and added a deep tangle.

After struggling for a long time, at noon two days later, I walked out of the house where we lived. After I got out of the gate, I found that although the temporary residence of grandfather Bai belonged to H Province, it was already in the suburbs. It was a single building in the mountain forest. It was very unique. In front of the house, there was a pond, and around the pond were flowers, plants and trees The full name is a good place with beautiful mountains and clear waters. The scenery is pleasant and the scenery is pleasant. Grandfather Bai is worthy of being an expert. Every time I live in a place, I can find such a pleasant place.

I stand alone on the mountain forest highland, overlooking the pond under my feet, only feel refreshed, the haze in my heart is gradually disappearing. At the moment, my biggest wish is to hope that my father can come out safely and hope Ziyi can wake up. Then, I take Ziyi to live a life of men's farming and women's weaving in such a beautiful paradise. This quiet two person world is what Ziyi and I most want to have.

However, this wish is really too extravagant, almost impossible to achieve, for the rescue of my father, this matter has been more difficult than the sky, and to expect Ziyi to wake up is even more fantastic. These two things that are very important to me are really so difficult to implement. I feel that I am still too small after all. All I can do now is to remember the past and watch The trees and water in front of me, in my mind, are the past.

In particular, the past experiences with Ziyi are clearly printed in my mind. We have experienced too many hardships from the acquaintance, acquaintance, and finally love. Maybe, going to the west to learn from scriptures is not as difficult as our love. After all, the four masters and apprentices still managed to overcome the 9981 difficulties on the way to get the Scriptures, and achieved good results. And my Ziyi has become a vegetable.

Now I even wonder if I have chosen the wrong way, I should not have taken this road. If I had known my way back a little earlier and had taken Ziyi far away, maybe we have children now. In that case, I would not have hurt my father, but in reality, my father was caught and Ziyi became a vegetable, I became alone. I was so sad.

This infinite sadness, but also can not make me depressed, because I know that there is no regret medicine to eat, their own choice of road, even kneeling also have to walk, I can't let people who look down on me continue to look down on me, can't let those who have expectations of me disappointed, I will not be knocked down, absolutely can't be down.Just when I was in a trance, grandfather Bai's voice suddenly rang out behind me: "then what are you going to do next?"

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